A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Abercrombie, John, 103.
Abert, 356.
Abies, 672.
Abolition, 296.
Accident, Railroad, 690.
Accidents, 377, 737.
Acland, Sir Henry, 722, 737, 803.
Acland, Sir Thomas, 806.
Aconitum reclinatum, 689.
Acrolasia, 223.
Acton, Lord, 802.
Adams, C. F., 636, 641, 733.
Adelsburg, FÊte at Grotto of, 212, 213.
Agassiz, L., 179, 343-346, 349, 410, 432, 450, 455.
Agassiz, A., 719, 747, 600.
Agriculture, Mass. Society for Promotion of, 817.
Albro, J. A., 296, 328, 395.
Alleghanies, Botany of Southern, 280.
Allen, A. V. G., 779, 789.
Alpine Plants, 229;
what they are, 783.
Alvord, Col. and Mrs., 769, 770.
American Academy, 286, 397, 405, 700;
corresponding secretary of, 355;
president, 641.
American Association, 698, 735, 756;
president, 619, 628.
“American Journal of Science,” 19, 32.
Amici, G. B., 200, 201.
Ancestry, 1, 2, 3.
Andersson, J. N., 545.
Anemone Hudsonica, 46.
Ann Arbor, 79, 80.
Antarctic Expedition, 130, 162.
Anthephora, 451, 453.
“Antiquity of Man, The,” 503, 504.
Architecture, 806.
Arenaria brevifolia, 652.
Argyle, 501.
Arnold, Matthew, 747, 748.
Arnott, G. A. W., 22, 96, 129, 130.
Arthur, J. C., 755.
Arthur, J. C., and others, letter to, 777.
Assassination of Lincoln, 534.
Asters, 279, 696, 697, 699, 701, 713-716, 726, 792.
Astilbe, 428.
Audubon, 790.
Austin, C. F., 555.
Autobiography, 1.
Avery, C., 9, 10, 18.
Avery, E., 7, 8, 9.
Azalea, 315.
Babington, C., 713.
Backhouse, 722.
Bacon, 743, 748, 749.
Bailey, J. W., 68, 128, 129.
Bailey, W. W., 682.
Baird, S. F., 343, 811.
Baker, 592, 702.
Balfour, Arthur J., 693.
Balfour, I. Bayley, 702, 803.
Balfour, J. H., 22, 101.
Ball, J., 713, 744, 753, 757, 784, 785, 788.
Banks’ herbarium, 148.
Barber, 770.
Barbey, 720.
Bartlett’s School, 16, 18, 19, 29, 37, 49.
Bateman, 131.
Bates, 507.
Bauer, F., 22, 116, 128, 129.
Beaumont, J. F., 392, 394.
Beck, L. C., 15, 16, 39, 40.
Beck’s Flora, 39.
Bell, Sir C., 102, 131.
Bennett, J. J., 22, 110, 137, 371, 592, 596, 646.
Bentham, George, references to, 22, 114, 123, 126, 128, 132, 143, 152, 376, 378, 418, 427, 486, 547, 559, 566, 592, 611, 685, 702, 712, 720, 733, 741, 743, 758, 759, 760, 797, 814.
—— Letters to, 267, 365, 382, 427, 434, 437, 447, 547, 552, 559, 600, 691, 741, 745.
Bentham, Lady, 187, 188.
Bequest, 816.
Berlandier, J. L., 173;
plants of, 415.
Berlin, Royal Herbarium, 268.
Berlin Botanic Garden, 269.
Bernard de Jussieu, 177.
Beverly Farms, 739.
Biasoletto, 25, 209.
Bidwell, J., 771.
Big Trees, 412.
Bigelow, Jacob, 284, 288, 558, 685.
Bignonia capreolata (Tendrils), 548.
Birth, 3-5.
Birth-day, 70th, 710;
75th, 776.
Blachford, Lord, 654, 664, 665, 693, 749, 806.
Blume, C. L., 376.
Boat-race, International, 591, 594.
Boissier, E., 24, 26, 167, 374, 375, 418, 589, 680, 720, 781.
Bolander’s collection, 559.
Bonafous, 493.
Bond, G., 500.
Boott, F., M. D., 22, 91, 110, 123, 132, 149, 370, 473, 478, 511, 522.
—— Carices, 91, 171.
Bornet, 644.
Botanic Garden, Cambridge, 28, 290, 291, 297, 298, 304, 325, 326, 357, 445.
Antibes, 569, 572.
Chiswick, 116, 270.
Edinburgh, 101, 105.
Geneva, 270.
Ghent, 372.
Glasgow, 89.
Hamburg, 269.
Jardin des Plantes, 23, 24, 157, 158, 381.
Kew, 116, 371, 377, 384.
Leyden, 376.
Liverpool, 88.
Madrid, 701.
Medical Botanic Garden, Paris, 24.
Missouri, 752, 753, 761.
Montpellier, 186, 187.
Munich, 233, 240.
Oxford, 379.
Padua, 204, 718.
Poppelsdorf, 373.
Regent’s Park, 121.
SchÖnberg, 269.
SchÖnbrunn, 218.
Tharand Forst-Academie, 589.
Valencia, 707.
Vienna, 215, 795.
“Botanical Text-Book,” 28, 368.
Botany, dawning of taste for, 14.
Botany, Geographical. See Geographical Botany.
Botanical Society, Royal, of Regensburg, 56.
Botteri, M., 764.
Bourier, 700.
Bowen, F., 561.
Bowerbank, J. S., 137, 138.
Brace, C. L., letters to, 458, 460, 461, 462;
references to, 371, 624.
Brace, J. P., 348.
Brackenridge’s Filices, 404, 423.
Brandegee, T. S., 671, 672.
Braun, A., 374, 383.
Breeding, cross. See Fertilization.
Brewer, W. H., 532, 636.
Brewster, Sir David, 104.
Brigham, C. 769.
British Association, 387, 592, 722, 756, 759, 791, 807.
British Museum, 22, 110, 132, 146, 153, 379, 387, 592.
Britton, N. L., letter to, 813.
Brongniart, A. T., 23, 174, 382, 418, 611.
Brooks, Phillips, 805.
Brougham, Lord, 165.
Brown, R., 22, 110, 112, 115, 120, 124, 128, 132, 141, 151, 175, 371, 376, 378, 387, 418, 442, 443, 449, 451, 463, 498.
Browne, W., 731, 756.
Browning, 713.
Bryce, 804.
Buckle, 613.
Buckley, S. B., 311.
Bunbury, 788.
Buonaparte, C., 179.
Burgess, E., 668.
Bury, Lady Charlotte, 120, 121, 137.
Butler, B. F., 746, 748.
Cairnes, 491.
California, journey to, 627, 670, 761.
Calluna vulgaris, 468.
Cambridge, Mass., appointment at, 27.
call to, 283-286.
removal to, 287.
Cambridge University, England, degree at, 800.
Canby, W. M., Letters to, 556, 641, 648, 651, 682, 687, 779;
references to, 557, 633, 686.
Canby and Redfield, letters to, 712, 723.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 804.
Carex, Boott’s collection of, 91, 92.
Carey, John, 20, 26, 33, 322, 354, 407, 697.
Carlyle, 742.
Carpenter, 740.
Carruthers, W., 592.
Caruel, T., 607.
Catesby, plants of, 146.
Cathedrals, 806.
Cats, 436.
Cavendish, 451.
Censorship of the press (Vienna), 216.
“CeratophyllaceÆ, Remarks on,” 20.
Ceratophyllum, 691.
Cereus giganteus, 408.
Chalmers, 102.
Channing, E. T., 27.
Chapman, A. W., 540, 545, 650.
Chapmannia, 147.
“Characteristics of the North American Flora,” 756.
Chevreuil, 797.
Chiswick Gardens, 116.
Christison, Sir R., 104.
Christy, W., 119.
Church, R. W., letters to, 394, 403, 429, 444, 463, 518, 523, 533, 543, 560, 563, 570, 591, 595, 597, 601, 608, 612, 617, 628, 653, 662, 664, 678, 693, 697, 703, 724, 734, 743, 747;
references to, 379, 394, 565, 594, 804.
—— Letter from, to Mrs. Gray, 750.
Cinchona officinalis, 551.
Claytonia Virginica, 14.
Clayville, 4.
Cleveland, Ohio, 71.
Clift, W., 112.
Climbing plants, 537, 539, 548, 549.
Clinton, Grammar School, 7, 8.
Clinton, G. W., 546.
Clive, Mrs. Archer, 376.
Clough, A. H., 394, 395, 396.
Cobbe, Miss F. P., 638.
Cogniaux, 669.
Cohn, 676.
Colenso, 491.
Coleridge, Lord, 748, 754.
Collectors, 272, 341.
See, also, Berlandier, Bolander, Buckley, Coulter, Crawe, Diell, Douglas, Drummond, Eschscholtz, Fendler, FrÉmont, Geyer, Goldie, Gregg, Hugel, Kneiskern, Lindheimer, Michaux, Nuttall, Palmer, Parry, Pringle, Pursh, Rugel, Sartwell, Thurber, Wislizenus, Wright.
College of Surgeons, 117.
Collinson, Peter, 370.
Commonwealth (Vegetable), 496.
Compass plant, 400, 401.
CompositÆ, 26, 27.
Congdon, J. W., 682.
Congreve, R., 379.
ConiferÆ, 674, 675.
Constable, J., 26.
Cooke, J. P., 527.
Cooper, Sir Astley, 113, 119.
Cooper, Bransby, 113.
Cooper, Elwood, Cal., 768.
Cope, 624.
Copyrights, 816.
Corda, A. C. J., 130, 221.
Corema, 775, 776.
Cosson, E., 611, 709, 713, 715.
Coulter’s collection, 328.
Coulter, T., 784, 785.
Cowles, 689.
Crewe, J. B., 18, 19, 32, 43.
Creighton, 789.
Cross Fertilization. See Fertilization.
Curtis, M. A., 652.
Cusick, W., 726.
“CyperaceÆ, North American GramineÆ and,” 19, 45, 46.
“CyperaceÆ of North America,̶
1; 60.
Cypress knees, 416, 421.
Cypresses of Chapultepec, 763.
Dale, T., 141.
Dalton, 808.
Dana, J. D., letters to, 424, 430, 521, 626, 785;
references to, 337, 338, 430, 459.
Dana, R. H., Sr., 296.
Darbya, 686, 687.
Darlington, William, 370, 423, 499, 500.
Darlingtonia, 648, 649.
Darwin, Charles, letters to, 456, 472, 484, 496, 501, 522, 536, 548, 553, 561, 599, 615, 623, 631, 645, 664, 668, 676;
references to, 117, 380, 447, 454, 455, 459, 463, 498, 509, 528, 550, 559, 565, 566, 594, 626, 642, 695, 714, 722, 732, 734, 751, 815.
—— Letter to Asa Gray, 557.
“Darwin, Charles, Life of,” by A. Gray, 646.
Darwin, Mrs., 800.
Darwin, George, 507, 759.
“Darwiniana,” 655, 656, 662.
Darwinism. See Evolution.
Daubeny, C., 332, 379.
Dawson, Sir William, 734, 740.
Death, 815.
De Bary, 807.
Decaisne, J., 23, 157, 161, 162, 168, 174, 381, 382, 611, 683, 687, 709, 712, 721, 733, 734.
De Candolle, Auguste Pyramus, 26, 47, 267, 281, 332, 374, 498;
bust of, 727.
De Candolle, Alphonse, letters to, 232, 276, 377, 380, 396, 409, 413, 419, 426, 451, 481, 497, 519, 526, 552, 566, 587, 592, 606, 624, 635, 639, 642, 669, 680, 684, 692, 694, 699, 702, 712, 714, 717, 727, 733, 783, 793;
references to, 26, 267, 375, 448, 702, 712, 718, 719, 720, 724, 746, 781, 785, 796.
De Candolle, Casimir, 451, 566, 719.
Degree, medical, 14.
Degrees at, Cambridge, England, 800;
Edinburgh, 806;
Oxford, 801.
Delessert, Benjamin, 24, 166, 169, 171.
Delessert, FranÇois, 382.
Delessert Herbarium, 720.
Delile, A. R., 24, 186, 187.
De Morgan, 759.
Derby, Lord, 805.
“Descent of Man,” Darwin, 615.
Desfontaines Herbarium, 23.
Desfontaines plants, 176.
Design in Nature, 485, 489, 498, 502, 508, 512, 638, 648, 656, 658, 659.
Detroit, 73.
Development Theory. See Evolution.
De Vriese, W. H., 376.
Dewey, Chester, 57.
Dextrorsum, 699.
Diamorpha pusilla, 652, 653.
Diell, 54, 58.
Dionoea, 556, 557, 561, 633, 642, 649.
Distribution of Plants. See Geographical Botany.
Dogs, 435, 436, 599, 676-678.
Don, David, 110, 137.
Douglas, David, 90, 92, 123, 279.
Douglass, Professor, 78.
Downing, Major Jack, 45.
Drake, Miss, 131.
Drosera rotundifolia, 510, 556, 557, 633, 641.
Drummond’s Louisiana plants, 173, 279.
Duby, J. E., 263.
Ducie, Lord, 713, 810.
Duff-Gordon, Lady, 582.
Dufferin, Lord, 737.
Dunal, M. F., 24, 187.
Durham University, 109.
Dyer, W. Thisleton, 734, 762.
Early Undertakings, 29-84.
Eaton, Amos, 14, 150.
Harvard Botanic Garden, 285, 290, 291, 299;
House, 314, 327.
Harvard College, appointment, 27.
Harvard College, called to, 283-286.
Harvard College, quarter-millennial, 789.
Harvey, W. H., 363, 376, 547.
Hauer, 795.
Haughton, Prof., 736.
Hayden, Dr., 669, 710.
Heer, O., 508, 521, 528.
Helianthus tuberosus, 398.
Henry, Joseph, 15, 30, 31, 78,
349, 403, 559, 623, 639, 681, 684.
Heuchera hispida and pubescens, 307.
Bank’s, 132, 148.
Boissier, Geneva, 374, 720.
British Museum, 110, 132, 146, 151, 387.
Cosson, 715.
De Candolle, 18, 267, 374, 718, 724.
Delessert, 720.
Desfontaines and Poiret, 23, 176.
Engelmann, 753.
Fraser, 135, 136.
Gronovian, 150.
Humboldt, 173.
Jardin des Plantes, MusÉe du, 172, 382, 709, 715, 799.
Joad, 752.
Jussieu, 23, 173, 175, 709.
Kew, 377, 378, 565, 701, 791.
Kunth, 269.
LabilliardiÈre, 173.
Lagasca, 720.
Lamarck, 173, 716, 792.
Lambert, 111, 128.
Lehmann, 269.
Lindley, 715.
LinnÆan, 22, 149, 150.
Madrid, 701, 720.
Mercier, 173.
Michaux, 23, 162, 164, 172, 178, 681.
Mill, 659.
Nuttall, 193, 697.
Oxford, 379.
Poiret, 173.
Pursh, 22, 111, 128, 136, 148, 152, 174.
Pylaie, de la, 173.
Requien, 185.
Richard, 172, 173, 178.
Royal Herbarium, Berlin, at SchÖnberg, 269.
Sims, 151.
Schultz, 715.
Short, 499.
Torrey, 641.
Ventenat, 178.
Vienna, 210, 214, 223, 795.
Walter, 130, 134, 136, 174.
Webb, 157, 173.
Willdenow, 268, 392, 709, 716.
Heterogeny, 505.
Heterogone, 664.
“Historicus,” 506, 513.
Hodge, Prof. Charles, 646.
Hollister, Col., 768.
Holmes, O. W., 694, 725.
Holton, I. F., 415, 421.
Home Rule, 790.
Hooker, W. J., letters to, 50, 57, 268, 273, 277, 282, 289, 298, 304, 306, 324,334, 350, 357, 364, 367, 392, 401, 408, 411, 415, 421, 433, 440, 449, 498, 531;
references to, 21, 22, 33, 89-92, 103, 110, 130, 370, 378, 381, 418, 437, 442, 499, 541, 542.
—— work with (1838), 90, 92, 93.
Hooker, J. D., letters to, 317, 336, 455, 702, 707, 718, 728, 734, 742, 744, 751, 758, 781, 785, 790, 794, 811;
references to, 22, 92, 110, 115, 119, 123, 125, 130, 270, 307, 380, 413, 417, 442, 449, 468, 478, 489, 512, 520, 532, 541, 565, 566, 592, 666, 669, 670, 671, 675, 678, 679, 702, 712, 714, 717, 722, 723, 752, 792, 806, 810.
Hope, Prof., 99.
Horner, 613.
Horsfield, T., 119.
Houghton, 73, 76.
“How Plants Behave,” 624.
“How Plants Grow,” 438, 444.
Howard, Joseph, 3.
Howland, J., letters to, 590, 593.
Hudsonia montana, 310.
Huet, 426.
HÜgel, Baron, 219.
Hughes, T., 608.
Humboldt’s herbarium, 173.
Hunneman, J., 149.
Hunter, John, 117.
Huxley, T. H., 458, 504, 505.
Hyams, M. E., 681, 682, 683, 692.
Hyatt, A., 624.
Hybrids, 459.
Hybridism, 458.
Hymenophyllum ciliatum, 392.
Iliad, Bryant’s, 613.
Imaun, Joseph, 584.
Impatiens, 508.
Incas, 502.
Inheritance, 561.
Insectivorous plants, 510, 556, 557, 561, 633, 641, 645, 647, 649.
Irving, Washington, 808.
J. S. M., Letter to, 778.
Jacquin, Baron, 216, 217, 795.
James, Mrs. T. P., Letter to, 500.
James, T. P., 423.
Jameson, R., 100.
Japan Flora, 445, 447, 450, 452.
Japanese plants, 315.
Jardin des Plantes, 23, 24, 157, 161, 178,381, 709, 715, 792.
Jellett, 802.
Jenyns, Soame, 321.
Joad Herbarium, 752.
Johnston, J. T. W., 108.
Journal of Mrs. Gray, 309, 380, 689.
Journal in Europe (1838-39), 85, 266.
Jussieu, Adrien de, 23, 157, 158, 177, 366, 381, 382, 400, 402, 411, 500.
Jussieu’s herbarium, 709.
Kennedy, G., 517.
Kew, 22, 116, 370, 383, 418, 542, 592, 701, 702, 710, 715, 720, 722, 724, 792, 810.
Kingsley, Charles, 667.
Klotzsch, J. H., 26, 268, 269.
Knieskern, P. D., 90, 135, 289, 293.
Kohinoor, 386.
KÖrner, 795.
Kunth, K. S., 26, 173, 269.
Laboratory, 614.
Lagasca, F., 146;
his plants, 720.
Lamarck’s Asters and Herbarium, 269, 709, 716, 792.
Lambert, A. B., 22, 111, 120, 128, 132, 137.
Langley, 812.
Lapham, I. A., 347, 401.
LasÈgue, 24.
LavallÉe, A., 713.
La Veta Pass, 672, 673.
Lawrence, Abbott, 379.
Le Conte, J. E., 18.
Lecture Room, 604, 614, 619.
Lectures, first course, 13, 16.
Lectures, first in Cambridge, 300-303, 325;
Lowell Institute, 294, 314-316, 318, 324, 328, 330, 331, 339;
Smithsonian, 403;
Yale College, see Yale.
Lehmann, J. G. C., 20, 44, 56, 269.
Leitner, 790.
Lemmon, J. G., 675, 727.
Lenses, Jewel, 135.
Lesquereux, L., 360, 640.
Library, Botanical, at Cambridge, 694.
Liddell, Dean, 802.
Liddon, Canon, 802.
Lindheimer, F., 291, 298, 340, 343, 391.
Lindley, John, 22, 115, 127, 130, 131, 152, 379.
Lindley’s asters, 715.
Link, H. F., 26, 269.
LinnÆus, 497, 498, 700.
LinnÆus, Birthday Celebration, 236;
portrait of, 545.
LinnÆan Society, 22, 134.
Loddiges, 126, 127, 143.
London, Visit to (1839), 110-153.
Lookout Mountain, 650.
Loring, C. G., 393, 560.
Lowell, J. A., 293, 342, 354, 362, 368, 530, 534.
Lowell, John, 439.
Lowell, J. R., 714, 804.
Lowell Institute Lectures, 294, 314, 316, 318, 324, 328, 330, 339.
Lowell Lectures, Religion in, 725.
Lubbock, 731.
Lyceum of Natural History, New York, 20, 31, 37, 56, 63.
Lyell, 118, 129, 346, 384, 503, 732.
Malan, 265.
Mann, H., 545, 566, 570.
“Manual of Botany,” 33, 334, 346, 353, 355, 414, 433, 547.
Marcet, Prof., 588.
Marcon, J., 643.
Marriage, 358.
Martins, C. F., 569.
Martius, 25, 232, 240, 375, 514, 589.
Mary Queen of Scots, 96, 105.
Maskeleyne, 379.
Maspero, 802.
Masters, M. T., 592, 702.
Mather, Dr., 13.
Maurice, 755, 756.
Maximowicz, 680.
McDowell, General, 769.
McGuffey, C. J., 72.
Medical College, Fairfield, 12, 29.
“Melanthacearum AmericÆ Septentrionalis Revisio,” 20.
MelastomaceÆ, 478.
Mellichamp, Dr. J. H., 647, 649.
Menzies, A., 23, 121, 126, 141.
Mexico, journey to, 761-773.
Michaux, F. A., 382, 500, 540, 692, 813.
Michaux’s Herbarium, 23, 162, 164, 172, 178.
Michigan, University of, 21, 76, 83, 270, 274, 282, 283;
A. G., Professor at, 21.
Microscopy, 135, 137, 138, 147, 175.
Miers, J., 131.
Mill, J. S., 659.
Miller, plants of, 146.
Mineralogy, 13, 17, 19.
“Mineralogy of Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties, N. Y.,” 19.
Miquel, F. A. W., 376.
Mirbel, G. F. B., 23, 165, 175, 179.
Mivart, 459.
Mocino, J. M., 782.
Moggridge, J. T., 571.
Mohl, Hugo von, 267.
“Monograph of North American RhynchosporÆ,” 19, 31, 60.
Montagne, J. F. C., 24, 164, 418.
Montpellier, 185-189, 569.
Moquin-Tandon, 400.
Morell, 479.
Morris, D., 762.
Moseley, 772.
Mother of Asa Gray, 3, 5.
“Movement in Plants, Power of,” Darwin, 714.
Mozley, 665.
Muhlenberg, H. L., 685.
Mulder, G. J., 328, 331.
MÜller, J., 593, 625, 644, 720.
MÜller, Max, 488, 489, 491.
Munich, 231-240.
Munich Botanic Garden, 233, 240.
Munro, 100.
Munro, W., 446.
Murfree, Miss M. N., 812.
Murillo, 705.
Murray, Miss, 416.
Museum, Botanical, at Cambridge, 440-442.
MusÉum, Paris, herbarium of, 172.
Museum of Natural History, at Cambridge, 351.
Name of Asa, 5.
National Academy, 551.
Natural selection, 459, 461, 489, 497.
See also Evolution.
Naudin, C., 382, 399, 434, 472.
Naville, E., 588, 719.
Nees von Esenbeck, 44, 130, 223, 716, 726.
“New or Rare Plants of State of New York,” 19.
Nicoll, W., 99, 101, 102, 105.
Noel, Baptist, 122, 133, 346.
Smith, J. E., 685.
Smithsonian Institution, 397, 403, 665;
Regent, 729, 730.
Smyth, N., 695.
Snake country collections, 90, 92.
Soleirol, 20.
Solidago, 279, 726.
Sophocles, E. A., 434.
South Pacific Exploring Expedition, See Exploring.
Spach, E., 23, 165, 176, 382, 418.
Species, 520, 617, 657, 744.
See also Evolution, origin of.
Species, definition of, 497;
essential character of, 691.
Spedding, J., 732.
Spelling match, 6, 787.
Spencer, H., 459, 740, 759.
Sprague, Isaac, 329, 330, 340, 347, 357, 362, 364, 366, 405.
Sprengel, 813.
Spruce’s plants, 437.
St. Augustine, 659.
St. Hilaire, A. de, 24, 167, 168.
Stanley, Dean, 605, 722.
Staunton, Sir F., 118.
Steindachner, 795.
Stephens, 539.
Stokes, 805.
Stokesia cyanea, 279.
Stone Mountain, 650.
Story, 801, 802.
Strachey, Gen., 671.
“Structural Botany,” 814.
“Studies in Solidago and Aster,” 726.
Subspecies, 744.
Subtropical Plants, Mexican, 765.
Sullivant, W. S., 28, 129, 280, 290, 306, 308, 310, 318, 360, 390, 433, 514, 640, 641, 668.
Sumner, C., 494.
SÜss, E., 795.
Switzerland, walking tour in 1839, 240-263;
(1869) 590.
Synoptical Flora. See Flora.
Talbot, 802, 805.
Talbot, Fox, 127.
Targioni-Tozzetti, 200.
Tatnall, E., 446.
Taylor, Richard, 114, 117.
Taylor, Dr., 789.
Taxus nucifera, 129.
Teacher in Utica, 16, 18, 19, 29, 37.
Teaching, 438, 439.
Teleology. See Design.
Temple, Bishop, 602, 780.
Tendrils, 492, 510, 512, 538, 539, 548, 611, 631, 633.
Tetradymia, 293.
“Text-Book, Botanical,” 28, 281, 282, 286, 289, 290, 297, 329, 334, 365, 366, 368, 685, 687, 693.
Thanksgiving, 738.
Thayer, N., 816.
Thayer, J. B., 781.
“ThÉorie ElÉmentaire,” De Candolle, 47.
Thompson, W. H., 380, 713.
Thompson, T., 380, 592.
Thomson, Sir William, 759.
Thurber, G., letters to, 408;
references to, 406, 694.
Thurberia, 408, 409.
Thuret, G., 569, 572.
Thury, 519.
Tommasini, J. S., 25, 209.
Torrey, Herbert Gray, 141.
Torrey, J., letters to, 33-45, 51, 91, 149, 287, 292, 297, 303, 307, 314, 318, 324, 327, 333, 334, 339, 343, 356, 358, 362, 369, 445, 450, 568, 577, 596, 641, 622;
references to, 15, 18, 20, 29, 31, 48, 134, 405, 415, 485, 500, 514, 533, 558, 595, 601, 639, 641, 813.
Torrey, Mrs., letters to, 67, 81, 152, 161, 198, 294, 300, 301, 305;
references to, 30, 415.
Torrey, the Misses, letters to, 153, 163.
Torreya, 428, 650, 651.
Townsend, 278.
Traill, 759.
Transport boats, articulated, 759.
Treadwell, D., 27.
TrÉcul, A., 382.
Trees of North America, 362, 364, 366.
Trelease, W., 782.
Treveranus, 373.
Tricerastes, 223.
Trichomanes Petersii, 394.
Trichomanes radicans, 392, 394.
Trimen, 592.
Trisetum Molle, 46.
Trowbridge, J. F., 14, 15, 41;
Letters to, 64, 65, 83.
Trumbull, J. H., 745.
Tuckerman, E., 27, 292, 784.
Tulasne, L. R., 382, 400.
Turner, Dawson, 388.
Tylor, 772, 802.
Tyndall, 565, 631, 805.
Ungnadia, 222.
United States Exploring Expedition. See Exploring.
University of Michigan, 21, 76, 83, 270, 274, 282.
Utica, 16, 18, 19, 29, 37.
Vaccinium brachycerum, 343.
Val Crucis, 309.
Valentine, W., 144, 149.
“Variation of Plants and Animals under Domestication,” 561.
Vase presented to Asa Gray, 776.
Vasey, G., 688.
Vaughan, 805.
Ventenat herbarium, The, 178.
“Vestiges of Creation,” 328, 330, 345.
Vienna, 210-223.
Vienna Hofherbarium, 214, 795.
Vilmorin, H. de, 721, 799.
Vilmorin, L., 381, 445.
Virginia, Journey to. See North Carolina.
Visiani, R. de, 25, 204.
Vogel, 93.
Wallace, 613, 714.
Wallich, N., 379.
Walter, T., 134.
Walter’s herbarium, 130, 136, 813.
War. See Rebellion.
Ward, N. B., 23, 120, 126, 132, 137, 144, 369, 370.
Ward cases, 126.
Wartmann, 719.
Watson, S., 622, 640, 669, 694, 727, 729, 784, 787, 788, 813.
Webb, P. Barker, 23, 157, 173, 382.
Webb’s herbarium, 173.
Wedgewood, Miss, 755.
Weeds, 492.
Weiss, 795.
Weisner, 796.
Wellingtonia. See also Sequoia, 408.
Welwitschia, 541.
Whipple, Charles W., 73-79.
Whitney, Asa, 388.
Wilkes, C., 359, 392, 622.
Will, 816.
Willdenow, 26;
herbarium, 268, 709.
Williams, S. Wells, 54.
Williamson, W. C., 722, 791, 807.
Willoughby, Dr., 12.
Wilson (Christopher North), 100, 104.
Winter, American, 739.
Winthrop, R. C., 543, 700.
Wislizenus, A., 351, 782.
Wood, A., 334.
Wright, Charles, Letters to, 352, 360, 362, 389, 405, 413, 482, 494, 516, 540, 546, 550, 554, 567, 575, 588, 616;
references to, 360, 362, 390, 391, 393, 405, 406, 422, 426, 435, 441, 442, 470, 495, 515, 516, 541, 550, 568, 617, 773, 774.
Wright, Chauncey, 657.
Wright, G. F., Letters to, 655, 666, 684, 695.
Wyman, J., 303, 327, 502, 505, 511, 550, 553, 600.
Xantus de Vesey, L. J., 466.
Xantus, Californian Plants, 466.
Yale College Lectures, 693, 694, 699, 700.
Zuccarini, J. G., 25, 234, 235, 315.
Zygodon, Bones of, 303.