
[22] PorteÑo, literally a man born in the port of Buenos Aires, but is also applied to any one born in the province of Buenos Aires.[25] Benbax ceiba, a large tree with spongy, light wood, that has immense bunches of purple flowers.[27] Pingo in Argentina is a good horse. Pucha is a euphemism for another word.[28] Elbow of a river.[114a] Lopez Cogulludo, Historia de Yucatan.[114b] Era gran Escriturario.[115] El sagrado misterio de la encarnacion de el eterno Verbo.[116a] Los barbaros infideles.[116b] Entendiendo que era animal de razon.[118] Arrebatado de un furioso selo de la honra de Dios.[187] Wild horse.[190] Argentine saddle.[194a] Golilla, which originally meant a ruff, is now used for a handkerchief round the neck.[194b] Cojinillo, part of the recado.[201] Malacara, literally Badface, is the name used for a white-faced horse. In old days in England such a horse was called Baldfaced.[202] Little troop.


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