The numbers refer to articles. - Abbreviations, 83, 90c
- Absolute expressions
- Defined, 58
- Punctuation of, 91e
- Accept and except, 67
- Ad, 68
- Addresses, 87b, 87e
- Adjectives
- Classes of, 58
- Comparison of, 58
- Distinguished from adverbs, 56
- In a series, 91f, 91j2
- Adverbs,
- Classes of, 58
- Comparison of, 58
- Distinguished from adjectives, 56
- Affect and effect, 67
- Aggravate, 68
- Agreement
- Ain't, 68
- All right, 68
- Almost, Position of, 27
- Allusion and illusion, 67
- Already and all ready, 67
- And before a subordinate phrase or clause, 16, 17
- And used to excess, 14
- And which construction, 17
- Antecedent
- Defined, 58
- Faulty reference to, 20-23
- Anybody, Number of, 51a
- Apostrophe
- In contractions, 97
- With possessive, 97, 50f
- Application for a position, 87g
- Articles, Omission of, 3
- As, Incorrect use of, 50a, 68
- Aspect of the verb, 58
- Auxiliary
- Awful, Abuse of, 68
- Balanced sentence, 45
- Balanced structure, 30, 45
- Barbarisms, 66
- Because clauses, 5
- Because of phrases, 5 Note
- Be, Nominative with, 50c
- Both ... and, 31
- Brackets, 95e
- Brevity for emphasis, 41, 60
- Business letters, 87c
- Bust or busted, 68
- But used to excess, 38 Note
- Can and may, 67
- Cannot help but, 34
- Capitals, 81
- Case
- Cause, Inaccurate statement of, 5
- Caused by, 5 Note, 23, 68
- Change in number or person, 33
- Change in subject or voice, 32
- Change in tense, 33, 55
- Choppy sentences, 13
- Claim, 68
- Clauses
- Cause, 5
- CoÖrdinated loosely, 14, 12
- Defined, 58
- House-that-Jack-built, 38
- Misplaced, 24
- Misused as sentences, 1, 90b
- Restrictive and non-r., 91d
- Subordinate. Not to be used as complete sentences, 1
- Subordination faulty, 15
- To be reduced to phrases, 60
- When or where clauses, 6
- Clearness, 20-39
- Climax, 44
- Coherence, 24-29
- Colon, 93
- Collective nouns, Number of, 51c
- Colloquialisms, 65
- Comma, 91, 92c Notes 1 and 2, 95b
- After quotation, 96 Note
- "Comma splice" or "comma fault," 18
- Not used after question mark, 98b
- Comparison of adjectives and adverbs, 58
- Comparisons, Inaccurate, 4
- Compound sentence structure in excess, 12, 14
- Compound words, 78
- Concreteness, 63
- Conjugation, 58
- Conjunctions
- Defined, 58
- List of, 36
- Omitted, 37
- Repeated carelessly, 38
- Conjunctive adverbs
- Defined, 58
- Punctuation with, 92c
- Connectives, 8, 36, 37, 38
- Consonants
- Between syllables, 71, 85
- Final (in spelling), 75
- Construction
- Incomplete, 2
- Mixed, 34
- Split, 28
- Contractions
- Apostrophe with, 97
- When proper, 65b
- CoÖrdination, Excessive, 12, 14
- Correlatives, 31
- Could of, 68
- Dangling gerund, 23
- Dangling participle, 23
- Dash, 94
- Dates, Writing of, 84, 91e
- Declension, 58
- Definition, 6 Note
- Dialogue
- Paragraphing, 88c
- Punctuation before, 91h, 93a
- Punctuation in, 96
- Diction, Faulty (list), 68
- Different than, 68
- Divided reference, 20
- Don't, 51d
- Double capacity, Words in, 57
- Double negative, 34 Note
- Drownded, 68
- Due to, Proper use of, 5 Note, 23 Note, 68
- Each, Number of, 51a
- ei or ie, 74
- Either, Number of, 51a
- Either ... or, 31
- Ellipsis
- Emigrate and immigrate, 67
- Emphasis
- By brevity, 41
- By position, 40
- By repetition, 47
- By separation, 41
- By subordination, 42, 14
- By variety, 48
- Enthuse, 68
- Etc., Use of, 68
- Euphemism, 61
- Ever, Position of, 27
- Every, every one, everybody, Number of, 51a
- Exclamation point, 98e
- Exact connective, 36
- Exact word, 62
- Figures, Use of, 84
- Figures of speech, Mixed, 35
- Final consonant (in spelling), 75
- Final e before a suffix, 76
- Fine, Abuse of, 68
- Fine writing, 61
- Flowery language, 61
- Formal invitations, 87h
- Former, 68
- Gent, 68
- Geographical names, 91e
- Gerund
- Dangling, 23
- Defined, 58
- With possessive, 50g
- Good use, 65, 66
- Gotten, 68
- Grammar, 50-59
- Grammatical terms, 58
- Guess,68
- Hackneyed expressions, 61
- Had ought, 68
- Handwriting, 80c
- Hanged and hung, 67
- Healthy and healthful, 67
- Historical present, 33 Note
- However, Position of, 27
- Human, humans, 68
- Hygienic and sanitary, 67
- Hyphen
- Between syllables, 85
- In compound words, 78
- Idioms, 65
- Illogical thought, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Imagery mixed, 35
- Impersonal construction, Needless use of, 60
- Improprieties, 66
- Incomplete construction, 2
- Indefinite it, you, they, 22 Note
- Indention of paragraphs, 88
- Inflection, 58
- Infinitive
- Case with, 50e
- Defined, 58
- Sign of, to be repeated, 37
- Split, 28
- Tense of, 55
- Instants and instance, 67
- Interjections
- Invitations, Formal, 87h
- Is when clauses, 6
- Is where clauses, 6
- Italics, 82, 96e
- Its (possessive adjective), without apostrophe, 50f, 97d
- Later and latter, 67
- Lead and led, 67
- Learn and teach, 67
- Leave and let, 67
- Length of paragraph, 88b
- Length of sentences, 12, 13, 48b
- Less and fewer, 67
- Letters, 87
- Liable and likely, 67
- Lie and lay, 59D, 67
- Like (for as), 67, 68
- List
- Of connectives, 36
- Of principal parts, 54
- Of grammatical terms, 58
- Of words confused in meaning, 67
- Of words incorrectly used, 68
- Of words logically akin, 72
- Of words confused in spelling, 73
- For spelling, 79
- Loan, 68
- Locate, 68
- Logic, 4, 53
- Sit and set, 59D, 67
- Slang, 66
- So, 36 Note, 68
- Some, Abuse of, 68
- Somewheres, 68
- Sound, 64
- Spacing, 80b
- Specific words, 63
- Spelling, 70-79
- Split construction, 28
- Split infinitive, 28
- Squinting, 26
- Stationary and stationery, 67
- Statue, stature, and statute, 67
- Stringy sentences, 12, 14
- Subject in nominative case, 50a
- Subjunctive mode
- Subordinating conjunctions
- Defined, 58
- Enumerated, 36
- Subordination
- Substantive defined, 58
- Such, 68
- Suffixes, 75, 76
- Superlative degree in comparisons, 4, 58
- Sure and surely, 68
- Suspicion, 68
- Syllabication, 85
- Syntax defined, 58
- Tautology, 60 Note
- Technical terms, Quotations with, 96d
- Tense
- In dependent clauses, 55a
- In general statements, 55c
- Past Perfect, 55b
- Sequence of, 55
- Shift in, 33
- Than or as, Case of pronouns after, 50a
- That there, 68
- Them (misused as adjective), 68
- These kind, 51b
- Those, Omission of relative clause after, 2, 68
- Thought undeveloped, 7
- Title
- Capitals in, 81
- Reference to, 21 Note
- Spacing, etc., 80a, 96j
- Quoted (books, periodicals, etc.), Transcriber's Notes:
- Article 7, Missing period added (Many passages are powerful, especially the grave-digging [Is grave-digging a passage?].)
- Article 13, Changed period to colon (Exercise:)
- Article 14, Changed period to colon (Exercise:)
- Article 24, Added missing article "a" (In the morning I found on my bed a heap of snow...)
- Article 25, Changed "them" to "then" (Do not begin one idea, abandon it for a second, and then return to the first.)
- Article 31, Added missing comma (not only ... but also ..., both ... and ...)
- Article 38, Changed "men to "man" (He was undoubtedly a brave man...)
- Article 38, Changed "trangressions" to "transgressions" (However, if it is used only for serious transgressions...)
- Article 39, Added missing parenthesis ((Consult 36 for a list of connectives.))
- Article 54, Changed period to colon (Exercise:)
- Article 58, Changed "I was being taken" to "I must be taken" in the conjugation table for the verb "to take" as Present Indicative Obligative in Passive voice
- Article 65, Changed "idoms" to "idioms" (Study the following list of correct idioms)
- Article 65, Added missing commas (ain't it fierce?, can you beat it?, going some)
- Article 68, Added missing quotation mark ("We oughtn't (not hadn't ought) to make this error.")
- Article 68, Changed "Verb" to "Very" (Very. Accompanied by much when used with the past participle.)
- Article 71, Removed italic style for the word "compare" (compare occasion)
- Article 86, Corrected numbering in a list changing "2." to "3." (3. Place in order the headings of the following outline)
- Article 88, Added missing parenthesis ((In some instances the paragraph may consist of a single sentence.))
- Article 88, Changed comma to period (We'll have a rope down to you in a minute.)
- Article 91, Added missing parenthesis ((She came and she was gone in a moment. McCoy talked and the rest of us listened.))
- Article 91, Changed period to colon (Right: For breakfast we had oatmeal, bacon, eggs, and honey.)
- Article 92, Changed period to colon (Better: She enjoyed the dinners, and the dancing, and the music)
- Article 94, Changed "d." to "b.", and "b." to "d." (b. Insert a dash when a sentence is broken off abruptly.; d. The use of the dash to end sentences is childish.)
- Article 95, Changed "dedeclared" to "declared" ("Bunyan's masterpiece (The Pilgrim's Progress)," declared the lecturer)
- INDEX, Changed period to comma (Impersonal construction, Needless use of)