2 cupfuls beans 3 quarts water Baking soda 1 piece of celery root or 1/2 teaspoonful celery salt or Dried celery leaves l 1/2 tablespoonfuls butter or substitute 2 slices onion Cayenne 1/8 teaspoonful pepper 2 teaspoonfuls salt 1/4 teaspoonful mustard 2 tablespoonfuls flour Soak the beans overnight; add soda, onion, and celery. Cook slowly until the beans are soft. Add more water, if more than one quart evaporates. Press through a strainer. Use the remainder of the ingredients in making a sauce. The strained beans should be used as the liquid for the sauce (see Thick Soups). Slices of lemon and of hard-cooked eggs may be used as a garnish for this soup. SPLIT PEA SOUP1 cupful split peas 2 1/2 quarts water Baking soda 2 slices onion 1 pint milk 1/8 teaspoonful pepper l 1/4 teaspoonfuls salt 3 tablespoonfuls flour 2 tablespoonfuls butter or substitute Soak the peas overnight; add soda and onion; and cook slowly until the peas are soft. Press through a strainer. Make a White Sauce of the remainder of the ingredients. Add the strained peas, heat, and serve. Cooking a ham bone with the split peas changes the flavor. GREEN PEA SOUP1 pint or can of peas 1/2 teaspoonful sugar 1 pint liquid round peas and water Pepper 1 teaspoonful salt 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls butter or substitute 1 pint milk 2 tablespoonfuls flour Turn the peas into a saucepan; add the liquid, water, and sugar; and cook until very soft. Press the peas through a strainer. Make a White Sauce of the remaining ingredients. Add the strained peas, heat, and serve. Peas too old to serve as a vegetable may be used for soup. Some of the pods of fresh peas may be cooked with the peas. CRISP CRACKERSSpread thin crackers very lightly with butter. Brown in the oven and serve with soup. QUESTIONSHow should the water boil to prevent dried legumes from breaking (see Cooking Vegetables in Water)? What is the simplest way of thickening soup, if it is too thin? Too thick? If a ham bone is cooked with split peas, what ingredient should be omitted in making the soup? Why? How many persons will these recipes for soup serve? How many cupfuls in a pound of split peas? What is the cost per pound of split peas? How much does one cupful of split peas increase in bulk by soaking? What quantity of split peas would be equal to a can of peas? What is the cost of a can of peas? How much is saved in making soup by using split peas rather than green peas? |