
Although not known to occur in Mount Rainier National Park prior to the date of this publication, the following mammals may be recorded:

Alaska Brown Bat, Myotis lucifugus alascensis Miller
Longeared Bat, Myotis evotis pacificus Dalquest
Northwest Coast Bat, Myotis californicus caurinus Miller
Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus bernardinus Rhoads
Puget Sound Weasel, Mustela ermina streatori (Merriam)
Townsend Chipmunk, Tamias townsendii townsendii Bachman
Yellow Pine Chipmunk, Tamias amoenus affinis Allen
Oregon Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus oregonensis (Bachman)

The occurrence of the following mammals was listed by Taylor and Shaw, Mammals and Birds of Mount Rainier National Park, 1927, as follows:

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus osoyoosensis (Lord). “In lower portions of the park; apparently now trapped out within its boundaries.”
Norway Rat, Rattus norvegicus norvegicus (Erxleben). “Here included on the authority of J. B. Flett, who has observed it at Longmire.”
House Mouse, Mus musculus Linnaeus subsp? “At Longmire; at present scarce, perhaps extirpated.”

It is believed that the three species above are not now found within the park.



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