- Abercromby, Right Hon. James, proposed as Speaker, ii. 333; Master of the Mint, iii. 95; proposed as Speaker, 201; the Speakership, 204; elected Speaker, 213
- Aberdeen, Earl of, Duchy of Lancaster, i. 124; motion about Belgium, ii. 238
- Achmet Pacha, concludes a treaty with Russia, iii. 69
- Adair, Right Hon. Sir Robert, sworn in Privy Councillor, i. 136
- Addington, Henry Unwin, recalled from Madrid, iii. 14
- Address, proposed amendment to the, iii. 217
- Adelaide, Queen, ii. 7; at the Ancient Concert, 133; mobbed in the City, 141; audience of, about the crown, 179; coronation of, 190; Lord Howe, 338; yacht, iii. 99; return of, 125; illness of, 125; supposed to be with child, 198, 199, 201
- Adrian’s Villa, i. 377
- Agar Ellis, see Dover, Lord
- Alava, General, and the Duke of Cumberland, iii. 275
- Albani, Cardinal, influence of, i. 310; conversation with, 373; interview with, 380
- Albano, i. 331
- Alexander, Emperor of Russia, death of, i. 78; coronation of, described by Talleyrand, ii. 185
- Allen, Dr., Bishop of Ely, iii. 363
- Allen, John, iii. 135; unbelief of, 324
- Althorp, Viscount, proposed as Chairman of the Finance Committee, i. 120; Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 66, introduces the budget, 114; leader of the House of Commons, 116, 200; letter to Attwood, 205, 206; hurries on the Irish Church Bill, 364; as Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 2; arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms, 56; financial statement, 60; defects as leader, 62; summons a meeting of the supporters of Government, 92; resigns, 101; popularity of, 105; Chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Melbourne, 113; succeeds his father as Earl Spencer, 140
- Alvanley, Lord, duel with Morgan O’Connell, ii. 257; on Irish affairs, 348
- America, dispute with France, iii. 322
- Anglesey, Marquis of, recalled, i. 149; entry into Dublin, ii. 99; disputes with O’Connell, 106
- Antwerp, threatened bombardment of, by the Dutch, ii. 321; French army marches to, 329
- Arbuthnot, Right Hon. Charles, nickname ‘Gosh,’ i. 103; conversation with, on the Duke of Wellington’s Administration, ii. 51; conversation with, at Oatlands, 170
- Arbuthnot, Mrs., death of, iii. 116
- Arkwright, Sir Richard, fortunes of iii. 50
- Arkwright, Mrs., visit to, iii. 49
- Arms Bill, the, ii. 196
- Arnold, Dr., proposed for a bishopric, iii. 325
- Artevelde, Philip van, iii. 114; discussed at Holland House, 128
- Ascot Races, 1831, ii. 147; 1833, 375
- Attwood, chairman of the Birming
@files@30590@30590-h@30590-h-2.htm.html#Page_57" class="pginternal">57; account of, 150; preventive measures against, 297
- Fonblanque, Albany, iii. 348
- Forester, Right Hon. Colonel Cecil, resigns his appointment as Groom of the Bedchamber, ii. 118
- Forfar election, 1835, iii. 197
- Fox, Mrs. Lane, accompanies the Prince of Orange to Gravesend, ii. 133; receives the Cabinet Ministers, iii. 140
- Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, described by Talleyrand, ii. 344
- Fox, W.J., Unitarian minister, sermon, iii. 43
- France, state of affairs in, i. 284; appearance of the country, 287; impending crisis in 1830, 369; events in 1830, ii. 17; revolution, 19; Duke of Orleans ascends the throne, 26; political prospects, 26; reconstruction of the Constitution, 28; army ordered to Belgium, 178; army in Belgium, 181; seizure of Portuguese ships, 182, 184; republican tendencies of, 187; state of the country, 1831, 195; weakness of the Government of Louis Philippe, 322; dispute with America, iii. 322; state of the country, 382
- Francis, Sir Philip, handwriting of, i. 234
- Franklin, Benjamin, ii. 185
- Franz Joseph, Archduke, iii. 374
- Frascati, convent at, i. 305; dinner at, 305; visit to, 390
@html@files@30590@30590-h@30590-h-6.htm.html#Page_155" class="pginternal">155 Leitrim, Earl of, created a Baron of the United Kingdom, ii. 123 Orleans, H.R.H. Duke of, arrival of, i. 208; sent to Lyons, ii. 219; in England, 373; project of marriage at Vienna, iii. 372; question of marriage of, 387 Orloff, Count, arrival of, ii. 278; delay in ratification of the Belgian Treaty, 285 Osterley, party at, ii. 187 - Padua, i. 411
- PÆstum, i. 344
- Palmella, Duke of, arrival of in London, ii. 315
- Palmerston, Viscount, speech on the Portuguese question, i. 211; Foreign Secretary, ii. 66; suggests a compromise on the Reform Bill, 211; on proposed new Peers, 254; on prospects of the Reform Bill, 256; business habits of, iii. 20, 21; unpopularity of, 56; speech on the Turkish question, 71; Foreign Secretary in Lord Melbourne’s Administration, 113; unpopularity with the corps diplomatique, 136; loses his election in Hampshire, 197; as a man of business, 210; Foreign Secretary, 256; abilities of, 360
- Panic, the, 1825, i. 77; on the Stock Exchange, 1830, ii. 43
- Panshanger, parties at, ii. 46, 47, 229
- Paris, society at, in 1830, i. 283; in July, 416, 417; Marshal Marmont’s account of events at, in 1830, ii. 36; alarm felt in, 99; change of Ministry, 133; in 1837, iii. 377; society at, 378, 385; sight-seeing, 381, 383
- Park, Judge, anecdotes of, ii. 92; iii. 372
- Parke, Right Hon. Sir James, sworn in a Privy Councillor, iii. 21; Baron of the Exchequer, 71; in the appeal of Swift v. Kelly, 268
- Parliament, meeting of, 1830, ii. 53; meeting of, 1831, ii. 110; dissolution of 1831, 137; opening of, 153; in 1831, 223; dissolution of, 1832, 334; opening of, 1833, 351; prorogation of, 1833, iii. 27; opening of, 1834, 55; dissolution of, 183; temporary buildings for Houses of, 205; opening of, 219; in 1836, 334; prorogation of, 1836, 361
- Parnell, Sir Henry, turned out of office, ii. 243
- Parsons, anecdotes of, ii. 108
- Paskiewitch, Marshal, in quarantine, ii. 162
- Pattison, James, returned to Parliament for the City of London, iii. 188
- Pavilion, The, dinner at, i. 49; completion of, 54
- Pease, Mr., and O’Dwyer, iii. 59
- Pedro, Dom, expedition of, ii. 312, 315; proposal to combine with Spain, iii. 72; in possession of Portugal, 93
- Peel, Right Hon. Sir Robert, Home Secretary, i. 124; speeches on Catholic Relief Bill, 167, 183; Oxford University election, 1829, 177; defeated, 178; political prospects of, ii. 95, 96; power in the House of Commons, 116; speech on the Reform Bill, 123; inactivity of, on the Reform Bill, 130, 134; complaints of policy of, 141; conduct of, 160; reserve of, 161, 174; excellence in debate, 200; answer to Lord Harrowby, 248, 249; policy of, 264; speech on Irish Tithes, 269; invited to form a Government, 294; refuses to take office, 296; defence of conduct, 304; conduct during the Tory efforts to form a Government, 327, 328; conduct compared with that of the Duke of Wellington, 328; character of, 1; dislike of, to the Duke of Cumberland, 5; behaviour of, 6, 9; at the House of Lords, 11; personal anecdotes of, 11, 12, 13, 14; dinner at Apsley House, 14; at Windsor, 25; pays the racing debts of the Duke of York, 50; speech on the change of Government, 72; levee, 74; health of, 106, 108; mobbed on returning from the theatre, 117; in mourning for his son-in-law, 133; in the House of Lords, 136; dissolves Parliament, 136; conduct to his Ministers, 138; at Ascot, 147; opens Parliament, 153; at Windsor, 179; and the Bishops, 185; divides the old Great Seal, 188; crowned at Westminster, 190; levee, 192; toasts at dinner at St. James’s, 193; interview with Lord Wharncliffe on creation of new Peers, 233; health of, 282; reluctance of, to make Peers, 283; adverse sentiments towards the Whigs, 298; dinner to the Jockey Club, 301; levity of, 302; letter to the Peers, 303; character of, 307; struck by a stone, 307; country dance, 341; anecdotes of, 342; state of mind of, 364; letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 382, 383; letter-writing, iii. 2; animosity to the French, 33; irritability of, 81; conduct of, 84; personal feelings towards the members of Lord Melbourne’s Administration, 137; dismissal of Lord Melbourne, 144; speech to the Tory Lords, 148; provisional appointments, 148; account of difference with Lord Melbourne, 150; resolution of, to support the Tory Government, 161; address to the new Ministers, 175; on the state of Persia, 184; whims of, 203; Island of St. Bartholomew, 203; indignation of, at the affair of Lord Londonderry, 231; distress of, 245; and the Ministers, 251; personal habits of, 264; speech to Sir Charles Grey, 272; audience to Lord Durham, 272; hostility towards Lord Glenelg and the Ministers, 276; conduct to the Speaker, 279; scene with Lord Torrington, 285; speech to the Bishops, 303; speech on the Militia, 311; and the Duchess of Kent, 313; speech at dinner to the Jockey Club, 351; Toryism of, 358; joke, 361; speech to the Bishop of Ely, 363; proposes the health of the Princess Victoria, 364; aversion to his Ministers, 364, 366; speech to Lord Minto, 364, 366; rudeness to the Duchess of Kent, 366; scene at birthday party, 367; reception of King Leopold, 370; speech, 1837, 385; address to Lord Aylmer, 394; illness of, 399, 400; letter to the Princess Victoria, 399; dangerous illness of, 401; prayers offered up for, 403; death of, 406; kindness of heart of, 410
- Williams, Sir John, Justice of the Common Pleas, iii. 71
- Winchelsea, Earl of, duel of, with the Duke of Wellington, i. 192; incident of the handkerchief, 198
- Winchester Cathedral, iii. 283
- Windham, Right Hon. William, diary of, i. 231; conversation with Doctor Johnson, 232
- Windsor Castle, dinner in St. George’s Hall, ii. 34, 42; dinner during the Ascot week, 147
- Windsor election, mobs at the, iii. 130
- Woburn, party at, i. 23; riot at, ii. 77
- Wood, Charles, on the Reform Bill, ii. 280
- Wood, Matthew, returned to Parliament for the City of London, iii. 188
- Worcester, Marchioness of, death of the, i. 47
- Worcester Cathedral, iii. 327; monument of Bishop Hough, 327
- Wordsworth, William, characteristics of, ii. 120
- Wortley, Right Hon. John, Secretary to the Board of Control, i. 271. See Wharncliffe