
Dr. Gray in his will left to the herbarium the proceeds of all his copyrights. His strong belief in the importance of a large and well-kept herbarium, as an establishment indispensable not only to the development of botanical studies at Harvard but also to the diffusion throughout the whole country of a knowledge of its flora, is shown by this bequest, and also by the active efforts he was constantly making in its behalf during his life and by the personal sacrifices to which he cheerfully submitted, that the herbarium might profit. Some of the difficulties in the development of his cherished project will already have suggested themselves to the reader of these pages. Others may be touched upon briefly here.

The reputation of Dr. Gray at home and abroad naturally served to draw to the herbarium large numbers of specimens, and the number was increased by the purchases which he contrived to make from time to time, either from his own scanty means, or from the occasional gifts of friends. The storing of his large and valuable collections in the small house in the garden where he lived was attended by so much danger of destruction by fire that he offered to present the collection to Harvard University, if a suitable building for its reception were provided; and, greatly to his relief, his herbarium was transferred in 1864 to the new fire-proof building, for whose construction twelve thousand dollars were given by his liberal friend, Mr. Nathaniel Thayer.

If Dr. Gray was able during his life to secure a building which at the time of its completion seemed ample for its purpose, he was less fortunate in his efforts to obtain a permanent fund for the maintenance of the collection. In 1864, the sum of $10,000-$12,000 was raised by friends for its support; but the interest of all the available funds was far short of what was necessary for the proper payment of a curator, for necessary purchases of plants and books and for running expenses. In fact, during his lifetime, running expenses could not have been met had it not been for occasional gifts from friends of the herbarium, including, for several years, a grant from the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. The bequest in his will was an attempt on his part to replace, as far as he was able, the sums obtained by him annually from various sources during his life. But even with the amount derived from the copyrights, which must, of necessity, diminish in future years, the endowments of the herbarium are by no means sufficient to provide for its maintenance, even on the present scale. At the time of the transfer in 1864, the herbarium contained at least two hundred thousand specimens, and the library between two and three thousand works. Both have increased largely since that date.


1. Text-Books and Independent Volumes.

1836. Elements of Botany. New York.

1838-1843. Flora of North America, Torrey and Gray. Vol. I. 1838-1840; vol. II. 1841-1843.

1842. Botanical Text-Book. New York. Subsequent editions were as follows: Second, 1845; third, 1850; fourth, 1853; fifth (Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany), 1857; second issue, 1860; sixth, part 1 (Structural Botany or Organography on the basis of Morphology), 1879.

1848. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Subsequent editions were as follows: Second, 1856; third, 1859; fourth, 1863; fifth, 1867; second issue, 1868, 4 pp. added.

1848-1849. Genera FlorÆ AmericÆ Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata, I. 1848; II. 1849. New York.

1854. United States Exploring Expedition, Botany. Part I. Philadelphia.

1857. First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology. New York. Revised August, 1868.

1858. How Plants grow, with a popular Flora. New York.

1868. Field, Forest, and Garden Botany. Second edition, 1870.

1872. How Plants behave. New York.

1876. Darwiniana: Essays and Reviews pertaining to Darwinism. New York. Collected from the Atlantic, The Nation, Am. Jour. Sci., Am. Sci. Assoc., Nature, N. Y. Tribune.

1878-1886. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. II. part 1, 1878. Second edition, 1886. Cambridge. Vol. I. part 2, 1886. Washington.

1880. Natural Science and Religion, Two Lectures. New York.

1887. Elements of Botany. New York.

1889. Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, selected by Charles Sprague Sargent; in two volumes. I. Reviews of Works on Botany and related subjects, 1834-1887. II. Essays, Biographical Sketches, 1841-1886. Boston.

2. Contributions to Publications of Societies.

Annals of the New York Lyceum

1835. A monograph of the North American species of Rhynchospora. III. 191-238 (reprint, 191-236).

1837. Melanthacearum AmericÆ Septentrionalis Revisio. IV. 105-140.

Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

1846. Chloris Boreali-Americana. Illustrations of new, rare, or otherwise interesting North American plants. Decade I. III. 1-56, pl. 1-10.

1849. PlantÆ FendlerianÆ Novi-MexicanÆ. IV. 1-116.

1854. PlantÆ NovÆ ThurberianÆ. N. s., V. 297-328.

1859. Diagnostic characters of new species of phÆnogamous plants, collected in Japan by Charles Wright, botanist of the United States North Pacific Exploring Expedition. With observations upon the relations of the Japanese Flora to that of North America, and of other parts of the Northern Temperate Zone. VI. 377-452.

1859. On the genus Croomia, with plate. VI. 453-457.

Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

1846. Characters of some new genera or species of CompositÆ from Texas. I. 46-50.

1853. Characters of some new genera of plants, mostly from Polynesia. III. 48-54, 127-129.

1857. On the age of a large Californian coniferous tree. III. 94-97.

1861. Characters of some CompositÆ in the collection of the United States South Pacific Exploring Expedition. V. 114-146.

1861. Enumeration of a collection of dried plants made by L. J. Xantus in Lower California. V. 153-173.

1861. Characters of new or obscure species of plants of Monopetalous orders in the collection of the United States Pacific Exploring Expedition. V. 321-352; VI. 37-55.

1864. A revision and arrangement (mainly by the fruit) of the North American species of Astragalus and Oxytropis. VI. 188-236.

1865. Characters of some new plants of California and Nevada, from the collections of Prof. William H. Brewer and Dr. Charles L. Anderson. VI. 519-556.

1870. A revision of the EriogoneÆ (with J. Torrey). VIII. 145-200.

1870. Reconstruction of the order DiapensiaceÆ; revision of the North American PolemoniaceÆ; miscellaneous botanical notes and characters. VIII. 243-296.

1872. Notes on LabiatÆ; determinations of a collection of plants made in Oregon by Elihu Hall. VIII. 365-412.

1873. Characters of new genera and species of plants. VIII. 620-631.

1873. Notes on CompositÆ and characters of certain genera and species, etc. VIII. 631-661.

1874. Notes on CompositÆ and characters of certain genera and species. IX. 187-218.

1874. A synopsis of the North American Thistles; notes on BorraginaceÆ; synopsis of North American species of Physalis; characters of various new species. X. 39-78.

1875. A conspectus of the North American HydrophyllaceÆ. X. 312-332.

1876. Characters of Canbya (n. gen.) and Arctomecon; characters of new species. With two plates. XII. 51-84.

1879. Characters of some new species of CompositÆ from Mexico; some new North American genera, species, etc. XV. 25-52.

1880. Notes on some CompositÆ; some species of Asclepias; a new genus of GentianaceÆ; miscellanea of the North American flora. XVI. 78-108.

1882. Studies of Aster and Solidago in the older Herbaria; NovitiÆ ArizonicÆ, etc. XVII. 163-230.

1883. Characters of new CompositÆ with revisions of certain genera and critical notes; miscellaneous genera and species. XIX. 1-96.

1885. A revision of some Borragineous genera; notes on some American species of Utricularia; new genera of Arizona, California, and their Mexican borders, and two additional species of AsclepiadaceÆ; GamopetalÆ MiscellaneÆ. XX. 257-310.

1886. A revision of the North American Ranunculi; Sertum Chihuahuense; Miscellanea. XXI. 363-413.

1887. Revision of some Polypetalous genera and orders precursory to the Flora of North America; Sertum Chihuahuense; Appendix; Miscellanea. XXII. 270-314.

1888. Notes upon some Polypetalous genera and orders. XXIII. 223-227.

Smithsonian Contributions

1852-1853. PlantÆ WrightianÆ Texano—Neo-MexicanÆ. Part I. iii. 1-146; Part II. v. 1-119.

Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History

1844. Characters of some new genera and species of plants of the natural order CompositÆ from the Rocky Mountains and Upper California, with plate. V. 104-111.

1845-1850. PlantÆ LindheimerianÆ. By George Engelmann and Asa Gray. V. 210-264; VI. 141-233.

Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences

1862. Plants from Texas by S. B. Buckley. 161-168; 332-337.

1863. Plants collected by Hall & Harbour and C. C. Parry. 55-80.

1863. Synopsis of the species Hosackia. 346-352.

1879. On the genus Garberia. 379-380.

1884. On the movement of the Androecium in Sunflowers. 287-288.

3. Papers in Reports of United States Surveys.

1855. Report on collections made by Capt. Gunnison in 1853, and by Lieut. Beckwith in 1854. Pacific R. R. Surveys, II. 115-132, with ten plates.

1855. Report on the Expedition [under Capt. John Pope]. By John Torrey and Asa Gray. Pacific R. R. Surveys, II. 157-178, with ten plates.

1857. List of plants collected in Japan by S. W. Williams and Dr. J. Morrow in the Expedition to the China Seas and Japan under Commodore M. C. Perry. II. 303-329.

1857. Report of the Expedition [under Lieut. A. W. Whipple]. By John Torrey. (The CompositÆ, PlantaginaceÆ, OrobanchaceÆ, ScrophulariaceÆ, and BignoniaceÆ, by A. Gray). Pacific R. R. Surveys, IV. 95-115, 117-122, with eight plates.

1857. Catalogue of the plants collected on the Expedition under Lieut. Williamson and Lieut. Abbot. Pacific R. R. Surveys, VI. 72-76-87, with six plates.

1859. Report of the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey made by W. H. Emory. Pp. 34, 73-107, 110-121, 154, 172-175, with five plates.

1860. Catalogue of plants collected East of the Rocky Mountains. Pacific R. R. Surveys, XII. part 2, 40-49, with three plates.

1860. Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieut. Joseph C. Ives. Part IV. Botany; orders preceding VerbenaceÆ, excepting CactaceÆ, pp. 1-20.

1880. Botany of the Black Hills of Dacota. Report of H. Newton and W. P. Jenney. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey, Rocky Mountain region, 529-537.

1881. The vegetation of the Rocky Mountain region and a comparison with that of other parts of the world. By A. Gray and J. D. Hooker. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey of the Territories, VI. 1-77.

4. Contributions to Periodicals.

North American Review

1844. The Longevity of Trees. July. 189-238.

1845. The Chemistry of Vegetation. January. 3-42.

1846. Scientific results of the Exploring Expedition. July. 211-226.

American Journal of Science

1834. A sketch of the Mineralogy of a portion of Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties (N. Y.), by Drs. J. B. Crawe of Watertown and A. Gray of Utica (N. Y.). XXV. 346-350.

1837. Review of Lindley’s Natural System of Botany. XXXII. 292-303.

1840. Review of De Candolle’s Prodromus. XXXIX. 168.

1840. Siebold’s Flora of Japan. XXXIX. 175.

1841. Notices of European Herbaria, particularly those most interesting to the North American Botanist. XL. 1-18. Notice of the Botanical Writings of C. S. Rafinesque. XL. 221-241.

1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina, etc., with some remarks on the Botany of the higher Alleghany Mountains. XLII. 1-49.

1846. Analogy between the Flora of Japan and that of the United States. II. ii. 135-136.

1849. Notice of Dr. Hooker’s Flora Antarctica. II. viii. 161-180.

1853. On some new genera and species of NyctaginaceÆ. II. xv. 259-263; 319-324.

1854. Introductory Essay, in Dr. Hooker’s Flora of New Zealand, vol. I. II. xvii. 241-252; 334-350.

1854. On the age of the large tree recently felled in California. II. xvii. 440-443.

1855. The Smithsonian Institution. II. xx. 1-21.

1856. Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States. II. xxii., 204-232; xxiii. 62-84; 369-403.

1856. De Candolle’s GÉographie Botanique RaisonnÉe. II. xxii. 429.

1859. Obituary Notice of Brown and Humboldt. II. xxviii. 161-165.

1860. Review of Darwin’s Theory on the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. II. xxix. 153-184; Darwiniana, pp. 9-61.

1860. Design versus Necessity. II. xxx. 226-239; Darwiniana, pp. 62-86.

1862. Enumeration of Rocky Mountain Plants. II. xxxiii. 237-243; 404-411; II. xxxv. 249-253; 335-341.

1862. Hooker’s Outlines of the Distribution of Arctic Plants, etc. II. xxxiv. 144.

1863. Review of De Candolle’s “Species as to Variation, Geographical Distribution and Succession.” II. xxxv. 431; Darwiniana, pp. 178-204.

1864. On Scientific Nomenclature. II. xxxvii. 278-281.

1865. Darwin’s Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. II. xl. 273; xli. 125.

1868. Remarks on the Laws of Botanical Nomenclature. II. xlvi. 74-77.

1872. Sequoia and its history; the relations of North American to Northeast Asian and to Tertiary Vegetation. III. iv. 282-298; (Darwiniana, pp. 205-235; also, Proc. American Association for the Advancement of Science, with Corrections and Appendix. XXI. 1-31).

1875. Do Varieties wear out or tend to wear out? III. ix. 109-114.

1875. Bentham on the Recent Progress and Present State of Systematic Botany. III. ix. 288-294; 346-355.

1875. Æstivation and its Terminology. III. x. 339-344.

1877. Notice of Darwin on the “Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom.” III. xiii. 125-141.

1877. Notes on the History of Helianthus tuberosus. III. xiii. 347-352; xiv. 428-429.

1878. Forest Geography and ArchÆology. III. xvi. 85-94; 183-196.

1878. De Candolle’s New Monographs. III. xvi. 325; xxxiv., 490.

1878. Shortia galacifolia rediscovered. III. xvi. 483-485.

1879. Pertinacity and Predominance of Weeds. III. xviii. 161-167.

1880. De Candolle’s Phytography. III. xx. 150, 241.

1881. C. Darwin and F. Darwin, “Power of Movement in Plants.” III. xxi. 245.

1882. Remarks concerning the flora of North America. III. xxiv. 321-331.

1883. Review of De Candolle’s Origin of Cultivated Plants. III. xxv. 241-255; 370-379; xxvi. 128-138.

1883. Points in Botanical Nomenclature; a review of De Candolle’s “Nouvelles Remarques sur la Nomenclature Botanique.” III. xxvi. 417-437.

1884. Gender of Names of Varieties. III. xxvii. 396-398.

1884. Characteristics of the North American flora. III. xxviii. 323-340.

Note. During the fifty and more years Dr. Gray was a contributor to the “American Journal of Science,” in addition to the foregoing articles, he printed in its pages 380 communications, devoted chiefly to critical reviews of works on botany and kindred subjects, and to biographical sketches of botanists. In 1888 appeared, as an appendix to Volume XXXVI., a list of 42 pages of the writings of Asa Gray, chronologically arranged. This list, with an index, has been issued in separate form. In addition to the above, Dr. Gray contributed to the “Nation” from 1868 to November, 1887; and many articles to the following journals and magazines: The New York Semi-Weekly Tribune; The American Agriculturist; Hooker’s Journal of Botany; The London Journal of Botany; Journal of the LinnÆan Society; Gardener’s Chronicle; American Naturalist; Science; The New York Independent; The Botanical Gazette; The Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club; The American Florist; The Examiner; The New Englander; The Atlantic; The Literary World; The Contemporary Review; The Andover Review; The Harvard College Literary Bulletin.

One publication, and that the earliest, cannot be included in any of the above divisions. It was entitled “A Catalogue of the indigenous Flowering and Filicoid Plants growing within 20 miles of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., New York.” It is signed A. Gray, M. D., January 1, 1833, and constitutes pp. 57-65 of (N. Y.) Senate Document, No. 70.


1831. College of Medicine and Surgery, Fairfield, N. Y. M. D.

1844. Harvard College. M. A.

1860. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. LL. D.

1875. Harvard University. LL. D.

1884. McGill College, Montreal, Canada. LL. D.

1887. University of Michigan. LL. D.

1887. Cambridge University, England. D. S.

1887. University of Oxford, England. D. C. L.

1887. University of Edinburgh, Scotland. LL. D.


1835. CÆsarea Leopoldino-CarolinÆ AcademiÆ NaturÆ Curiosorum Vratislaviensis, Breslau. Mem.

1836. Die KÖnigliche Botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Mem.

1836. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Corresp. Mem.

1837. Boston Society of Natural History. Corresp. Mem. and Hon. Mem.

1841. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Fellow.

1846. Acad. Literarum et Scientiarum Regia Boica, Munich. Hon. and Corresp. Mem.

1847. Massachusetts Hort. Society. Corresp. Mem.

1847. Essex Co. Massachusetts Natural Hist. Soc. Corresp. Mem.

1848. Regia Scientiarum Societas, Upsal. Mem.

1848. Am. Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Mem.

1849. Die Pollichia, Ein Naturwissenchaftliche Verein der Bayerischen Pfalz. Mem.

1849. Senkenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Frankfort-am-Main. Mem.

1850. LinnÆan Soc. of London. Foreign Mem.

1850. SociÉtÉ de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de GenÈve. Hon. Mem.

1851. Vereeniging voor de Flora van Nederland. Corresp. Mem.

1852. British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. Corresp. Mem.

1852. Lyceum of Natural History, New York. Hon. Mem.

1852. Der Naturwissenschaftliche Verein in Hamburg. Hon. Mem.

1853. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Hon. Mem.

1853. Polk Co. Agricultural Society, Iowa. Mem.

1854. Kaiserlich KÖnigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna. Corresp. Mem.

1854. SociÉtÉ ImpÉriale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg. Corresp. Mem.

1855. Regia Scientiarum Academia Borussica. Corresp. Mem.

1857. California Academy of Natural Sciences. Hon. Mem.

1857. SociÉtÉ de Botanique de Leyden. Corresp. Mem.

1858. Dublin University Zoological and Botanical Association. Corresp. Mem.

1858. Historical Society of Tennessee. Hon. Mem.

1859. Regia Scientiarum Academia Sverica, Stockholm. Foreign Mem.

1859. Imperial Society of Botany, Moscow. Mem.

1859. Russian Society of Horticulture, St. Petersburg. Mem.

1860. Cleaveland Natural History Soc. of Bowdoin College (Maine). Hon. Mem.

1861. Botanical Society of Canada. Hon. Mem.

1862. Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Corresp. Mem.

1863. Natural History Society of Dublin (union with Dublin University Nat. Sci. Association). Corresp. Mem.

1863. National Academy of Sciences of the United States. Mem.

1865. K. K. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Mem.

1866. Am. Microscopical Society of the City of New York. Hon. Mem.

1866. Royal Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Hon. Fellow.

1867. National Academy of Sciences of the United States. Hon. Mem.

1867. Buffalo Historical Society. Corresp. Mem.

1868. Die KÖnigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu GÖttingen. Corresp. Mem.

1868. SociÉtÉ ImpÉriale AcadÉmique de Cherbourg. Corresp. Mem.

1871. Indianapolis Academy of Sciences. Hon. Mem.

1873. Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. Hon. Mem.

1873. The Royal Society, London. Foreign Mem.

1875. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Hon. Mem.

1876. Worcester Co. Horticultural Society. Hon. Mem.

1877. SociÉtÉ Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Assoc. Mem.

1877. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, Iowa. Hon. Mem.

1878. Institut de France, AcadÉmie des Sciences. Corresp. Mem.

1879. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Mem.

1880. The Cambridge (England) Philosophical Society. Hon. Mem.

1884. Der Botanische Verein der Provinz Brandenbourg. Hon. Mem.

1884. Die Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Hon. Mem.

1885. The Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Hon. Mem.

1885. Natural History Society of Montreal. Hon. Mem.

1885. New Zealand Institute. Hon. Mem.

1885. Royal Horticultural Society, London. Hon. Mem.

1886. Northwestern Literary and Historical Society, Sioux City. Hon. Mem.

1886. American Society of Naturalists. Hon. Mem.

1886. Oneida Co. Horticultural Society at Utica, N. Y. Corresp. Mem.

1886. Asa Gray Botanical Club, Utica, N. Y. Mem.

1886. Torrey Botanical Club, Columbia College, New York. Hon. Mem.

1887. La SociÉtÉ Botanique de Copenhague. Hon. Mem.

1887. Manchester (England) Literary and Philosophical Society. Hon. Mem.

1887. The Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Hon. Mem.


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