| PAGE | "'Look out,' cried the detective, 'or you will get yourself into trouble,' and he tightened his grip on the old creature's arm." | Frontispiece | "Taking her hand in his, he looked at her long and searchingly. 'Imogene,' he exclaimed, 'there is something weighing on your heart.'" | 58 | "He paused, sick and horror-stricken. Her face had risen upon him from the back of the chair, and was staring at him like that of a Medusa." | 252 | Diagram | 364 | "The curtains parted and disclosed the form of Imogene. 'I am coming,' she murmured, and stepped forth." | 402 | Note.—A portion of these illustrations originally appeared in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, and have been used in this volume through the courtesy of Mrs. Leslie.