These Records are not based on military returns, and are therefore not, in all cases, complete. They have been obtained by correspondence with commanding officers, pipe presidents, pipe majors and many others, but the exigencies of war have prevented the information so obtained being absolutely accurate. In many cases, units, reduced by fighting to mere cadres, have been absorbed into other units and their pipers scattered; in others, the field records of the units themselves have been lost or have ceased to be available; and, in several, correspondence has been abruptly terminated by the correspondent himself being killed or wounded. In the circumstances it is satisfactory that so much information has been obtained. THE SCOTS GUARDS 1st Battalion. During the first few months of the war there were very heavy casualties among the pipers, and the band soon ceased to exist in consequence. It was reconstituted in 1916, but was not again utilised in the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Alex. Ross | 3707 | Sergt. | Samuel Richardson | Died of wounds, Battle of Aisne, 14/9/14. | 6495 | Lance-Cpl. | David Smith | Wounded, the Aisne, 14/9/14. | 6926 | Piper | Kenneth M'Kay | Wounded, Ypres, 31/10/14. | 6999 | " | Bruce Hobson | Wounded, Ypres, 31/10/14; taken prisoner. | 991 | " | Alexander Martin, D.C.M. | Won D.C.M.; killed 19/2/16. | 8543 | Piper | James M'Kenzie | Killed, Ypres, 31/10/14; despatches. | 7529 | " | Murdoch M'Donald | Wounded. | 8423 | Corporal | James Carstairs | Wounded, Ypres, 26/10/14. | 6456 | Piper | Robert Paton | Wounded, Ypres, 31/10/14. | 5437 | " | A. M'Rury | 11150 | " | Christopher M'Pherson | 9456 | " | Alan M'Phedran | | " | Hector M'Nair | | " | J. Smith | Wounded. | | " | Thomas Anderson | | " | Malcolm M'Kenzie | Killed, Oct. 1914. | | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded. | | " | E. Kennedy | | " | J. Ormiston | | " | D. M'Innes | | Corpl. | D. Howison | | Piper | A. Carmichael | Killed, 1915. | | " | T. Brownlow, D.C.M., M.M. | Military Medal, D.C.M. | | " | D. Taylor | | " | D. Marshall | | " | C. M'Pherson | | " | J. Coventry | | " | R. Paton | Wounded. | | " | J. Johnstone | | " | W. M'Leod | Wounded. | | " | C. M'Rae | Wounded. | 2nd Battalion There were heavy casualties in the Ypres fighting in Oct. 1914, and by the end of March, 1915, practically no pipers remained. The band was subsequently reconstituted, but like that of the sister battalion, was as far as possible saved from further decimation. These two battalions, in the first year, had 7 pipers killed and 17 wounded. THE ROYAL SCOTS 1st Battalion In the capture of Karadzakot Zir, in the Salonika operations, the battalion was played to the attack by Pipers Collins, Clancy, Smart and Mallin, and the C.O. considers that their services on this occasion "were of inestimable value; it was largely due to the presence of the pipers with the leading wave that the enemy evacuated their trenches and retired in disorder." Besides their value on the march and in billets "they were invaluable in inspiring esprit de corps under fire." Pipers were also employed as observers, messengers, scouts, etc. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 10369 | PipeMajor | G. J. Allan | 8473 | Sergt. | J. M'Nab | Promoted Pipe Major, 1st R.S.F. | 10122 | Corpl. | R. Softley | Wounded, May 1915, France. | 10123 | " | E. Collins | 10183 | Piper | J. Clancy | Invalided. | 10754 | " | J. Burns | 11002 | Corpl. | W. M'Millan, D.C.M. | 10032 | Piper | P. Mallin | Invalided. | 9885 | " | W. M'Arthur | Invalided. | | " | E. Duguid | 10639 | " | J. Smart | 8450 | " | R. Drummond | Wounded, May 1915, France. | 39291 | " | H. Thomson | 10273 | " | R. Armour | Wounded, Karadzakot, Sept. 1916. | 13859 | " | D. White | 43315 | " | H. M'Williams | Wounded, Aug. 1918. | 32844 | " | J. Noble | 48594 | " | D. M'Donald | Died in hospital, Bulgaria. | 16443 | " | A. Alves | 200297 | " | W. Hovan | 2nd Battalion The 2nd battalion took part in the original fighting of the war. During the retirement from Mons the pipers were chiefly employed as despatch-runners and orderlies. They went out with 16 pipers and lost 6 during the first few weeks. Four pipers, including Pipe Major Duff, were taken prisoner at Audincourt on 26th August, 1914. During the Somme fighting they were employed as stretcher-bearers and suffered severe casualties. On one occasion they did invaluable service in bringing water up to the battalion. At Ypres in September, 1916, the pipers were carrying barbed wire up to the front when a shell wounded three. After that the band was withdrawn from the front line and employed in playing the battalion to and from the trenches. By the end of 1918 there had been 7 pipers killed, 16 wounded and 4 taken prisoner, and, to quote the pipe major, "I have seen 3 bands disappear and the fourth is now on German soil." Apart from the difficulty of replacement of casualties one of the reasons why pipers were not used in attacks was because it was felt "when the men heard the pipes they would lose control of themselves and, in their eagerness to get forward would be apt to rush into their own barrage." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8696 | PipeMajor | J. Duff | Wounded, taken prisoner, Audincourt, 26/8/14. | 5815 | Pipe Major | J. A. Dunbar | 9357 | Lance-Cpl. | G. M'Donald | Wounded, taken prisoner, Audincourt, 26/8/14. | 325127 | Corpl. | J. MacKay | Wounded, 23/11/17. | 10535 | Piper | D. Wheelan | Wounded, taken prisoner, Audincourt. | 9865 | " | A. Smart | Wounded, taken prisoner, Audincourt. | 9867 | Lance Cpl. | Groves | Wounded, Kemmel, Nov. 1914. | 11161 | Piper | J. Steele | Wounded, Kemmel, Nov. 1914. | 9356 | Piper | J. Hunter | Wounded, Ypres, 28/5/15. | 10541 | " | F. M'Ewan | Wounded, 23/5/15, 12/4/18, 8/10/18. | 11065 | " | H. M'Leod | Recommended for D.C.M.; wounded, Ypres, 28/5/15. | 11484 | " | D. Lindsay | Killed, 4/5/17. | | " | A. Mackinlay | Killed, 9/4/18. | 4918 | " | A. Cruickshanks | Killed, 27/9/18. | 9356 | " | R. Hunter | Wounded, 23/5/15. | 13459 | " | William Fisher | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15; killed, 15/4/16. | 250240 | " | William Black | Wounded, 12/11/17. | 8516 | " | J. Robertson | Killed, Croix Barbes, 13/10/14. | 325547 | " | R. Robertson | Wounded, 9/4/18. | 8450 | " | J. Drummond | Killed, The Bluff, 23/1/16. | 8906 | " | J. Henry | Wounded, Somme, 13/7/16. | 9787 | " | J. Youngson | Wounded, The Bluff, 4/3/16. | 9061 | " | J. Johnston | Wounded, 13/9/14. | 7929 | " | J. Anderson | Wounded, Kemmel, April, 1915. | 3190 | " | J. Thompson | Died, 30/8/15. | 10536 | " | E. Duguid | Killed (gas), 10/5/18. | 270014 | " | J. Sinclair | Wounded, 9/4/17. | 32553 | " | W. Hutcheson | Wounded, 26/3/18. | 11613 | " | A. Macdonald | Wounded, 12/4/18. | 8899 | " | R. Scholes | 10178 | " | J. Scott | 11486 | " | J. Clark | 270037 | " | J. Paul | 270045 | " | A. Stocks | 325080 | " | R. Johnstone | 250240 | " | W. Black | 270821 | " | D. Shane | 11437 | Lance Cpl. | A. Swinney |
4th Battalion (Queen's Edinburgh Rifles) This battalion served in Gallipoli, and took part in the attack on Achi Baba on 28th June, 1915. On this occasion the Pipe Major John Buchan was killed when playing along the line as the regiment commenced their advance. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Andrew Buchan | Killed, Gallipoli, 28/6/15. | | Piper | C. Rutherford | Died of dysentery, June, 1915. | | " | E. Alexander | Wounded on Achi Baba, 28/6/15. | | " | J. Christie | | " | A. Murray | | " | J. Duncan | | " | W. Armstrong | | " | J. Hughes | | " | P. Laidlaw | 5th Battalion (Queen's Edinburgh Rifles) During the Gallipoli fighting the whole of the pipers became casualties, some of them while acting as pipers, others while serving in the ranks. Shortly after the landing, 1235 Piper Sinclair gathered together some stragglers and successfully covered the retirement of his battalion at a critical period. He himself died of his wounds. The band ceased to exist until again started in 1916. Writing of their subsequent experiences the commanding officer says "they gloriously upheld the traditions achieved by their predecessors." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1417 | PipeMajor | James Peden | 1303 | Piper | G. Hardie | Killed, 2/5/15, Gallipoli. | 1235 | " | W. Sinclair | Died of wounds, 8/5/15, Gallipoli. | 766 | " | A. Lawson | Killed, 28/4/15. | 1824 | " | G. W. Downie | Killed, 7/5/15. | 471 | " | J. Uncles | Wounded, April, 1915, Gallipoli. | 1885 | Corpl. | D. Swan | Wounded, 7/5/15. | 1156 | Piper | J. G. Scott | Wounded, May, 1915. | 1364 | " | N. M'Elhinny | Wounded, 4/6/15; and again, Gallipoli. | 1539 | " | W. M'Ivor | Wounded, 28/6/15, Gallipoli. | 8109 | " | David Ross | Killed, July, 1916. |
6th Battalion Pipers were almost entirely employed behind the front line owing to the difficulty of replacement. The battalion was ultimately merged with the 5th Royal Scots. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | R. Anderson | | Corpl. | J. Greer | | " | R. Rough | | Piper | T. Leake | Died, Egypt. | | " | A. M'Kenzie | | " | R. Bremner | | " | J. Fisher | | " | R. Irvine | 5/6 Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | J. A. Gordon | | Corpl. | A. Jack | | Piper | R. Davidson | | " | R. Martin | | " | R. Fletcher | | " | J. Marshall | | " | J. Hannah | 7th Battalion This battalion lost the pipe major and 2 pipers in a railway accident before going overseas. While in Gallipoli they were employed in the ranks. After the Gallipoli operations the band was brought up to strength and played the battalion into Palestine to the old air of "Blue Bonnets over the Border." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | Sergt.Piper | James Gear | Killed in train in England. | | Piper | George Smeaton | Killed in train in England. | | " | Alex. Nicol | Killed in train in England. | | Lance-Cpl. | James Campbell | Wounded. | | Piper | James Pearson | Wounded in train smash. | | " | Fred Turner | Killed, 12/7/15. | | " | Thomas Clachers | 251141 | " | Peter M'Neill | Killed, 6/11/17, Palestine. |
8th Battalion At Festubert and elsewhere the pipers were employed as stretcher-bearers, and Pipe Major J. M'Dougall was awarded the D.C.M. "for gallant conduct under very trying circumstances." After the first two years it was decided to keep the band out of action as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 7271 | PipeMajor | J. H. M'Dougall, D.C.M. | Wounded, 22/5/15; D.C.M. | 7124 | " | J. Sterrick | Time expired, 6/5/16. | 335120 | " | J. Stevenson | 325119 | Lance-Cpl. | S. Thomson | 335062 | Piper | D. Sheills | 335113 | " | A. Euman | 7059 | " | J. Stirling | Wounded, 20/5/15. | 594 | " | J. Martin | Wounded, 21/12/14. | 335118 | " | R. A. Dodds | 7112 | " | A. Sterrick | Invalided, Dec., 1914. | 7132 | " | R. Crawford | Invalided, May, 1915. | 819 | " | G. Darling | Wounded, 13/10/16. | 4244 | " | T. Forrest | Invalided, 26/2/15. | 4467 | " | A. Notman | Invalided, 13/10/16. | 330041 | " | W. Brown | 335074 | " | F. Confrey | Invalided, 10/8/18. | 330347 | " | J. Dickson | 330400 | " | G. Reid | 10027 | " | A. Methven | 9885 | " | R. M'Arthur | 42591 | " | H. Cameron | 302447 | " | J. O'Donnell | 9th Battalion The band was kept out of action as far as possible as it was regarded as an invaluable asset on the march and in billets. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | C. M'Kinley | Wounded, 17/5/15. | | " | William Reid | | Lance-Cpl. | A. L. Forsyth, M.M. | Wounded, 17/5/15; awarded Military Medal; killed, 23/4/17. | | Piper | J. M'Ewan | Wounded, 7/4/15; and again 23/5/15. | | " | R. Houston | | " | J. Urquhart | | Piper | W. B. Martin | Invalided. | | " | J. Charge | | " | H. C. Clark | | " | C. Manderson | | Corpl. | G. Lauder | Killed, 23/5/17. | | " | James Robertson | | Lance-Cpl. | E. M'Donald | | Piper | William Ritchie | Wounded, 25/3/18. | | " | William Legg | (Lieut. Royal Air Force). | | " | A. Cannon | Invalided. | | " | J. Tully | | " | G. Cockburn | | " | J. Robertson | | " | J. Clark | Wounded, Soissons, 29/7/18. | | " | P. M'Lean | | " | J. Armstrong | | " | W. Duffy | | " | W. Ros | | " | D. Ross | | " | R. Connolly | 11th Battalion In spite of their frequent requests to be allowed to play in action the pipers were not permitted to do so, as the band was regarded as too valuable. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 3451 | PipeMajor | J. Clark | 227629 | Sergt. | W. Sinclair | 27230 | Piper | Robert Marshall | Wounded, 7/7/16. | 8906 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Henry | 200521 | Piper | W. Christie | 29304 | " | G. Combe | 29519 | " | J. Harper | 29331 | " | T. Hermiston | 41216 | " | R. Johnstone | 40063 | " | G. Muir | 20857 | " | W. Stewart | 40057 | " | W. Bruce | 40787 | " | A. Young | Wounded, 23/3/18. | 27237 | " | A. Potts | | " | J. Kane | Killed, 14/7/16. | 12th Battalion During the advance of the 26th Brigade at Loos in September, 1915, the companies were played to the attack by their pipers, and suffered heavily. Normally they were kept out of the front line owing to the difficulty of replacement. During the German offensive of 1918 they were in the ranks, and Pipe Major Colgan got the Military Medal "for good leadership and courage." The casualties among them were heavy, two having been killed and nine wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 13283 | PipeMajor | A. Colgan, M.M. | Military Medal. | 10122 | " | R. Softley | Wounded, 25/9/15. | 12991 | Piper | Thomas Hislop | Killed, 25/9/15. | 200737 | Lance-Cpl. | P. West | Killed. | 13459 | " | William Fisher | Wounded, Sept., 1915; killed, 15/4/16. | 270322 | Piper | H. Barrie | 31137 | " | D. Bowes | Wounded, 25/9/15. | 16036 | " | C. Campbell | 13530 | " | W. Cowe | Wounded, 25/9/15. | 43280 | " | J. Gray | 12991 | " | D. M'Donald | Wounded, 25/9/15. | 270099 | " | J. M'Intyre | 3404 | " | N. M'Intyre | 270324 | " | J. M'Knight | | " | G. M'Phee | 43345 | " | A. Robertson | 6392 | " | J. Robertson | Wounded four times. | 270326 | " | D. Ross | 40300 | " | D. Thomson | Wounded, 1916. | 18516 | " | G. Watson | Wounded, 1916. | 13th Battalion At Loos, 25th September, 1915, and in subsequent actions, the pipers were employed as bearers. There were heavy casualties among them in the last advance in 1918, when 2 were killed and 5 wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Murdoch Macdonald | Invalided; died, 9/2/16. | | " | John Mouat | Mentioned in despatches, 27/12/18. | | Sergt. | Robert M'Kay | | " | Thornton | Invalided, 1917. | | Corpl. | F. Dalgleish | | Piper | John Ford | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | John Marr | Wounded, 26/8/18. | | " | William M'Neill | Wounded, 26/8/18. | | " | Peter Campbell | Wounded, 26/8/18. | | Piper | Thomas Flood | Killed, 26/8/18. | | " | Robert Campbell | Wounded, 25/9/15; taken prisoner and died. | | " | John Crowborough | Wounded, April, 1918. | | " | John Falconer | Invalided. | | " | John Ferrier | | " | John Kilpatrick | Invalided. | | " | John Macmillan | Invalided. | | " | John Rankin | Invalided. | | " | John Rough | Invalided. | | " | Robert Norris | Wounded, 27/1/16. | | " | Angus Macdonald | | " | William Tweedie | Wounded, 28/3/18. | | " | Robert Mitchell | Died of wounds, 26/8/18. | | " | J. Findlay | | " | F. Gray | | " | G. Guild | | " | M. M'Lennan | | " | F. Morris | | " | J. M'Lean | | " | W. Whitehead | | " | J. Clunie | 15th Battalion The battalion was played to the attack on Fricourt on the 1st July, 1916, by Pipe Major David Anderson, who was subsequently awarded the Croix de Guerre. Only one decoration was available for the Division, and his was considered the most conspicuous act of bravery. 16th Battalion After suffering heavy losses this battalion was absorbed by the 9th Royal Scots. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. Duguid | | Corpl. | D. Sinclair | | Lance-Cpl. | P. Goldie | | Piper | W. Adams | Invalided. | | " | M. Bethune | Killed, Somme, July 1916. | | " | H. Grey | Killed, Arras, April 1917. | | " | D. Hendry | | " | A. Jack | | " | A. Loch | Wounded, 1918. | | Piper | A. Noon | Killed, Arras, April 1917. | | " | G. Philp | Invalided. | | " | D. Ross | | " | J. Thomson | | " | H. Tuohy | Wounded, Somme, 1916; invalided. | | " | E. Tuohy | | " | A. Wilson | 17th Battalion The pipers, when employed in action at all, went as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | M'Donald | Invalided. | | " | Donald M'Lean | Became Lieut. 1st Gordons; killed, July 1918. | | " | A. M'Phedran | | Corpl. | C. M'Kinnon | | Lance-Cpl. | Lawrie | Prisoner of war. | | " | J. Moon | | Piper | Ramage | Wounded; invalided. | | " | Calder | | " | Swanson | Wounded; invalided. | | " | Wilson | Invalided. | | " | Douglas | Invalided. | | " | M'Anulty | | " | Peebles | | " | M'Garvie | | " | Brennan | | " | J. Thomson | | " | A. Collins | | " | Jas. Hogg | | " | P. Mack | THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS 1st Battalion The battalion was played to the attack on the German trenches at Hooge on 16th June, 1915, by the Pipe Major David Campbell. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | David Campbell | Wounded, Hooge, 15/6/15. | | " | J. M'Nab | From 1st Royal Scots, 20/11/15. |
2nd Battalion After the first battle of Ypres only one piper remained, but a small band was made up from such acting pipers as could be spared from the trenches. Drafts from other battalions ultimately brought the band up to strength. The pipers who were taken prisoner, along with one of the officers, started a band in a German prison camp. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | A. Meikle | Prisoner of war. | | Sergt. | D. Duncan | Prisoner of war. | | " | J. Jamieson | Wounded. | | " | D. Bryce | Wounded. | | Corpl. | H. Ellis | | " | A. W. Richardson | Killed. | | " | J. Duff | Wounded. | | " | A. Jennings | Killed. | | Piper | W. Cruickshank | Prisoner of war. | | " | J. Urquhart | Prisoner of war. | | " | J. Verrall | Wounded. | | " | W. Butterworth | Killed. | | " | A. M'Garva | Prisoner of war. | | " | W. Stewart | | " | G. Gillespie | Three times wounded. | | " | J. Hunter | Wounded. | | " | H. Fullstone | Wounded. | | " | W. Moore | Wounded; invalided; died. | | " | D. M'Lean | Killed, Messines, 1917. | | " | M. Watt | | " | G. Lawrie | | " | G. Prattis | | " | T. Alston | | " | G. Withers | Invalided. | | " | C. Connor | Invalided. | | " | J. Bain | | " | A. Lees | | " | F. Coutts | | " | G. Greig | | " | W. Sinclair | | " | A. Mathieson | 4th Battalion Pipers in Gallipoli were originally employed as duty men in their companies, and in the action on 12th July, 1915, three of them were killed. The band was gradually reduced to vanishing point, and was reconstituted in France in 1918 from men of the 7th R.S.F. In France they were kept out of the front as they were regarded as too valuable an institution to be lost again. 5th Battalion In Gallipoli the pipers served in the ranks. The C.O. considers, however, their value in keeping the men cheery, and on the march, so great that they should not be allowed in the front line at all. "When the men were exhausted and inclined to straggle the effect of the pipes was most marked, the men at once pulled themselves together." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6909 | PipeMajor | Andrew Thom | Invalided | 241387 | " | John MacPhee | 7797 | Lance-Cpl. | John Murdoch | Killed, 13/7/15. | 7613 | Piper | Hugh Dick | 6348 | " | Alexander Caldwell | Wounded, 12/7/15. | 7107 | " | Andrew Hope | 5726 | Lance-Cpl. | William Johnstone | 241579 | Piper | William Lenaghen | 9806 | Piper | James M'Connell | 240011 | " | Robert Magie | 240190 | " | Thomas Shanks | 240834 | " | H. Samson | 7th Battalion When the battalion went out it was found necessary to put the pipers in the ranks. After the amalgamation of the 7th with the 6th Battalion they were kept out of the front line for a time. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Watson | | Piper | T. Marr | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | W. Marr | Wounded. | | " | R. Rommie | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | Balsillie | | " | Davidson | | " | W. Barclay | | " | M'Arthur | Invalided. | | " | Finlayson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 6th and 7th Battalion. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | D. Innes | | Piper | J. Kiddie | | " | W. Craig | | " | J. Wood | | " | J. Stephens | | " | J. Crews | | " | R. Currie | | " | D. Tunes | | " | J. Jamieson | | " | Claydon | | " | Balsillie | | " | Davidson | The combined battalions were ultimately broken up, and the pipers transferred to the 4th Battalion, which had returned from Palestine with its pipe band no longer in existence. 8th Battalion Owing to the difficulty of replacing casualties the pipers were not allowed to go into action. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | H. Peters | | " | W. M'Cormick | Invalided. | | " | J. Duff | | Corpl. | G. Gray | | Lance-Cpl. | A. Alves | | " | J. Noble | Invalided. | | Piper | J. M'Nab | | " | A. M'Kay | | " | P. M'Guinness | | " | J. Blaylock | | " | G. Glendinning | | " | F. Morrison | | " | W. Murray | | " | J. Ferguson | Invalided. | | " | A. Lave | Invalided. | | " | B. Paterson | Invalided. | | " | R. Storie | Invalided. | | " | J. M'Farlane | Invalided. | | " | W. Haran | Invalided. | | " | P. Abernethy | Invalided. | 11th Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 26522 | PipeMajor | T. Porteous | 59663 | Sergt. | R. Hailstones | 265732 | Piper | A. M'Donald | 59415 | " | D. M'Bain | 265763 | " | A. Forbes | THE KING'S OWN SCOTTISH BORDERERS 1st Battalion In the landing on Gallipoli the pipers of the battalion had to take their places in the ranks in the first line fighting; here they distinguished themselves. During the subsequent operations in the Peninsula the pipers were employed in miscellaneous duties behind the front line. Of the 10 pipers who landed only 4 remained to accompany the battalion on its evacuation. In France they were employed in any and every capacity; "as bearers and ammunition carriers they had tasks to carry out that were almost superhuman, but as a band they ceased to exist until May 1917, when they were reconstituted. It was then decided to keep them out of the front line altogether." The opinion of the officers is that pipers are far too valuable an institution to be employed in action in any capacity. The C.O. considers the band "plays no inconsiderable part in promoting the efficiency of a fighting force." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8248 | PipeMajor | W. Mackenzie, M.M. | Military Medal. | 6863 | Sergt. | F. Purgavie | Wounded, Flers, 25/11/16, while in charge of a Dump. | 8400 | Corpl. | H. M'Donald | Wounded, Suvla Bay, 10/8/15. | 11412 | Piper | Colgan | Wounded, Gallipoli, 4/6/15. | 9884 | " | Higginson | Killed while leading bayonet charge, Gallipoli, 26/4/15. | 7936 | " | Lillie | 11315 | " | Maitland, M.M. | Killed at Paschendaele, 27/4/17; awarded Military Medal. | 8629 | " | R. Scott | Wounded, Gallipoli, 4/6/15. | 9545 | " | Turnbull | 10884 | " | Trotter | Wounded, Gallipoli, 1/6/15; Cambrai, 28/11/17. | 2nd Battalion The officers of the battalion regard the pipers as a most necessary adjunct to a unit on active service, but consider that owing to the difficulty of replacement they should not be employed in action. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | J. MacIntyre | Wounded, Givenchy, 27/9/15, | 11537 | " | W. Mackie | 9059 | Corpl. | T. Hope | 10340 | " | L. Rodgers | 10693 | " | F. Cairns | Wounded twice. | 6342 | Piper | W. Woods | 8401 | " | J. Black | 10632 | Piper | W. Macdonald | Wounded. | 11893 | " | M. Halliday | 11172 | " | F. Marr | Wounded twice. | 40089 | " | G. Lockie | Wounded. | 44039 | " | A. Bruce | 23492 | " | R. M'Roberts | 202225 | " | A. Lennox | 201229 | " | J. Cairney | 44069 | " | J. Cassidy | 9876 | " | J. Black | 8274 | " | J. Riddle | 8366 | " | J. Roach | Prisoner. | 7152 | " | Robb | Wounded twice. | 22122 | " | J. Hall | 4th Battalion In Gallipoli the pipers were principally employed as messengers and bearers, and most of them became casualties. When the band was reconstituted the pipers were kept out of the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 28 | PipeMajor | C. Forbes | 6074 | Piper | J. Young | 179 | " | W. Scott | 729 | " | F. Wood | Wounded. | 478 | " | J. Lockhart | 593 | " | B. Mowatt | Wounded. | 778 | " | T. Lunham | Died of wounds. | 779 | " | J. Kerr | Died of wounds. | 306 | " | C. Street | Missing. | 822 | " | A. Hendry | Missing. | 5th Battalion In Gallipoli the pipers were mostly employed as stretcher-bearers, and nearly all of them became casualties. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1163 | Lance-Sgt. | Porter | 1333 | Corpl. | J. Priestly | Wounded, 12/7/15. | 554 | Piper | A. Erskine | Congratulated for bravery. | 686 | " | R. T. Arrall | Wounded, 22/6/15. | 308 | " | R. Brown | Killed, 12/7/15. | 833 | " | J. Clint | 1760 | Piper | T. E. Martin | Killed, 12/7/15. | 1762 | " | H. C. Burnett | Wounded, 30/6/15. | 995 | " | J. Dickson | 556 | " | J. Erskine | 1489 | " | J. Jackson | 1622 | " | D. M'Minn | 799 | " | M. Stewart | Wounded, 12/7/15. | 1377 | " | D. Wilson | Wounded, 12/7/15. | | " | Jas. Gorman | Killed. | 6th Battalion. In the attack on the Hohenzollern redoubt in September 1915 the battalion was played over the top by the Pipe Major, Robert Mackenzie. The casualties in this action, 4 killed and 3 wounded, resulted in the temporary disappearance of the band. At Arras, Ypres, and in later engagements, the men were employed as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 14851 | PipeMajor | R. Mackenzie | Loos, 25/9/15; died of wounds; despatches. | | " | T. Richardson | Transferred to DepÔt. | | " | J. Day | | Corpl. | J. Wallace | | Lance-Cpl. | J. Lomas | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Marshall | | " | A. M'Kenna | Invalided. | | Piper | J. Sime | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Bloomer | | " | P. Moffat | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | D. Hanlon | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | G. M'Gregor | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Pringle | Missing; killed, Somme, October 1916. | | " | J. Ferguson | | " | D. Barry | Wounded, Gallipoli, 1915. | | " | J. Gray | Wounded, Hill 60, 1915. | | " | H. Stott | | " | J. Jenkins | Invalided. | | " | W. Little | | " | H. Sherry | | " | J. Phillips | | " | G. Stevenson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | W. H. Smith | | " | T. Rankine |
7th Battalion. Just before the attack at Loos when there was a very heavy bombardment and gas discharge, Piper Daniel Laidlaw got up on the parapet and played the men over the top and continued until he fell wounded. For this act he was awarded the V.C. Another piper, Douglas Taylor, who had been wounded in the hand and could not play, went out and brought in several wounded men who had been gassed; he continued until he was dangerously wounded. During the first eighteen months of the campaign the whole of the pipers were wounded. The enormous value of pipes to a battalion returning from the front line is recognised by all ranks. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Douglas Taylor | Loos, wounded, 25/9/15. | 15851 | Piper | Daniel Laidlaw, V.C. | Loos, 25/9/15, wounded; V.C. | | " | J. Milligan | Loos, 25/9/15, wounded. | | " | G. Stevenson | Loos, wounded, 25/9/15. | | " | G. Dutton | Wounded. | | " | W. Irvine | Wounded Hulluch; invalided. | | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded, Arras. | | " | W. Lamont | Wounded, Dardanelles. | | " | J. Taylor | Died of wounds, Arras. | | " | G. Black | Invalided. | 8th Battalion This battalion, on account of its losses, was absorbed into the 7th K.O.S.B The casualties among the 23 pipers of the two battalions were heavy, viz. 4 killed and 10 wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8352 | PipeMajor | J. Balloch | Invalided; Meritorious Service Medal. | 14875 | Lance-Sgt. | J. Broadwood | Invalided. | 8365 | Corpl. | R. Halliday | Promoted Pipe Major of 7/8th K.O.S.B. | 14277 | Lance-Cpl. | A. M'Vittie | Killed, Arras. | | Piper | D. Balloch | | " | A. Simpson | | Piper | C. Reid | Killed, Somme, July 1916. | | " | P. Ogilvie | Wounded, Ypres. | | " | J. Young | Wounded, Arras. | | " | W. Buchanan | Wounded, Ypres. | | " | G. Swinton | Killed, Arras. | | " | J. Cairney | | " | D. Reid | THE CAMERONIANS (THE SCOTTISH RIFLES) 1st Battalion During the early part of the campaign the casualties among pipers were so heavy that it was found necessary to keep them as much as possible out of the front line. By the end of 1915 the band had practically ceased to exist. Of 25 pipers who have served during the war 3 have been killed and 9 wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6062 | PipeMajor | J. Alexander | Wounded. | 265008 | " | D. M'Gruer | 8453 | Corpl. | R. Gordon | 10873 | " | G. Peters | 6740 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Smith | 9429 | Piper | T. Best | Killed. | 9441 | " | R. Black | Killed. | 10786 | " | T. Brodie | 8899 | " | D. Cameron | Invalided. | 8890 | " | W. Cattanach | Wounded. | 10688 | " | W. Dick | Wounded. | 10006 | " | R. Fleming | Wounded. | 9209 | " | C. Gullan | Prisoner of war. | 8883 | " | C. Henderson | 8254 | " | J. Hamilton | Wounded. | 10641 | " | W. Kingsman | Invalided. | 7739 | " | R. Menzies | Discharged. | 36628 | " | G. Miller | Wounded. | 8809 | " | A. M'Culloch | Invalided. | 10924 | " | P. Robertson | Killed. | 10326 | " | R. Stewart | Wounded. | 10765 | " | W. Shane | Prisoner of war. | 22436 | " | J. Strachan | Wounded. | 8393 | " | G. Whitehead | Discharged. | 53509 | " | J. Williamson |
2nd Battalion Pipers during the first part of the war were chiefly in the ranks, and the casualties among them were so heavy they had to be withdrawn. The band was reconstituted, and the pipers were then kept out of the front line. In March 1918 they again had to be employed as rifles. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. Robertson, M.M. | Military Medal; gassed, Lens, Sept. 1918. | | " | D. Macdougall | | " | A. Cameron | Killed, 4/2/15, Laventie; acting platoon sergeant. | | Corporal | A. Wyllie | Wounded, 10/3/15, Neuve Chapelle. | | " | J. Campbell | Killed, La BassÉe, 16/5/15, while leading section. | | " | A. Horne | Killed, 31/7/17. | | " | D. M'Culloch | Wounded; promoted P.M. 13th Scottish Rifles. | 6703 | Piper | Ian Macpherson | Wounded, Nesle. | | " | A. Macdonald | Killed, Laventie, Jan. 1915. | | " | Forsyth | Killed, Bois Grenier, July 1915. | | " | Nicol | Invalided. | | " | Fleming | Wounded, 23/10/16. | | " | Ferguson | Wounded, Dec. 1914. | | " | Parker | Invalided. | | " | Stark | Wounded, 10/3/15; Neuve Chapelle; invalided. | | " | Clark | Killed, 10/3/15, Neuve Chapelle. | | " | E. O'Neil | Invalided. | | " | Lauder | Died of wounds, March 1918. | | " | A. M'Donald | | " | C. Barclay | | " | J. Ingram | | " | C. Robertson | | " | G. Latham | | " | W. Campbell | 5th Battalion The original pipers served in the ranks and became casualties, and from early in 1915 to the end of 1916 the band ceased to exist. Since the reconstitution the men have been employed behind the front line as far as possible. In April 1917 they played the battalion back out of the Hindenburg line which had just been captured. During the last phase of the war they had to be employed in the ranks. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 5476 | PipeMajor | C. G. Taylor | Invalided, 1/10/15. | | " | Paterson | Accidentally killed. | 5515 | Piper | D. M'Phee | 5474 | " | C. Robertson | 6408 | " | J. Sloan | Wounded 3 times; invalided | 6240 | " | F. Watt | Invalided. | 6471 | " | A. Mackay | Invalided. | 6595 | " | M. Dunbar | 6572 | " | K. Sutherland | 6696 | " | R. M'Gregor | 6th Battalion This battalion was merged into the 5th in July 1916. The pipers were employed in the ranks. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 201124 | PipeMajor | J. C. Purdie | Killed. | | Lance-Cpl. | Jas. Kirk | Wounded, Festubert, 16/6/15. | 202159 | Cpl. | D. M'Dougall | | Lance-Cpl. | A. M'Donald | Transferred to 2nd S.R. | 202140 | " | D. Gardiner | 201213 | Piper | H. M'Gregor | Wounded, 24/2/16; invalided. | 240869 | " | J. Begg | 6435 | " | D. M'Gregor | Wounded; invalided. | 202162 | " | J. Graham | 202161 | " | L. M'Dougall | 202051 | " | M. M'Intyre | Invalided. | 202160 | " | T. Pollock | 240024 | " | J. Potter | 202164 | " | W. Sweeten | 240653 | " | R. Kerr | 290665 | " | P. MacCulloch | 39875 | " | A. Ferguson | 54252 | " | S. Bell | 291284 | " | D. Lamont | 39693 | " | A. M'Phee |
7th Battalion In the Dardanelles and Palestine the pipers were employed as bearers and suffered heavy casualties. It was then decided to keep them out of the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 152 | PipeMajor | E. J. M'Pherson | Invalided. | 166 | " | Louis Beaton | 1103 | Piper | W. Jamieson | 1106 | " | Archibald Ramage | Killed, 28/6/15, Dardanelles. | 868 | " | Archibald Shearer | Killed, 23/7/15, Dardanelles. | 1178 | " | William Deans | Killed, June 1915. | 1260 | " | J. Campbell | 404 | " | W. Taylor | Wounded, 28/6/15; invalided. | 1095 | " | J. Paterson | 266069 | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded, 23/11/17, Palestine. | 265902 | " | A. Thomson | 265858 | " | D. M'Kenzie | 265803 | " | R. M'Intyre | Wounded, 2/11/17, Palestine. | 265958 | " | J. M'Iver | Killed, 12/11/17, Palestine. | 1817 | " | J. Strachan | Killed, 4/11/17, Palestine. | 8th Battalion Pipers were principally employed, when in Gallipoli, as bearers, and suffered very heavily. On the 28th June, 1915, three were killed, and from Jan. 1916 for a year only one piper remained. There were also heavy losses in Palestine. They were chiefly employed in the ranks. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Neil Macleod | Killed, Dardanelles, 12/7/15. | | Corpl. | Alexander Stenton | | Piper | D. Macdougall | Transferred to 2nd Batt. as Pipe Major. | | " | G. Latham | | " | John Macintyre | Killed, Gallipoli, 28/6/15. | | " | James Ferguson | Killed, Gallipoli, 28/6/15. | | " | Robert Whitelaw | Killed, Gallipoli, 28/6/15. | | " | John Mackenzie | Wounded, Gallipoli, 28/6/15. | | " | James M'Indoe | Killed, France, 29/7/18. | | Lance-Cpl. | James Middleton | | Piper | William Dickie | Wounded, Gaza, 19/4/17. | | Piper | James Anderson | Wounded, Gaza, 19/4/17. | | " | Robert Cameron | Wounded, Gaza, 19/4/17. | | " | A. F. Clark | | " | T. Rae | 9th Battalion The whole band went into action at Loos, and suffered so heavily it took months to restore it. In a daylight raid at Arras in February 1917 Corpl. Whitelaw and Piper M'Gurk played their companies over the top. During the Somme fighting pipers were employed in bringing up ammunition. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1886 | PipeMajor | M. Ferguson | 40631 | Lance-Cpl. | R. Whitelaw | 30503 | Piper | Hugh Macara | Killed, March 1917. | 40643 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Johnston | 11619 | Piper | A. Macpherson | 43338 | " | H. Lennox | 16458 | " | J. M'Kenna | 11113 | " | W. Millar | Wounded. | 267072 | " | H. Baird | 12094 | " | T. Macfarlane | 17806 | " | M. M'Gurk | 10542 | " | J. Nicol | 12325 | " | T. Stewart | 11797 | " | G. Muir | 11839 | " | J. Thompson | Wounded. | 11064 | " | J. Shields | Invalided. | 28525 | " | H. Cameron | Invalided. | 10588 | " | J. Gilchrist | Wounded. | | " | G. Napier | Gassed. | 10th Battalion The pipers were used as stretcher-bearers. Pipe Major M'Coll won the Military Medal when in charge of the stretcher party on the Somme.
11th Battalion Pipers were frequently employed as runners, orderlies, and to bring up stores and ammunition. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 15515 | PipeMajor | A. Finlayson | Invalided. | 14786 | Corpl. | W. Reid | Wounded, 8/5/17. | 16195 | Piper | W. Robertson | Invalided, 29/9/16. | 14631 | " | A. Stevenson | Killed, 28/4/17; despatches, 29/11/17. | 14324 | " | W. Lewis | 15174 | " | R. M'Kay | 14595 | " | R. Tull | 14597 | " | G. Currie | 14687 | " | A. Tait | Wounded, 8/5/17. | 11839 | " | J. Thomson | Wounded, 8/5/17. | 11505 | " | D. Hunter | 30547 | " | J. Coull | 35462 | " | J. Richmond | 18176 | " | W. Hewitt | THE ROYAL HIGHLANDERS (THE BLACK WATCH) 1st Battalion During the opening stages the pipers were necessarily mostly employed in the ranks, and, within the first three months, practically the whole of the 13 pipers were casualties. During the Somme fighting the companies were repeatedly played to the attack by their pipers; on one of these occasions the pipe major, M'Leod, was killed. At Rue des Bois in May 1915, when the battalion attacked the German positions near Festubert, every company was played up, and Pipers Stuart and Wishart distinguished themselves, and Stuart was awarded the D.C.M. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 4621 | PipeMajor | T. Clark | Invalided. | 7068 | " | Hugh Maxwell Thom | Pipe Major, 22/8/16. | 635 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Reid | Invalided. | 9617 | Piper | D. M'Leod | Promoted Pipe Major; killed, 21/8/16. | 7820 | " | H. Bruce | Wounded; missing, 9/5/15. | 2053 | Piper | W. Burns | Wounded, 26/1/15; invalided. | 2487 | Lance-Cpl. | R. Knowles | Wounded, 26/10/14. | 1314 | Sergt. | R. Smith | Wounded, 8/9/14. | 2190 | Piper | T. Cardownie | Wounded, 24/10/14. | 1956 | " | T. M'Intyre | Killed, 14/8/14. | 1738 | " | B. Bain | Wounded, 26/10/14; invalided. | 1771 | " | T. Peters | Wounded, 14/9/14; invalided. | 1186 | " | G. Robertson | 943 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Brown | Transferred as Pipe Major 8th Batt.; 3 times wounded. | 740 | Piper | R. Jaap | | " | J. Lees | Wounded, 25/1/15. | | " | N. M'Leod | | " | A. Stewart | Wounded, 9/5/15. | | " | P. M'Ginn | | " | A. Wishart | Wounded, 9/5/15. | 9430 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Stuart, D.C.M. | Wounded, Rue des Bois, 9/5/15 awarded D.C.M. | | Piper | T. Hardy | 9088 | " | David Wemyss | 43115 | " | Robert Muir | 699 | " | David Armit | 779 | " | Andrew Hadden | 40034 | " | Andrew Sime | 40154 | " | John Carmichael | 43114 | " | Alex. Sheriff | 1892 | " | Dugald M'Dade | 15895 | " | James Higgins | 2045 | " | John Neill | 7099 | " | George Wilson | 13291 | " | William Harley | 12194 | " | Edward Tatton | 2106 | " | William Hardie | 9723 | " | John Dawson | 16186 | " | George Martin | 2nd Battalion At Neuve Chapelle, March 1915, and at many other subsequent engagements, the pipers lost heavily. At Mauquissart on 25th September, 1915, when the companies were played to the attack, one piper, Robert Johnstone, played on until he fell gassed; and another, Armit, on reaching the enemy trenches, started bombing. On the same occasion, Pipers David Simpson and A. Macdonald stood on the parapet under very heavy fire playing their company over; Simpson was killed and Macdonald, who lost his leg, received the D.C.M. The pipers were also employed as bombers, and in this capacity Lance-Corpl. Peter MacNee obtained the D.C.M. at Neuve Chapelle. On another occasion Pipers Gordon and Crichton played from one end of the line to the other out in the open, and similar feats were subsequently performed by other pipers. While the battalion was in France, out of 22 pipers 4 were killed and 13 were wounded, during the first year of the war. The battalion subsequently went to Mesopotamia. Here again the pipers were employed, sometimes in miscellaneous duties in the ranks, sometimes as pipers. The pipe major, John Keith, was awarded the D.C.M. Piper Pratt was promoted and given the D.C.M. for "high capacity in leadership" when acting as sergeant. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6830 | Sergt. | John Keith, D.C.M. | Wounded, Rue de Bacquerat, 15/7/15. | 7184 | Corpl. | Donald MacMaster | Wounded, Rue des Bois, 5/3/15. | 8358 | " (Sgt.) | Angus Macleod | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 10/3/15. | 9908 | Lance-Cpl. | James Wann | Died of wounds, Neuve Chapelle, 10/3/15. | 365 | Piper | Robert Johnstone | Wounded Neuve Chapelle, 9/5/15; and again at Mauquissart, 25/9/15; finally gassed. | 9476 | " | Joseph Gordon | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 9/5/15. | 1165 | Lance-Cpl. | Peter Crichton | 65 | Piper | John Duthie | Invalided. | 699 | " | David Armit | Wounded, Givenchy, 8/10/15. | 1449 | " | James Davis | Missing, Mauquissart, 25/9/15; believed killed. | 1871 | " | James Galloway | Wounded, 3/11/14; killed, Givenchy, 8/10/15. | 1838 | " | James Bradley | Wounded, November 1914, and invalided. | 1350 | " | Thomas Logan | Invalided. | 736 | " | David Simpson | Killed, Mauquissart, 25/9/15. | 1539 | " | Alexander M'Donald, D.C.M. | Wounded, Givenchy; awarded D.C.M.; died. | 1478 | " | Thomas Phinn | 1919 | Lance-Sgt. | Alexander Pratt, D.C.M. | Wounded, La Gorgue, 2/8/15; Mesopotamia, 22/4/16. | 941 | Lance-Cpl. | Peter M'Nee, D.C.M. | Gassed, Mauquissart, 25/9/15; Mesopotamia, 13/1/16; D.C.M.; subsequently died of wounds. | 779 | Piper | Alexander Hadden | Wounded, 18/5/15, and again, 4/7/15. | 467 | " | John Kidd | Wounded, 1/11/14, and again Mauquissart, 25/9/15, and again Mesopotamia, 7/1/16. | 1358 | " | William Mackay | Died of wounds, Neuve Chapelle, 10/3/15. | 1314 | " | A. Smith | 1998 | " | John Jordan | 288 | " | William Thomson | Wounded, Ypres. | S/17486 | Corpl. | Neil Young | | " | Wm. Mathieson | Killed. | 3/3422 | " | John Benzie | Invalided. | 3/8973 | Piper | John Brown | Invalided. | 3/8570 | " | David Storrar | 487 | " | James Angus | Wounded, Aisne, 14/9/14. | S/17639 | " | David Drummond | S/19965 | " | James Dunn | S/17691 | " | James Greig | 336 | " | David Kidd | Wounded, Le Cateau, Aug. 1914. | S/4372 | " | William Robertson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15, and San-i-yat, April 1916. | S/18525 | " | David Stark | 1171 | " | Thomas Tallon | 8875 | " | Alexander Thomson | Wounded, Sheikh Saad, 7/1/16; again, 20/4/16; again, 22/4/16. | 4th Battalion The pipers were employed principally as bearers, and were highly complimented for their gallantry at Neuve Chapelle in March 1915; at Loos they were similarly employed, and Piper M'Leod was awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in bringing in his colonel, who was mortally wounded, under very heavy fire. On 3rd September, 1916, the battalion was played in to the attack, but, as a rule, they were kept back behind the front line. Pipe Major Alex. Low got the D.C.M. for attending wounded, and Piper M'Leod got a bar to his Military Medal. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 210 | PipeMajor | Alexander Low, D.C.M. | Recommended for D.C.M., Neuve Chapelle. | 1198 | " | D. M'Leod, M.M. | Awarded Military Medal, 25/3/15; and bar in 1918. | 263 | Corpl. | J. Nicoll | Wounded, 10/3/15. | 1914 | Piper | J. Reid | Wounded, 9/5/15. | 1403 | " | J. Lyall | Wounded, 6/9/15. | 1301 | " | R. Sword | Wounded, 9/5/15. | 832 | " | J. Donaldson | Wounded, 10/3/15. | 663 | " | J. Souter | 714 | " | J. Dewar | 1039 | " | G. Scott | 1160 | " | J. Merchant | 1887 | " | T. Cameron | 1678 | " | F. Mitchell | 2204 | " | A. Findlay | 4029 | " | C. Gibson | 1717 | " | J. Myles | 2177 | " | A. Sangster | 769 | " | H. Mitchell | | " | Thos. Paterson | Transferred to Wireless Service, R.N., as Sub-Lieut. | 5th Battalion Pipers were employed, during the trench fighting, as observers, messengers and stretcher-bearers, and in the ranks, and suffered heavy casualties. The battalion was subsequently merged into the 4th Black Watch. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 668 | PipeMajor | A. M'Donald Lamond | Wounded, 9/5/15, Fromelles. | 1053 | Sergt. | A. E. Crowe | 1163 | Piper | J. Carstairs | Invalided. | 729 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Stewart | Invalided. | 826 | Piper | J. Duncan | 1150 | " | A. Nicoll | Wounded, 25/8/15, while sniping. | 1053 | " | A. Lundie | Wounded, 9/5/15. | 1689 | " | J. Whitton | 1051 | " | J. Begg | 1568 | " | A. Howie | Killed, 10/3/15, Neuve Chapelle; mentioned in despatches. | 406 | Lance-Cpl. | F. Reid | Killed, 13/3/15, Neuve Chapelle. | 382 | Sergt. | P. M'Kay | 719 | Piper | W. Webster | 1719 | " | J. Myles | 751 | " | A. C. Scott | 1017 | " | A. Brand |
6th Battalion Pipers were employed in many ways, but chiefly as stretcher-bearers. The band was regarded by the men as the best stretcher-bearers they came across. At High Wood in July 1916 the battalion was played over by Pipers Pirnie, Forbes, Mapleton and Tainsh. Since September 1916 they have been kept out of the front line as far as possible. In December 1917 four pipers were killed and one wounded by a bomb during an aeroplane raid at Fromicourt. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. Galloway | | " | J. Sinclair | | " | D. Anderson | | Lance-Cpl. | D. Berry | 2126 | Piper | Alasdair M'Donald | Despatches. | | " | P. Fallon | Killed, May, 1915. | | " | R. Pirnie | | " | P. Davidson | | " | P. Irons | | " | W. M'Ewan | | " | J. Ferguson | Killed, La Boiselle, August 1916. | | " | A. M'Donald | | " | P. M'Intosh | | " | R. Mapleton | Commission in Gordons. | | " | MacCullen | Wounded, March 1917. | | " | J. Harper | Killed, 23/12/17. | | " | A. Tainsh | Killed, 23/12/17. | | " | A. Forbes | Killed, 23/12/17. | | " | J. Wyse | | " | J. Guthrie | | " | W. Peggie | | " | A. Paton | Transferred to R.E.; killed, June 1917. | | " | W. Mason | | " | D. Stewart | | " | D. M'Beth | | " | T. Lyall | | " | A. Lees | | " | C. Mackenzie | | " | G. Gow | | " | J. Gow | | Piper | A. Myles | Killed, 23/12/17. | | " | J. M'Beth | | " | A. M'Coll | | " | D. Leggat | | " | J. Burleigh | | " | J. Nicol | | " | F. Christie | | " | R. Low | | " | J. Condie | | " | E. Deans | | " | J. Stewart | | " | N. Beaton | | " | R. Spence | | " | H. Rattray | Transferred to 7th Gordons as Pipe Major. | | " | C. Nisbet | | " | J. Simpson | | " | L. Massie | Killed, Somme, Oct. 1916. | 7th Battalion The pipers were employed in the ranks, as despatch runners, etc. Piper G. Galloway was awarded the Military Medal for performing this most hazardous duty under heavy fire during the Somme fighting; and Pipe Major Thomas Macdonald and Pipers Swan and Hands were rewarded with the same distinction. Latterly the pipers were trained as anti-aircraft Lewis gunners, and proved extremely successful. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 290056 | PipeMajor | Thomas M'Donald, M.M. | Military Medal, Somme. | | Lance-Sgt. | J. Chisholm | Invalided. | 292440 | " | N. M'Donald | | Lance-Cpl. | G. Swan, M.M. | Killed, Dec. 1916, Somme; Military Medal. | 292435 | " | A. Chalmers | | " | A. Wilkie | | Piper | H. Forker | | " | A. Wilkie | Killed, Dec. 1916, Somme. | | " | B. Morris | | " | J. Johnstone | Killed, Dec. 1916, Somme. | | " | George Galloway, M.M. | Wounded, April 1917; Military Medal. | | Piper | J. Ross | Invalided. | | " | W. Bridy | Killed, Dec. 1916, Somme. | | " | E. Linn | Wounded, July 1916. | | " | D. Leggat | Wounded, Dec. 1916. | | " | J. Moodie | | " | J. Condie | Invalided. | | " | R. Adamson | Invalided. | | " | J. Robertson | Invalided. | | " | J. Guthrie | Invalided. | | " | W. Campbell | Invalided. | 3/4470 | " | James Johnston | Killed, 7/1/17, Somme. | | " | E. Archibald | Invalided. | | " | A. Mitchelson | Invalided. | 41028 | " | J. Russell | 292434 | " | A. Chalmers | 293096 | " | D. Chalmers | 292406 | " | W. Fitzpatrick | 200509 | " | A. Mands, M.M. | Military Medal. | 112084 | " | J. M'Kellar | 290127 | " | T. Archibald | 201553 | " | F. M'Leod | 42124 | " | D. Cameron | | " | J. M'Gill | 8th Battalion The battalion was played into action at Loos and in many of the Somme engagements. After 1916, on account of losses among them, they were kept out of the front line as far as possible. The band headed the State Entry of King Albert into Brussels in November 1918. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 2911 | PipeMajor | R. Matchett | 8368 | " | E. Rennie | Wounded, Ypres, 1915; invalided. | 943 | " | J. Brown | Wounded, three times. | 4266 | Corpl. | D. Sinclair | Wounded, Festubert, 1915. | 6245 | Piper | D. Ainslie | Wounded, Nieuport. | 853 | " | J. Allan | Wounded, Aisne. | 1738 | " | B. Bain | Wounded, Aisne. | 7211 | " | A. Barclay | 9220 | " | A. Campbell | Wounded, Ypres, 1915. | 11780 | " | R. Edmonston | 6365 | " | D. Glen | 16987 | Piper | W. Hosie | 3925 | " | W. Lockhart | Wounded, Somme, 1916. | 40577 | " | J. M'Arthur | 3020 | " | A. M'Courtie | 266912 | " | J. M'Kay | 265912 | " | R. Menzies | Killed, Meteren, July 1918. | 3281 | " | J. M'Leod | Wounded, Loos, 1915. | 8832 | " | W. Nicholson | Wounded twice, Vermelles, Loos. | 3375 | " | W. Reilly | Killed, Loos, 1915. | 8659 | " | S. Reid | Wounded, Ypres, 1915. | 299331 | " | G. Redpath | 265989 | " | J. Strang | 265715 | " | P. Stewart | 6366 | " | W. Strathie | 3019 | " | D. Simpson | Killed, Somme, 1916. | 266055 | " | D. Winton | 3014 | " | D. Wilson | Killed, Loos, 1915. | 3/1861 | " | J. Woods | 9th Battalion The pipers played the battalion into action at Hill 70, and the whole band, except one man, was killed or wounded. The battalion was ultimately absorbed into the 4/5th Black Watch. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 9005 | PipeMajor | T. Harley | 4924 | Lance-Cpl. | D. Cameron | 11463 | Piper | J. Armour | Invalided. | 40016 | " | J. Burleigh | Wounded, 18/5/18. | 43236 | " | G. Fairweather | Wounded, 28/7/18. | | " | J. Johnstone | Killed, March 1918. | 40018 | " | D. Lamond | 43448 | " | J. Scott | 7814 | " | R. Napier | 43155 | " | A. Robertson | Wounded, 30/10/18. | 16105 | " | J. Spence | 6563 | " | A. Stirling | Wounded, 18/5/18. | 11195 | " | R. Thomson | | " | J. Wemyss | Invalided. | 1350 | " | T. Logan |
THE HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY 1st Battalion During the first six months of the war 7 pipers were killed, 8 were wounded and 2 were taken prisoner. These casualties mostly occurred at Festubert in December 1914, and later at Neuve Chapelle. They were then withdrawn from the front lines. Subsequently they were employed as bearers, ammunition carriers, etc. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 11281 | PipeMajor | R. Sutherland | 6894 | Sergt. | D. Buchan | Killed, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 10774 | Corpl. | A. Godsman, D.C.M. | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 12/1/15; D.C.M. and Order of St. George. | 7918 | Piper | W. White | 9615 | " | C. Stewart | Killed, Ypres, 1/5/15. | 10116 | " | J. M'Grory | Wounded, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 10258 | " | H. Cater | 10107 | " | F. Burns | Killed, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 11356 | " | C. Wilson | 9860 | " | T. James | Killed, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 11782 | " | D. Sutherland | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 11-14/3/15. | 11685 | " | A. Bain | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 14/3/15. | 9011 | " | J. Morrison | Killed, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 10579 | " | T. Jackson | 11124 | " | J. M'Donald | Prisoner of war, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 11718 | " | R. M'Leish | 11470 | " | J. Smith | Wounded, Festubert, 19-21/12/14; wounded, Richebourg, 6/10/15; died, 7/9/16. | 11533 | " | J. Johnstone | Prisoner of war, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 11499 | " | J. M'Naught | Killed, Festubert, 19-21/12/14. | 10383 | Corpl. | D. Chisholm | Wounded, Ypres, 23/10/14. | | Lance-Cpl. | Mitchell | Killed, Verneuil, 18/9/14. | 10010 | Piper | Gault | Wounded, Rue du Bois, 17/5/15. | 11468 | Corpl. | J. Smith | Wounded, Ypres, 22/10/14; died enteric. | 12064 | Lance-Cpl. | A. Craig | 12061 | Piper | A. Mackay | 12106 | " | C. Bald |
2nd Battalion Of the original band of thirteen men all but two were killed or wounded in the first few months of the war. While they lasted they acted as pipers as well as in the ranks. From May 1915 to May 1916 there was practically no band, and, when reconstituted, the men were kept out of the front line as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 9728 | PipeMajor | W. Young | 10713 | Lance-Cpl. | L. M'Kinnon | Wounded, 21/10/14. | 11448 | " | J. Smith | Wounded, 21/10/14; died of enteric. | 11480 | Piper | J. Brown | 10478 | " | J. Bruce | 9029 | " | J. Campbell | Wounded, 2/11/14. | 7721 | " | W. Haines | Wounded, 17/5/15, Ypres. | 11945 | " | R. Henderson | Wounded, 18/5/15, Ypres. | 10976 | " | J. Irving | Killed, 3/11/14. | 11137 | " | A. Morrow | Wounded, 24/8/14; taken prisoner. | 11614 | " | A. Macdonald | 11627 | " | J. Smith | Wounded, 3/12/17. | 9272 | Corpl. | J. Mackenzie | Killed, 21/10/14. | 7885 | Piper | J. Dale | 7943 | Corpl. | J. Robertson | 7886 | Piper | J. Gibson | 35100 | " | J. Morgan | 33119 | " | R. Morrison | 35123 | " | R. Macnaughton | 8515 | " | W. Peil | 6978 | " | A. Williamson | 7472 | Sergt. | C. W. Johnstone | 9387 | Piper | A. Macneilage | Twice wounded. | 7270 | " | D. Macintyre | 9280 | " | R. Stein | 331117 | " | W. Gunn | 332186 | " | H. Campbell | 331230 | " | J. Menzies | 330068 | " | A. Ogilvie | 330070 | " | R. Wilder | Wounded. | 327119 | " | W. White | 3970 | " | J. Macrae | 10264 | Sergt. | T. Findlay | Killed, Neuve Chapelle, 14/3/15. | 220217 | Piper | J. Reid | 12302 | " | D. Bonnar |
5th Battalion In Gallipoli, in 1915, practically all the pipers became casualties within a very short time, and, until the end of 1916, there was no band at all. It was then decided to keep the band out of the firing line as far as possible. 6th Battalion The pipers were employed in the ranks while the battalion was in Gallipoli, but, in attacks, the pipers played their companies. On 12th July, Piper M'Niven was killed while playing the charge, in an attack on the Turkish forts. Most of the original band were killed or wounded on the Peninsula, and, when reconstituted, it was decided to keep them out of action as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 24001 | PipeMajor | John Mackenzie | 55533 | Sergt. | J. Braidwood | 240881 | Piper | W. Mackenzie | Wounded, 12/7/15. | 1237 | " | Peter M'Niven | Killed, 12/7/15, Gallipoli. | 1190 | " | A. M'Coll | Wounded, 21/11/15. | 240066 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Francey | Wounded, 17/8/15. | 1286 | Piper | W. Finlay | Invalided. | 240171 | " | W. Christian | 240235 | " | A. Cameron | Wounded, 12/7/15. | | Piper | James Ross | Machine Gun Corps; gassed, Marne, March 1918. | 240189 | " | James Nicoll | 240168 | " | C. M'Phedran | 240538 | " | P. Mulvey | 241426 | " | H. Climie | 243457 | " | J. M'Munn | Wounded, 12/6/18. | 203070 | " | D. Sutherland | 355753 | " | F. Young | 29111 | " | J. M'Cormick | 64901 | " | W. Stringer | 201126 | " | W. Campbell | 7th Battalion On several occasions in Gallipoli the battalion was played to the attack by pipers. Piper Maclennan was awarded the D.C.M. Piper Macfarlane had the drones blown off his pipes. The acting pipers served in the ranks or as bearers. Piper D. Cameron was mentioned in despatches for conspicuous bravery in playing his company over the top, and right on to the enemy trenches. These men also did great work in bringing up water for the wounded under heavy fire, and ammunition. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | William Ferguson | 1914 | Piper | Kenneth Maclennan, D.C.M. | D.C.M., 12/7/15. | 1901 | " | D. J. Cameron | Despatches, 12/7/15. | | " | Donald Macfarlane | Wounded. | | " | William Paterson | | " | Donald Lamont | | " | J. G. Mackenzie | | " | Ritchie Graham | | " | James Carruthers | | " | John Scott | 8th Battalion The battalion was disbanded early in the war, and the pipers were distributed to other units. 9th Battalion At first pipers were used as orderlies, ammunition carriers, and similar duties; and, after active operations, as bearers. As far as possible they were, however, kept out of the front line, as being too valuable to lose. On one occasion, when the battalion had to make a demonstration to test the strength of the enemy, pipers were sent up to the front line to play. Pipe Major MacDiarmid was awarded the Military Medal. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | T. Baillie | Discharged after 31 years' service. | 330075 | " | A. B. MacDiarmid, M.M. | Awarded M.M. | 330167 | Lance-Sgt. | T. J. Kelly | Wounded, 25/1/15. | 330115 | Lance-Cpl. | G. C. Blackadder | | Piper | R. Agnew | Invalided home. | 331499 | " | D. Barrie | 331044 | " | W. Baird | 56645 | " | J. D. Buchanan | 330304 | " | R. Blackadder | | " | C. Brown | Wounded, May 1915. | 333792 | " | T. Crawford | Died of wounds. | 330310 | " | T. M. Fraser | Wounded, 24/3/18. | 241138 | " | K. Fraser | Wounded, 22/3/18. | | " | W. Gibson | Wounded, 24/3/18; discharged. | | " | J. Hall | Invalided home. | 1666 | " | J. Drummond | Killed in action, June 1915. | 333113 | " | W. Imlay | Wounded, 13/4/18. | 331077 | " | R. Johnston | 330834 | " | W. Kennedy | 333269 | " | P. M'Arthur | Invalided home, 17/4/15; discharged, 14/6/15; recalled, 1/9/16. | 333138 | " | G. M'Creath | Died of wounds, Oct. 1918. | | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded, 25/9/15. | 333162 | " | J. B. M'Nee | 332318 | " | J. M'Gilvray | Wounded, 24/3/18. | 330865 | " | G. M'Gregor | | " | A. Ogilvie | Wounded, July 1915. | 331564 | " | W. Robertson | Wounded, 22/3/18. | 333729 | " | R. Ross | 333137 | " | H. Stark | Wounded, 27/9/17. | 331198 | " | H. Simpson | Wounded, 24/3/18; discharged. | 331579 | " | J. Stewart | | " | H. Wilder | Invalided. | 10th Battalion Pipers were occasionally employed as bearers, but were usually kept out of the front line. Nearly all the original pipe band were killed or wounded at Cambrai on 25th September, 1915. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 7682 | PipeMajor | E. Richardson | Transferred to 12th H.L.I. | 2747 | " | C. Cameron | 9016 | Piper | Charles M'Gregor | Gassed and wounded, Cambrai, 25/9/15. | 12562 | " | Alex. Whitefield | Killed, Cambrai, 25/9/15. | 17174 | " | J. Webster | Invalided. | 902 | Lance-Cpl. | David Donaldson | Killed, Festubert, 9/7/15. | 1988 | Piper | Andrew Thomson | Wounded, Cambrai, 25/9/15. | 1991 | " | W. Currie | 9628 | Lance-Cpl. | D. Sutherland | 19858 | " | J. Rose | 17805 | Piper | P. M'Intyre | Gassed, Cambrai, 25/9/15, died, 8/11/18. | 21233 | " | J. M'Lennan | 40166 | " | J. Duguid | 40091 | " | J. M'Kenzie | 240908 | " | J. Mackay | | " | J. Cunningham | 355667 | " | D. M'Nicol | 12th Battalion During trench warfare the pipers acted as orderlies, stretcher bearers and the like; in engagements, however, they took part as company pipers. So many casualties occurred in the Loos action in Sept. 1915 that there was only one survivor. The band ceased to exist until the following spring, and it was then decided to allow only half of the pipers to go up into the line or into action. During the battles of the Somme, 1916, and Arras, 1917, the companies were played into action by one piper each; casualties occurring among them, it was decided again to withdraw them from the front; and they took no part in the fighting at Ypres, 1917. During the last phase of the war, the attack in Flanders on 28th Sept. 1918, the pipers played their companies throughout their triumphant attacks on the Germans. The C.O. of the battalion says: "I cannot speak too highly of the work done by the pipers of this unit. There is nothing I can think of which has added more to the esprit de corps of the men, which has enabled them to put up with misery and discomfort and which has given them the inspiration necessary to accomplish what had appeared at first sight an impossibility." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | E. Richardson | | Sergt. | William Pierce | Killed, Somme, August, 1916. | | Corpl. | Allan M'Nicol, M.M. | Despatches, Loos, and Hill 70, 25/9/15; Military Medal. | | Piper | Thomas Spendlove | Wounded, Ypres, 8/10/14. | | " | Jack Smith | Wounded, Cambrai, 5/12/17. | | " | George M'Kay | Wounded, Somme, 1/7/16. | | " | Peter Kennedy | | " | William Taylor | | " | Robert Comloquoy | | " | Robert Bell | | " | William Anderson | | " | Donald M'Pherson | | " | John M'Ghee | | " | David Robertson | | " | William Thompson | Killed, Arras, April 1917. | | " | George Tullis | Invalided. | | " | Malcolm M'Lean | Wounded, Arras, April 1917. | | " | John Morrison | Wounded, Albert, 17/9/16. | | " | William Barclay | Wounded, Albert, 17/9/16. | | " | Robert Weir | Wounded, Albert, 17/9/16. | | " | John M'Kean | Killed, Loos 25/9/15. | | Lance-Sgt. | Alex. M'Kay | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 14th Battalion Pipers played their companies into action on the Somme and at Bourlon Wood. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | A. Hynd | | Sergt. | G. Taylor | | Lance-Cpl. | J. M'Cormack | | Piper | J. Connly | | " | J. Mann | | " | T. Kennedy | | " | J. Wilson | | " | Sutherland | | " | T. Pirie | | " | A. Phinn | | " | J. Gordon | | " | P. Thomson | Killed, 29/4/17. |
15th Battalion At Thiepval and Beaumont Hamel the pipers lost very heavily when leading their companies, and, as a consequence, it was found necessary afterwards to keep them in the reserve line. In April 1918, on account of heavy casualties in the battalion, they had to be employed in the ranks, and suffered very heavily; of 20 pipers all but 3 became casualties, mostly through being gassed at Ayette. Within a month, however, the band was reconstituted. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 973 | PipeMajor | N. M'Lellan | Gassed, 13/4/18; invalided. | 16084 | " | T. Gilbert, M.M. | From 17th H.L.I. | 13374 | " | J. Park | Wounded, 14/10/17; gassed, 13/4/18; invalided. | 14078 | Piper | J. Kilpatrick | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 1020 | " | C. Logan | Gassed, 13/4/18; invalided. | 13591 | " | D. Keenan | Wounded, 10/5/16; invalided. | 13356 | " | R. Hough | 15497 | " | J. Burleigh | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 36456 | " | T. Marr | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 36455 | " | W. Marr | Wounded, May 1916. | 13601 | " | J. Reid | 13706 | " | R. Gillies | Wounded, 2/7/16; gassed, 13/4/18. | 10010 | " | J. Gault | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 28093 | " | A. J. Macdonald | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 350254 | " | T. Graham | 280889 | " | A. Gray | Wounded, Aug. 1918. | 281053 | " | W. Brown | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 280979 | " | J. Bryson | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 15719 | " | H. M'Arthur | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 14304 | " | A. F. Watson | Wounded, 13/4/18. | 353152 | " | D. M'Kenzie | Killed, Ayette, 13/4/18. | 15296 | " | C. Galloway | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 10108 | " | W. M'Lelland | Invalided. | 200601 | " | J. Pithie | Gassed, 13/4/18. | 54366 | " | W. M'Nair | 58009 | " | M. M'Lean | 50267 | " | T. Orr | 56597 | " | A. Millan | 16th Battalion The pipers were employed chiefly as bearers. On 1st July, 1916, at Thiepval the pipers played the battalion over with the loss of two killed and two wounded. The band was then withdrawn as far as possible from the front, except occasionally as stretcher bearers. It was felt by all ranks that pipers were too valuable an institution to lose. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. M'Combe, M.M. | | " | T. Richardson, M.M. | | Lance-Cpl. | W. Orr | Killed, 1/7/16. | | " | P. Murray | | Piper | R. Alexander | | " | J. Watson | Wounded, 1/7/16. | | " | R. Baird | | " | B. Fraser | Wounded, 1/7/16. | | Lance-Cpl. | L. Armourer | | Piper | A. Rankine | Killed, 1/7/16. | | " | R. M'Kay | | " | R. Watson | | " | R. Barclay | | " | J. Fogo | | " | R. Hunter | | " | J. Hoy | | " | J. M'Donald | | " | H. Barrie | | " | T. Porteous | | " | D. Bell | | " | D. Macintosh | | " | G. Bell | | " | W. Coutts | | " | J. Bruce | | " | A. MacPherson | | " | R. Hope | | Lance-Cpl. | W. Hendry | | Corpl. | R. Brown | 17th Battalion In the attack on the Leipzig Redoubt on 1st July, 1916, when the battalion had to hang on unsupported to a part of the captured Leipzig Redoubt, the pipers played and did an immense deal in keeping the men's spirits up. Pipe Major Gilbert on this occasion won the Military Medal. The casualties in this attack put the pipe band out of action, and the pipers were thereafter kept, as far as possible, out of the front line. The battalion was subsequently merged in the 15th H.L.I. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | T. Gilbert, M.M. | Military Medal, July 1916; despatches, July 1917; transferred to 15th H.L.I. | | Corpl. | John Burleigh | Gassed, April 1918; transferred to 15th H.L.I. | | " | Charles Galloway | Wounded, Nieuport, 10/7/17; promoted for gallantry, 1/7/16; gassed, Arras, April 1918. | | Lance-Cpl. | James M'Munn | Wounded, 1/7/16, Somme; again, in Egypt; transferred to 7th H.L.I. | | Piper | Archibald Forrest | Received Commission; died of disease, 1918. | | " | Hugh M'Arthur | Gassed, Arras, April 1918; transferred to 15th H.L.I. | | " | Archibald Carmichael | Wounded, Nieuport, 10/7/17. | THE SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS 1st Battalion The casualties among the pipers of this battalion have been very heavy. At Richebourg in November 1914, 2 pipers were killed and 6 wounded, and the pipe major, Matheson, was awarded the D.C.M. for great gallantry in carrying messages. In December 1914, and again at Neuve Chapelle in May 1915, 3 more were killed and 4 wounded. Some of them were employed as pipers, others as bearers and in the ranks. At Neuve Chapelle the companies were played into action in May 1915, and Piper Pratt was killed while playing. The battalion went to Mesopotamia, and in the action at Sheikh Saad on 7th January, 1916, Pipe Major M'Kechnie played the regimental charge at a most crucial moment and continued until he fell wounded. In this and other subsequent engagements pipers played their companies into action. Some of them did excellent work bringing up ammunition, and 529 Piper Colin M'Kay was specially promoted for this. This duty was particularly dangerous as the Turkish barrage was generally late. The casualties continued to be heavy. Altogether 11 pipers have been killed. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8391 | PipeMajor | D. B. Mathieson, D.C.M. | D.C.M.; wounded "Port Arthur," 7/11/14. | 10169 | Lance Cpl. | J. Tulloch | Wounded in trenches, "Port Arthur," 6/11/14. | 9158 | Sergt. | J. MacLellan | Wounded, "Port Arthur," 9/5/15; subsequently killed, 21/4/17. | 7900 | Piper | W. F. Cowans | Killed, 7/11/14, "Port Arthur." | 9291 | " | J. Pratt | Died of wounds, Neuve Chapelle, 9/5/15. | 479 | " | D. Black | Killed, 3/11/14, "Port Arthur." | 766 | Lance Cpl. | Lance Sgt. J. Mackenzie | Wounded, "Port Arthur," 9/5/15. | 216 | Piper, | Actg. P.M. W. Paton | Wounded, Givenchy, 6/4/15. | 10457 | Lance Sgt. | J. Stewart | Transferred to 2nd Batt.; killed, 1917. | 412 | Piper | William Barry | Despatches. | 311 | Lance-Cpl. | Donald Campbell | Wounded, Givenchy, 4/11/14; killed, Mesopotamia, 1917. | 9458 | " | John Dunbar | Wounded, Mesopotamia, 7/1/16, while performing duties in attack. | 9628 | " | Alexander Hay | Transferred to R.E. | 444 | " | Robert Hill | Wounded, "Port Arthur," 9/5/15. | 262 | " | A. M'Donald | 264 | " | Alexander M'Gill | 433 | " | Andrew Mackay | Wounded, Mesopotamia, 21/4/17. | 435 | " | John M'Vean | Wounded, Mesopotamia, 7/1/16; invalided. | 564 | " | N. Morrison | Wounded, Givenchy, 4/12/14. | 366 | " | T. Muir | Wounded, "Port Arthur," invalided. | 284 | " | D. Murray | Wounded, Givenchy, 6/4/15; invalided. | 768 | " | Adam Ross | Wounded, Givenchy, 17/11/14. | 9419 | " | D. Skinner | Wounded, Givenchy, 20/12/14 invalided. | 10183 | Lance Cpl. | J. Heron | 645 | Piper | D. Smith | Killed in France. | 661 | " | J. Stein | Wounded in trenches; invalided. | 788 | " | T. Urquhart | Killed, Givenchy, 20/12/14. | | Corpl. | A. Vince | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 9/5/15; transferred to R.S.F. | 9446 | Corpl. | Actg. P.M. Neil M'Kechnie | Acting Pipe Major when battalion went to Mesopotamia; wounded, 7/1/15; mentioned in despatches, 25/8/15. | 10056 | Piper | John Shand | Wounded, Mesopotamia, 21/4/17; and again Palestine. | 7214 | Lance Cpl. | James Hardy | 543 | Piper | Neil Morrison | 529 | Sergt.Piper | Colin M'Kay | Died of wounds, Baghdad. | | Lance Cpl. | Alex. Robertson | Severely wounded, Sheikh Saad; pipes smashed, 7/1/16. | | Piper | James Robertson | 7184 | Lance Sgt. | James Duncan | | Lance Cpl. | Hearne | Died at home. | 200300 | Piper | William M'Donald | 16360 | " | J. Cuthill | 9526 | " | George Paterson | | " | William M'Lellan | | " | Allan | 709 | " | J. Wilkinson | Killed, France. | | " | Cook | Killed, Mesopotamia. | 204786 | " | A. Hart | 8338 | " | J. Wilson | 7208 | " | J. Knox | 22602 | " | Reid | 8337 | " | M. Johnstone | 2nd Battalion The pipers were largely employed as runners, orderlies, etc., and suffered very heavy casualties. On several occasions during the open fighting they were employed in the attack as pipers. Of 23 pipers who went to France with the battalion 6 were killed and 10 wounded in the first year of the war. The opinion of the officers is that only the difficulty of reinforcements limits the employment of pipers in action. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6731 | PipeMajor | John Haywood | Invalided, Dec. 1914. | 577 | " | James Mackenzie | Wounded, 25/1/17. | 6171 | Corpl. | Angus MacLean | Wounded, May 1915. | 9106 | Lance Cpl. | William Ross | Killed, June 1915. | 9223 | " | John Grant | Killed, October 1914. | 283 | " | Dougal MacMillan | Died of disease, Feb. 1915. | 9454 | " | James Rennie | Wounded, August 1914; killed, Loos, Oct. 1915. | 70 | Piper | Hugh Keil | Gassed, May 1915. | 625 | " | George Thomson | Wounded, March 1915. | | " | David Macrae | Killed, February 1915. | 3 | " | Robert Hall | Killed, July 1916. | | " | Alexander Thornton | 570 | " | Alexander Mackenzie | Wounded, February 1915. | | " | Ronald Mackenzie | 711 | " | James Urquhart | Invalided, Dec. 1914. | | Piper | Frederick Cook | Wounded, 13/10/14. | | " | Albert Hunter | | " | Alexander MacAngus | 1096 | " | Gregor Mackenzie | Gassed, 2/5/15. | | " | Kenneth Mackenzie | Killed, May 1915. | | " | Alexander Angus | Wounded, April 1915. | | " | Robert Rennie | Killed, May 1915. | | " | Alexander Clark, | Killed, May 1915. | 10670 | " | Alexander MacIntosh | Wounded, August 1914; prisoner of war. | 10457 | Lance Sgt. | James Stewart | Transferred from 1st Batt.; wounded, 1/7/16, Maillet (Somme); killed, 1917. | 7635 | Lance Cpl. | A. Ross | 8666 | Corpl. | W. Lowlands | 7838 | Piper | A. Calder | 9132 | " | N. Johnstone | Wounded, 25/4/15; killed, 26/1/17. | 4255 | " | J. Robertson | Wounded, Nov. 1916. | 10169 | " | J. Tulloch | Wounded, 20/11/14. | 189 | " | A. Stein | 24729 | " | J. Murdoch | | " | A. Milne | 21630 | " | D. Macleod | 7366 | " | D. Macleod | | " | N. Maclean | 7126 | " | W. Maclean | 7603 | " | J. Mackay | 7206 | Lance Cpl. | M. Maclean | 2886 | Piper | G. Bell | Gassed, April 1915. | 8134 | " | J. Grant | Wounded, April 1915 and August 1917. | 204612 | " | P. Lamont | 9607 | " | J. Macarthur | Wounded, April 1917. | 4th Battalion In the early part of the war pipers were employed as such, and in many other capacities. Casualties, however, were exceedingly heavy, and it was decided in the later stages to keep them out of action as much as possible. Five pipers were killed and sixteen wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Murdo Mackenzie | Discharged, 1918. | | " | John M'Kenzie | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle. | | Piper | D. M'Kenzie | Died of wounds in Germany. | | Piper | J. Kemp | Died of wounds at Neuve Chapelle, 1915. | | " | A. M'Aulay | Died of wounds at Valenciennes, 1918. | | " | J. M'Kenzie | Died of wounds at Neuve Chapelle, 1915. | | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded at Cambrai, 1917; discharged. | | " | A. J. M'Kenzie | Wounded at Neuve Chapelle, 1915; discharged. | 201307 | " | P. Stewart, M.M. | Wounded at Cambrai, 1917; discharged. | | " | J. Stewart | Wounded at Marne, 1918. | | " | W. M'Kenzie | Discharged, 1916. | | " | M. Sandison | Wounded at Cambrai, 1917. | | " | H. Forbes | Wounded and gassed at Arras, 1918. | | " | J. Urquhart | Wounded at Cambrai, 1918; discharged. | | " | W. Marshall | Wounded and gassed at Cambrai, 1917. | | " | D. M'Rae | Discharged. | | Lance-Sgt. | D. Thomson | Invalided home. | | " | F. Findlayson | Invalided home. | | Piper | J. M'Donald | Wounded at Aubers Ridge, 1915. | | " | A. M'Lennan | Killed at Neuve Chapelle, 1915. | | " | W. Ross | Transferred to Home Service. | | " | H. Ross | Transferred to Home Service. | | " | H. M'Lennan | Wounded at Aubers Ridge, 1915. | | " | D. Williamson | Wounded and gassed, Arras and Cambrai. | | " | W. M'Donald | | " | W. Corbet | Wounded at Aubers Ridge, 1915. | | " | W. M'Leod | Wounded at Neuve Chapelle, 1915, and discharged. | | " | H. R. M'Kenzie | Wounded. | | " | R. Higgins | Invalided, 1918. | | " | J. M'Donald | Discharged. | | " | J. M'Lennan | | " | N. Ross | Discharged. | | " | J. Ross | Wounded at Cambrai. | | " | E. Leaman | Wounded at Cambrai. | | L/C. Piper | W. Gray | | Piper | J. M'Kenzie | | " | J. Gumm | | " | M. Sandison | | Piper | W. Marshall | | " | J. A. Aird | | " | H. Forbes | | " | A. M'Leod | | " | J. Baird | | " | D. M'Millan | | " | W. Richardson | 5th Battalion Pipers in action were employed as orderlies, despatch runners, etc.
6th Battalion At Festubert, June 1915, the pipers did magnificent service as bearers, working day and night, and bringing in 170 wounded men. They were largely employed in the ranks as machine gunners. The casualties among them were heavy—8 killed and 6 wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | G. Milton | | Sergt. | W. MacLeod | Killed, May 1916, Labyrinth. | | " | C. D. Macdonald | Killed, Beaumont Hamel, 13/11/16. | | " | H. Mackie | Killed, Beaumont Hamel, 13/11/16. | | " | J. Brown, M.M. | Killed, Arras, May 1917. | | " | G. Gilbert, D.C.M. | Wounded, Beaumont Hamel, 13/11/16. | | Corpl. | W. Urquhart | | Piper | J. Alexander | Killed, La BassÉe, April 1918. | | " | J. Bowie | | " | L. Cumming | | " | G. Fraser | | " | J. Gibb | | " | J. Grant | | " | G. M. Grant | | " | D. Grant | | " | D. Geddie | Invalided. | | " | J. Logie | 265172 | " | W. Logie | Wounded, 9/4/17, Roclincourt. | | " | J. Lumsden, M.M. | Wounded, High Wood, July 1916. | | " | A. Jenkins | Invalided. | | " | A. Mitchell | | " | W. D. Mill | | " | A. Mackay | Killed, 9/4/17, Roclincourt. | | " | W. Mackay | Wounded, Cambrai, Nov. 1917. | | " | H. Mackenzie | | " | W. Macdonald | | " | J. Macdonald | Wounded, 9/4/17, Roclincourt. | | " | W. Mackay | Invalided. | | " | A. Paterson | Invalided. | | " | J. Robertson | Killed, July 1915. | | " | G. Rose | Wounded, Beaumont Hamel, 13/11/16. | | " | W. Shervan | | " | W. Sutherland | Killed, 9/4/17, Roclincourt. | | " | A. Thomson | PIPE-MAJOR HOWARTH, D.C.M., 6th GORDON HIGHLANDERS At Neuve Chapelle From the Painting by J. Prinsep Beadle
7th Battalion At Loos the battalion was played to the attack, and had 5 pipers killed and 3 wounded. At one time, when the position was very serious, a piper rallied the men with "Cabar Feidh," and produced a tremendous effect. On the Somme, in 1916, a piper was always on duty with the battalion. At Arras, in 1917, the pipers acted as bearers, but in later operations they were kept out of the front line as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 5111 | PipeMajor | W. Taylor | Awarded Croix de Guerre and Meritorious Service Medal. | 1536 | " | A. Harley | Invalided. | 1689 | Sergt. | W. Fraser, M.M. | Military Medal. | 7765 | " | W. Gordon | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 8822 | Corpl. | T. Johnston | Received Commission in Camerons. | 711 | Lance Cpl. | A. Urquhart | 40417 | " | O'Kain Maclennan | Killed, 11/4/17. | 6876 | " | M. M'Lean | 8134 | " | J. Grant | Wounded, 12/10/17. | 13385 | Piper | P. Calder | 6892 | " | W. Cooper | 8535 | " | D. Davidson, D.C.M., M.M. | D.C.M. and Military Medal; promoted Sergt. in his Coy. | 21629 | " | T. Eaton | 1456 | " | D. Fraser | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 40177 | " | R. Fraser | 4272 | " | W. Galbraith | Wounded, Loos, and again Arras, 9/4/17. | 4181 | " | R. Galbraith | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 9070 | " | G. Grant | Died in hospital. | 2177 | " | B. Halliday | Died of wounds received at Loos. | 4661 | " | B. Hamilton | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 9859 | " | J. Hinton | 10859 | " | A. J. Mackay | 9488 | " | J. Mackay | 570 | " | A. Mackenzie | Wounded, 10/4/15, Messines; gassed, 23/6/18. | 1487 | " | R. Mackenzie, M.M. | Wounded, 12/3/18; Military Medal. | 7366 | " | D. Macleod | Invalided. | 201819 | " | M. Montgomery | 12597 | " | M. Murray | 201991 | " | R. Murray | 825 | " | G. Thomson | Wounded, Messines, 10/4/15. | 3843 | " | K. Thyne | Killed, Somme, 14/7/16. |
8th Battalion There were heavy casualties at Loos, September 1915, when 5 pipers were killed and 5 were wounded; on this occasion the gallantry of these men won the wholehearted admiration of all ranks. The companies were played into action by the pipers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8112 | PipeMajor | Alex. Mackenzie, D.C.M. | D.C.M. | | " | John Haywood | 8119 | Sergt. | George Gordon | Transferred 9th Seaforths as Pipe Major; Belgian Croix de Guerre. | 8172 | Lance Cpl. | John Munro | 3161 | Piper | Andrew Hamilton | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 5721 | " | Charles Anderson | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 6368 | " | Robert Clark | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15, and taken prisoner. | | " | Andrew Clark | Killed, Loos, 28/9/18. | 7519 | " | John Matheson | 6567 | " | George Spence | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 3503 | " | James Cairns | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 2897 | " | Robert Robertson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15, and taken prisoner. | 2583 | " | James Morton | | " | Alexander Mackay | Wounded, Ypres, 31/7/17. | 6400 | " | William Mackay | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | Robert Beaton | 6546 | Lance Cpl. | Duncan MacGregor | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 3307 | Piper | Donald Valantine | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | Hugh Sutherland | Died of disease, 1917. | | Corpl. | R. Currant | | Piper | James Harvey | Wounded, Arras, 21/2/18. | | " | Alexander MacAulay | 25812 | " | Alexander MacDonald | 25825 | " | Alexander MacDonald | | " | Malcolm Mackenzie | | " | Robert Mackenzie | | " | Donald MacLeod | | " | George Macmillan | | " | James Matheson | | " | James Morton | | " | Robert Robertson | | " | Alexander Simpson | | " | George Spence | | Piper | P. Stewart | | " | Henry Sutherland | | " | J. Tait | | Lieut. | Hector Ross | Formerly Piper 6th S.H.; killed, 23/4/17. | 9th Battalion Pipers were frequently employed as despatch runners. In the advance of the 26th Brigade at Longueval on 14th July, 1916, the battalion was played into action under very heavy fire. When attacking the village they met with a stout resistance and came under heavy machine gun fire from a flank as well as from the front. The pipers rallied the men who were thrown momentarily into confusion, and, at their head, charged down the street and over the wires into the German trenches. The casualties were heavy throughout, 4 killed and 15 wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 8119 | PipeMajor | G. Gordon | Belgian Croix de Guerre. | 4422 | Lance Sgt. | D. M'Niven | 5745 | Lance Cpl. | C. M'Lellan, M.M. | Military Medal, Loos, 1915. | 261949 | Piper | James Lumsden, M.M. | Wounded, Somme, 1916; Military Medal. | 240018 | " | Robert Ross | Killed, 11/4/18. | 267336 | " | James Sutherland | Killed, 19/4/17. | 4394 | " | M. Ross | Wounded. | 8264 | " | D. Mackenzie | Wounded. | 4858 | " | J. Macdonald | Wounded. | 5011 | " | A. Cheyne | 3949 | " | H. Arnott | Wounded. | 9394 | " | W. M'Mahon | Killed. | 4657 | " | W. Gray | Wounded. | 5693 | " | D. Hunter | Wounded. | 40497 | " | A. Mackenzie | 40502 | " | R. Watt | Wounded. | 40547 | " | G. Davidson | 267049 | " | J. MacLeod | 13286 | " | J. Aitken | Wounded. | 23879 | " | W. Duncan | Killed. | 23889 | " | J. M'Lellan | Wounded. | 26416 | " | P. Macdonald | 26426 | " | D. M'Kinnon | Wounded. | 5943 | Piper | R. Lawson | Wounded and gassed. | 24518 | " | A. Buchanan | 261313 | " | A. Mackenzie | 5570 | " | J. Barclay | Wounded three times. | THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS 1st Battalion The battalion took out 18 pipers, and at the roll call at Cambrai on 26th August, 1914, only two remained. For a long time pipers had to be employed in the ranks. On several occasions in the Somme fighting they took their place at the head of their companies and played them into action. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | J. Henderson | | Sergt. | J. Johnston | Wounded, 25/9/15. | | Piper | Geo. Cruickshank | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | David Copland | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | A. Thompson | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14, but escaped and returned to duty; again captured, 24/10/14. | | " | F. Paterson | Killed, Mons, 26/8/14. | | " | J. Watt | Gone to 2nd Batt. | | Corpl. | F. Robertson | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | Lance Cpl. | W. M'Fall | Killed, October 1914. | | Piper | W. Fraser | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | Geo. Mitchell | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | Geo. Anderson | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | N. Watt | | " | D. Weir | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | P. Cran | Invalided. | | " | F. Grant | Invalided. | | " | P. Hair | Prisoner, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | " | W. Cromarty | Wounded, 26/9/15. | | " | W. Harvie | Killed, 24/10/14. | | Corpl. | A. Garden | | Piper | A. M'Kay | Died of wounds, Jan. 1915. | | " | W. Allan | Killed, 14/12/14. | | " | J. Coutts | | " | W. Paton | | " | Eadie | | Piper | Hay | | " | M'Kay | Wounded. | | " | Gillies | Wounded. | | " | Hector Ross | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15; killed, March, 1916. | 2nd Battalion This battalion took 32 pipers out to France; by the end of the first year of the campaign 10 had been killed and 20 wounded. At Loos and in the Somme fighting the pipers of the 2nd Gordons repeatedly played the battalion into action and suffered heavily. The pipers were also employed as runners, bearers, etc., and in the ranks. In March 1915, the battalion was played to the attack on the Aubers Ridge under heavy fire, and again at Mametz and Guichy. In the Italian field of operations they did most excellent work in getting the wounded back across a swift river, work which their C.O. considered it would have been impossible to accomplish without their enthusiastic assistance. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6349 | PipeMajor | C. Anderson | Wounded; Military Medal, Loos, 1915. | 10655 | Piper | R. Grant | Killed, Loos, 1915. | 10639 | " | J. Grant | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 110 | " | R. Wilson | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 219 | " | W. Bruce | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 10653 | Corpl. | J. M'Kenzie | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 205 | Piper | J. Ledingham | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Ramage | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | A. Cassie | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Bissett | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 10296 | " | W. Sinclair | Died of wounds, Loos, 25/9/15. | 311 | Lance Cpl. | A. M'Donald | Wounded, Ypres, 1/11/14; invalided. | 10113 | Piper | J. Gillies | Wounded, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 175 | Lance Cpl. | J. Livingstone | Wounded; prisoner of war, 30/10/14. | 10243 | Piper | J. Murray | Wounded, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 8699 | " | C. Munro | Despatches; wounded, Loos, 1915. | 349 | " | J. Cruickshanks | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 1915. | 10219 | " | J. Topp | Wounded, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 297 | Piper | J. Grant | Wounded and invalided. | 120 | " | H. Adams | Wounded, Ypres, 1/11/14. | 10072 | " | G. Tennent | Wounded, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 233 | " | J. Watt | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 7569 | Sergt. | W. Smith | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 606 | Piper | A. Bruce | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 192 | " | W. Hinnie | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 429 | " | T. Macintosh | Wounded, Ypres, 1/11/14; invalided. | | " | Fraser | Wounded; invalided. | 543 | " | A. Holmes | Wounded, Ypres, 5/10/17. | 10256 | " | B. M'Kay | Wounded, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 430 | " | J. Robertson | Killed, Ypres, 30/10/14. | 206 | Lance Cpl. | J. Duguid | 6853 | Sergt. | R. Stewart, D.C.M. | Killed, Loos, 1915; awarded D.C.M. | 7641 | Piper | J. M'Donald | 10486 | " | C. Taylor | Wounded, Somme, July 1916. | 5614 | " | James Ritchie, M.M. | Military Medal, Somme. | 7375 | Corpl. | A. Smith | Killed, Loos, 1915. | 8390 | Piper | J. Scott | Killed, Somme, 1916. | 335 | " | J. M'Crimmon | Wounded, Ypres, 1914; killed, Loos, 1915. | 10139 | " | D. White | Killed, Loos, 1915. | 747 | " | J. Lorimer | Wounded, Somme, 1916. | 6994 | Sergt. | A. Horne | Invalided. | 7288 | Piper | C. Orchard | 5495 | " | J. White | 10264 | " | D. Bowie | 7383 | " | P. Brown | Killed, Ypres, 5/10/17. | 235745 | " | R. Innes | 240455 | " | J. Gow | 43479 | " | J. Graham | 2595 | " | D. Williams | 4th Battalion During the trench fighting the pipers were mostly used behind the front line, and in marching the battalion to and from rest billets. Subsequently, in open fighting, the company pipers took their place at the heads of their companies. At the Marne, Pipers P. Paterson, R. Prentice, P. Bowie and G. Davidson played their companies into action, and their action immensely stimulated the troops "and enabled them to gain a great victory on that day"; at Ypres on 31st July, 1917, Piper P. Bowie "rallied the men at a time when fighting was very fierce," and was awarded the Military Medal; on 17th November, 1917, Piper G. Paterson also got the Military Medal for playing the battalion through three successive charges and into Cantaing under heavy fire. The pipers were also employed as ammunition carriers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | A. Chisholm | 201290 | Piper | John Webster, M.M. | Military Medal. | | Lance-Cpl. | W. Cruickshank | | Piper | T. Watson | Invalided. | 200347 | " | G. Paterson, M.M. | Wounded; Military Medal. | | " | N. Paterson | | " | W. M'Kay | Invalided. | | " | E. Ewen | Wounded. | | " | P. Paterson | Wounded. | | " | D. Robbie | Wounded (twice). | | " | G. Davidson | Gassed, Ypres, 31/10/17. | | " | J. Wych | Prisoner. | | " | C. Lawson | Prisoner. | | " | J. Gray | | " | J. Gray | Wounded. | | " | R. Sim | Wounded. | | " | P. Bowie, M.M. | Military Medal. | | " | E. Mather | | " | R. Prentice | | " | J. Oswald | | " | F. Wright | | " | J. Foote | | " | A. Thomson | Killed. | 5th Battalion The pipers were principally employed in the ranks and as observers, but in the attack on High Wood on the Somme front company pipers played at the head of their units. On this occasion Piper Willox was killed as he led his company, and several others became casualties. It was thereafter decided not to employ pipers in action again. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 302 | PipeMajor | J. H. Clark | 1596 | Cpl.-Piper | J. Harvey | 760 | Piper | A. Stewart | 1985 | " | G. Thomson | 1586 | " | A. Willox | Killed, 31/7/16, High Wood. | 1156 | Piper | W. Graham | Killed, 3/6/15, Festubert. | | " | W. Allan | | " | J. Birnie | | " | H. Lunan | | " | J. M'Donald | | " | G. Middleton | Wounded, Bullecourt. | | " | A. Robinson | | " | J. A. Scott | | " | J. Stewart | | " | R. Wyness | | " | Andrew Brown, M.M. | Military Medal; killed, 31/7/16, High Wood. | | " | G. Lindsay | Wounded, Sept. 1917, Ypres. | 6th Battalion At Neuve Chapelle the pipers headed the charge of the battalion on the Moulin du PiÈtre, losing one piper killed and four wounded. Pipers were mostly employed in action as stretcher bearers or in the ranks, and, while suffering heavily, won the highest reputation in their battalion. At Neuve Chapelle in March 1915 they lost one killed and six wounded; on this occasion Pipe Major Howarth won the D.C.M. At Loos in the following September, the casualties were again heavy, and the pipe major won a bar to the D.C.M. In later operations pipers were kept, as much as possible, out of the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 10115 | PipeMajor | J. Howarth, D.C.M. and Bar | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 161 | Corpl. | G. Logie | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 25/3/15. | 728 | Piper | A. Smith | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 25/3/15. | 62 | " | G. Milton | Killed, Neuve Chapelle, 25/3/15. | 1257 | Lance-Cpl. | G. M'Pherson | 104 | Piper | A. Coutts | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 25/3/15. | 117 | " | G. Grant | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 25/3/15. | 10604 | " | A. Milne | 967 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Birnie | 10700 | Piper | W. Bannerman | 806 | " | R. Scott | 961 | " | J. Birnie | 1561 | " | R. M'Cay | Wounded, Festubert. | | " | H. Davidson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | Lance-Cpl. | T. Knowles |
8th Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. J. Grant | Wounded. | | Corpl. | G. Flockhart | 9th Battalion The great value of the pipers in action is recognised by the whole battalion, but it is considered it sometimes happens that the men get so overkeen under the influence of the music that they are liable to exceed orders. The employment of pipers as bearers, etc., is deprecated as resulting in casualties which cannot be replaced. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | K. MacLeod | Invalided, Dec. 1914. | S/7747 | " | G. Findlater, V.C. | Invalided, Dec. 1915. | S/4212 | " | D. MacLeod | S/6827 | Piper | A. M'Donald | S/2772 | " | M. Murray | S/9023 | " | C. Campbell | Killed in action, Somme, 10/7/16. | S/3068 | " | T. Turner | Invalided. | S/4057 | " | J. Miller | S/4058 | " | H. Heeps | S/4560 | " | J. Craig | Wounded, Somme, 1916. | S/9364 | " | J. Aitken | 348 | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 1915; Loos, 25/9/15; Somme, 1/7/16. | 560 | " | W. Watt | Wounded, Ypres, 1914. | S/17640 | " | H. Maclachlan | 9283 | Lance-Cpl. | H. Adams | Wounded, Ypres, 1914. | S/3052 | Pte. | J. Sharkey | 10th Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Horne | | Corpl. | Orchard | Wounded. | 5614 | Piper | James Ritchie, M.M. | Transferred to 2nd Gordons; Military Medal. |
THE QUEEN'S OWN CAMERON HIGHLANDERS "A chlanna nan con A chlanna nan con Thigibh an so S'ghaibh sibh feoil." 1st Battalion Pipers were not employed as such, but, during the early part of the war, they were in the ranks. At the battle of the Aisne and Ypres the casualties were heavy. The value to the battalion of their pipe band is considered so great that the officers would like the establishment doubled. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 6720 | PipeMajor | G. Selby | Killed, 22/10/14. | 6718 | " | W. Cruickshanks | 5210 | Corpl. | W. Kinnear | Wounded, 5/11/14, Ypres. | 5173 | Piper | H. Barrie | Killed, 5/11/14, Ypres. | 8445 | " | C. Maclachlan | 7671 | " | A. Henderson, D.C.M. | Taken prisoner, 11/11/14; D.C.M. | 8535 | Lance-Cpl. | G. M'Calman | Wounded, Langemarck, Oct. 1914; died after discharge. | 8072 | Piper | D. Ross | 8475 | " | M. Campbell | Wounded, Aisne, 14/9/14. | 9575 | " | L. Johnstone | Wounded, Aisne, 14/9/14. | 6726 | " | D. Cook | Wounded, Aisne, 14/9/14. | 9345 | " | L. M'Bean | Died of wounds, Arras, Aug. 1918. | 9444 | " | J. Coyle | Wounded, Aisne, 25/8/14. | 14059 | " | J. Peders | 18921 | " | N. Ross | 5859 | " | A. Macdonald | 30748 | " | N. Smith | 2nd Battalion There were heavy casualties among the pipers, who were employed in many ways throughout the war,—largely in the ranks. One, Lance-Corporal Johnstone, was awarded the D.C.M. and M.M. for his gallantry as a guide in 1915 and subsequently as scout sergeant. Throughout the war the pipers went into action with their companies. The opinion of the commanding officer is that they have been invaluable to the battalion. At the time of the advance into Bulgaria sickness had caused the disappearance of the band. Altogether 14 pipers were wounded and 7 died or were killed during the war. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Dougall Matheson | Wounded, 1915, and in 1916. | | " | John Steele | Wounded, 15/2/15. | | Sergt. | James Johnson, D.C.M., M.M. | Wounded, 1918. | | Corpl. | Alex. M'Leod | | " | Alex. Thomson | 8479 | Piper | Donald Dyce | Wounded, Salonika, 30/9/16. | | Lance-Cpl. | Archibald Robertson | | Piper | William Borthwick | | " | Peter Easson | Wounded, 1915, Ypres. | | " | Joseph Elliot | Wounded, 1916. | | " | Donnachie | Killed, 1915. | | " | Archibald Fulton | Prisoner of war, 1915; invalided. | | Lance-Cpl. | James Gillon | Wounded, 10/5/15, St. Eloi. | | Piper | Keeble | Wounded. | | " | John Lumsden | Wounded, Struma, 1/10/16. | | " | James M'Dougall | Wounded, Hill 60; invalided. | | " | John M'Cabe | Died, 1917. | | " | Donald M'Rae | | " | John M'Askill | Killed, Hill 60, April 1916. | | " | Thompson | Died. | | " | Alexander Thompson | Invalided. | | " | William Hope | Wounded, Ypres, 1918. | | " | Hugh Conner | Wounded, 30/9/16, St. Eloi; invalided. | | " | Donald Campbell | Wounded, 10/5/15, St. Eloi. | | " | Archibald M'Kenzie | Killed, Hill 60, April 1916. | | " | Murdoch Scott | Wounded, Aug. 1915. | | " | Lachlan M'Bean | Died of wounds, St. Eloi, 10/5/15. | | " | Murdoch Scott | Wounded, Aug. 1915. | | " | Archibald Lindsay | | " | Robert Ferguson | Invalided. | | " | William Stewart | Died, Salonika, 18/10/17. | | " | John Smart | | " | James Carswell | | " | Archibald Smith |
4th Battalion At Festubert on 17th May, 1915, the companies were played to the attack by their pipers, and these men came through unscathed but with their pipes rendered useless by mud and water. Of those who were serving in the ranks several were killed and wounded at Festubert. Again at Loos the pipers were employed in action as such. They were often employed as bearers. The battalion was disbanded as a separate unit. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 56 | PipeMajor | J. S. Ross | 275 | Lance Cpl. | J. Shirran | Wounded, Fanquinart, 9/5/15. | 1090 | Piper | A. Fullarton | 44 | " | W. Fraser | Wounded. | 519 | " | R. Munro | 988 | " | C. Milne | 528 | Lance Cpl. | G. Forsyth | 53 | Piper | K. Logan | Wounded. | 1395 | " | W. F. Macdonald | Wounded, Richebourg, 17/7/15. | 1120 | " | J. Cheyne | Killed, Festubert, 17/5/15. | 1100 | " | J. Munro | 645 | Lance Cpl. | D. Paterson | Killed, Festubert, 17/5/15. | 2670 | " | T. D. Mackay | Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, 12/3/15. | 200120 | Piper | W. Macdonald | Died of wounds, 14/10/17. | | " | W. Maclean | Transferred as Pipe Major to 5th Camerons. | 5th Battalion At Loos the battalion was played into action, and practically all the pipers became casualties. Subsequently they were employed as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 4424 | PipeMajor | A. Beattie | (Now Quartermaster.) | | " | John Macmillan | | " | William Maclean | 3/5497 | Piper | Alex. MacEachen | Died of wounds received 25/9/15. | 3/5113 | Lance Cpl. | A. J. M'Donald | Killed at Fosse 8, 27/9/15. | 3/5096 | " | Donald M'Lean | Wounded, Festubert, 1915. | 3/5059 | Piper | Alexander Boyd | S/14504 | " | Donald M'Intyre | 3/3931 | " | Neil Wilson | Killed, 27/9/15. | S/11755 | Piper | James Butler | Wounded, 27/9/15; Loos, and again subsequently. | 3/5636 | " | J. A. Macaskill | 3/3541 | " | Angus M'Donald | Wounded, 27/9/15, Loos. | 3/5621 | " | Alex. M'Lennan | Wounded, 27/9/15, Loos. | S/10510 | " | John M'Lachlan | Wounded, 27/9/15, Loos; killed, Sorel, 21/3/18. | S/10311 | " | J. M'Gregor | Invalided. | S/12582 | " | Angus M'Pherson | Gassed, 25/9/15, Loos. | S/11605 | " | John Ross | Wounded, 25/9/15, Loos. | S/10026 | " | Joseph Scott | Wounded, 25/9/15, Loos. | | " | Donald MacPhee | | Corpl. | Donald Campbell | | Piper | William Strachan | Invalided. | | " | Angus Robertson | | " | Malcolm MacGregor | | " | Alex. Clunie | Killed, 3/5/17, Arras. | | " | James Henderson | | " | Lachlan Maclean | | " | James Macdonald | Invalided. | | " | Duncan MacLennan | | " | Archibald Crawford | Killed, Sorel, 21/3/18. | | " | John MacLennan | | " | Donald MacLennan | | " | D. Bowes | | " | T. Fyffe | Invalided. | | " | C. Grant | Invalided. | | " | Allan Cameron | Invalided. | | " | Charles Milne | | " | John Stavert | | " | Norman M'Killop | | " | James Porteous | Killed, Oct. 1918. | | " | James Innes | | " | Finlay Martin | | " | James Ferguson | | " | James Richard | 6th Battalion During trench fighting the pipers were employed behind the line. In the Loos attack, when they played the battalion into action, there were many casualties. On this occasion, when the 44th Brigade had to fall back, the men rallied on an extemporised flag of Cameron tartan at the foot of which stood the pipers of several battalions. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 5161 | PipeMajor | A. Mathieson Macdonald | Gassed, 25/9/15. | 12643 | Lance Cpl. | William Fraser | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 11347 | Piper | William Whitehead | 12629 | " | Thomas MacCulloch | 10101 | " | Dugald Dow | Gassed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 10210 | " | James Pitcairn | 10297 | " | Wilfred Morris | 12070 | " | J. Leckie MacLean | 14831 | " | David Roy Robertson | 27434 | Sergt. | Campbell | From 1st Lovat's Scouts. | 43268 | Lance Cpl. | M'Neill | From 2/4th Cameron Highlanders. | 10256 | " | M'Ready | Wounded, Somme, Oct. 1916. | 40971 | Piper | MacLennan | From 2/4th Cameron Highlanders. | 43267 | " | MacNeil | From 2/4th Cameron Highlanders; wounded, Oct. 1916. | 43318 | " | Johnstone | From 2/4th Cameron Highlanders. | 40715 | " | MacCormick | 43311 | " | M. M'Lennan | From 2/4th Cameron Highlanders. | 22461 | " | James Walker | Killed, 26/4/17. | 7th Battalion In the historic attack at Loos the pipers took a prominent part, and helped to rally the men subsequently. They lost heavily, and in subsequent actions pipers were only employed singly in the attack. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 13845 | PipeMajor | R. Macdougall | | Piper | J. Maclean | Wounded, Loos. | 14356 | " | J. Raeburn | Wounded, Loos, 25-27/9/15. | 13291 | " | Dugald Scoular | 14059 | " | Peden | | Corpl. | Ross | | " | R. M. Dewar | Gassed. | | Lance Cpl. | J. Levack | 200104 | " | H. R. Munro | | Piper | G. Alves | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | 21487 | " | G. Cowie | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 9444 | " | J. Coyle | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | A. Duncan | | " | J. Findlay | | " | T. Fraser | Gassed. | 14055 | " | W. Henderson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 200252 | " | J. Hunter | 201253 | Piper | A. M'Donald | 5545 | " | J. M'Donald | | " | J. M'Intosh | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 13294 | " | R. M'Kenzie | | " | M. M'Killop | Invalided. | | " | M. Mackinnon | 43209 | " | J. Munro | 13442 | " | A. Shand | | " | A. Smart | Killed, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | F. Stewart | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 14369 | " | W. Williamson | THE ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS 1st Battalion Early in the war pipers were used in action, but, on account of casualties being very heavy among them, the practice was given up. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | R. Macfarlane | | Piper | M'Kay | Wounded. | | " | Kenealy | Wounded. | | " | Campbell | Wounded. | | " | Woodside | Killed, St. Eloi, 16/2/15. | | Corpl. | F. Ross | | Piper | W. M'Intosh | | " | C. Hay | | " | J. Beattie | | " | W. Waddel | | " | Stevenson | | " | Lynch | | Lance-Cpl. | Struthers | | " | Wilson | | " | Birrell | | Piper | M'Fadyen | | " | Hanlison | | " | Bell | | " | Hardie | | " | M'Donald | | Piper | Campbell | | " | Fraser | 570 | " | Robert Kennedy | Killed, 30/7/16, Somme. | 2nd Battalion During the first year of the war 3 pipers were killed, 3 were wounded and 3 were taken prisoner, and the band was broken up, the survivors being returned to the ranks. Throughout the war pipers have been employed as orderlies, ammunition and ration carriers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | William Gray | | " | John Mackintosh | 10719 | " | Lawrie | 672 | " | John Gray | 8157 | Piper | L. A. Planner | Killed, Oct. 1918. | | " | Alexander Steven | 188 | " | Alexander Sinclair | 10313 | " | J. Black | 10295 | Corpl. | J. P. M'Donald | Invalided. | 522 | Piper | Henry Jones | Invalided. | | Lance-Cpl. | Milne | Missing. | 567 | Piper | Peter M'Lintock | Killed, ArmentiÈres, 27/11/15. | 90 | " | M'Kay | Killed, ArmentiÈres, 27/11/15. | | " | J. Gardner | Wounded, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | 974 | Lance-Cpl. | A. Paterson | Wounded, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | | Piper | Peter Murray | Wounded, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | 1153 | Sergt. | P. Dean, D.C.M. | D.C.M. | 9901 | Lance-Cpl. | A. Miller | Prisoner of war; wounded, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | 660 | Piper | R. Scott | Prisoner of war; wounded, ArmentiÈres, 27/11/15. | 58 | " | S. Duff | Prisoner of war; wounded, Le Cateau, 26/8/14. | 9279 | " | Robert Ormiston | Wounded, Somme, 13/7/16. | | " | William Black | | " | John Watt | | " | David Blair | | " | Richard Ansell | Wounded, 19/11/15 and 21/6/15. | | " | Donald Anderson | | " | Alexander M'Donald | | " | John MacCulloch | | Piper | Alexander Gray | | " | Gordon Innes | | " | Duncan Mackellar | BEN BUIDHE, ARGYLLSHIRE From the Water-colour Drawing by George Houston, A.R.S.A. 5th Battalion When in Gallipoli the full pipers were chiefly employed as messengers and ammunition carriers. In the latter capacity they did excellent work in the fighting on 12th July, 1915. The acting pipers were employed as stretcher bearers. On the occasion of the 12th July attack a piper mounted the parapet and played the battalion over. The pipers have been kept out of action as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 201471 | PipeMajor | C. Hay | Wounded, 24/11/17. | | " | Jas. Smith | | Piper | Robert Smith | | " | Thomas Macdonald | | " | Robert Maclachlan | 200129 | " | James Blair | 200043 | Lance-Cpl. | Fred Branwhite | | Piper | Robert Macleod | Wounded, 25/12/15. | 200300 | Lance-Cpl. | Angus Macarthur | 300620 | Piper | John Macleod | 200359 | " | James Murray | | " | Malcolm Stewart | | " | George Stirrat | 325764 | " | W. Hendry | Wounded, 29/7/18. | 200325 | " | William Lepick | 201062 | " | J. M'Callum | 200357 | " | Donald Matheson | 202708 | " | William Matheson | 43040 | " | John Myles | 200780 | " | A. Neilson | 200855 | " | J. Oliver | 201925 | " | W. Ponton | 6th Battalion While in the trenches were employed as orderlies, messengers, etc. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 362 | PipeMajor | John M'Connacher | Transferred as C.Q.M.S. | 275321 | " | D. Finlayson | 35 | Corpl. | Andrew Ferguson | 538 | Lance-Cpl. | Thomas Dournie | Wounded, Richebourg, May 1915. | 1704 | Piper | William Henderson | 1365 | " | Robert M'Aulay | Gassed, 25/4/18. | 1560 | " | David Gault | 1507 | " | Henry Murray | 1506 | " | William Park | Wounded, Festubert, 18/6/15. | 1890 | " | John Craig | Killed, Longueval, 27/7/16. | 3037 | " | James Pringle | Killed while trying to bring in wounded man, 18/6/15. | 3042 | " | John M'Allister | Killed, Festubert, 18/6/15. | 1653 | " | James Gillan | Invalided. | 3256 | " | John M'Farlane | 3162 | " | William Carlyle | Killed, Festubert, 16/6/15; despatches. | 3166 | " | William Ganson | | " | Thomas Myron | 250989 | " | A. M'Lintock | Wounded, 23/11/18. | 250962 | " | H. Armstrong | 8016 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Stewart | 251957 | Piper | A. M'Askill | 202120 | " | N. Campbell | 252567 | " | F. M'Pherson | 250018 | " | W. Corsan | 252028 | " | J. Lang | 300099 | " | N. Crawford | 250919 | " | A. Gray | 325262 | " | M. Thomson | 7th Battalion Pipers were employed as runners and orderlies. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | Piper | John Walls, M.M. | Military Medal, 24/7/16. | 277167 | " | Hugh M'Donald | Killed, Aug. 1917, Ypres. | 8th Battalion Until the Somme fighting the pipers went into the trenches but did not play. The battalion had a pipe band composed of officers, Capt. Alastair M'Laren, Lieuts. Graham Campbell, Yr. of Shirvan, and Leslie Smith. The drummers were the Adjutant, Major Lockie, the Quartermaster Lieut. Disselduff and Lieut. Clark. As far as possible pipers were kept out of the trenches. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | W. Lawrie | Invalided home, and died of illness contracted on service. | | " | J. Wilson | Received Certificate from Div. Comdr. for gallant conduct, May 1916. | | Lance-Cpl. | C. Jeffrey | Wounded at Richebourg, May 1915. | | Piper | J. M'Lellan, D.C.M. | Awarded D.C. Medal for gallantry at Magersfontein, Dec. 1899; wounded at Laventie, 1915. | | " | N. Crawford | Invalided, August 1916. | | " | A. Currie | | " | R. Ferguson | Time expired. | | " | F. Fraser | Wounded. | | " | D. Ferguson | Invalided, 1917. | | " | D. Johnstone | Invalided, 1915. | | " | A. Lauder | | " | J. M'Callum | Wounded, Somme, July 1916. | | " | J. M'Dougall | | " | J. M'Donald | | " | J. M'Farlane | Invalided, 1915. | | " | J. M'Intyre | | " | R. M'Lellan, M.M. | Wounded, Somme, July 1916; awarded Military Medal. | | " | J. Orr | Wounded, La Boiselle, August 1915. | | " | J. Risk | Time expired. | | " | J. Shirlaw | Gassed. | | " | J. Woodrow | | " | N. Fletcher | | " | T. Strathearn | | " | R. Morrison | Wounded, Ypres. | | " | J. MacLeod | | " | D. Robertson | Invalided. | | " | D. Woods | Wounded twice. | | " | T. Shearer | Wounded. | | " | D. MacInnes | Invalided. | | " | J. MacWilliams | | " | T. Moffat | | " | J. Hannon | 9th Battalion Pipers were principally utilised, when in action, as stretcher-bearers, orderlies, etc. Great bravery was shown by pipers when acting as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | J. R. Garsewell | 324 | Corpl. | Alexander M'Allister | Missing since 10/5/15; 2nd Battle Ypres. | 1790 | Piper | David Panton | Wounded, 10/5/15, Ypres. | 266 | " | George Shearer, D.C.M. | Awarded D.C.M. | 1711 | " | Alexander Russell | Killed, 8/4/15. | 10th Battalion During the trench fighting the pipers were kept in the reserve lines in order to avoid casualties. At Loos and on the Somme, however, they were employed with their companies, and at the taking of Longueval they behaved with quite remarkable gallantry. On this occasion Pipe Major Aitken, a man of sixty years of age, was awarded the D.C.M., and Pipers Wilson and Dall were commended for playing through heavy machine gun fire. At the same time Piper Donnachie greatly distinguished himself carrying despatches. The commanding officer says the casualties on the Somme have led him to keep them out of action as far as possible, as he regards them as invaluable to a regiment. It was, in the later stages, only under dire necessity, that pipers were occasionally used as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | T. Aitken, D.C.M. | Superannuated; D.C.M. | | " | J. Wright | 9263 | Lance-Sgt. | J. Mackenzie | 1720 | Corpl. | J. Donnachie | | Piper | MacNeill | Killed, Longueval, Oct. 1916. | | Corpl. | W. Laurie | Wounded, Dickebusch; invalided. | 8860 | Lance-Cpl. | D. Campbell | 569 | " | J. Gamack, M.M. | Military Medal. | 4512 | Piper | W. Anderson | Invalided. | 3205 | " | J. Cullen | 9835 | " | J. Heatherington | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | 3014 | " | J. Kennedy | 1375 | " | J. M'Donald | Wounded, Longueval; invalided. | 2011 | " | W. M'Gillivray | 8656 | " | D. M'Rae | 6153 | Lance-Sgt. | D. D. M'Sporran | Wounded, Longueval. | 10390 | Piper | J. Smith | Wounded, Ypres, Nov. 1915. | 9339 | " | W. Pirrie | 2616 | " | D. Wilson | Despatches. | 570 | " | R. Kennedy | Died of wounds, Longueval. | 9256 | Piper | A. M'Lean | Invalided. | 6191 | " | J. Dall | Wounded, Longueval. | 5091 | " | J. Paterson | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | Sergt. | J. F. Sword | 8051 | " | Alex. MacLeay | Killed, 12/10/17, Ypres. | 300583 | " | John Sinclair | Severely wounded, Oct. 1917. | 302955 | Piper | Walter Napier | Killed, 12/10/17, Ypres. | | " | William Sinclair | | " | John Clark | | " | Andrew Thomson | 11th Battalion When the battalion was in support of the 44th Brigade at Loos the pipers took a very prominent share in the glory and the losses of the day. One, Charles Cameron, stood out in the open and played as a rallying point, and the battalion called him "The Piper of Loos." Other pipers were employed as runners, or in the ranks. The casualties during this part of the campaign were so heavy that the pipe band was kept, as far as possible, out of the front line.
12th Battalion Were often employed as runners. When the battalion was due to go into support the pipers were sent on to meet the companies and bring them in. The officers value the band so highly that they consider they should not be sent into the front line if it can possibly be avoided. During actual offensive operations pipers were also employed as runners or on forward trench dumps, etc., and sometimes in the ranks. Marches in Macedonia were often very arduous "and the pipers made an amazing difference on the men's spirits." REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 4492 | PipeMajor | J. Douglas | 275286 | " | J. M'Ewan | Wounded. | 598 | Sergt. | R. Stevenson, M.M. | Twice wounded; Military Medal. | 6829 | Piper | John M'Coll | Died of disease, Salonika, 16/2/17. | 284 | Corpl. | J. Beattie | Wounded. | | " | W. Stirling | Killed, Oct. 1916. | 5660 | " | D. Robertson | Killed, 8/5/17. | 409 | " | W. M'Kay | 10138 | Piper | D. Wilson, D.C.M. | D.C.M. | 20022 | " | W. Norrie | 203267 | " | W. Pirrie | 4564 | " | M. Connelly | 5808 | " | A. Donnelly | 4738 | " | F. Hinton | 6468 | " | J. Traill | 5388 | " | A. Davidson | 5896 | " | J. Linton | 14389 | " | D. Kelly | 5705 | " | M. Harper | 279048 | " | T. Philliban | | " | T. Hill | 4927 | " | L. M'Con | Killed in action, 8/5/17. | 5813 | " | A. Strathearn | 5706 | " | J. M'Kerrow | 14th Battalion Owing to their value to the battalion the pipers were not employed in the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Henry Forsyth | | " | Donald Cameron | | Piper | Philip Melville | | " | William Adams | | " | David Dean | | " | William M'Donald | | " | John M'Donald | | " | David Gibson | | " | Joseph Thomson | | " | John Kennedy | | " | James M'Isaac | | " | Charles Burness | | " | Alex. M'Kenzie | | " | James M'Arthur | | " | David Blyth | | " | Alexander Yule | | " | William Corson | | " | William Campbell | | " | William Maxwell | | " | Duncan Grant | THE LONDON SCOTTISH 1st Battalion During the earlier part of the war the pipers served in the ranks and suffered heavy casualties. In the fighting at Messines on 31st October, 1914, and the subsequent operations at Zillebeke, 4 were killed and 2 were wounded, and of the original pipe band only one remained after six months. All these casualties occurred while the men were acting as observers. Several pipers were subsequently given commissions in other regiments. Owing to the great difficulty of replacement every effort has been made, during the last two years of the war, to keep pipers out of the front line. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | K. Greig | Lt. Army Ordnance Dept. | 142 | Corpl. | J. Carey | Killed at Messines, 1/11/14, when acting as observer. | 139 | Lance-Cpl. | M. G. Latham | Despatches; killed at Zillebeke, while sniping, 16/11/14. | | Piper | Nicol | | Piper | R. Porteous | Wounded at Messines, 31/10/14-1/11/14. | 1145 | " | W. Porteous | Wounded at Messines, 31/10/14-1/11/14. | 1341 | " | D. Parkyn | Missing since Messines, 31/10/14-1/11/14. | | " | C. W. D. Mackay | Lieut. 5th Camerons; wounded and missing, 17/8/16. | 1870 | " | J. F. Bennie | Killed at Zillebeke, 9/11/14. | | " | R. F. Gordon Forbes | Lieut. Army Ordnance Dept. | | " | G. Oram | | " | A. Joss | 4167 | " | D. S. Pinnington | Wounded, Loos, 25/9/15. | | " | J. Henderson | | " | A. Sutherland-Graeme | | " | W. Gordon | 3599 | " | A. A. Cornell | Died of wounds, Somme, 2/10/16. | | " | Robert Morrison | Transferred to R.E.; got D.C.M. and Military Medal. | | " | A. Cairns Wilson | Formerly piper; 2nd Lieut.; killed; Military Cross. | | " | Simon Campbell | Killed, 13/5/17, Arras. | 510531 | " | A. B. Paton | Killed, 13/5/17, Arras. | 511874 | " | M. W. Davidson | Wounded. | | " | R. S. D. Grant Crawford | Transferred to A.O.D., Lieut. | 2nd Battalion The pipers of this battalion have served in three theatres of war. They have played through Flanders and France, across the desert and in Palestine. They led the battalion into Jerusalem on 9th Dec., 1917, and thereafter on across the Jordan, through the hills of Gilead, and in Jericho, and Bethlehem. Again in Salonika and among the Macedonian hills they carried the music of the Highlands. In the desert difficulties were experienced with the reeds and with the drought; and the men often had to keep the bags going out of their own scanty ration of water. From the nature of the operations against the Turks, in which surprise played so important a part, pipers had no opportunity of playing their companies into action. So invaluable were they in keeping the men up in the long desert marches that they were, as far as possible, reserved for that duty. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | D. C. Wills | Invalided. | 510021 | " | J. A. M'Gilvray | 510013 | Corpl. | C. Oram | | Piper | C. W. Cummins | Invalided. | 513953 | " | D. K. Pullar | 510759 | " | E. J. Horniblow | | " | M. Mills | 511170 | " | D. A. Matheson | 511450 | " | C. A. Stewart | 510264 | " | O. Machell-Varise | 513865 | " | J. W. Macmillan | 513650 | " | D. Hay | Invalided. | S/18941 | " | F. A. W. Gillies | S/41114 | " | A. MacFadyen | 290381 | " | A. Ewen | THE TYNESIDE SCOTTISH 1st Battalion In the Somme fighting on 1st July, 1916, the battalion was played into action by its pipers and had 5 killed and 2 wounded; the survivors, Pipe Major John Wilson and Piper George Taylor, were awarded the Military Medal. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 290 | PipeMajor | John Wilson, M.M. | Military Medal. | 237 | Lance-Cpl. | Garnet W. Fyfe | Killed, 1/7/16. | | Piper | Alex. Boyd | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 223 | " | E. Boyce | Killed, ? 1/7/16. | | " | E. Scott | Wounded, 1/7/16. | | " | Stephens | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 1585 | " | William Fellows | Missing. | 154 | " | James Downie | Missing. | 840 | " | Charles M'Lean | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 1594 | " | Robert Davidson | Missing. | 1485 | " | William Inglis | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 1525 | " | George Taylor, M.M. | Military Medal. | 2nd Battalion On the same occasion this battalion was played into action by its pipers. 1525 Piper James Phillips was mentioned in despatches. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1147 | PipeMajor | Munro Strachan | 1149 | Piper | John Strachan | Wounded, 1/7/16. | 1150 | " | Alex. Scott | 1230 | " | Willie Scott | Killed, 1/7/16. | 1188 | Lance-Cpl. | W. Clark | 558 | Piper | G. C. Griffiths | 1151 | " | James Phillips | Killed, 1/7/16. | 1225 | " | J. M. Phillips, M.M. | Military Medal. | 1228 | " | James Carnegie | Wounded, 28/6/16. | 3rd Battalion On the same occasion this battalion was played into action, but the whole of the pipers were killed or wounded. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | Piper | A. Boyd | Wounded, 1/7/16. | | " | J. Stephens | Wounded, 1/7/16. | | " | D. Steele | Missing, 1/7/16. | | " | E. Finley | Killed, 1/7/16. | | " | R. Greaves | Died of wounds, 1/7/16. | | " | T. Wilson | Wounded and missing, 1/7/16. | THE MIDDLESEX REGIMENT 16th Battalion This was the first English regiment to have a pipe band, the men being recruited for the purpose from Glasgow. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1152 | PipeMajor | Charles Stewart | 1149 | Corpl. | Thomas Gibson | 1144 | Piper | John Grant | 2530 | " | William Sloan | Wounded, Oct. 1916, Somme. | 1145 | " | Fred Carruthers | 1148 | " | Norman M'Donald | 1350 | " | Dugald M'Farlane | 1154 | " | Henry Mitchelson | 1151 | " | Thomas Latham | Killed, 1/7/16, Somme. | 1930 | " | James Gilchrist | 1153 | " | John Kerr |
THE LIVERPOOL SCOTTISH At Bois Grenier, Piper Thomas Wilson played his company over the top. Mostly employed as stretcher-bearers, but in 1914 the pipers of 1st Batt. also served in ranks. Piper Sydney Wilson was three times awarded certificate of gallantry. 1st Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | John Stoddart | Killed, Poperinghe, July 1917. | | " | John Stoddart (Junior) | | Lance-Cpl. | John White | Invalided. | | Sergt. | E. J. Ogilvie | | Piper | James Rogers | | " | John Graham | | " | Thomas Wilson | | " | Sydney Wilson | Twice wounded. | | " | William Barclay | | " | Charles Copland | 2nd Battalion REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 358269 | Piper | Thomas Wilson | Wounded (gas). | | " | James Gilfillan | Twice wounded. | | " | Henry Forrester | | " | Robert Johnson | Twice gassed. | | " | Thomas Carlyle | Wounded. | | " | Stanley Rae | | " | Archibald Service | | " | Don. Fowler | Twice wounded. | | " | James Martin | | " | Sydney Rogers | Wounded. | THE ROYAL FUSILIERS 23rd Battalion (1st Sportsman's Batt.) The pipers, during the period of trench warfare, were employed behind the lines. The C.O. considers they were of the greatest value in keeping up the men's morale, on marches and in bringing companies out of the trenches. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1339 | PipeMajor | D. F. Robertson | | Lance-Cpl. | T. M'Clunie | Wounded. | | Piper | W. Johnstone | | " | W. Foreman | | " | W. F. Suttie | Killed, 16/3/16. | | " | Alex. M'Lennan | | " | David Seath | | " | John Adamson | | " | William Mackenzie | Killed, 16/3/16. | | " | D. Leath | THE ARGYLLSHIRE MOUNTAIN BATTERY The pipers in this Battery all served as gunners. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | William MacNeill | Died, pneumonia, 18/8/15. | | Corpl. | Neil Smith | Accidentally killed, 1/3/16. | | " | James MacPhee | THE ROSS AND CROMARTY BATTERY REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 4403 | Piper | John Macdonald | Wounded, 14/5/15; died of wounds. | 5035 | " | Jas. Mackay | Wounded, 14/5/15. | 4323 | " | Angus Macdonald | Wounded, 23/6/15. | MISCELLANEOUS REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 318411 | Pte. | William Scott | 11th F.A., R.A.M.C.; Military Medal. | 93110 | Piper | Andrew M'Intosh | 2/2nd Lothian Field Ambulance; severely wounded. |
THE PIPE BAND OF THE 52nd (LOWLAND) DIVISION This band was formed in Gallipoli in October, 1915. It was understood then that a dull and dreary winter campaign was in front of the troops. A committee of officers was formed to find some sort of entertainment to keep the men as cheery as possible. It was decided that both a Military and a Pipe Band should be raised. This job was left entirely in the hands of Colonel C. A. H. Maclean of Pennycross, a critical and enthusiastic lover of music, who, being a Highlander and an accomplished piper, naturally insisted on the Pipe Band being a good one. Practically all that was left of the pipers in the different regiments of the Division were used to form the band, which consisted of twelve pipers and six drummers, all having taken part in the severe fighting prior to this duty. Good players and members of some of the finest bands in Scotland, under the leadership of Pipe-Major Wm. Fergusson, 1/7th Battn. Highland Light Infantry, a well-known piper and exponent of "Ceol Mhor," the band made steady progress, and soon was in grand fettle. The way both bands were appreciated testifies to the sound judgment of the committee and the able management of the Colonel. The Division, being entirely composed of Scots, hailed with delight the skirl of the pipes, which had been heard but too seldom since the Division landed. The band had exceptional luck while on Gallipoli, never having had a casualty after it was raised, although often playing under heavy shell fire. They played and warmed the hearts of all true Scots, and must have given the wily Turk quite a shock with "Hey Johnnie Cope," which could be heard quite distinctly on a quiet morning in the firing-line, right up till within a few days of the final evacuation of the peninsula. After sojourning for a month on the Island of Mudros, they sailed with the rest of the Division for Egypt. From Abbassia (Cairo) they moved to the desert front, and have been with the Division in the trek across Sinai. From El Arish the band accompanied the Division right into Palestine, and is believed to be the first pipe band to play in the "Holy Land." PRISONERS OF WAR BAND One of the most remarkable of military pipe bands was one organised in the British prisoners' internment camps in Holland. At one time this band consisted of 13 pipers of different units, including two pipe majors, under Pipe Major Duff, 2nd Royal Scots. OVERSEAS BATTALIONS PRINCESS PATRICIA'S CANADIAN LIGHT INFANTRY The pipers were mainly employed as bearers. In the attack on the Vimy Ridge on 9th April, 1917, the battalion was played over by the nine pipers. Pipers were also employed as runners. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 667 | PipeMajor | John Colville | Invalided; despatches. | 12942 | " | W. Campbell | | Sergt. | John Macdonald, D.C.M. | Died of wounds, 17/9/16; D.C.M. | 262 | " | H. Laing | Wounded, 8/5/15; despatches. | 672 | Corpl. | D. M'Intosh | Invalided. | 1770 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Hunter | Wounded, Oct. 1918. | 264 | Piper | J. Ritchie | Wounded, 22/3/15. | 676 | " | J. M'Loy | Wounded, 28/2/15. | 265 | " | W. Robertson | Died of wounds, 25/3/15. | 1296 | " | J. M. Robertson, D.C.M. | Wounded, 8/5/15, D.C.M. | 679 | " | J. Wood | Wounded, 17/5/15. | 1772 | " | G. Miller | Invalided. | 266 | " | C. M'Lean | 1771 | " | G. Harvey | 1174 | Piper | H. Logan | Wounded, 15/3/15. | 21499 | " | A. G. M'Donald | 432938 | " | J. Laing | 432013 | " | R. Ritchie | 432966 | " | W. Adamson | Wounded, March, 1916. | 432862 | " | L. Smith | 432137 | " | J. Wood | 432812 | " | G. Dunbar | 433130 | " | G. Thomson | 432312 | " | G. Murray | THE ROYAL HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA 13th Battalion In the Ypres fighting in April 1915 the pipers suffered heavily, 3 of them being killed and 5 wounded. Some of them were employed as runners, others in the ranks. At the recapture of Hill 70 in August 1917 the companies were led to the attack by their pipers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 24002 | PipeMajor | D. Manson | 24962 | Piper | D. A. M'Arthur | 24010 | " | J. Burns | Wounded, Ypres, 23/4/15. | 24011 | Lance-Cpl. | J. Dyce | Wounded, Ypres, 23/4/15. | 24012 | Piper | W. Lawson | Died of wounds, Fleurbaix, 16/3/15. | 24013 | " | A. J. Macdonald | Killed, 24/4/15. | 24014 | " | N. Sinclair | 24015 | " | A. Singer | Wounded, 3/5/15, Ypres. | 24392 | " | H. Robertson | Killed, Ypres, 2/5/15. | 24155 | " | N. Macdonald | Killed, Ypres, 24/4/15. | 24704 | " | D. Campbell | Wounded, 22/4/15. | 25045 | " | J. W. Macdonald | 8004 | " | C. S. Macdonald | 11095 | " | A. Eden | 12942 | " | W. Campbell | 46636 | " | J. Connacher | 14536 | " | G. B. Macpherson |
THE 48th HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA 15th Battalion The battalion took out 19 pipers. At the battle of Amiens, 5th-8th August, 1918, their pipers played in the front line. They were fortunate as regards casualties during the war, having lost only one man killed. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 27221 | PipeMajor | A. R. Keith, M.M. | 27386 | Lance-Sgt. | A. A. Newlands | 27548 | Corpl. | J. Thompson | Died of disease. | 27925 | Lance-Cpl. | A. M'Donald | 27659 | Piper | K. Crosbie | Obtained commission in R.A. | 27058 | " | F. A. Cowen | Gassed, Ypres, 22/4/15; invalided. | 27883 | " | A. Donaldson | 27023 | " | K. Miller | 2709 | " | W. H. Wick | 13611 | " | D. Braidwood | Obtained commission. | 30207 | " | A. Gordon | 152 | " | J. A. Mackinnon, M.C. | Obtained commission. | 43212 | " | A. Sturrock | 37451 | " | W. Macdonald | 41587 | " | N. A. Ross | 58456 | " | G. C. Henderson | 135514 | " | A. M. MacDonald | 192071 | " | D. MacDonald | 193489 | " | J. Hinshelwood | 799915 | " | A. MacDonald | 1045162 | " | T. Hamilton | 1045069 | " | J. M'Neill | 1045923 | " | H. E. Mathews | 1045177 | " | R. B. MacWilliam | 192170 | " | T. Martin | 1045779 | " | W. Hynd | 192270 | " | W. Mair | 799627 | " | R. Smith | 799248 | " | R. Anderson | 799041 | " | W. G. Watson | 799255 | " | W. Lawrie | 799704 | " | A. Maclachlan | 799258 | " | D. MacPherson | 799256 | " | P. T. Lamb | 2393381 | " | F. M'Dowall | 2393526 | " | J. Cant |
THE CANADIAN SCOTTISH 16th Battalion At Ypres (April 1915) two pipers, Jas. Thomson and W. M'Ivor, were killed while playing the charge; and at Festubert in May, G. Birnie and A. Morrison were killed in the same way. Some of the pipers were employed as bearers, runners, etc., but, the casualties continuing, it was found necessary for a time to withdraw them from the firing line. During the Somme fighting, however, they were again used as pipers. In the attack of 8th October, 1916, Pipers Richardson, Park, Paul and M'Kellar played through very heavy fire for over half a mile, and Richardson and Park were killed. Piper Richardson was awarded the V.C. posthumously. On another occasion, in the attack on the Quirique Rue position, Pipers Birnie and Morrison stood on a ruined farmhouse and played until they were both killed. In the attack on the Vimy Ridge on 9th April, 1917, the battalion was again led to their objective by the Pipe Major, Groat and five pipers for a distance of over a mile; Pipe Major Groat got the Military Medal. For bravery at Paschendaele, Aug. 1917, Lance-Cpl. M'Gillivray—who was killed—got the Military Medal, and Piper Paul received the same distinction. The C.O. regards the pipes as invaluable in action. Of the pipers one got the V.C., one the D.C.M. and nine the Military Medal. No man was recommended for a distinction unless he had twice played his company to an attack. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 28556 | PipeMajor | Donald M'Leod | Invalided, 1915. | 28558 | " | Ronald M'Donald | 29327 | " | James Groat, D.C.M., M.M. | Pipe Major, Nov. 1915; D.C.M.; Military Medal and Bar. | 28812 | Piper | C. Wilson | Wounded, Ypres, 22-28/4/15; invalided. | 28694 | " | James Thomson | Died of wounds, Ypres, 23/4/15. | 28779 | " | William M'Ivor | Died of wounds, 10/5/15. | 29236 | " | James Lowe | Wounded, Ypres, 22-28/4/15; invalided. | 28595 | " | George Birnie | Killed, Festubert, 20/5/15. | 29468 | " | Angus Morrison | Killed, Festubert, 20/5/15. | 28557 | " | Alec M'Gillivray (?), M.M. | Killed, 15/8/17; Military Medal. | 29048 | " | Alan M'Nab, M.M. | Military Medal. | 28559 | " | Hugh M'Donald | 29336 | " | George Inglis | 29149 | " | Gordon Ross | 28930 | " | James Richardson, V.C. | Killed, 8/10/16; V.C. | 28561 | " | John Parks | Killed, 8/10/16. | 28560 | " | Hugh M'Kellar | Invalided, 1917. | 859495 | " | J. Lightheart | 429603 | " | G. Paul, M.M. | Killed, Amiens, 8/8/18; Military Medal. | 467573 | " | Alex. Robertson, M.M. | Military Medal. | 466703 | " | John M'Allister, M.M. | Military Medal. | 183188 | " | William Buchanan | 183192 | " | Hugh M'Beth | 736522 | " | David Horn | 737176 | " | John J. M'Lean | Wounded, Amiens, 8/8/18. | 736406 | " | William Goldie | 160387 | " | Norman M'Iver | 859059 | " | Arthur Duncan | 603174 | " | Gordon Cruickshank, M.M. | Military Medal. | 633237 | " | Duncan M'Kinnon | Wounded, Oct. 1918. | 633179 | " | Archibald M'Donell, M.M. | Military Medal. | 633524 | " | Lawrence M'Gillivray | 189348 | " | Harry M'Lean | 603269 | " | Willie Darlow | 859498 | " | John Lightheart | 860095 | " | John Reid | 85959 | " | John M'Donald | Wounded, Sept. 1918. | 959196 | " | David Hunter | 859941 | " | William M'Gregor | 693164 | " | Arthur Robertson | Wounded, Oct. 1918. | 859100 | " | Robert M'Donald | 779259 | " | George M'Leod | 859454 | " | Donald M'Kenzie | THE CAMERON HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA
THE 21st CANADIANS (Eastern Ontario Regiment) It is considered in this battalion that pipers are quite indispensable, and should be spared as far as possible. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Ian Mackenzie | Killed, Cambrai, 11/10/18. | 59224 | Corpl. | William Currie, M.M., M.C. | Wounded, 23/4/16; Military Medal; promoted Lieut.; got Military Cross. | 59937 | Sergt. | William Sutherland | Wounded, 27/11/15. | 60115 | Piper | Hugh Mackenzie, M.M. | Military Medal. | 59320 | " | C. Fyfe | Wounded, 28/10/15. | 59311 | " | J. Ewart | Invalided. | 59620 | " | H. M'Keachen | Invalided. | 633985 | " | W. Grant | Invalided. | 401191 | " | Macdougall | Wounded, 19/6/16. | 59618 | PipeMajor | J. M'Dougall | 59181 | Corpl. | J. R. Coghill, M.M. | Military Medal. | 675268 | Piper | W. H. Collins | 633879 | " | W. Alexander | 675274 | " | J. Little | 633643 | " | D. M'Donald | THE 25th CANADIANS Piper Telfer played his company into action at Vimy Ridge until wounded. He was awarded the Military Medal; Piper W. Brand also got the same distinction. Again, at Amiens, August 1918, the battalion was played over. There was great competition among the men to be allowed to perform this duty. Frequently they were employed as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | Carson | Meritorious Service Medal; wounded, 13/8/18; Mons Medal. | | Corpl. | Cant | Invalided. | | " | Morrison | | Piper | W. Telfer | Military Medal; wounded, 9/4/18. | | " | W. Brand | Military Medal. | | Piper | D. Brand | Invalided. | | " | A. Campbell | Invalided. | | " | M. M'Dougall | | " | G. Hooper | | " | P. Kitchenham | Wounded, 9/4/18. | | " | G. Thomas | Wounded, 9/4/18. | | " | H. O'Connell | | " | E. Stewart | Killed, 9/4/18. | | " | T. H. M'Kinnon | | " | J. H. Shirley | | " | E. B. Thurlow | | " | W. Fyffe | Wounded. | | " | A. Ritchie | Wounded. | | " | H. M'Culloch | | " | N. M'Leod | | " | J. Macintosh | | " | A. Lavrey | | " | W. Buchanan | | " | F. MacBean | | " | Hector Maclean Angus | Invalided. | THE 29th CANADIANS (Vancouver Regiment) Pipers were employed as bearers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 75582 | PipeMajor | W. Montgomery | Invalided. | 75132 | " | D. M'Culloch | 75297 | Corpl. | D. May | Wounded, 13/11/17; invalided. | 75599 | Piper | W. S. Grant | Killed, 6/11/17. | 76216 | " | W. Burnside | Killed, 6/11/17. | 76484 | " | J. R. Davidson | 76186 | " | A. Robertson | Invalided. | 73583 | " | A. M. Bayne | Wounded, 20/4/16. | 76482 | " | J. Clark | 75848 | " | R. M'Donald | 75673 | " | A. M'Lachlan | 76180 | " | A. M'Rae | 75298 | " | W. A. Robertson | 76481 | " | A. Dunsmuir | 30173 | " | A. Wilson |
THE 236th CANADIANS (The MacLean Regiment) REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 1030319 | Piper | E. Barton | 1030099 | " | W. H. Blair | 1030239 | " | W. W. Bradford | 1030098 | " | Cecil Brewer | 1030225 | " | Douglas Burbridge | 1030152 | " | John Campbell | 1030076 | " | George Clarke | 1030020 | " | W. H. Collins | 1030328 | Lance-Cpl. | Charles Cromwell | 1030253 | Piper | Andrew Dodds | 1030008 | Corpl. | Richard Ferrie | 1030312 | Piper | Donald Grant | 1030513 | " | Kenneth Gregory | 1030010 | Sergt. | Fred Hayter | 1030043 | Piper | Fred Harris | 1030012 | " | John M'Fadgen | 1030511 | " | William M'Ewan | 1030326 | " | John M'Namee | 1030581 | " | James Mack | 742630 | " | Walter Morrell | 1030196 | " | Harold Miles | 1030045 | " | Edward Ralsten | 1030030 | " | A. Regan | 743040 | " | Charles Ross | 1030016 | Pipe Sgt. | W. H. Ross | 1030323 | Piper | J. Benson Robinson | 1030052 | " | Gordon Scott | 1030142 | " | E. J. Sloane | 1030066 | " | James Smith | 1030014 | Corpl. | Alex. Stewart | 1030184 | Piper | Douglas Stewart | 291928 | " | J. Simpson | 1030545 | " | William Stewart | 1030217 | " | George Tandy | 1030026 | " | A. E. Walker | 1030093 | " | George White | 1030110 | " | E. Willis | 1030061 | " | James Wilson | 467264 | " | George Walker | 1030143 | " | Robert Jamerison |
THE CANADIAN PIONEERS 1st Battalion Owing to the nature of the employment of this battalion on railway construction the pipers were principally in the ranks as sappers. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | 154580 | PipeMajor | H. M'Kenzie | 154492 | Piper(Sapper) | William Henry | 154589 | " | F. Macdonald | Wounded, 7/5/16. | 154184 | " | J. Grant | Killed, 13/6/16. | 155016 | " | William Gray | Wounded, 4/6/16. | 154121 | " | R. Kell | 154027 | " | G. Mars | Wounded, 17/8/18. | 491353 | " | W. G. Richardson | 154231 | " | P. Hyndman | Wounded, 17/9/17. | THE 2nd AUCKLAND REGIMENT The band was started in Egypt in 1915 with 4 pipers, and gradually a few more were added. The pipers were not allowed to go into action as such. Pipe Major J. F. Robertson was given the Military Medal for gallantry during the operations round Bapaume in 1918. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | Piper | H. Cameron | | " | J. F. Robertson | Awarded Military Medal, Bapaume, 1918. | | " | H. M. Kennedy | | " | J. Stevenson | | " | J. Brown | | " | D. M'Kinley | | " | A. Lambie | | " | F. Barry | | " | F. M'Lean | | " | J. Clothier | | " | B. Johns |
THE 42nd AUSTRALIANS This battalion raised a band of 8 pipers when they left Australia in 1916. They were largely employed as scouts, runners, etc. The battalion was subsequently merged into the 41st. Pipers A. Aitken and R. Gillespie were awarded Military Medals for valuable scouting work carried out prior to the action at Messines in June 1917. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | A. R. M'Coll | | Corpl. | A. S. MacNaught | | Piper | A. Aitken, M.M. | Wounded; Military Medal. | | " | R. Gillespie, M.M. | Military Medal. | | " | J. A. Murray | | " | A. M'Pherson | Wounded. | | " | J. M'Coll | Wounded. | | " | J. Robertson | Wounded. | | " | A. Murray | Wounded. | | " | M. H. Fraser | Killed. | | " | D. Lathangie | | " | T. A. Fraser | Wounded. | | " | A. S. Chaplin | | " | W. Reid | | " | W. Milne | | " | A. M'Pherson | | " | J. Clarke | | " | A. Howie | Wounded. | THE SOUTH AFRICAN SCOTTISH The pipers proved quite invaluable on the long marches in the operations against the Senussi, in keeping the men going, under the most trying climatic conditions. The pipers were sometimes employed as bearers, or as carriers of stores, ammunition, etc., and as runners. In the Cambrai advance by the Germans they had to serve in the ranks. At Houdincourt, having piled their pipes and taken up rifles, nearly all their instruments were destroyed by a shell. REG.NO. RANK. | NAME. | RECORD. | | PipeMajor | D. Cameron, D.C.M. | Became C. Sergt.-Major; wounded. | | " | Alexander Grieve | Gassed, March 1918. | | Lance-Cpl. | R. Hay | | Piper | T. Scott | Killed, Arras, 9/4/17. | | " | A. Gray, M.M. | Military Medal. | | " | J. Waterhouse, M.M. | Military Medal. | | " | J. Matheson | | " | D. A. Cummings | | " | F. Fraser | | " | C. Gordon | Invalided. | | " | R. Lindsay | | " | M. M'Neil | | " | J. M'Calman | | " | J. Munro | Wounded, Oct. 1916; invalided. | | " | M. Strang | | " | G. Collier | | " | W. Irons | | " | M'Gregor | | " | M'Coll | | " | W. Strang | Roll of Honour 1914-1918 Cha till, cha till, cha till Mac Criomain, An cogadh no sith cha till e tuille; Le airgiod no ni cha till Mac Criomain, Cha till e gu brÀth gu lÀ na cruinne. Son ÉpÉe au Roi, Son coeur À sa dame, Ses honneurs À soi, —À dieu son Âme.