- A
- Absalom, 29
- Alexander the Great, 32
- Alexander II. of Russia, 181
- Alfred the Great, 123
- Allen, Lieutenant, 118
- Althorp Park, 132
- American Civil War, 42, 287
- American Secret Service, 283 et seq.
- Anarchist societies, 153
- Anderson, Sir Robert, 312
- AndrÉ, Major John, 104 et seq.
- Andrieux, Prefect of Police, 153
- Anglo-Russian War, 53
- Antraigues, Comte d', 260, 261, 262
- Aristagoras, 32
- Arnold, Benedict, 100 et seq.
- Arthur, John, 42
- Aubigny, Duchesse d', 128
- Austerlitz, campaign of, 65, 71
- B
- Babcock, General, 293
- Baden, duchy of, 61
- Baker, Lafayette, 291
- Balance of Power, 128
- Barnett, John, 305
- Belfort, town of, 62
- Bernhardi, 161
- Berthier, Marshal, 226, 304
- Bertillon, Professor, 155
- Biggar, Jos., 40
- Bismarck, von, 175 et seq.
- Black Cardinals, 76
- Black Hand Society, 96
- Black Country, Westphalia, 134
- Black Cabinet, 154
- Bluntschli, 19
- Boisdeffre, General de, 235
- Boulanger, General, 152, 158, 159
- Boyd, Belle, 290
- Brandon, Captain, 134
- Brevoort House, 290
- Britain, cost of espionage, 136
- British Museum Catalogue, 162
- Burleigh, Lord, 126
- C
- CÆsar, 34
- Campeggio, Cardinal, 124
- Canning, Foreign Minister, 131
- Caro, Elme, 230
- Carrier-pigeons, 33, 144
- Charles II., 128
- Christ and the spies, 29
- Louis XIV., 38
- Louis XV., 256
- Louis XVIII., 260
- Louise of Prussia, 74
- Louise of Saxony, 265
- M
- MÆcenas, 125
- Mack, Field-Marshal, 66
- Mackenzie, Colin, 132
- MacParlan, J., 90 et seq.
- Madison, President, 286
- Manhattan, 83
- Maria Edgeworth, 106
- Marie Louise, 76
- Mary Stuart, 126, 127
- MatinÉes du Roi de Prusse, 161
- Mazarin, Cardinal, 128
- Megalomania of spy, 23
- Meinau, M. de, 60
- Meline, Monsieur, 149
- Mexican War, 287
- Meyn, painter, 37
- Mischianza, 111
- Mithridates, 30
- "Molly Maguires," 90, 93
- Moltke, von, 177
- Mommsen, Professor, 193
- Montesquieu, 71
- Morin, 19
- Murat, 75, 124
- N
- Napoleon, 23, 28, 37, 38, 64, 147, 148, 166, 193, 221, 226, 228, 298 et seq.
- Napoleon III., 77, 152
- National Homing Union, 145
- "Necklace" manoeuvre, 70
- Neu-Freistett, 60
- New journalists, 57
- New Haven (Connecticut), 82
- New York, 84
- New York Times, 250 et seq.
- New York Gazette, 285
- Nietszche, 161
- Norwalk, 86
- "Number Seventy, Berlin," 235
- O
- O'Donovan Rossa, 52
- O'Neill, General, 45 et seq.
- Ottawa,