
[1] Aelian, Var. Hist. V. 14.

[2] Eurip., Sup. 524.

[3] Isoc., Plat. 416.

[4] Isaeus, de Nicos. Her. 78.

[5] Isae., de Phil. Her. 143.

[6] Lysias, in Philon 883.

[7] Aeschines, in Tim. 40.

[8] Hdt., 7, 133, Plat., Gorg. 516 E, and Ar., Nub. 1450.

[9] Plut., Them. 22.

[10] Pausan., 4, 18, 4.

[11] Thucyd., 1, 134.

[12] Aeschin., in Ctes. § 245.

[13] Simcox, ibid.

[14] Plato, Legg. IX., 12.

[15] Eurip., Troad. 446.

[16] Becker, Char. p. 401.

[17] Philostrates, Heroics 7, 8, 10.

[18] Thuc., I., 138.

[19] Eurip., Suppl. 934-37.

[20] Plut., Symp. 4, 2 and 3.

[21] Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, II., 9.

[22] Artemid., ibid.

[23] Demos. in Euerg. p. 1160.

[24] Eurip., Troad. 1137.

[25] Chariton, de Chaerea et Callirrhoe, IV., 1, 12.

[26] Callimachus, Epic. 18, cf. Epig. 19.

[27] Eurip. Helen. 1241.

[28] Chariton, IV, 1.

[29] Tacitus, Annales, 3, 5.

[30] Herodotus, 6, 58.

[31] Thucyd. 2, 34.

[32] Plut., Rom. Quaest. 5.

[33] Iliad, XXIII. 166.

[34] Odyssey, XI. 23, 50.

[35] Plutarch, Solon § 21.

[36] Koehler, Mittheilungen des deutschen Inst. 1. S. 143.

[37] Pindar, Olymp. 1, 90.

[38] Plato, Min. p. 315.

[39] Plutarch, Solon, 12.

[40] Plut., Lyc. 27.

[41] Eurip. Hecub. v. 430. Eurip. Phoeniss. v. 1400. Homer, Iliad, XI 453.

[42] Lucian, De Luctu 10. Od. XI 425 and XXIV, 295.

[43] Seyffert, de nummis in ore defunctorum repertis, Dresden 1712. Ross, Arch. aufsatze, 1, 3, 29, 32. Stackelberg, Graeben der Hellenen. S. 42.

[44] Pottier, Étude sur les lecythes blancs attiques, p. 49.

[45] Aristophanes, Ranae, 140.

[46] Lucian, Cataplus, 18.

[47] Lucian, De Luctu, 11.

[48] Isaeus, de Philoctem., Her. p. 144. Isaeus, de Ciron. Her. p. 209.

[49] Iliad, XI. v. 395.

[50] Iliad, XXIV. v. 707-805.

[51] Eurip., Phoeniss. 1660.

[52] Aristoph., Eccles., 538.

[53] Plutarch, Timoleon, 26.

[54] Aristoph., Lysist., 602. Aristoph., Eccles. 538. Eurip., Phoeniss, 1636.

[55] Alciphron, Epist. 1, 36.

[56] Aristoph., Lysist. 601.

[57] Aristoph., Lysist. 601.

[58] Lucian, de Luctu, §11.

[59] Lucian, de Luctu, §11.

[60] Eurip., Alcestis, 843.

[61] Legg., 12, p. 947.

[62] Paus., 4, 13, 1.

[63] Plato, Legg. p. 947.

[64] Archilochus, in Plut. de Aud. Poet 6.

[65] Artemid., Oneirocr. II. 3.

[66] Iliad, XVIII. 353.

[67] Koehler, Mittheil. der deutsch., etc. I. S. 140, 255.

[68] Aeschines, in Cets. 77.

[69] Heydemann, Mittheil., aus Antik. S. 57.

[70] Iliad, XXIV. 79. Odyssey, V. 265.

[71] Museum of Varvakeion of Athens, Benndorf, S. 7.

[72] Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna, Benndorf, 33.

[73] Pottier Appendix.

[74] Schol. Plato, Hipp. min. p. 368 C.

[75] Plutarch, Aristides §21, p. 332.

[76] Pollux. VIII. 146.

[77] Aristoph., Lysist. (with Scholia), 613.

[78] Demosth., Macart., p. 1071.

[79] Antiphon, de Chor. p. 782.

[80] Demosth., Macart., p. 1071.

[81] Thucyd., 2, 34.

[82] Xen., Mem. 1, 2, 53.

[83] Iliad, XXIII., 71.

[84] Eustathius ad II. VIII., 410.

[85] Isaeus, de Philoc. Her. p. 143.

[86] Koehler, Mittheilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Institutes in Athen, I. S. 140, 255.

[87] Dumont, Peint. Ceram., p. 55.

[88] Benndorf, Gr. u. Sicil. Vasenb. taf. I, S. 3.

[89] Benndorf, Gr. und Sicil. Vas. taf. 17, 2, 25.

[90] Benndorf, Gr. und Sicil. Vas. taf. 33, V. p. 12. 5.

[91] Anthology, Greek, VII., 199, 203-206.

[92] Ad. Aristoph., Lysist. 611.

[93] Bos. p. 410, chap. XIX.; Herman—BlÜmner, p. 364, §39; St. John, p. 416.

[94] Eustath. ad Il. XIX. 212.

[95] Lysias, in Eratosth. p. 395.

[96] Becker, page 387.

[97] Pottier, plate I.

[98] Aristoph., Eccles. 1030.

[99] Aristoph., Eccles. 996.

[100] Schol. ad Plat. Hip. Min. p. 368 C.

[101] Ar., Eccles. 1032.

[102] Pottier, Plate p. 92.

[103] Pottier, p. 105 and Plates in Appendices.

[104] Dumont, Peint. ceram., p. 55.

[105] C. I. G. 8337 cf. 8346 K.

[106] C. I. G. 916. Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca, 502, 523 Pottier, p. 70. Vidal-Lablache, De tit. fun. p. 58-67.

[107] Pollux VIII, 65. cf. Schol. ad Aristoph. Nub. 838.

[108] Aristoph., Eccles., 1033.

[109] Eurip., Alc. 99 et seq.

[110] Plato, Legg. 12, 959.

[111] Iliad XI., 395 and Iliad XXIV.

[112] Plutarch, Tim. 39.

[113] Plato, Legg. 12, 947.

[114] Plut., Sol., 12 and 21.

[115] Demos., Macart., p. 1071.

[116] Stob., Tit. 44. 40.

[117] Aesch., Choeph. 20-28.

[118] Eurip., Hecuba, 323.

[119] Aesch., Sept. cont. Theb. 323.

[120] De Luctu, 12.

[121] Plut., Consol. ad ux. 3; Midgley’s translation.

[122] Benndorf, Gr. und Sicil. Vas. taf. 17, 1, 33. Benndorf taf. I. S. 1.

[123] Mitchell, Hist. Anc. Sculp. p. 491.

[124] Pottier. p. 56.

[125] Antiphon, Choreut., 34. Pollux, VIII., 146.

[126] Plato, Legg. 12, 959.

[127] Callimachus, Ep. 15.

[128] Diog. Laert., 1, 122.

[129] Plut., Tim. 39.

[130] Demosthenes, Macart., 1071. Theocr. 15, 132. Plato, Legg. 12, 960.

[131] Bos. p. 414.

[132] Iliad, XXIII., 226.

[133] Od., XXIV., 72.

[134] Demos., Macart. 1071; Plato, Legg. 12, 944; Plato, Legg. 12, 960.

[135] Plato, Legg. 12, 947.

[136] Pollux, VII, 195.

[137] Soph., Electra, 1488.

[138] Eurip., Alcestis, 607.

[139] Plutarch, Tim. 39.

[140] Plato, Legg. 12, 947.

[141] Lucian, Demon. 67.

[142] Iliad, XXIV., 721.

[143] Lucian, De Luctu, 19.

[144] Plato, Legg. 7, 800.

[145] Hesychius, s. v. Karinai.

[146] Pollux, IV., 75.

[147] Sext. Emp. adv. Mathem. VI., 18.

[148] Raoul. Rochette, p. 582.

[149] Bilderaltas, taf. XCIV., pl. 5.

[150] Demosth., in Macart. p. 1074.

[151] Lysias, De Caede Erat. p. 11.

[152] Terence, Andria, I., 1, 90.

[153] Catalogue of the Collection of M. Rayet, No. 26. Gaz. des B—Arts, 1878.

[154] Annali, 1872; Monumenti, IX., tav, 39, 40.

[155] Micali, Monumenti, &c., tav. 96.

[156] Plato, Legg. XII. p. 947; C.; VII. 6, p. 796, C.

[157] Plutarch, Philopoemen, §21. 5.

[158] Lucian, De Luctu, 21.

[159] Wachsmuth, Hellen. Alterth. II. 2. p. 79.

[160] Plutarch, de Aud. Poet. 6.

[161] Plutarch, Solon, 12.

[162] Isaeus, De Nicos. Hered. p. 78.

[163] Plutarch, Tim. 39.

[164] Plutarch, Philop. 21.

[165] Diog. Laert., V. 70.

[166] Boettiger.

[167] Bos.

[168] Stackelberg, Pl. 7.

[169] Plut. Thes.

[170] Hermot. 78.

[171] Plut., Solon 10. Ael., Var. Hist. VII, 19. Diog. Laert., 1. 48.

[172] Ael., Var. Hist. V. 14.

[173] Plut., Lyc. 27.

[174] Thucyd., I. 134.

[175] Paus., 2. 7. 3.

[176] Athenaeus, IV. 49.

[177] Plato, Phaedo. p. 115.

[178] Stackelberg.

[179] Odys. XXIV. 70.

[180] Rhesus, 960.

[181] Lucian, Nigrin., 38.

[182] Il. VI, 418. Ody. XI. 74.

[183] Il. XXIII, 13, Ody. XXIV. 68.

[184] Il. XXIII. 220. Lucian, De Luctu 19.

[185] Aesch., Choeph. 86 and 128. Il. XXIII. 222.

[186] Il. XXIII. 250. Il. XXIV. 791.

[187] Andria, I. 1, 100.

[188] Soph., Elect., 54, 747, 1113.

[189] Plut., Philop. 21.

[190] Stackelberg, Pl. 7 and 8.

[191] Thucyd. II., 34.

[192] Pollux, X, 150.

[193] Pliny, Nat. Hist. 36, 17; 2, 96.

[194] Stackelberg, Pl. 7, No. 3.

[195] Stackelberg, Pl. 5 and 6.

[196] Stackelberg, Pl. 7, No. 1 and 2.

[197] Stackelberg, Pl. 8. See also supra, p. 62.

[198] Cum., Attic Sepulchral Inscriptions, Prolegomena.

[199] Herodotus, 1, 93.

[200] Benndorf, Gr. u. Sicil., Vasenb. taf. 24, 2.

[201] Lucian, XII., 22.

[202] Stackelberg, Pl. 5, No. 1.

[203] Pausanias, II., 7, 3.

[204] Stackelberg, Pl. 5, No. 1.

[205] Am. jour. arch. 5, p. 13.

[206] Stackelberg, Pl. 1, Nos. 2 and 3.

[207] Stackelberg, Pl. 2, No. 1.

[208] Stackelberg, Pl. 2, No. 2.

[209] Stackelberg, Pl. 2, No. 3.

[210] Pausanias, II., 7, 4.

[211] MilchhÖfer, Die Museum Athens, S. 9.

[212] Journal of Hellenic Studies, V, 105.

[213] Plut., Dec. Orat., p. 364.

[214] Cic., Legg. II, 26, 66.

[215] Schol. ad Pind. Isth. 3, 110.

[216] Perrot, Hist. de l’Art, p. 161.

[217] Champollion, Lett. V, 185.

[218] Thuc. II, 17.

[219] C. I. G., 4278 (b.)

[220] Ar., Equit. 1312. and Ar., Ran. 477.

[221] Ar., Vesp. 829.

[222] C. I. G., 4278 (e.)

[223] C. I. G., 4278.

[224] C. I. G., 2448.

[225] Cic., Legg. II, 26.

[226] Plat., Legg. 12, p. 959.

[227] Lysias, in Diog. §21.

[228] Demos., in Steph., p. 1125.

[229] Plut., Dec. Or. Vit., p. 364.

[230] Cic., Legg. II, 26.

[231] C. I. G. 916.

[232] C. I. G. 989.

[233] Lucian, Nigr. 30.

[234] Paus. 2, 7, 4.

[235] Plut., Lyc. 27.

[236] C. I. G. 997.

[237] C. I. G. 632 & 942.

[238] Plut., Them. 32.

[239] Dec. Or. Vit. p. 406.

[240] Stklbrg. Pl. 7.

[241] Infra p. 48.

[242] Stklb. Pl. 8.

[243] Stklb. Pls. 72-74. cf. Aristoph. Nub. 398.

[244] Plut., de Gen. Socr. 5.

[245] Strabo, 8, 6, 23.

[246] Pollux, 9, Seg. 15.

[247] Ety. Mag. at word.

[248] Ety. Mag. at word.

[249] In Euerg. p. 1159.

[250] C. I. G. No. 1003.

[251] Plut., Dec. O. V. p. 545.

[252] Plut., Cim. 2.

[253] Marcellinus.

[254] Demos., in Eubul. p. 1307.

[255] Cic. Legg. II, 26.

[256] Demos., in Macart. 1037.

[257] Plat. Min. p. 315.

[258] Thucyd. III. 104.

[259] Plut., Arat. 53.

[260] Paus., I, 29, 4.

[261] Thucyd. II, 34.

[262] Plut., Apoth. Lac. I. p. 954.

[263] Plut., Lyc. 27.

[264] Polyb., VIII. 30.

[265] Paus., I, 43, 2.

[266] Lucian, De Luctu, 24.

[267] Artemid., Oneir. V, 82.

[268] Demos., in Macart. 1071.

[269] Demos., de Corona, p. 321.

[270] Demos., de Corona, p. 321.

[271] Coulanges, La citÉ antique, chap. II.

[272] Cicero de Leg. II, 25.

[273] Suidas, at that phrase.

[274] Athen. X, 7, p. 427.

[275] Diog. Laert. VIII, 14.

[276] Plut. Solon. 21.

[277] Aesch. Pers. 615.

[278] Paus., V. 13, 2.

[279] Plut. Aris. 21.

[280] Bockh. ad Pind. Olymp. 1, 90.

[281] Lucian, Charon seu Cont. 22.

[282] Aristoph. Lysist. 610-612.

[283] Aristoph. Schol. ad Lysist. 612.

[284] Aeschin. in Ctesiph. p. 617.

[285] Isaeus, de Ciron. Her. p. 224.

[286] Plautus, Aul., II, 4, 45.

[287] Plut. Quaest. Gr. 24.

[288] Plut., Lycurg. 27.

[289] Pollux; I, 7, 66.

[290] Aesch. in Ctes. p. 468.

[291] Lysias; I. p. 15.

[292] Aristoph. Peace. 948. Eurip. Elec. 805-1142. Acharnians, 241. Hercules Fur. 320.

[293] Michaelis, Der Parthenon, taf. 12, 5; 14, 5.

[294] P. Girard, Bull. de corr. hellen. II., p. 73.

[295] Plut. Aris. §21.

[296] Aristoph. Lysist., 601.

[297] Aeschy. Pers. 615. Eurip. Iph., 160, 632. Lucian, Char. §32. C. I. G., No. 2248.

[298] Alcestis, 783.

[299] Suppliants, 782.

[300] Xen. Mem., II, 2, 13.

[301] Lycurg. in Leocr., p. 141.

[302] Isoc., Plat., p. 418.

[303] Aeschy., Pers., 408.

[304] Legg. 7, p. 800.

[305] Timaeus, Lex p. 41.

[306] Hesychius, genesia.

[307] Diog. Laert. X.

[308] Hdt. IV, 26.

[309] Hesychius, nekysia.

[310] Paus., 8, 4.

[311] Il. XXIII, 265-897.

[312] Od. XXIV, 85.

[313] Plut., Tim. 39.

[314] Isaeus, de Astyph. Her., p. 75.

[315] Isaeus, de Astyph. Her., p. 77.

[316] Soph., Ajax, 1372.

[317] Lucian, De Luctu, 20.

[318] Eurip., Alc. 334.

[319] Aeschyl., Choeph. 7.

[320] Eur., Helen. 1087.

[321] Eur., Alc. 215.

[322] Eur., Iphigen. Aul. 1416.

[323] Plut. Consol. ad Ux. 4.

[324] Artem., Oneir., II, 3.

[325] Athen, XV. ch. 5.

[326] Plut., Rom. Quaest. 14.

[327] De Superst. 7.

[328] Hdt. 9, 24.

[329] Plut., Alex. 72.

[330] Plut. Pelop., 33.

[331] Aelian, Var. Hist. VII, 8.

[332] Lysias, XIII, 40.

[333] Plut., Per. 38.

[334] Plut., Tim. 39.

[335] Legg. 12, 947.

[336] Plut., Quaest. Rom. 26.

[337] Eur., Alc. 462.

[338] Callimachus, Ep. 28.

Transcriber’s Note:

The punctuation in the table of contents has been regularized.

The positioning of footnote anchors has been regularized to precede adjacent punctuation.

The punctuation in the footnotes has been regularized.

Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original unless noted below.

  • Page 5, comma added after “London” (“London, 1800”).
  • Page 5, comma changed to period after “1882” (“Freiburg, 1882.”).
  • Page 5, superfluous period removed in “La CitÉ Antique.”
  • Page 6, “d AthÉnes” changed to “d’AthÉnes” (“d’AthÉnes et de Rome”).
  • Page 8, “varities” changed to “varieties” (“The two varieties”).
  • Page 12, double quotation mark added after “perform the customary duties.”
  • Page 15, superfluous quotation mark removed after “says Thucydides,”
  • Page 28, missing footnote anchor inserted after “twenty inches and more.”
  • Page 31, period added after “near the figures.”
  • Page 31, “uniformily” changed to “uniformly” (“the lecyths are not uniformly white”).
  • Page 37, comma added after “lacerating of the cheeks.”
  • Page 38, “convential” changed to “conventional” (“conventional sign of mourning”).
  • page 47, superfluous quotation mark removed after “a separate tomb for each.”
  • Page 48, “verifiation” changed to “verification.”
  • Page 56, “typefies” changed to “typifies” (“the scene represented typifies”).
  • Page 63, “abont” changed to “about” (“about the beginning of the fourth”).
  • Page 63, “extravagence” changed to “extravagance” (“to check funeral extravagance”).
  • Page 64, “frend” changed to “friend” (“Good friend, for Jesus’ sake”).
  • Page 64, double quotation mark added after “he yt moves my bones.”
  • Page 69, missing footnote anchor inserted after “remove the burying ground.”
  • Page 77, missing footnote anchor inserted after “descriptions of religious ceremonies.”
  • Page 81, “mercilesly” changed to “mercilessly” (“so mercilessly reduced their allies”).
  • Page 81, “attibutes” changed to “attributes” (“attributes to the herald before the battle”).
  • Page 85, footnote anchor following “let it grow long” regularized.
  • Note 42, “DeLuctu” changed to “De Luctu.”
  • Note 44, “Etude” changed to “Étude.”
  • Note 93, “Blumner” changed to “BlÜmner.”
  • Note 111, “liad” changed to “Iliad.”
  • Note 297, “Eschy” changed to “Aeschy.”
  • Note 325, “Plnt.” changed to “Plut.”

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