INDEX OF NAMES, PERSONS, &c. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T V Y W - Ackermann, Rudolph (Rowlandson's publisher), i. 85, 89–93
- Ackermann's Poetical Magazine, i. 33
- Addington, Hon. H., 'The Doctor,' i. 246
- Alexander, Emperor of Russia, ii. 281, 294
- Angelo, Henry, 'Reminiscences,' i. 55, 64–6, 68, 70–2, 78–9, 85, 87–8, 287, 298–300, 374; ii. 5
- Angelo's Fencing Rooms, i. 241
- Angelo and Rowlandson at Vauxhall, i. 62–3, 156
- — and Son, Hungarian and Highland Broadsword Exercise, i. 374
- — Henry, his sketch of Simmons, the Murderer, ii. 81
- Anstey, Christopher, 'Comforts of Bath,' i. 333–49
- Arnold, General, i. 173
- Atkinson, Christopher, i. 143–4
- Auckland, Lord Eden, i. 173
- Austria, Emperor of, ii. 281
- Austria, Crown Prince of, ii. 281
- Banco to the Knave (Gillray), i. 106
- Banks, Sir Joseph, i. 192
- Bannister, the Comedian, a Collector, i. 70; ii. 248
- — John, the Comedian, an Art Student, i. 53–4
- Barrymore, Lord, i. 58, 161–2, 303
- Bate, Dudley, of the Morning Post, i. 159
- Bates, William, B.A., 'Sketch of Rowlandson's Works,' 'Essay on George Cruikshank,' ii. 379
- Bedford, Duke of, i. 359
- Bell, Dr., ii. 216
- Beresford, James, ii. 178
- Billington, Mrs., i. 158
- 'Black Dick' (Lord Howe), i. 199
- 'Blackmantle,' Bernard (pseudo), i. 43; ii. 375, 378–9
- Blair, Doctor Hugh, i. 198
- Blucher, Prince von, ii. 278–9, 280–1, 293–5
- 'Book for a Rainy Day,' J. T. Smith, i. 70
- Borowloski, Count, 'The Polish Dwarf,' i. 186
- Bossy, Doctor, ii. 5
- Boswell, James, i. 193–8
- Boswell's 'Tour to the Hebrides,' i. 84, 193–8
- Buonaparte, the Emperor Napoleon, ii. 42–3, 45, 47, 52, 54, 61, 82–3, 93–102, 130, 159, 162–3, 187, 203–4, 255, 258–64, 271–2, 276–82, 289, 291–3
- — Joseph, King of Spain, ii. 95–6, 98–101
- — Louis, King of Holland, ii. 97, 258–9
- Buonaparte's Generals, ii. 291
- Brightelmstone in 1789, i. 277
- Britannia, 117, 136, 141–2, 247; ii. 6
- Buckingham, Marquis of, i. 243
- Bullock, Proprietor of 'Bullock's London Museum,' ii. 309
- Bunbury, Henry, the Caricaturist, i. 61, 78–80, 369
- — the Caricaturist (illustrated biographical sketch of his life by Joseph Grego), i. 3
- — Henry, Caricaturist (Gambado's 'Annals of Horsemanship and Academy for Grown Horsemen'), i. 352–3; ii. 101–15, 217, 221–3
- Burdett, Sir Francis, i. 359; ii. 74, 181–2, 184, 365
- Burke, Hon. Edmund, i. 112, 118–19, 220, 245, 248, 274, 289; ii. 13
- Burton, Alfred, 'Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy,' ii. 363–4
- Bute, Lord, i. 141
- Butler, S., ii. 174, 198
- Camden, Lord, i. 244
- Canning, George, verses on 'All the Talents,' ii. 69
- Canning, George, ii. 166
- Carmarthen, Marquis of, i. 244, 248
- Cartright, Major John, i. 121
- Castlereagh, Lord, ii. 166
- Catalini, Madame, ii. 165
- Catharine, Empress of Russia, i. 290
- Chambers, Sir William (architect of Somerset House), ii. 217
- Charles the Fourth, King of Spain, i. 290, 292; ii. 94
- Charlotte, Queen, i. 110, 199–210, 220, 228, 230, 252, 290
- Chatham, Lord, i. 244
- — General, ii. 164, 166
- Chattelier, Miss (Rowlandson's aunt), i. 52, 63–4
- Chiffney (jockey to the Prince of Wales), i. 207
- Clarke, Mrs. Mary Anne, ii. 135–64, 166, 181
- — Scandal, The, i. 28; ii. 135–64, 181
- Clavering, General, ii. 143
- Coleraine, Lord, i. 180, 220, 229. (See Hanger)
- Collections of Rowlandson's drawings, i. 5. Appendix
- Collings, the Caricaturist, i. 82–4, 191, 193
- Combe, William, ii. 247, 268, 317–55, 359–62, 271–2
- — — (author):
- 'The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax,' ii. 176, 247–52, 266–7, 269–70, 367, 373, 375
- 'The Dance of Death,' ii. 317–15
- 'The Dance of Life,' ii. 359–62
- 'The History of Johnny QuÆ Genus,' ii. 371–2
- Corbett, Thomas, High Bailiff for Westminster, ii. 140, 153–4
- Cornwall, Views in, ii. 56
- Cross Reading (Whiteford's), i. 84
- Cruikshank, George, caricaturist, i. 16–19
- Cumberland, Duke of, ii. 225
- Curtis, Commodore, ii. 163–4
- Davy, Sir Humphrey, ii. 366
- Derby, Lord, i. 359
- Devonshire, Duchess of, i. 124, 126–9, 131–2, 135, 141–2, 152, 158; ii. 59
- Didelot, dancer, i. 283
- Don Carlos, ii. 94
- Duncannon, Lady, i. 135, 141, 158
- Dundas (Lord Melville), i. 121, 134, 243–4, 246; ii. 49–51, 60, 136
- Dundas, Sir David, ii. 137
- Dunthorne, James, i. 226–7, 314
- Elliot, Right Hon. Hugh, English Minister at Dresden, ii. 311
- Engelbach, Lewis, 'Letters from Italy, or Naples and the Campagna Felice,' ii. 267, 301–8
- English Caricaturists, i. 2
- 'English Spy, The,' by 'Bernard Blackmantle,' i. 43
- Erskine, Lord, i. 112, 359
- 'Farquhar,' Ferdinand (pseudo), 'Relics of a Saint,' ii. 317
- Ferdinand of Spain, ii. 93
- Fielding's 'Tom Jones,' ii. 55–6
- Fitzgerald, Mr., i. 161
- Fitzherbert, Mrs., i. 170, 220, 226, 248, 276
- Fox, Hon. Charles James, ii. 49, 58–61, 109, 112–13, 116–17, 119, 123–7, 129, 131–5, 138–43, 154, 221, 231–2, 245, 248, 270, 359
- Fox, General, i. 117
- Frederick the Great, i. 182–3
- French Ambassador, The, i. 147
- Gambado, Geoffrey (pseudo Henry Bunbury), 'Academy for Grown Horsemen,' i. 352–3
- — — 'Annals of Horsemanship,' i. 352; ii. 102–15
- George the Third, i. 115, 119, 140–1, 182–3, 199–210, 220, 228–9, 248, 251–2, 290, 360; ii. 6, 59, 82, 196
- Gillray, the Caricaturist (his life, works, and times, by Joseph Grego), i. 3–4, 54, 106, 143, 229, 242, 328; ii. 197, 223
- Gloucester, Duke of, i. 328
- Goldsmith, Oliver, 'The Vicar of Wakefield,' ii. 356–9, 375
- Gordon, Duchess of, i. 126, 152
- Grafton, Duke of, i. 244, 246–8
- Grattan, i. 250, 362
- Grego, Joseph:
- 'An Illustrated Biographical Sketch of Bunbury, the Caricaturist,' i. 3
- 'The Works of James Gillray, with the Story of his Life and Times,' i. 3–4
- 'A Collection of Drawings by Rowlandson.' Appendix
- Grenville, i. 244
- — Lord, ii. 59
- Guise, General, his collection of pictures at Oxford, ii. 66
- Hadfield. Attempted the life of the King, ii. 6
- Hamilton, Sir William, Ambassador at Naples, ii. 311–13
- — Lady, ii. 311–13
- Hanger, George, i. 180, 220, 229. (See Coleraine.)
- Harrison, W. H., 'The Humourist,' ii. 380–6
- Hartley, Mrs. (actress), i. 160
- Hastings, Warren, i. 226, 230
- — Marquis of, ii. 299
- Haydon, B. R., ii. 3
m#Page_i_298" class="pgexternal">298, 303
- — Regent, ii. 294
- Prussia, King of, i. 292
- Pugin's 'Microcosm, or London in Miniature,' ii. 125–8
- Pyne, W. H. (Ephraim Hardcastle), 'Wine and Walnuts,' i. 55–6
- — — — Somerset House Gazette, i. 55, 57–8, 69
- Queen Charlotte, i. 110, 199–200, 220, 228
- Queen of Spain, ii. 93
- Quirk (Boxer), ii. 226
- 'Quiz' (pseudo), 'The Grand Master, or Qui Hi in Hindostan,' ii. 299–301
- Ramberg, Caricaturist, i. 223, 225
- 'Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales in the Year 1797,' ii. 19–21
- Richmond, Duke of, i. 183, 231, 243–4, 246–8
- Robinson, Jack, i. 117–18
- — Mrs., i. 159
- Romney (the Painter), ii. 311
- Ron, Baron (Quack Dentist), i. 211
- Roscius, the Infant, ii. 46
- Rosedale, John (Mariner), exhibitor of the pictures at Greenwich Hospital, ii. 71
- Rowlandson, Thomas (the Caricaturist), i. 239, 360
- — a student at the Royal Academy, i. 53
- — Academy drawings, i. 22–3
- — and Napoleon, i. 27–8
- — as a landscape artist, i. 14
- — as a marine artist, i. 18
- — as a portrait painter, i. 13
- — at Portsmouth, i. 67
- — biographical references to, i. 54–5
- — book illustrations, i. 35–45
- — chronological summary of his caricatures, ii. 389. (See 4)
- — Continental tours, i. 59, 68–9; ii. 330–1
- — contributions to the Royal Academy, i. 50–65
- — collections of drawings by, ii. Appendix
- — Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, ii. Appendix
- — South Kensington Museum, ii. Appendix
- Rowlandson, Dyce Collection, South Kensington Museum, ii. Appendix
- — — at Windsor Castle, ii. Appendix
- — early caricatures, i. 22
- — engraved works, i. 23–30
- — family, the, i. 49–51
- — fortune bequeathed the Caricaturist, A, i. 64
- — gambling proclivities, i. 64
- — Gentleman's Magazine, the, obituary notice, i. 55, 94–5
- — George Cruikshank on Rowlandson, i. 16–19
- — his first visit to Paris, i. 52
- — his friends, i. 60–2
- — his publishers, i. 6
- — his schoolfellows, i.
age_ii_287" class="pginternal">287
- Spain, Queen of, ii. 93
- Spain, Infants of, ii. 94
- Stanislaus the Second, King of Poland, i. 290
- Sterne, Laurence, ii. 10, 169–75.
- Stevens, G. A., 'A Lecture on Heads,' ii. 117
- Sydney, Lord, i. 246
- Academy, The, for Grown Horsemen, i. 353
- Accidents will Happen, ii. 297
- Accommodation, or Lodgings to let, at Portsmouth, ii. 89
- Accommodation Ladder, ii. 210
- Accurate, An, and Impartial Narrative of the War (1793, 1794, 1795, &c.), i. 328, 329
- Ackermann's Transparency on the Victory of Waterloo, ii. 293
- Acquittal, The, or Upsetting the Porter Pot (Lord Melville), ii. 60, 61
- Actress's Prayer, The, ii. 31
- Acute Pain, ii. 2
- Admiral Nelson Recruiting with his Brave Tars after the Glorious Battle of the Nile, i. 350–1
- Admiration with Astonishment, ii. 1
- Admiring Jew, The, i. 153
- Advantage, The, of Shifting the Leg, i. 349, 351
- Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, The, ii. 363–4
- Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend Mr. A. Adams, i. 312
- Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, ii. 56
- Advice to Sportsmen; selected from the notes of Marmaduke Markwell, ii. 179–80
- Aerostation out at Elbows. Vincent Lunardi, i. 163–4
- Affectionate Farewell, The, or Kick for Kick, ii. 280
- After Dinner, i. 279
- After Sweet Meat comes Sour Sauce, or Corporal Casey got into the Wrong Box, ii. 194
- Ague and Fever, i. 226
- 'Ah! let me, Sire, refuse it, I implore.' ('Peter Pindar'), i. 207
- Alehouse Door, ii. 314
- All-a-growing, i. 356
- Allegoria, ii. 11
- All for Love: a Scene at Weymouth, ii. 147
- All the Talents, ii. 67–9
- Ambassador of Morocco on a Special Mission, The, ii. 146–7
- Amorous Turk, An, i. 352
- Amputation, i. 107, 320
- Amsterdam, i. 331
- Amusement for the Recess; or the Devil to Pay amongst the Furniture, ii. 161–2
- Anatomist, The, ii. 202
- Anatomy of Melancholy, The, ii. 86
- 'And now his lifted eyes the ceiling sought.' 'Peter Pindar,' i. 205.
- Angelo's Fencing Room, i. 297–300
- Anger, i. 18; ii. 2
- Anglers (1611), ii. 220, 222
- Anglers (1811), ii. 222
- Annals of Horsemanship, i. 352
- Annals of Sporting by Caleb Quizem, ii. 178–9
- Anonymous Letter, ii. 14
- Anticipation (Chr. Atkinson, Contractor, in the Pillory), i. 143
- Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, ii. 178
- Anti-Jacobin Review, i. 357–60, 362
- Antiquarian, i. 252
- Antiquarians À la Grecque, ii. 51
- Anything will do for an Officer, ii. 62
- Apollo and Daphne, i. 150
- Apollo, Lyra, and Daphne, i. 364
- Apostate, The, Jack Robinson, Political Ratcatcher, i. 117–9
- Apothecaries' Prayer, The, ii. 31
- Artist, An, Travelling in Wales, i. 360–2
- Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, The, ii. 115, 129, 178
- Art of Scaling, i. 219, 221
- Astronomer, An, i. 366
- At Dinner, i. 278–9
- At Home and Abroad! Abroad and at Home! ii. 66
- Attack, The, i. 289
- Attempt to Wash the Blackamoor White, The, in the White Hall, City of Laputa, ii. 309–10
- Attention, i. 2; ii. 1
- Attorney, ii. 14
- Attributes, ii. 10–13
- Awkward Squads Studying the Graces, ii. 220
- Bachelor's Fare: Bread and Cheese and Kisses, ii. 253–4
- Bacon-faced Fellows of Brazen-Nose Broke Loose, ii. 201
- Bad News on the Stock Exchange, i. 325
- Bad Speculation, A, i. 366
- Bait for the Kiddies on the North Road, A, or 'That's your sort, prime bang up to the mark,' ii. 184, 186
- Ballooning Scene, A, i. 323
- Banditti, ii. 297
- Bank, The, i. 306
- Bankrupt Cart, or the Road to Ruin in the East, i. 370
- Barber, A, ii. 13
- Barberorum, ii. 12
- Barber's Shop, A, ii. 223
- Bath, Comforts of (in 12 plates), i. 333–49
- Bardic Museum of Primitive British Literature, ii. 41
- Bardolph Badgered, or the Portland Hunt, i. 289–90
- Bartholomew Fair, ii. 92
- Bassoon, The, with a French Horn accompaniment, ii. 206, 208
- Bath Races, ii. 194
- Battleorum, ii. 12
- Bay of Biscay, i. 262, 368
- Beast, The, as described in Revelation, chap. xiii. Resembling Napoleon Buonaparte, ii. 95
- Beauties, i. 317–18
- 'Beauties of Sterne,' ii. 10, 169–75
- 'Beauties of Tom Brown,' ii. 115–181
- Bed-warmer, A, i. 167
- Beef À la Mode, ii. 3
- Behaviour at Table (four subjects), ii. 117–18
- Bel and the Dragon, ii. 216
- Belle LimonadiÈre au CafÉ des Mille Colonnes, Palais Royal, Paris, ii. 272, 274
- Benevolence, i. 316–17
- 'Benevolent Epistle to Sylvanus Urban' (vide), i. 282
- Billiards, ii. 43
- Billingsgata, ii. 11
- Billingsgate, i. 150
- Billingsgate at Bayonne, or the Imperial Dinner, ii. 93–4
- Bills of Exchange, ii. 6
- Bill of Fare for Bond Street Epicures, A, ii. 90, 166–7
- Bill of Wright's, The, or the Patriot Alarmed, ii. 162
- Billy Lackbeard and Charley Blackbeard Playing at Football, i. 118
- Bishop and his Clarke, The, or a Peep into Paradise, ii. 148
- Bitter Fare, or Sweeps Regaling, ii. 233
- Black, Brown, and Fair, ii. 71
- Blackleg Detected Secreting Cards, &c., ii. 84
- Blacksmith's Shop, i. 212
- Black and White, i. 66
- Bloody Boney, the Carcase Butcher, left off Trade, retiring to Scarecrow Island, ii. 279
- Blucher the Brave Extracting the Groan of Abdication from the Corsican Bloodhound, ii. 278
- Blue and Buff Loyalty, i. 233
- Boarding and Finishing School, A, ii. 54–5
- Bob Derry of Newmarket, i. 105–6
- Boney's Broken Bridge, ii. 159
- Boney the Second, or the Little Baboon Created to Devour French Monkeys, ii. 203–4
- Boney's Trial, Sentence, and Dying Speech, or Europe's Injuries Avenged, ii. 294
- Boney Turned Moralist: 'What I was, what I am, what I ought to be,' ii. 282
- Bonne Bouche, Une, i. 371
- Bonnet Shop, A, ii. 187
- Bookbinder's Wife, The, i. 371
- Bookseller and Author, i. 148
- Boot-Polishing, ii. 33
- Borders for Halls, i. 364
- Borders for Rooms and Screens, slips, i. 364
- Boroughmongers Strangled in the Tower, The, ii. 182–4
- Bostonian Electors of Lancashire, ii. 310
- Boswell, J., the Elder. Twenty caricatures by T. R. in illustration of B.'s 'Journal of a Tour in the Hebrides,' i. 193–8
- Botheration. Dedicated to the Gentlemen of the Bar, i. 173, 317
- Boxes! The, ii. 167
- Box-Lobby Hero, The; the Branded Bully, or the Ass Stripped of the Lion's Skin, i. 190–1
- Box-Lobby Loungers, i. 180–1
- Boxing Match for 800 guineas between Dutch Sam and Medley, fought May 31, 1810, on Moulsey Hurst, near Hampton, ii. 189–90
- Bozzy and Piozzi, i. 97
- Brace of Blackguards, ii. 229–30
- Brace of Public Guardians, A, i. 328
- Brain-Sucker, The, or the Miseries of Authorship, i. 212
- Breaking Cover, ii. 90
- Breaking up of the Blue Stocking Club, ii. 289
- Brewers' Drays, i. 183
- Brewer's Dray; Country Inn, i. 213
- Brilliants, The, ii. 22–6
- Briskly Starting to pick up a Lady's Fan, &c., ii. 84–5
- Britannia's Protection, or Loyalty Triumphant, ii. 6
- Britannia Roused, or the Coalition Monsters Destroyed, i. 117
- Britannia's Support, or the Conspirators Defeated, i. 247
- British Sailor, Frenchman, Spaniard, Dutchman, ii. 119
- Broad Grins, or a Black Joke, ii. 230
- Brothers of the Whip, i. 103
- Brown, Tom, Beauties of, ii. 115, 181
- Bull and Mouth, The, ii. 168
- Bullock's Museum, ii. 309
- Burning Shame, The, ii. 152
- Burning the Books. Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, ii. 158
- Business and Pleasure, ii. 265
- Butcher, A, 269–70
- Butler, S. 'Hudibras,' ii. 198
- Butterfly Catcher and the Bed of Tulips, ii. 62
- Butterfly Hunting, ii. 61
- Buy a Trap—a Rat-trap, i. 354–5
- Buy my Fat Goose, i. 354
- Buy my Moss Roses, or Dainty Sweet Briar, ii. 34
- Cabriolet, A, i. 150
- Cake in Danger, A, ii. 58
- Calf's Pluck, A, ii. 80
- Cambridge, Emmanuel College Garden, ii. 184
- — Inside View of the Public Library, ii. 184
- Captain's Account Current of Charge and Discharge, The, ii. 64
- Captain Bowling Introduced to Narcissa. 'Hogarthian Novelist,' ii. 6
- Captain Epilogue (Capt. Topham) to the Wells (Mrs. Wells), i. 165, 183
- Careless Attention, i. 256
- Caricature Magazine, The, or Hudibrastic Mirror, ii. 115–16
- Caricature Medallions for Screens, ii. 6
- Carter and the Gipsies, The, ii. 293
- Cart Race, A, i. 260
- Case is Altered, The, i. 132–3
- Cash, ii. 6
- Cat in Pattens, A, ii. 237–8
- Catamaran, A, or an Old Maid's Nursery, ii. 42
- Catching an Elephant, ii. 226
- Cattle not Insurable, ii. 167
- Chairmen's Terror, The, i. 308
- Chamber of Genius, The, ii. 227
- Champion of Oakhampton Attacking the Hydra of Gloucester Place, The, ii. 153–4
- Champion of the People, The, i. 120
- Chance-Seller of the Exchequer putting an Extinguisher on Lotteries, The, ii. 374–5
- Chaos is come again, i. 283, 287–8
- Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders (54 coloured plates), ii. 366–7
- Charity Covereth a Multitude of Sins, i. 104–5
- Charm, A, for a Democracy, Anti-Jacobin, i. 357–60
- Chelsea Parade, or a Croaking Member Surveying the Inside and Outside of Mrs. Clarke's Premises, ii. 149
- Chelsea Reach, i. 262
- Chemical Lectures (Sir H. Davy), ii. 366
- Chesterfield Burlesqued, ii. 224
- Chesterfield Travestie, or School for Modern Manners, ii. 115, 117
- Christening, A, i. 282
- Christmas Gambols, ii. 235
- Chronological Summary of Rowlandson's Caricatures, ii. 389. (See pages 387–408.)
- Cits Airing themselves on Sunday, i. 372
- City Courtship, i. 171
- City Fowlers—mark, i. 371
- City Hunt, The, i. 371
- Civilian, A, i. 366
- Civility, i. 222
- Clarke's, Mrs., Farewell to her Audience, ii. 156
- Clarke's, Mrs., Last Effort, ii. 155
- — LevÉe, ii. 146
- Clarke Scandal, The, ii. 135–62
- Clearing a Wreck on the North Coast of Cornwall, ii. 56
- Coalition Wedding, i. 112
- Coast Scene, A: Rising Gale, i. 221
- Coat of Arms, A. Dedicated to the newly-created Earl of Lonsdale, i. 136
- Cobbler's Cure for a Scolding Wife, The, ii. 267–8
- Cracking a Joke, ii. 267
- Cockney Hunt, ii. 208, 295
- Cold Broth and Calamity, i. 293, 313–14
- Cole, Mother, i. 125
- Collar'd Pork, ii. 6
- Collections of Drawings by Rowlandson, ii. Appendix
- College Pranks, or Crabbed Fellows Taught to Caper on the Slack Rope, ii. 199
- College Scene, A, or a Fruitless Attempt on the Purse of Old Square Toes, i. 216–19
- Colonel Topham endeavouring with his Squirt to Extinguish the Genius of Holman, i. 186
- Easter Monday, or the Cockney Hunt, ii. 208, 295
- Eating House, An, ii. 296
- Edward the Black Prince Receiving Homage, i. 249
- Effects of Harmony, i. 326
- Effects of the Ninth Day's Express from Covent Garden just Arrived at Cheltenham, i. 229
- Election, the Westminster, i. 128–43
- Elegance, ii. 33
- Embarking from Brighthelmstone to Dieppe, i. 221
- Emmanuel College, Cambridge. A Nobleman presenting a collection of Busts, ii. 184
- Emmanuel College Garden, Cambridge, ii. 184
- Engelbach, 'Naples and the Campagna Felice,' ii. 257, 301–8
- English Address, The, i. 231
- English Barracks, i. 294
- English Curiosity, or the Foreigner Stared out of Countenance, i. 145, 322–3
- English Dance of Death, ii. 317–55
- English Exhibitions in Paris, or French People Astonished at our Improvement in the Breed of Fat Cattle, ii. 237
- Englishman in Paris, ii. 78–9
- English Manner and French Prudence, or French Dragoons brought to a Check by a Belvoir Leap. A Scene after Nature near Ciudad Rodrigo, ii. 215–16
- English Review, i. 10
- English Spy, ii. 378–9
- English Travelling, or the First Stage from Dover, i. 179, 312
- Enraged Son of Mars and the Timid Tonson, The, ii. 205
- Enraged Vicar, ii. 66–7
- E O, or the Fashionable Vowels, i. 101–2
- Epicure, An, i. 238–9; ii. 22
- Epicure's Prayer, The, ii. 30
- Epicurium, ii. 11.
- Epilogue, Captain (Topham), i. 158, 165–7, 183, 190
- Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful, An, i. 165
- Etching, An, after Raphael Urbina, i. 364
- Evening, i. 280–1
- Evening. A Drive on the Sands, ii. 6
- Evening, or the Man of Feeling, ii. 214
- Evergreen, An, ii. 58
- Every Man has his Hobby-Horse, i. 135
- Exciseman, ii. 14
- Excursion, An, to Brighthelmstone made in the year 1782 by Henry Wigstead and Thomas Rowlandson, i. 276–9
- Execution of two Celebrated Enemies of Old England and their Dying Speeches, ii. 260
- Exhibition at Bullock's Museum of Buonaparte's Carriage, taken at Waterloo, ii. 309
- Exhibition 'Stare Case,' Somerset House, ii. 217–8
- Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, i. 320
- Experiments at Dover, or Master Charley's Magic Lantern, ii. 61
- Extraordinary Scene on the Road from London to Portsmouth, An, i. 349
- Fall of Achilles, The, i. 152
- Fall of Dagon, The, or Rare News for Leadenhall Street, i. 112
- Falstaff and his Followers Vindicating the Property Tax, ii. 58
- Family Picture ('Vicar of Wakefield'), ii. 358
- Family Piece, A, ii. 222
- Famous Coalheaver, The, Black Charley Looking into the Mouth of the Wonderful
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- 'Light, your Honour. Coach unhired,' ii. 34
- Little Bigger, A, i. 293
- Little Tighter, A, i. 292–3
- London in Miniature, ii. 125, 128
- London Outrider, or Brother Saddlebag, ii. 14
- Long Pull, a Strong Pull, and a Pull All together, A, ii. 258–9
- London Refinement, i. 199
- Long Sermons and Long Stories are apt to lull the Senses, i. 107
- Looking at the Comet till you get a Crick in the Neck, ii. 210–11
- Loose Principles, i. 245
- Loose Thoughts, i. 371
- Lords of the Bedchamber, i. 128
- Loss of Eden and Eden Lost, The. Gen. Arnold and Eden Lord Auckland, i. 173
- Lottery Office Keeper's Prayer, The, ii. 33
- Lousiad, The, i. 200
- Love, i. 328
- Love in Caricature, i. 353
- Love and Dust, i. 234–7; ii. 189
- Love in the East, i. 218, 220
- Loves of the Fox and the Badger, or the Coalition Wedding, i. 112
- Love and Learning, or the Oxford Scholar, i. 182
- Love Laughs at Locksmiths, ii. 209
- Loyal, The, Volunteers of London, i. 375–7
- Lump of Impertinence, A, ii. 166
- Lump of Innocence, A, ii. 166
- Lunardi, Vincent, i. 163–4
- Lust and Avarice, i. 236–7
- Luxury and Desire, i. 237
- Luxury and Misery, i. 106, 185, 325
- Lying-in Visit, A, i. 307; ii. 313
- Macassar Oil, or an Oily Puff for Soft Heads, ii. 284
- Madame Blubber, i. 127, 129–30, 134
- Madame Blubber on her Canvass, i. 129
- Madame Blubber's Last Shift, or the Aerostatic Dilly, i. 134
- Mad Dog in a Coffee House, A, ii. 131–2
- Mad Dog in a Dining Room, A, ii. 131, 133
- Mahomedan Paradise, A, i. 352
- Maid of all Work's Prayer, The, ii. 30
- Maiden Aunt Smelling Fire, A, ii. 58
- Maiden Speech, The, i. 165
- Maiden's Prayer, The, ii. 30
- Major Topham (of the World) and the rising genius of Holman, i. 320
- Man of Fashion's Journal, A, ii. 35
- Man of Feeling, The, ii. 83, 216
- Manager (Garrick) and Spouter, ii. 390
- Manager's Last Kick, The, or a New Way to Pay Old Debts, ii. 219
- Mansion House Monitor (Poetical Magazine), ii. 176
- March to the Camp, i. 370
- Margate, ii. 6
- Masquerading, ii. 168
- Peter's Pension ('Peter Pindar'), i. 207
- Peter Plumb's Diary, ii. 187–8
- Petersham, Lord, ii. 225
- Petitioning Candidate for Westminster, The, i. 143
- Petticoat Loose, a Fragmentary Poem, ii. 238
- Philip Quarrel (Thicknesse), the English Hermit, &c., i. 275
- Philosophorum, ii. 10
- Philosophy run Mad, or a Stupendous Monument to Human Wisdom, i. 312–13
- Physicorum, ii. 11
- Picture of Misery, A, ii. 204
- Pictures of Prejudice, ii. 6
- Pigeon-Hole, a Covent Garden Contrivance to Coop up the Gods, ii. 200–1
- Piece-Offering, A. Memoirs, Life, Letters, &c., of Mrs. Clarke, ii. 159
- Pilgrimage from Surrey to Gloucester Place, A, or the Bishop in an Ecstasy, ii. 148
- Pilgrims and the Peas, The, ii. 71
- Pit of Acheron, The, or the Birth of the Plagues of England, i. 111–12
- Pitt Fall, The, i. 243
- Place de Mer, Antwerp, i. 331
- — des Victoires, À Paris, La, i. 262–6
- Plan for a General Reform, A, ii. 165
- Plan for a Popular Monument to be Erected in Gloucester Place, ii. 156–7
- Platonic Love. 'None but the Brave Deserve the Fair,' ii. 74
- Pleasures of Human Life, The, ii. 83, 180, 362
- — of Margate, ii. 6
- Plot Thickens, The, or Diamond Cut Diamond, ii. 161
- Plucking a Spooney, ii. 225
- 'Plump to the Devil we boldly Kicked both Nap and his Partner Joe,' ii. 261
- Poetical Magazine, ii. 175–8
- — Sketches of Scarborough, ii. 268–9
- Polish Dwarf, The (Borowlowski), Performing before the Grand Seigneur, i. 186
- Politesse FranÇaise, La, or the English Ladies' Petition to his Excellency the Mushroom Ambassador, i. 145
- Political Affection, i. 133
- — Butcher, The, or Spain Cutting up Buonaparte for the Benefit of his Neighbours, ii. 96
- — Chemist and German Retorts, or Dissolving the Rhenish Confederacy, ii. 263
- — Hydra, The, i. 231; ii. 58
- Poll, The, i. 127
- — of Portsmouth's Prayer, ii. 33
- Pomfret, Lord, ii. 225
- Pope's Excommunication of Buonaparte, The, or Napoleon brought to his last Stool, ii. 163
- Portsmouth Point, ii. 284–6
- Post Boys and Post Horses at the 'White Hart Inn,' i. 222
- Post-chaise, A, i. 150, 217
- Post Inn, i. 213
- Power of Reflection, The, i. 100–1
- Pray Remember the Blind, ii. 34
- Preaching to some Purpose, ii. 236
- Preceptor and Pupil, i. 140
- Preparations for the Academy. Old Nollekens and his Venus, ii. 16–19
- Preparations for the Jubilee; or Theatricals Extraordinary, ii. 166
- Preparing for th
ctators, i. 217, 219
- Transparency Exhibited at Ackermann's, in the Strand, Nov. 27, 1815. Day of Celebration of General Peace in London, ii. 294–5
- Transplanting of Teeth (Baron Ron), i. 211
- Traveller Refreshed in a Stagnant Pool after the Fatigues of a Dusty Day's Journey, A, ii. 130
- Travelling Knife-Grinder at a Cottage Door, i. 222
- Trial of the Duke of York, The, ii. 178
- Tricks on the Turf—Settling to Lose a Race, ii. 368
- Trip to Gretna Green, A, ii. 215
- Triumph of Hypocrisy, The, i. 211
- — of Sentiment, The, i. 210
- Triumvirate of Gloucester Place, The, or the Clarke, the Soldier, and the Taylor, ii. 151
- Tutor and his Pupil Travelling in France, ii. 217
- Twelfth Night Characters (in 24 figures), ii. 214
- Two Kings of Terror, The. Transparency exhibited at Ackermann's. The Allied Victory of Leipsic, ii. 255, 257
- — Patriotic Duchesses on their Canvass, The (Duchesses of Portland and Devonshire), i. 124
- — of a Trade can never Agree: Mrs. Clarke and Col. Wardle, ii. 160
- Twopenny Cribbage, i. 369
- Tyrant of the Continent is Fallen, The, Europe is Free, England Rejoices, ii. 281
- Uncle George and Black Dick at their New Game of Naval Shuttlecock, i. 199
- Undertakers Regaling, ii. 26–7
- Unexpected Meeting, An, ii. 148
- — Return, An, or a Snip in Danger, ii. 297
- Union, The, ii. 22
- — Headdress, The, ii. 33
- Unloading a Waggon, ii. 255–6
- Vauxhall Gardens, i. 156–62
- Veneration, ii. 1
- VÉry, Madame, Restaurateur, Palais Royal, Paris, ii. 272–3
- Vicar and Moses, The (song heading), i. 147
- 'Vicar of Wakefield' (24 plates), ii. 356–9, 375
- Vicar, ii. 14
- Vice-Queen's Delivery, The, at the Old Soldier's Hospital, in Dublin, i. 243
- View on the Banks of the Thames, A, ii. 75–7
- — of a Cathedral Town on Market-day, i. 364
- Views of the Colleges, ii. 184
- — of Cornwall, ii. 239–46
- — in Cornwall and Dorset (a series), ii. 56
- — in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Isle of Wight, &c., ii. 169, 181
- View on the French Coast, i. 222
- Views of London—Entrance of Tottenham Court Road Turnpike, with a view of St. James's Chapel. Ackermann's Gallery, i. 349
- — — Entrance of Oxford Street, or Tyburn Turnpike, with a view of Park Lane, i. 349
- — — Entrance from Mile End, or White Chapel Turnpike, i. 349
- — — Entrance from Hackney, or Cambridge Heath Turnpike, with a distant view of St. Paul's, i. 349
- Village Cavalry Practising in a Farmyard, i. 324
- — Doctor, The, i. 96
- Virginia, ii. 11
- Virtue in Danger, ii. 297
- Visit, A, to the Aunt, i. 192, 324
- — to the Doctor, ii. THE END.