- Abercromby, Right Hon. James, proposed as Speaker, ii. 333; Master of the Mint, iii. 95; proposed as Speaker, 201; the Speakership, 204; elected Speaker, 213
- Aberdeen, Earl of, Duchy of Lancaster, i. 124; motion about Belgium, ii. 238
- Achmet Pacha, concludes a treaty with Russia, iii. 69
- Adair, Right Hon. Sir Robert, sworn in Privy Councillor, i. 136
- Addington, Henry Unwin, recalled from Madrid, iii. 14
- Address, proposed amendment to the, iii. 217
- Adelaide, Queen, ii. 7; at the Ancient Concert, 133; mobbed in the City, 141; audience of, about the crown, 179; coronation of, 190; Lord Howe, 338; yacht, iii. 99; return of, 125; illness of, 125; supposed to be with child, 198, 199, 201
- Adrian’s Villa, i. 377
- Agar Ellis, see Dover, Lord
- Alava, General, and the Duke of Cumberland, iii. 275
- Albani, Cardinal, influence of, i. 310; conversation with, 373; interview with, 380
- Albano, i. 331
- Alexander, Emperor of Russia, death of, i. 78; coronation of, described by Talleyrand, ii. 185
- Allen, Dr., Bishop of Ely, iii. 363
- Allen, John, iii. 135; unbelief of, 324
- Althorp, Viscount, proposed as Chairman of the Finance Committee, i. 120; Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 66, introduces the budget, 114; leader of the House of Commons, 116, 200; letter to Attwood, 205, 206; hurries on the Irish Church Bill, 364; as Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 2; arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms, 56; financial statement, 60; defects as leader, 62; summons a meeting of the supporters of Government, 92; resigns, 101; popularity of, 105; Chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Melbourne, 113; succeeds his father as Earl Spencer, 140
- Alvanley, Lord, duel with Morgan O’Connell, ii. 257; on Irish affairs, 348
- America, dispute with France, iii. 322
- Anglesey, Marquis of, recalled, i. 149; entry into Dublin, ii. 99; disputes with O’Connell, 106
- Antwerp, threatened bombardment of, by the Dutch, ii. 321; French army marches to, 329
- Arbuthnot, Right Hon. Charles, nickname ‘Gosh,’ i. 103; conversation with, on the Duke of Wellington’s Administration, ii. 51; conversation with, at Oatlands, 170
- Arbuthnot, Mrs., death of, iii. 116
- Arkwright, Sir Richard, fortunes of iii. 50
- Arkwright, Mrs., visit to, iii. 49
- Arms Bill, the, ii. l96
- Arnold, Dr., proposed for a bishopric, iii. 325
- Artevelde, Philip van, iii. 114; discussed at Holland House, 128
- Ascot Races, 1831, ii. 147; 1833, 375
- Attwood, chairman of the Birmingham Union, ii. 205, 208; proclamation against, 215
- Auckland, Lord, Board of Trade, ii. 66; First Lord of the Admiralty, iii. 88, 113; on the state of affairs, 238; First Lord of the Admiralty in Lord Melbourne’s second Administration, 256
- Augustus, Prince, of Prussia, ii. 319
- Austin, Mr. John, his work on Jurisprudence, iii. 138
- Austin, Mr. Charles, ii. 306
- Aylmer, Lord, recalled from Canada, iii. 394; the King’s address to him, 395
- Bachelor, valet to the Duke of York and to King George IV., i. 142, 143; conversation with, ii. 30
- Bagot, Lord, conduct to Lord Harrowby, ii. 253
- BaiÆ, Bay of, i. 341
- Baring, House of, ii. 53
- Baring, Right Hon. Alexander, offered the Chancellorship of the Exchequer, ii. 299; proposes a compromise with the ex-Ministers, 300
- Baring, Francis, Chairman of the West India Committee, iii. 279
- Barnes, Mr., editor of the ‘Times,’ ii. 97, 214; negotiations with, for supporting the Government, iii. 155, 156, 157 dines with Lord Lyndhurst, 167, 169 alarm of, at the prevailing spirit, 188
- Barri, Madame du, ii. 219
- Barry, Dr., sent to Sunderland, ii. 216; report on cholera, 217
- Bath, Chapter of the Ord
0-h@25700-h-3.htm.html#Page_46" class="pginternal">46; wears a Crown jewel, 48; Court intrigues, 207
- Conyngham, Lord Francis, i. 50
- Coprogli, History of the Grand Vizier, iii. 115
- Cornelius, painter, ii. 149
- Coronation, the, of William IV. decided on, ii. 156; preparations for, 157, 163, 165; estimates for, 181; disputes over the arrangements for, 187
- Cottenham, Lord, Lord High Chancellor, iii. 328
- Cotton, Sir Willoughby, suppresses the insurrection in Jamaica, ii. 262; on affairs in Jamaica, 380
- Council, Clerk of the, Mr. Greville sworn in, i. 44; after the accession of William IV., ii. 12; Lord Grey’s Administration sworn in, 71; for the proclamation against rioters, 73; recorder’s report in, 85; clerks of the, 87; scene at Council for a new Great Seal, 188
- Council, Privy: suttee case before the, ii. 307; embargo on Dutch ships, 343; meeting of the, on the London University petition, iii. 80; counter petition of Oxford and Cambridge, 80
- Council, Cabinet: the first of Lord Melbourne’s Administration, iii. 120; the first of Sir Robert Peel’s Administration, 174
- Covent Garden Theatrical Fund Dinner, i. 205
- Coventry, glove trade, ii. 224
- Cowley, Abraham, lines from ‘Ode to Solitude,’ ii. 272
- Cowper, Earl, at Panshanger, ii. 229
- Cowper, Countess, at Panshanger, ii. 229
- Cowper, William, Life of, by Southey, iii. 134
- Cradock, Colonel, sent to Charles X., ii. 37
- Crampton, Sir Philip, Irish story, i. 243
- Craven, Earl of, disperses a mob, ii. 77; on the proposed new Peers, 232
- Craven, General the Hon. Berkeley, suicide of, iii. 350
- Crawford, William, member for the City of London, iii. 188
- Creevey, Mr., i. 235
- Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson, edition of ‘Boswell’s Life of Johnson,’ ii. 105; reviews lost, 106
- Cumberland, H.S.H. the Duke of, opposition to Catholic Relief Bill, i. 180; intrigues at Court, 222; insults Lady Lyndhurst, 222, 223; quarrel with Lord Lyndhurst, 224; disputes concerning the office of ‘Gold Stick,’ ii. 5, 21
- Cumberland, H.P..H. the Duchess of, i. 2
- Cuvier, Baron, death of, ii. 307
- Dalberg, Duke de, letter on European affairs, ii. 44
- Dawson, Right Hon. George Robert, speech on Catholic Emancipation, i. 138, 200; sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 71
- De Gazes, Duke, favourite of Louis XVIII., ii. 305; Ambassador to the Court of St. James, 306
- Dedel, M., Dutch Minister at the Court of St. James, iii, 32
- Denbigh, Earl of, Chamberlain to Queen Adelaide, ii. 342; sworn in Privy Councillor, 352
- Denman, Lord, correspondence with the King, i. 156; sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 329; Lord Chief Justice, 330; qualities of, 331; meeting of, with Lord Brougham, in Bedfordshire, iii. 71; raised to the Peerage, 74
- Derby Dilly, the, iii. 236, 237, 253
- De Ros, Lord, in Rome, i. 368
- De Ros, Colonel, the Hon. Arthur John Hill, death of, i. 81; character of, 82
- Dickenson, Captain, trial of, by court-martial, i. 235
- Diebitsch, Marshal, death of, from cholera, ii. 154
- Dino, Duc de, arrest of the, i. 255
- Dino, Duchesse de, ii. 57; on the state of France, 195
- Discontent throughout the country, ii. 108
- Disraeli, Benjamin, projects for sitting in Parliament, iii. 170
- Dissenters’ Marriage Bill, iii. 207, 230. For debates on, see Commons, House of
- Dorsetshire election, 1831, ii. 203, 207; crime in, iii. 77
- Dover, Lord, resigns the Woods and Forests, ii. 109; created a Peer, 150; death of, iii. 4; character of, 4; Life of Frederick II., 6; book on the Man in the Iron Mask, 6
- Down, deanery of, iii. 70
- Drax v. Grosvenor, case of, ii. 224; lunacy case, 369; decision on, 375; final meeting on, 377
- Drummond, Henry, mission to the Archbishop of York, iii. 333
- Dublin Police Bill, iii. 333
- Dudley, Earl of, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, i. 95, 124; dinner to Marshal Marmont, ii. 38; eccentricity of, 271, 272
- ‘Duke of Milan,’ quotation from the, i. 178
- Dulcken, Madam, performs before the Judicial Committee, iii. 325
- Duncannon, Viscount, iii. 104; called to the House of Lords, and Secretary of State, 109; sworn in, 112; Home Secretary, 113; on O’Connell, 117; at a fire in Edward Street, 117; on the state of affairs, 196; Commissioner of Woods and Forests under Lord Melbourne, 256
- Duncombe, Hon. Thomas Slingsby, maiden speech of, i. 128; petition from Barnet, ii. 255; guilty of libel, iii. 9; at Hillingdon, 123
- Durham, Earl of, quarrel with Lady Jersey, ii. 119; influence over Lord Grey, 222; attack on Lord Grey at a Cabinet dinner, 226; rudeness of, 269; return from Russia, 333; violence of, 333; created an earl, 365
- Dwarris, Sir Fortunatus, dinner at the house of, ii. 359
- East, Sir E. Hyde, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 155
- Eboli, Duchesse d’, ball at Naples, i. 335
- Ebrington, Viscount, moves a vote of confidence in the Government, ii. 202, 204
- Ebury, Lord, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 78
- Egremont, Earl of, at Petworth, ii. 336; wealth of, 337; hospitality to the poor, iii. 84
- Eldon, Earl of, audience of King George IV., i. 197; speech at Apsley House, ii. 198; career of, 378; tribute to, iii. 42
- Election, General, in 1830, ii. 20, 29; in 1831, 139, 141, 142, 145; in 1832, 335;
- Istria, Duchesse d’, beauty of, iii. 381
- Jacquemont’s Letters, iii. 115
- Jamaica, insurrection in, ii. 262; Mr. Greville, Secretary of the Island of, 349; petition to the King, 352; affairs of, ib.; anecdote of a slave, 359; opinion of Sir Willoughby Cotton, 380; office of Secretary to the Island of, threatened, iii. 266, 268, 275; secured, 279
- Jebb, Judge, charge of, at O’Connell’s trial, ii. 109
- Jeffrey, Lord, and Professor Leslie, iii. 44
- Jersey, Countess of, character of, i. 12; party at the house of, ii. 64; quarrel with Lord Durham, 119; correspondence with Lord Brougham, 126
- Jockey Club, dinner given by the King to the, 1828, i. 134; in 1829, 211
- ‘John Bull,’ the, newspaper, ii. 97
- Johnson, Dr., anecdotes of, ii. 316
- Johnstone, Right Hon. Sir Alexander, sworn in a Privy Councillor, iii. 27, 30; at the Judicial Committee, 125
- Jones Loyd, Mr., iii. 188
- Jones, ‘Radical,’ interview with Lord Wharncliffe, ii. 200
- Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Bill for the establishment of the, iii. 21; meeting to make regulations for the, 35; first sitting of the, 38; working of the, 205
- Kelly, Mrs., adventures of her daughter, i. 379, 383; case before the Privy Council, iii. 259, 261, 266, 267; judgment, 274
- Kemble, Charles, and his family, iii. 260
- Kemble, Miss Fanny, i. 240, ii. 129; tragedy by, 270; in the ‘Hunchback,’ 285
- Kempt, Right Hon. Sir James, Master-General of the Ordnance, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 84
- Kent, H.R.H. the Duchess of, disputes in the Royal Family, ii. 190; and the Duke of Wellington, ib.; the Regency Bill, 191; salutes to, iii. 3; at Burghley, 315; quarrels with the King, 366; scene at Windsor, 367; answer to the address of the City of London, 399; squabble with the King, 400
- Kenyon, Lord, speech at Apsley House, ii. 198
- Kinnaird, Lord, created a Baron of the United Kingdom, ii. 150
- Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, anecdote of, iii. 130
- Knatchbull, Right Hon. Sir Edward, joins the Peel Government, iii. 176, 177; attack on, 226
- Knighton, Sir William, i. 72; influence with the King, 99, 144; behaviour of, during the King’s illness, ii. 174
- Lafayette, Marquis de, resignation of, ii. 99
- La Ferronays, M. de, French Ambassador at Rome, i. 307; on the accession of the Emperor Nicholas, 373; on French politics, 368; civility of, 380, 381; on French affairs, 393, 395
- La Granja, revolution of, iii. 364, 365
- ‘Lalla Rookh,’ at Bridgewater House, iii. 353
- Lamb, Sir Frederick, ii. 94; reported letter to the King of France from the Duke of Wellington, 94
- Lambeth Palace, restoration of, ii. 34
- Lancashire election, 1835, iii. 198
- Langdale, Lord, reply to Lord Brougham, iii. 81; declines the Solicitor-Generalship, 141; peerage, 328; Master of the Rolls, 328
- Lansdowne, Marquis of, Secretary of State for the Home Department, i. 95; Lord President, ii. 66; dinner to name the sheriffs, 109; on the Reform Bill, 131; and Lord Brougham, 347; Lord President in both of the Administrations of Lord Melbourne, iii. 113, 256
- La RonciÈre, case of, iii. 202
- Laval, M. de, at Apsley House, ii. 15
- Law, History of English, iii. 114
- Lawrence, Sir Thomas, early genius of, i. 256; death of, 263; character of, 264; funeral of, 268; engagement of, to the Misses Siddons, iii. 50
- Leach, Right Hon. Sir John, disappointed of the Woolsack, ii. 68; in the case of Drax v. Grosvenor, 378
- Leigh, Colonel George, ii. 189
- Leinster, Duke of, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 155
- Leitrim, Earl of, created a Baron of the United Kingdom, ii. 150
- Le Marchant, Denis, at Stoke, iii. 21
- Lemon, Robert, F.S.A., Deputy Keeper of the State Papers, iii. 44
- Lennard, John Barrett, Chief Clerk of the Privy Council Office, ii. 370
- Leopold, King, i. 22; desires to ascend the throne of Greece, 265; anxiety to ascend the throne of Belgium, ii. 153; accepts the throne of Belgium, 158; starts for Belgium, 167; proposes to the Princess Louise of France, 168; in Belgium, 177; want of confidence in, 177; cold reception of, at Windsor, iii. 370
- Leuchtenberg, Duke of, at Havre, iii. 33; marriage of, 33; letter to Lord Palmerston, 34; arrival of, 195
- Leveson, Lord Francis, see Ellesmere, Earl of
- Levee, iii. 213
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory, (‘Monk’ Lewis), journals and voyages to the West Indies, ii. 382; anecdote of, iii. 2; agreement with Mr. Murray for the Journal, 8
- Lichfield, Earl of, at Runton, iii. 51
- Lichfield Cathedral, iii. 327
- Lieven, Prince, recalled, iii. 87
- Lieven, Princess, character of, i. 15; attacks Lord Grey, ii. 261; on the Belgian question, 266; conversation with, 322; renews her friendship with the Duke of Wellington, 325; grievances of, 351; interference of, 358; diplomatic difficulties, 357; reception of, at St. Petersburg, iii. 23; position, of, in Paris, 379
- Littleton, Right Hon. Edward, i. 11; proposed by Lord Althorp as Speaker, ii. 333; Secretary for Ireland, 372; and O’Connell, iii. 99; instrumental in breaking up the Government, 102; political career of, 103; letter to Lord Wellesley, 103, 110; in communication with O’Connell, 103, 110; Irish Secretary, 113
- Liverpool, Earl of, and the King, i. 25; paralytic seizure, 374; saints, 385; the Flagellants, 387; relations with Protestant countries, 391; the Coliseum, 395; story of a thief, 396; convent of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 397; sight-seeing, 398
- Rosslyn, Earl of, Lord Privy Seal, i. 210; Lord President of the Council, iii. 177; dinner for selecting the Sheriffs, 201
- Roussin, Admiral, at Constantinople ii. 367
- Rovigo, the Duke de, at Rome, i. 325
- Rundell, Mr., fortune of, will of, i. 90
- Runton Abbey, shooting at, iii. 51; murder in the neighbourhood, 51
- Russell, Right Hon. Lord John, introduces the Reform Bill, ii. 121; seat in the Cabinet, 150; brings in his Bill, 155; letter to Attwood, 205, 206; willing to compromise, 223; brings on the second Reform Bill, 227; Paymaster, of the Forces, iii. 113; objected to by the King as leader of the House of Commons, 160; speech at Totness, 171; on the Speakership, 205; on Church Reform, 206; first speech as leader of the House of Commons, 214; letter of, on the Speakership, 218; as leader of the House of Commons, 221; marriage of, 252; Home Secretary in Lord Melbourne’s second Administration, 256; introduction of Corporation Reform, 263; relations with Sir Robert Peel, 282; course to be pursued on the Corporation Bill, 303, 310; speech on the Orangemen, 344; moderation of, 352; meeting at the Foreign Office, 357, 358; intention of the Government to proceed with their Bills, 397; speech in answer to Roebuck, 401
- Russia, state of, 1829, i. 158; intrigues of, ii. 351; diplomatic relations with, 352; combines with Turkey against Egypt, 366; fleet sent to Constantinople, ib.; establishes her power in the East, 371; quarrel with, iii. 44; policy towards Turkey, 48; treaty with Turkey, 69; relations with Turkey, 183
- Russo-Dutch Loan, question of the, ii. 240, 241; origin of the, 244; debate on the, in the House of Lords, 315
- Rutland, Duke of, anti-Reform petition, ii. 263; birthday party, iii. 46
- Sadler, Mr., maiden speech of, in opposition to the Catholic Relief Bill, i. 191
- Saint-Aulaire, M. de, French Ambassador at Vienna, ii. 187; anecdote of, 187
- Saint-Aulaire, Madame de, iii. 187
- Saint-Germain, Count de, account of, ii. 186; the ‘Wandering Jew,’ 186
- Salerno, i. 344
- Salisbury, Marquis of, petition to the King, ii. 231
- Saltash, borough of, division on, ii. 170
- San Carlos, Duke and Duchess of, i. 8
- Sandon, Viscount, moves the Address in the House of Commons, iii. 202; on Sir Robert Peel, 340
- Sandys, Lord, iii. 359
- Sartorius, Admiral, petition, iii. 366
- Scarlett, Sir James, Attorney-General, i. 210
- Scott, Sir Walter, death of, ii. 307
- Seaford, Lord, i. 83
- Sebastiani, Count, French Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, iii. 180
- Sefton, Earl of, dinner to Lord Grey and Lord Brougham, ii. 69; on Lord Brougham, 148; created a Peer of the United Kingdom, 150; qualities of, 183
- Segrave, Lord, Lord-Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, iii. 322
- Senior, Nassau, at Holland House, iii. 138
- Session of 1833, review of the, iii. 28
- Sestri, i. 297
- Seton, Sir Henry, arrival of, from Belgium, ii. 178
- Seymour, Lord, withdraws his support from the Government, ii. 124
- Seymour, George, Master of the Robes, ii. 50
- Seymour, Horace, retires from the Lord Chamberlain’s Department, ii. 133
- Seymour, Jane, coffin of, found at Windsor, ii. 168
- Shadwell, Right Hon. Sir Lancelot, on legal business, iii. 76
- Shee, Sir Martin, elected President of the Royal Academy, i. 269
- Sheil, Right Hon. Richard, dispute with Lord Althorp, iii. 55; arrest of, by the Serjeant-at-Arms, 56; committee, 57, 58; insult to Lord Lyndhurst, 389
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, iii. 336
- Siege of Saragossa, the, iii. 40
- Siena, i. 303
- Simplon, the, i. 415
- Slavery, abolition of, ii. 347; for debates on, see Commons, House of
- Smith, Baron, ii. 105; O’Connell’s attack upon, iii. 59, 61, 63
- Smith, Sydney, and the siege of Saragossa, iii. 39; and Professor Leslie, 44; sermon of, in St. Paul’s Cathedral, 166; on Sir James Mackintosh, 317; dispute of, with the Bishop of London, 395; letter to Archdeacon Singleton, 395
- Smithson, Sir Hugh, ii. 337, 338
- Somaglia, Cardinal, i. 312
- Somerville, Mrs., iii. 58
- Sorrento, i. 352; Benediction of the Flowers, 352
- Soult, Marshal, sent to Lyons, ii. 219; Prime Minister of France, 324
- Southey, Robert, at breakfast given by Mr. Henry Taylor, ii. 59; letter to Lord Brougham on rewards to literary men, 111
- Spain, the Duke of Wellington on affairs in, iii. 47; state of, 55; affairs in, 66, 72; proposal to combine with Dom Pedro, 72; affairs in, 183; deplorable state of, 359
- Spanish Legion, formation of the, iii. 265
- Speaker, the, indecision of, ii. 299; disputes on the Speakership, 333; iii. 204
- Spencer, Earl, death of, iii. 140
- Spencer, Earl, see Althorp, Viscount
- Sprotborough, party at, for the races, ii. 50
- StaËl, Madame de, ‘ConsidÉrations sur la RÉvolution franÇaise,’ i. 16; anecdote of, ii. 186
- Stafford House, concert at, iii. 278
- Stanley, Right Hon. Edward, Irish Secretary, ii. 66; speech on the Reform Bill, 123; seat in the Cabinet, 150; speech in answer to Croker, 228; Secretary for the Colonial Department, 365; at The Oaks, 374; indecision of, iii. 17; racing interests of, 35; resignation of, 88; in opposition, 93; ‘Thimblerig’ speech, 100; conciliatory letter to Lord Grey, 107; disposition of, 165, 167; declines to join Sir R. Peel,
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@25700@25700-h@25700-h-0.htm.html#Page_5" class="pginternal">5; management of racing establishment, 44; dislike to the Duke of Wellington, 48, 62; duel with the Duke of Richmond, 62; anecdotes of King George IV., 73; illness of, 83, 85; death of, 84; funeral of, 89; letter to Lord Liverpool on the Catholic question, ii. 104
- York, H.R.H. the Duchess of, character of, i. 5; portrait of, 8; illness of, 27; death of, 34
- Young, Thomas, private secretary to Lord Melbourne, iii. 126
- Zea Bermudez, iii. 21; dismissal of, 55
- Zumalacarreguy, ii. 270