
The first and most obvious change from the original printed publication is that the dual column layout has been abandoned and replaced with a single column layout. This was done with the aim of making scrolling through the content easier.

Since no table of contents was provided in the printed publication, a small hyperlinked table has been added to allow for direct access to each letter of the Greek alphabet in both the Main Lexicon and the Supplement to the Lexicon sections.

The Main Lexicon term entries have a light blue background while the Supplement term entries have a light yellow background. This is to assist visually in determining which section a hyperlink has moved the reading into or out of.

The automatic numbering of each lexical entry within an alphabetic section has been inserted to facilitate cross-referencing terms and hyperlinked roots throughout this ebook document. NOTE: For those readers who might be familiar with the Strong Concordance cross-reference numbering system used in that publication (and many others), the numbering used here is NOT related in any way. NOTE 2: For web browsers or reading systems that do not support this function, no real functionality is lost.

In the original publication, many hundreds of hard and soft "breathing" marks seem to have been truncated during the printing process for words beginning with vowels. The transcriber has painstakingly researched each missing entry and restored the missing diacritical mark. Due to the volume of this restoration, a listing of each is not provided here.

All hyperlinks contained within the ebook were producted by the transcriber and he takes full responibility for any missing or misdirected links. All linkage is within in single document file and no external links are contained herein.

Feedback on content, layout, or hyperlinks may be directed to


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