[Synonyms in Italics.]
@39423-h-36.htm.html#page651" class="pginternal">651 Arrow-grass, 557 Arrowhead, 650, 671 Blue-stem, 671 Blue-tangle, 311 Bluets, 223 Blue-weed, 367 Boehmeria, 466 Bois d'Arc, 464 Boltonia, 253 Bonamia, 370 Boneset, 241 Borage Family, 360 BorraginaceÆ, 360 Borrichia, 277 Botrychium, 693 Bouncing Bet, 83 Bouteloua, 655 Bowman's-root, 154 Boxberry, 316 Box-elder, 118 Boykinia, 170 BrachychÆta, 253 Brachyelytrum, 644 Bracken, 681 Brake, 681 Bramble, 154 Brasenia, 55 Brassica, 72 Breweria, 370 Brickellia, 241 Briza, 663 Brizopyrum, 663 BromeliaceÆ, 511 Bromus, 669 Brooklime, American, 386 Brookweed, 332 Broom, 127 Broom-rape, 395 Brunella, 418 Brunnichia, 443 Bryanthus, 318 BuchloË, 657 Buchnera, 388 Buckbean, 353 Buckeye, 115 Buckthorn, Ceanothus, 112 Cedar, Red, 494 Cedronella, 416 Celandine, 58 CelastraceÆ, 109 Celastrus, 110 Celtis, 463, 734 Cenchrus, 634 Centaurea, 297 Centaury, 347 Centrosema, 145 Centunculus, 332 Cephaianthus, 234 Cephalozia, 711 Cerastium, 88 CeratophyllaceÆ, 488 Ceratophyllum, 488 Cercis, 147 Cesia, 723 ChÆrophyllum, 206, 209 ChÆtopappa, 253 Chaffseed, 391 Chaffweed, 332 ChamÆcyparis, 493 ChamÆlirium, 531 ChamÆsaracha, 374 Chamomile, 288 Charlock, 72, 74 Cheat, 670 Checkerberry, 316 Cheilanthes, 681 Chelidonium, 58 Chelone, 381 ChenopodiaceÆ, 430 Chenopodium, 431 Cherry, 151 Cherry, Ground, 375 Chervil, 206 Chess, 72 Penny, 73 Rock, 65 Spring, 65 Swine, 74 Water, 69 Winter, 70 Crepis, 300 Cross-vine, 398 Crotalaria, 127 Croton, 457 Crotonopsis, 458 Crowberry, 487 Crowfoot, 40 Crown-beard, 280 CruciferÆ, 61 Crypsis, 640 Cryptogramme, 682 CryptotÆnia, 207 Ctenium, 654 Cuckoo-flower, 65 Cucumber, 194 Cucumber-root, Indian 529 Cucumber-tree, 49 Cucurbita, 196 CucurbitaceÆ, 194 Cudweed, 268 Culver's-physic, 386 Culver's-root, 386 Cunila, 409 Cuphea, 186 Cup-plant, 271 Cupressus, 493 Cupseed, 51 CupuliferÆ, 470 Currant, 174 Cuscuta, 369 Custard-apple Family, 50 Cyclanthera, 196 Cycloloma, 431 Cymopterus, 203 Cynodon, 654 Cynoglossum, 362, 363 Cynthia, 298 CyperaceÆ, 286 Galium, 225 Gall-of-the-earth 301 Garget, 436 Garlic, 521 Gaultheria, 315 Gaura, 192 Gaylussacia, 311 Gelsemium, 345 Genisca, 127 Gentian, 349 Gentiana, 349 GentianaceÆ, 346 Geocalyx, 715 GeraniaceÆ, 102 Geranium, 103 Gerardia, 388 Germander, 406 Geum, 156 Gilia, 356 Gillenia, 154 Gill-over-the-ground, 416 Ginger, Wild, 444 Ginseng, 212 Glasswort, 434 Glaucium, 58 Glaux, 331 Gleditschia, 148 Globe-flower, 45 Glyceria, 666, 668 Glycyrrhiza, 137 Gnaphalium, 268 Goat's-beard 153, 298 Goat's-rue, 133 Golden-club, 551 Goldenrod, 246 Goldthread, 45 Gonolobus, 344 Good-King-Henry 432 Goodyera, 334 HalorageÆ, 180 HamamelideÆ, 179 Hamamelis, 179 Harbinger-of-spring, 210 Hardhack, 153 Harebell, 308 Harpanthus, 717 Hart's-tongue, 685 Haw, 166 Hawkbit, 298 Hawkweed, 299 Hawthorn, 165 Hazel, Witch, 179 Hazelnut, 473 Heal-all, 419 Heart's-ease, 78, 81 Heather, 318 Heath Family, 309 Hedeoma, 412 Hedysarum, 138 Helenium, 237 Heleochloa, 644 Helianthemum, 76 Helianthus, 277 Heliophytum, 362 Heliopsis, 275 Heliotropium (Heliotrope), 361 Hellebore, 45 Helleborus, 45 Helonias, 531 Hemerocallis, 523 Hemicarpha, 583 Hemlock, 209, 492 HemodoraceÆ, 512 Hemp, 463 Henbane, 376 Hepatica, 34, 38 HepaticÆ, 702 Heracleum, 202 Herb-Robert, 103
423-h-12.htm.html#page193" class="pginternal">193 Lobelia, 305 LobeliaceÆ 305 Loblolly-bay, 96 Locust, 134 LoganiaceÆ, 345 Loiseleuria, 322 Lolium, 671 Lonicera, 220 Loosestrife, 185, 330 Lophanthus, 415 Lophiola, 512 Lophocolea, 715 Lopseed, 403 LoranthaceÆ, 449 Lousewort, 392 Lovage, 202 Lucerne, 129 Ludwigia, 187 Lungwort, 363 Lunularia, 730 Lupinus (Lupine), 128 Luzula, 546 Lychnis, 85 Lycium, 376 Lycopsis, 367 LycopodiaceÆ, 695 Lycopodium, 695 Lycopus, 408 Lygodesmia, 302 Lygodium, 692 Lysimachia, 330, 330 LythraceÆ, 184 Lythrum, 185 Maclura, 464 Madder Family, 222 Madotheca, 708, 709 <
72 Tower, 66 Treacle, 71 Wormseed, 71 Mylia, 717 Myosotis, 364 Myosurus, 40 Myrica, 469 MyricaceÆ, 469 Myriophyllum, 181 Myrtle, Sand, 322 Nabalus, 301, 302 Naiad, 565 NaiadaceÆ, 557 Naias, 565 NapÆa, 98 Nardia, 721 Nardosmia, 292 Narthecium, 532 Nasturtium, 69 Neckweed, 387 Negundo, 118 Nelumbium, 55 Nelumbo, 55 Nemastylis, 514 Nemopanthes, 109 Nemophila, 358 Nepeta, 416 NesÆa, 186 Nettle, 464 Nettle-tree, 463 Nicandra, 376 Nicotiana, 377 Nigella, 48 Nightshade, 373 Nimble-Will, 644 Ninebark, 153 Nipplewort, 297 Nonesuch, 130 Nothol&
rnal">535 Poplar, 486 Poppy, 59 - Celandine, 58
- Corn, 59
- Horn, 58
- Mexican, 59
- Prickly, 59
Populus, 486 Porella, 708 Portulaca, 90 PortulacaceÆ, 90 Potamogeton, 558 Potato vine, Wild, 369 Potentilla, 158 Poterium, 161 Preissia, 728 Prenanthes, 300 Prim, 337 Primrose, 329 Primula, 329 PrimulaceÆ, 328 Prince's-feather, 441 Prince's-pine, 323 Prosartes, 527 Psilocarya, 577 Psoralea, 130 Ptelea, 107 Pteris, 681 Pterospora, 325 Ptilidium, 709 Puccinellia, 668 Puccoon, 365 Pulse, Family, 122 Purslane, 90 Putty-root, 499 Pycnanthemum, 409 Pyrola, 323 Pyrrhopappus, 303 Pyrularia, 451 Pyrus, 164 Sarracenia, 57 SarraceniaceÆ, 57 Sarsaparilla, 212, 213 Sassafras, 447 Satureia, 411 Saururus, 446 Savin, 494 Savory, 411 Saxifraga, 169 SaxifragaceÆ, 168 Saxifrage, 169 Scabiosa (Scabious), 229, 733 Scale-mosses, 702 Scapania, 713 Schedonnardus, 655 Scheuchzeria, 558 SchizÆa, 690 Schollera, 536 Schrankia, 149 Schwalbea, 391 Schweinitzia, 325 Scilla, 523 Scirpus, 576, 578, 582 Scleranthus, 427 Scleria, 586 Sclerolepis, 238 Scolochloa, 666 Scolopendrium, 685 Scrophularia, 380 ScrophulariaceÆ, 377 Scutellaria, 416 Sedge, 587 Sedge Family, 567 Sedum, 177 Seed-box, 187 Selaginella, 697 SelaginellaceÆ, 697 Seleni
, 39, 39 Thaspium, 204, 208 Thelesperma, 285 Thelypodium, 72 Thermopsis, 126 Thimbleberry, 155 Thistle, 295 Thlaspi, 73 Thorn, 165 Thoroughwax, 206 Thoroughwort, 239 Thuya, 493 Thyme, 411 ThymelÆaceÆ, 448 Thymus, 411 Tiarella, 171 Tickseed, 281 Tiedemannia, 202 Tilia, 101 TiliaceÆ, 101 TillÆa, 177 Tillandsia, 511 Timothy, 645 Tinker's-weed, 291 Tipularia, 499 Tissa, 89 Toadflax, 379 Tobacco, 377 Tofieldia, 532 Toothache-tree, 106 Toothwort, 64 Touch-me-not, 106 Townsendia, 254 Trachelospermum, 338 Tradescantia, 539 179 Wolf berry, 220 Wolfsbane, 46 Woodbine, 115, 220 Woodsia, 690 Woodwardia, 683 Wood-waxen, 127 Wormseed, 434 Wormwood, 289 Xanthium, 274 Xanthorrhiza, 48 Xanthosoma, 550 Xanthoxylum, 106 Xerophyllum, 532 XyridaceÆ, 536 Xyris, 537 Yam, 517 Yarrow, 289 Yaupon, 108 Yellow-eyed, Grass, 537 Yellow-rattle, 392 Yellow-root, 48 Yellow-wood, 126 Yew, 494 Yucca, 524 Zannichellia, 565 Zephyranthes, 516, 735 Zizania, 635 Zizia, 206, 207 Zostera, 565 Zygadenus, 534
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