t@g@html@files@60113@60113-h@60113-h-1.htm.html#Page_30" class="pginternal">30. Discipline, Locke’s, 180 ff. Districts, 266 f. Divided schools, 267. Dock, Christopher, 195. Donatus, 58. Double translation, 117. Duns Scotus, 71. Eaton, Amos, 412. Écoles maternelles, 383. Edessa, 46. Edward VI, 132. Edwards, Ninian W., 325. Egypt, 5. Eisleben, 128, 145. Elementarwerk, 224. Elementary education, with Hindus, 7; with Jews, 9; in Sparta, 13; in Athens, 14; in Rome, 33, 36 f.; monastic, 56; with Charlemagne, 62; humanistic, 105 ff., 113 f.; Sturm, 115; Zwingli, 129; Jesuit, 134; Port Royal, 139 f.; Reformation, 144 ff.; Innovators, 156; Comenius, 171; German realists, 175; colonial Virginia, 191; colonial New York, 194; colonial Pennsylvania, 195; colonial Massachusetts, 197; England, 231, 244 ff., 387 ff., 409; S. P. G., 234; monitorial, 240; France, 243, 381, 408; United States, 246, 415; New York, 258 f.; Herbartian, 347; Prussia, 377; Canada, 392 ff.; Germany, 407. Eliot, Charles W., 403. Elyot, 156. Emile, 208 ff. Encyclopedists, 204 ff. ÉpÉe, AbbÉ de l’, 428. Epicureans, Europe, 298 ff.; present status, 419 ff. Infant School Society, 246 f. Infant schools, 243 ff. Initiatory ceremonies, 5. Innovators, 156. Irnerius, 76. Isocrates, 28. Jansenists, 138 ff. Janua Linguarum, 169, 174. Jarrow, 56. Jefferson, 253, 270. Jesuits, 133 ff. Jews, 9 f. Joule, 398. Judaism, 29. Jullien, General, 291 f. Justinian, 54, 76. Kant, 227. Keilhau, 353. Kepler, 163, 165. Kerschensteiner, 420. Kindergarten, 354, 358 ff., 364 ff. Kitchen school, 267. KrÜsi, 289. Lancaster, Joseph, 239 ff. Lagrange, 398, 408. Lange, Karl, 346. Langethal, 352. Laplace, 398, 408. La Salle, 140. Latin schools. See Grammar schools. Laws, The, 23. Leonard and Gertrude, 278 f. Leopold of Dessau, 225. Lewis, S., 325. Liberal studies, 23, 56 f., 122. Libraries, 307. Liebig, 398, 406. Liebenstein, 354. Lily, 113, 118. Linacre, 117. Locke, 154 ff., 158, 179, 206, 213, 335. Louis XII, 110. Louis XIV, 140. Louis XV, 207. Louis Philippe, Jesuit, 134; Port Royal, 138 ff.; La Salle, 141; Reformation, 147 f.; America, 158 ff., 274, 414; Comenius, 171; realists, 176; colonial, 191 f., 193 f., 195 f., 196 f.; charity schools, 235; monitorial, 242; Virginia, 253 f.; other Southern states, 256 f.; New York, 258 f.; Massachusetts, 268; Carter, 306; Mann, 319, 331; Herbart, 347; Prussia, 373, 378 ff.; France, 384, 408; Canada, 394; Germany, 406. Seguin, 426 f., 433. Self-activity, 356 ff. Semler, 176. Sense realism, 152, 162 ff., 169, 173, 175 f., 179. Seventh Annual Report, Mann’s, 293, 308. Sheldon, E. A., 293. Simultaneous method, 143. Skeptics, 28. Smith, Adam, 387. Social realism, 153 ff. Sociological movement, 218, 357, 415 ff. Socrates, 19 f. Sophie, 217. Sophists, 17 ff. Sparta, 12 ff. Spencer, 220, 400 ff., 416. S. P. C. K., 232. S. P. G., 234 ff. S. P. K. G., 236. Stanz, 279 ff. Stevens, Thaddeus, 263. Stoics, 28, Printed in the United States of America Transcriber’s Note: Page 218 line 8, Emile changed to read Emile for consistency. Obvious printer errors corrected silently. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original. |