Abert, John, 195.
Abinger, Lord, 211.
Lady, 211.
Adams, Abigail, 134.
Abigail Louisa Smith, 148.
Charles, 148.
Charles Francis, 149, 352.
Mrs. Charles Francis, 148, 149, 352.
Elizabeth Combs, 205-207.
Isaac Hull, 205-207.
John (1), 57, 134, 147, 148, 206, 316.
John (2), 214, 282.
Mrs. John, 214, 282.
John Quincy, 31, 32, 148, 149, 199, 200, 206, 214, 279, 280, 282.
Mrs. John Quincy, 279, 280, 332.
Mary Louisa, 199.
Thomas Boylston, 206, 207.
William, 180.
Addington, Henry Unwin, 279.
Addison, Joseph, 80.
Adrian, Robert, 53, 66.
Agg, John T., 280.
Albert, Prince, 163.
William T., 372.
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 158.
Alfonso XIII., of Spain, 100.
Allen, Eliza, 198.
John, 198.
Allerton, Willoughby, 324.
Mrs. Willoughby, 324.
Allston, Washington, 99.
Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno, 229.
Mrs. Juan Nepomuceno, 229.
Almy, John J., 257.
Anderson, Richard C, 239.
Robert, 239.
Mrs. Robert, 239, 240.
Andrews, Edward G., 53.
John A., 178.
Anne, Queen, 141.
Anthon, Charles, 13-16, 18.
Anthony, Henry B., 361.
Appleton, James Means, 255.
Jesse, 255.
Armistead, Richard, 145.
Mrs. Richard, 69, 146.
Susan, 73, 145.
Armstrong, John, 72.
Mr., of New York, 112.
Arthur, Chester A., 11, 390, 391.
Ashton, Henry, 215.
Astor, Dorothea, 74.
Eliza, 75.
Emily, 53.
George, 76.
"George and Company," 76.
Henry, 75.
John Jacob (1), 33, 36, 39, 72-77.
John Jacob (2), 22.
Magdalen, 74.
William B., 22, 23, 53, 72.
William Waldorf, 102.
"Astor and Camp," 76.
Atkinson, Henry, 163.
Mrs. Henry, 163.
Auchmuty, Richard Tyldin, 364.
Audenreid, Florence, 373.
Joseph C., 372.
Augustus, Emperor, 385.
Aulick, John H., 169.
Bache, Eliza Ann, 78.
Matilda, 278.
Bacon, Alice, 19.
Delia, 19.
Francis, 34.
Julia, 19.
Leonard, 19.
Badger, Miss, 374.
Bakhmeteff, Madame, 364.
Balfe, Michael William, 227.
Victoire, 227.
Ball, Mary, 377.
Bancroft, George, 171, 199, 371, 372.
Mrs. George, 106, 372.
Bankhead, James, 186, 211.
The Misses, 186.
Banks, Nathaniel P., 178, 315.
Bannister, Mr., 185.
Bantz, Gideon, 340.
Baraza, Cipriano, 297.
Barbour, James L., 175.
Barca, de la, Don Calderon, 233.
Madame Calderon, 233, 252.
Barclay, Andrew D., 142.
Bard, Samuel, 146.
William, 146.
Barker, Jacob, 43.
Barlow, Francis C., 184.
Barnum, P. T., 162.
Barron, James, 259.
Bartlett, William H. C., 123.
Bass, Mrs. EugÉnie, 231.
Bazaine, FranÇois AchillÉ, 278.
Beach, Moses Y., 44, 113.
Beale, Edward F., 364.
Mrs. Edward F., 364.
Mary, 364.
Bearn, de, Louis, 230, 231.
Princess, 231.
Beauharnais, de, Hortense, 258.
Beaujour, de, Felix, 51.
Beaumont, John C., 304.
Beauregard, de, Paix, 58.
Toutant, 58.
Pierre G. T., 54, 58, 234.
Beck, James B., 387.
Mrs. James B., 387.
Becket, À, Thomas, 96.
Beckett, Hamilton, 96.
Belden, George, 144.
Julia, 144.
Belknap, William G., 374.
Bellini, Giovanni, 234.
Bellows, Henry W., 147.
Belmont, August, 35, 85, 95.
Mrs. August, 95, 165.
Beltzhoover, Daniel M., 121.
Benham, Henry W., 64, 255.
Mrs. Henry W., 64, 255.
Bennett, James Gordon, 46, 47, 83.
Mrs. James Gordon, 47.
Benton, James G., 46.
Mrs. James G., 46.
Jessie Ann, 229.
Mr., 281.
Susan, 229.
Thomas H., 92, 93, 229, 279.
Bentzon, Adrian B., 74.
Mrs. Adrian B., 74.
BÉrault, AmÉline, 52.
Charles, 67.
Madame Charles, 67.
Laura, 52.
Marie-Louise JosÉphine Laure, 67.
Pauline, 68.
Vincente Rose AmÉline, 67.
Beresford, William, 154.
Bergmans, Alfred, 232.
Madame Alfred, 232.
Berret, James G., 367.
Mrs. James G., 367.
Berrian, William, 86.
Berrien, William McPherson, 56.
Bertinatti, Giuseppe, 231.
Madame Giuseppe, 231.
Bibby, Augustus, 267.
Edward N., 267.
Mrs. Edward N., 267.
Gouverneur S., 36, 371.
Mrs. Gouverneur S., 22.
Henry Warburton, 267.
Biddle, Nicholas, 14.
Bigelow, John, 53, 126.
Bisset, John, 142.
Black, Jeremiah S., 286.
Rebecca B., 286.
Blackwell, Jacob, 5.
Lydia, 5.
Robert, 5.
Blaine, James G., 174, 361, 385.
Mrs. James G., 361, 385.
Blair, Hugh, 30.
Mrs. James, 258.
Bleecker, Anthony, 87.
Bliss, Alexander, 372.
Mrs. Alexander, 372.
D. W., 390.
William W. S., 152.
Blodgett, George M., 87.
Boggs, Edward B., 87.
Boilleau, Baron Geoffrey, 229, 230.
The Baroness, 229.
Bolles, T. Dix, 215.
Mrs. T. Dix, 215.
Bolton, William Compton, 21.
Mrs. William Compton, 21.
Bonaparte, Jerome, 339.
Boreel, Mrs. Francis R., 73.
Borland, Mr., 281.
Solon, 205.
Boswell, James, 80.
Botelwalla, (a Parsee), 294.
Botta, Vincenzo, 158.
Mrs. Vincenzo, 158, 159.
Bouck, William C., 189, 193.
Bowne, Walter, 30.
Boyce, Edward, 233.
Mrs. Edward, 233.
Bradford, Elizabeth Hopkins, 375.
William, 183.
Bradish, Luther, 3.
Bradley, Joseph P., 382.
Brady, James T., 83, 84.
Brandegee, Maria, 58.
Brasher, Philip, 43.
Bratz, Herrman, 372.
Bray, Mrs. Ann Eliza, 66.
Breckenridge, John C., 220.
Bresson, de, Paul Alfred, 232.
Bridge, Horatio, 274.
Mrs. Horatio, 274.
Bridgens, Cornelia, 159, 160.
The Misses, 159.
Brodhead, Jacob, 86.
Broglie, de, Duchesse, 75.
Bronson, Orestes Augustus, 158.
Brooke, Catharine L., 174.
Brooks, Peter C., 148.
Preston S., 244.
Mrs. Sidney, 225.
Brown, B. Gratz, 351.
Colonel, 348.266.
Mrs. William Thomas, 214, 266.
Carter, Bernard Moore, 97.
Robert, 249.
Cass, Isabella, 121, 187.
Lewis Cass, 121, 188.
Casti, Giovanni Battista, 34.
Caton, Richard, 101.
Mrs. Richard, 101.
Caux, de, Grimaud, 358.
Madame Grimaud, 358.
Chalmers, Thomas, 168.
Chandler, William E., 361.
Mrs. William E., 361.
Zachariah, 241, 368.
Mrs. Zachariah, 368.
Channing, William Henry, 157, 158.
Chapman, John Gadsby, 119.
Charraud, John T., 29.
Chase, Salmon P., 218, 334.
Chateaubriand, FranÇois Auguste, 101.
Chaulet, Mrs. George R. A., 67.
Chegaray, Madame Eloise, 50-54, 57, 58, 61, 63-67, 69, 103, 139, 216.
Chesterfield, Lord, 80, 329.
Chew, Beverly, 57.
Mrs. Beverly, 57, 58.
Catharine Alexander, 57.
Robert S., 218.
Choate, Rufus, 85, 94, 178, 225.
Chopin, FrÉderic FranÇois, 76.
Chrystie, Mr., 186.
Church, Albert E., 123.
Clagett, Darius, 175.
Clark, Daniel, 58.
Clay, Clement C., 277.
Mrs. Clement C., 277.
Henry, 31, 32, 63, 89, 159, 279,
317, 384.
Clerke, William B., 185.
Cleveland, Grover, 34, 383.
Clinch, Duncan L., 240.
Clinton, Augusta, 71.
Mrs. DeWitt, 69, 70, 71, 129, 145.
Julia, 69.
Cochrane, John, 109, 150, 352.
Codman, Charles Russell, 111.
Coffey, Titian J., 367.
Mrs. Titian J., 367.
Cohen, Abraham H., 9.
Mrs. Abraham H., 9.
Mrs. Sara Jane Picken, 9.
Coleman, Margaret, 199.
Sarah, 199.
Coles, Mrs. (of New York), 35.
Colfax, Schuyler, 356.
Mrs. Schuyler, 356.
Colhoun, Mrs. William H., 187.
Collins, Charles Oliver, 359.
Mrs. Charles Oliver, 359.
Mrs. Mary Bailey, 359.
Condit-Smith, John, 385.
Mrs. John, 385.
Conkling, Roscoe, 361.
Mrs. Roscoe, 361.
Connelly, Pierce, 61, 62.
Mrs. Pierce, 63.
Contoit, John H., 34.
Conway, Moncure D., 378, 379.
Coolidge, Mrs. Harriet Morris, 200.
Richard Henry, 200.
Mrs. Richard Henry, 200.
Cooper, James Fenimore, 92, 131.
Priscilla, 94.
Thomas Apthorpe, 94.
Mrs. Thomas Apthorpe, 94.
Corbin, Francis Porteus, 339.
Corcoran, Thomas, 217.
William W., 197, 217, 374, 376.
Cornbury, Lord, 141.
Cottringer, Mr., 281.
Coudert, Frederick R., 17.
Cox, Arthur Cleveland, 90.
Samuel H., 90.
Cozzens, William B., 36, 180.
Craig, Adam, 64.
Mrs. Adam, 64.
Jane Stith, 64.
Crampton, John F. T., 226-228.
Mrs. John F. T., 227.
Crane, Charles H., 195.
Ichabod B., 195.
Crawford, Francis Marion, 392.
William H., 32, 282.
Crean, Henrietta Agnes, 47.
Crittenden, John Jordan, 279.
Croghan, Mary E., 233, 234.
Cromwell, Oliver, 2, 381.
Samuel, 91, 93.
Crooke, Mary, 131.
Croom, Henry B., 54.
Henrietta, 54, 55, 57.
Cropper, John, 358.
Mrs. John, 358.
Crowninshield, Arent Schuyler, 375.
Mrs. Arent Schuyler, 12, 375-376.
Benjamin W., 282.
The Misses, 280, 282.
Cruger, Mrs. Douglas, 111.
Cumberland, Duke of, 7, 201.
Cunard, Edward, 117.
Lady, 166.
Curry, Jabez L. M., 99.
Mrs. Jabez L. M., 99.
Curtin, Andrew G., 352, 367.
Curtis, George William, 158, 377.
Cushing, Caleb, 101, 102, 178, 198, 251, 252, 254, 255, 265, 333.
Custis, Mrs. Daniel Parke, 236.
Mrs. Sallie Smith, 337.
Cutts, Mrs. Rose Adelle ("Addie"), 219.
James Madison, 218, 219.
Mrs. James Madison, 218-220.
Richard, 218.
Dahlgren, John A., 377, 378.
Mrs. John A., 377.
Mrs. Madeleine Vinton, 377, 378.
Dallas, George M., 85.
Daly, Charles P., 13, 18.
Joseph F., 18.
Dana, Charles A., 157, 352.
Francis, 158.
Mrs. Francis, 158.
Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 53, 82.
Lorenzo L., 53.
Dardon, Madame, 374.
Darwin, Charles, 80.
Davenport, Mrs. Henry K., 213
Richard G., 213.
Davidge, Walter D., 387, 390.
Mrs. Walter D., 387.
Davidson, Samuel, 236.
Davies, Solomon B., 265.
Mrs. Solomon B., 265.
Davis, Charles Augustus, 36, 74.
Mrs. Charles Augustus, 74.
David, 352.
Delaware, 380.
Henry Gassaway, 340.
Mrs. Henry Gassaway, 340.
George T., 245.
Grace, 340.
Hallie, 340.
Jefferson, 103, 213, 284, 287.
Mrs. Jefferson, 213, 276.
John, 373.
Kate, 340.
Samuel B., 380.
Winter, 178.
Dawes, Anna, 361.
Henry L., 361.
Mrs. Henry L., 361.
Day, Henry, 137.
De Genlis, Madame, 168.
De Hart, Abigail, 180.
De Kay, George Coleman, 221.
De Koven, Henry, 117.
Mrs. Henry, 117.
Reginald, 117.
De Menou, Jules, 193.
De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 34, 165.
Captain, 51.
Frederick (1), 49.
Frederick (2), 39, 163, 164.
Mrs. Frederick, 164.
James Ferguson, 64.
John Watts, 116, 163, 165, 166.
Mrs. John Watts, 116, 166.
Susan Maria Clarkson, 64.
De Rham, Henry Casimir, 102.
Mrs. Henry Casimir, 102.
De Ruiz, Domingo Leoncio, 68.
Mrs. Domingo Leoncio, 68.
De SodrÉ, Lucinia, 314.
Luis Pereira, 314.
De StaËl, Madame, 75, 276.
De Veaux, Mr., of New York, 112.
De Wint, Caroline, 134.
De Witt, Thomas, 86, 180.
De Wolf, Mr., 281.
Decatur, Anne Pine, 309.
Stephen (1), 216, 258, 259, 279, 309, 310.
Mrs. Stephen, 259.
Stephen (2), 309.
Dehon, Fanny, 225.
Delafield, Edward, 116.
Mrs. Edward, 116.
Henry, 111, 115, 116.
John, 115.
Joseph, 116.
Richard, 116.
William, 116.
Delarue, Marguerite M., 175.
Demonet, Charles, 175.
Demsey, John, 323.
Denning, Hannah Maria, 15.
Dennison, Jenny, 367.
Miss, 374.
William, 367.
Mrs. William, 367.
Dent, Louis, 355.
Mrs. Louis, 355.
Derby, George H., 282-285.
DÉsabaye, Caroline, 67.
Clara, 52.
Gustave, 51.
Marc, 51, 52.
Pierre Prosper, 50.
DÉslonde, Adrian, 93.
Marie Mathilde, 95.
Dewey, Orville, 88.
D'Hervilly, Joseph U. F., 68.
Madame Joseph U. F., 67, 68.
Dickinson, Jonathan, 389.
Julia Maria, 47.
Didot, Firmin, 13.
nberg@html@files@28384@28384-h@28384-h-6.htm.html#Page_187" class="pginternal">187, 205, 286, 360.
Hamilton (2), 373.
Preserved, 113, 114.
Fisher, George H., 180.
Fitzgerald, Louis, 269.
Floyd, John B., 341.
John G., 266.
Julia, 116.
Mr., 281.
William, 116.
Follin, Adolphus, 185.
Foote, Henry S., 388.
Kate, 361.
Forbes, Harriet Blackwell, 187.
John, 22.
Mrs. John, 23.
Maria, 22-24, 26-28, 30, 50, 294.
Forrest, Edwin, 82, 83.
Mrs. Edwin, 83.
Uriah, 369, 370.
Forsyth, John, 30, 31, 282.
Mrs. John, 280, 282.
Foster, Lafayette S., 334.
Fox, Henry Stephen, 227, 228.
Francis, John W., 23, 26-28, 69, 81, 82, 98, 115, 180.
Franklin, Benjamin, 26, 28, 379.
Fraser, Donald, 115.
Freeman, Isabel, 199.
William G., 199.
Mrs. William G., 199.
Frelinghuysen, Frederick, 11.
Frederick Theodore, 11.
Theodore, 11.
Fremont, John C., 230.
Mrs. John C., 230.
Frietchie, Barbara, 125, 327.
Fuller, Margaret, 158.
Melville, 215.
Furguson, Mrs., 287
Gadsby, John, 177.
Gage, Henry (1), 24.
Henry (2), 125.
Thomas, 124.
Mrs. Thomas, 124.
Gaines, Edmund Pendleton (1), 58.
Mrs. Edmund Pendleton, 58.
Edmund Pendleton (2), 354.
Mrs. Edmund Pendleton (2), 354.
Mrs. Myra Clark, 58.
Gales, Mrs. Joseph, 280, 282.
Galliher, Mr., 185.
Galt, Matthew W., 367.
Mrs. Matthew W., 367.
Garcia, Manuel, 81.
Signor, 81.
Garfield, James A., 377, 389, 390.
Garrick, David, 80.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 99.
Gaston, William, 279, 389.
Mrs. William, 389.
Gau, Alexandre, 233, 266.
Mrs. Alexandre, 233, 270.
Gautier, Charles, 175.
Gauvain, Michael A., 29.
Gelston, David, 72.
Henry, 35.
Maltby, 71, 72, 100, 101.
Margaret, 71, 72, 100.
Mary, 71, 72, 100.
Genet, Edmond Charles, 1, 2, 29.
George I., 8.
Gerard, James W., 144, 185.
Julia, 185.
Gerolt, von, Bertha, 232.
The Baroness, 232.
Frederick Charles Joseph, 231, 232.
The Baroness, 232.
Gerry, Mrs. Hannah Greene, 217.
Gevers, Johan Cornelis, 213, 266.
The Baroness, 213.
Gibbes, Annette, 22.
Charlotte Augusta, 22.
Robert Morgan, 102.
Mrs. Robert Morgan, 102.
Thomas S., 21, 36.
Mrs. Thomas S., 21, 22, 36.
Gibbon, Edward, 80.
Gibbs, Benjamin F., 304.
George, 147.
Mrs. George, 147, 313.
Laura Wolcott, 147.
Wolcott, 147.
Gillett, Ransom H., 138.
Goelet, Peter, 217.
Goldsborough, Margaret, 334, 350.
Mary Catharine, 334.
Gonzales, Ambrosio JosÉ, 234, 235.
Goodloe, Green Clay, 387.
Mrs. Green Clay, 387.
Gordon, John B., 324.
Gordon-Cumming, Alexander Penrose, 172.
Mrs. Alexander Penrose, 172.
Gould, James, 4.
Gouverneur, Mrs. Abraham, 131.
Elizabeth, 265.
Emily, 120.
Frederick Philipse, 130.
Gertrude, 118.
Isaac, 118.
Louisa A., 270.
Margaret Philipse, 130.
Mary Marston, 130, 131, 269.
Maud Campbell, 183, 270, 271, 307, 362.
Nicholas, 118, 127, 256.
Rose de Chine, 309, 346.
Ruth Monroe, 288, 320, 390.
Samuel, 130.
Mrs. Samuel, 130, 131.
Samuel L. (1), 193, 256-258, 261, 262, 264, 265, 272, 314, 315, 320.
Mrs. Samuel L. (1), (first wife, Maria Hester Monroe), 47, 109, 256, 257, 259, 260, 264.
Mrs. Samuel L. (1), (second wife, Mary Digges Lee), 256, 261, 262, 265.
Samuel L. (2), 25, 109, 115, 256, 259, 262-264, 267, 270-272, 275, 276, 282, 283, 285, 288, 290, 292, 294, 295, 300-303, 306-309, 312, 313, 316-320, 322, 323, 325, 328, 330, 332, 335, 350-353, 356, 364, 366, 370, 373, 389.
Mrs. Samuel L. (2), Preface, 25, 139, 206, 270, 271, 308, 344, 346, 347, 348, 362, 366.
Samuel Mongan Warburton, 269.
"Gouverneur and Kemble," 48, 118.
Gower, Ronald, 228.
Grabow, von, Guido, 233, 266.
The Baroness, 233.
Graham, George, 213.
Mrs. George, 213.
John, 213.
Granger, Adele, 139.
Delia W., 370.
Francis, 138.
Gideon, 138.
Grant, Frederick, 374.
Nellie, 356, 366.
Ulysses S., 152, 232, 254, 319, 349, 350, 351, 352, 355, 356, 361, 365, 370, 372, 373, 376, 381.
Mrs. Ulysses S., 355.
Gray, John F., 133.
Greeley, Horace, 225, 350, 351, 352, 355, 356.
Greely, Adolphus W., 214, 391.
Mrs. Adolphus W., 214, 391.
Green, Alice, 370.
John, 370.
Thomas, 240.
Mrs. Thomas, 240.
Greenhow, Robert, 220.
Mrs. Robert, 177, 218, 220, 221, 222.
Rose, 220.
Greenwood, Grace, 377.
Greig, John, 39, 138.
Griffin, William Preston, 205.
Mrs. William Preston, 52, 205.
Griffith, Arabella, 184.
George, 92.
Philip, 222, 224.
Grinnell, Cornelia, 160.
"Grinnell, Minturn and Co.," 133.
Guiteau, Charles J., 390.
Gurowski, Adam, 177, 246-250.
Ignatius, 249, 250.
Ladislas, 246.
Guthrie, James, 178, 266, 286.
Gwin, William McKendree, 2.
Holly, Mrs. Hamilton, 108, 231.
Humboldt, von, Alexander, 232, 245, 289.
Hunt, Ward, 367.
Mrs. Ward, 367.
Mrs. Ridgely, 44.
Hunter, David, 326.
Iglehart, James, 304.
Ingersoll, Colin M., 223.
Ingle, Osborne, 328.
Inglis, Fanny, 233.
Lydia, 233.
Irving, Leslie, 185, 186.
Pierre Paris, 40.
Mrs. Pierre Paris, 40.
Sanders, 174.
Mrs. Sanders, 174, 370.
Washington, 40, 63, 127, 128, 129.
Iselin, Adrian, 51.
Isaac, 51, 52.
Izard, Ralph, 100.
Jackson, Andrew, 4, 30, 70, 161, 189, 191, 207, 215, 244, 257, 279, 280, 282, 358, 359, 390.
Benjamin L., 175.
Luther, 29.
Thomas J. ("Stonewall"), 327.
James II., 7.
James, Edward, 167.
Mrs. Julian, 392.
"Jardine and Matthewson," 306.
Jauncey, Jane Mary, 78.
Jay, Elizabeth Clarkson, 58.
John, 58, 379.
Peter Augustus, 58, 165, 204.
Mrs. Peter Augustus, 204, 214.
Jefferson, Maria, 339.
Martha, 357.
Thomas, 57, 72, 97, 138, 142, 339, 357, 380, 381, 390.
Jeffrey, Alexander, 370.
Mrs. Alexander, 370.
Jeffrey, Jennie, 14.
Jennings, Sarah, 154.
Jesup, Thomas S., 258.
Jewell, Miss, 374.
Johnson, Alexander B., 148.
Mrs. Alexander B., 148, 150.
Andrew, 342, 343, 345, 347-349.
Bradley T., 319, 320, 321.
George, 142.
Joseph E. ("Joe"), 326.
Joshua, 279.
Louisa Catharine, 279, 332.
Samuel, 80, 84.
Thomas, 236, 279, 331.
Mrs. William Clarkson, 200.
William Crawford, 320.
Johnston, Mrs. Harriet Lane, 286.
Mrs. Henry Elliott, 285.
James M., 369.
Mary B., 369.
William P., 368.
Joinville, de, Prince, 83.
Jones, David S., 15.
Dr., 262.
Mrs. Gore, 374.
Isaac, 153.
Mrs. Isaac, 153.
John P., 376.
Mary Anna Schuyler, 60.
Roger, 195, 283.
Samuel, 58, 60.
Madame Sarah, 58-60.
Virginia Collins, 255.
Walter, 255.
Joseph II., of Austria, 34.
Judd, Gerrit P., 171, 173.
Samuel, 36.
Kane, De Lancey, 37, 39.
Mrs. De Lancey, 39, 74.
John, 39.
Lydia, 37, 162, 168.
Sarah, 39.
Kantzow, de, Frederick, 163.
The Baroness, 163.
Kean, Christine, 52, 205.
John, 187.
Peter Philip James, 205.
Kearny, Mrs. Diana Bullitt, 165, 238.
Edward, 165.
Mary, 163.
Kearny, Nancy, 163.
Philip (1), 163-165.
Mrs. Philip (1), 164.
Philip (2), 116, 163, 165, 175, 238.
Mrs. Philip (2), 163, 238, 239, 348.
Virginia De Lancey, 44.
Keating, Miss, 374.
Keats, John, 80.
Keefer, C. H., 350.
Kellogg, Frances, 216.
Julia, 216.
Sanford C., 276.
Kemble, Charles, 84.
Ellen, 119.
Fanny, 15, 84-86, 124.
Gouverneur, 24, 80, 119, 123-127, 129, 130, 256, 268, 338.
Margaret, 124.
Margaret Tillotson, 73, 118.
Mary, 118, 119.
Peter, 118.
Mrs. Peter, 118.
Richard Frederick, 120.
Mrs. Richard Frederick, 120.
William, 73, 118, 119, 123, 129, 217, 268, 295.
Mrs. William, 119, 120, 185, 186, 271.
Kemmerer, Joseph, 167.
Kennedy, James C., 367.
Mrs. James C., 367.
Joseph C. G., 205.
Mrs. Joseph C. G., 205.
Thomas H., 58.
Mrs. Thomas H., 58.
Kennon, Mrs. Beverly, 193.
Kernan, Francis, 361.
Mrs. Francis, 361.
Miss, 361, 374.
Thomas, 361.
Kerr, Mr., 281.
Key, Francis Scott, 334.
Mrs. John, 370.
Kidder, Jerome E., 266.
Kilbourn, Miss, 374.
King, Archibald Gracie, 15.
Mrs. Archibald Gracie, 15, 132.
Charles, 4, 46, 105.
Mrs. Charles, 105.
Charles B., 119.
King, Charles C., 111.
Horatio, 376, 377.
Mrs. Horatio, 377.
John W., 64.
Mrs. John W., 64, 150.
Preston, 178, 349.
Rufus, 4, 279.
Kingman, Eliab., 256, 272-274, 276.
Mrs. Eliab., 273.
Kneeland, Samuel F., 17.
Knox, John (1), 142.
John (2), 86, 180.
John, of Scotland, 86.
Kortright, Hester, 256.
Lawrence, 256.
Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 187, 246.
Kossuth, Louis, 156, 157.
Kourowski, Mr., 250.
Kunkel, Jacob M., 328.
Mrs. Jacob M., 328.
Kunze, Johann Christoff, 79.
Kuroki, General, 250.
Labitzky, Joseph, 167.
Lafayette, de, Marquis, 1, 239.
Lafitte, Jean, 207.
La Fontaine, Jean, 53.
Laight, Edward, 165.
Henry, 164.
Mrs. Henry, 164.
Lamb, Charles, 80.
Lane, Harriet, 285, 286.
James, 349.
Langdon, John, 74.
Louisa, 39.
Walter, 73, 74.
Mrs. Walter, 73, 74.
Lansdale, Philip, 304.
Latimer, C. R., 174.
Laughton, J. Scott, 233.
Lawrence, James, 134.
John Tharp, 362.
Mrs. John Tharp, 362.
Mrs. Julia A. K., 362, 363.
Leake, John G., 12, 116.
Leary, Anna, 36.
James, 35.
Lee, Mrs. Arthur, 340.
Fitzhugh, 383.
Frederick Graham, 118.
John, 262.
Mrs. John, 262.
Lee, John F., 368.
Mrs. John F., 368.
Mary, 265.
Mary Digges, 256.
Robert E., 121, 194.
Emily, 106.
Mary, 106.
Mary Wellesley, 106.
McVickar, John, 14.
M'Dougall, Peter, 142.
M'Gregor, John, 142.
Madison, James, 47, 72, 101, 138, 219, 241, 279, 282.
Mrs. James ("Dolly"), 47, 178, 197, 218, 219, 324.
Magruder, George A., 211.
Helen, 211.
John B., 182, 208-211.
Mahan, Alfred T., 123.
Dennis H., 123.
Maitland, Mr., of New York, 112.
Malibran, Madame, 81.
Manning, Daniel, 34.
Marble, Manton, 382.
Marcoleta, de, JosÉ, 235.
Marcy, Cornelia, 198, 266.
William L., 30, 138, 177, 178, 195, 198, 229, 266, 284.
Mrs. William L., 178, 266.
Marini, Lewis G., 373, 374.
Mariscal, Madame, 374.
Markoe, Francis S., 218.
Marlborough, Duke of, 154.
Duchess of, 154.
Marquand, Frederick, 35.
Henry G., 35.
Marshall, Emily, 274.
John, 279.
Marston, Nathaniel, 131.
Mrs. Nathaniel, 131.
Martin, Mr. (of Jamaica, N.Y.), 6.
Marvel, Ik, 159.
Marx, Henry Carroll, 161.
Mary, Queen of Scots, 86.
Mason, Betty, 212.
Emily Virginia, 212, 213, 257.
Florence, 212.
James M., 212.
John, 153, 154.
John M., 142.
John T., 212.
Matilda, 212.
Miss, of New York, 112.
Stevens Thompson, 212.
Mrs. Thomson F. ("Colross"), 212.
Masters, Josiah, 64.
Masters, Margaret, 64.
Maulsby, William P., 328.
Mrs. William P., 328.
Maury, Matthew F., 207-210.
Mrs. Matthew F., 208.
Maximilian, Archduke, 208, 278, 370.
Maxwell, Charles Duval, 369.
Hugh, 44, 265.
Maynadier, William, 363.
Mrs. William ("Sallie"), 362, 363.
Maynard, Edward, 196.
Mayo, Edward, 105.
Mrs. Edward, 105.
John, 180, 181.
Mrs. John, 180.
Maria D., 180, 181.
Robert, 188, 189, 191, 192.
William Starbuck, 188.
Mrs. William Starbuck, 188.
Meade, George G., 316.
Richard W., 120.
Medhurst, Walter H., 293, 303.
Meikleham, David Scott, 357.
Mrs. David Scott (Septimia Randolph), 357.
Mercer, William Swann, 215.
Mrs. William Swan, 215.
Meredith, Emma, 238, 239.
Jonathan, 238.
Messinger, Daniel, 167, 168.
Mrs. Daniel, 168.
Messinger, Thomas H., 167.
Milledoler, Philip, 180.
Miller, Charles Dudley, 150.
Mrs. Charles Dudley, 150.
Thomas, 255.
Mrs. Thomas, 255.
William Starr, 111, 117.
Mills, Clark, 244.
Milne, Mr., 293, 302.
Mimmack, Bernard P., 359.
Mrs. Bernard P., 359.
Minus, Hetty, 98.
Philippa, 98.
Mitchell, Donald G., 159.
S. Weir, 373.
Samuel L., 10.
Moffette, Margaret, 199.
Monroe, Bettie, 265.
Columbus, 214.
Eliza, 29, 258.
Fannie, 114, 262.
James, 29, 44, 77, 101, 108, 109, 123, 142, 174, 177, 206, 213, 215, 256, 257, 263, 264, 267, 276, 279, 282, 285, 317, 332, 335, 357, 363, 366, 379, 380.
Mrs. James, 77, 258, 264.
James (nephew of President), 114.
Mrs. James, 111, 114.
Maria Hester, 256-258, 363.
Mr. 281.
Montauban, Charles, 307.
Montgomery, Richard, 120.
Mrs. Richard, 120.
Moore, Benjamin, 10, 102, 130.
Clement C., 105, 130, 131.
Maria Theresa, 102.
Theresa, 105.
Thomas, 81.
William (1), 130, 185.
William (2), 130.
Mrs. William (2), 130.
Mordecai, Alfred, 125.
Morgan, John Hunt, 319.
Mr., 281.
Morpeth, Lord, 146.
Morris, Charles, 200, 279.
Charles W., 93.
Charlotte, 120.
Emily, 39.
Gouverneur (1), 226, 307, 380.
Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur (1), 226.
Gouverneur (2), 165.
James, 120.
Lewis, 226.
Rebecca, 369.
Robert, 38, 313.
Roger, 131.
Mrs. Roger, 131.
Sarah, 52.
Thomas, 30, 38, 39, 93.
Mrs. Thomas, 39.
Mr., of New York, 112.
Mosby, John S., 319.
Motley, John Lothrop, 171.
Mott, Valentine, 83.
Munro, John, 142.
Seaton, 275, 276, 373.
Murray, Charles Augustus, 141.
Mrs. Charles Augustus, 141.
John (Lord Dunmore), 141.
Virginia, 142.
Murat, AchillÉ, 337.
Madame AchillÉ, 337, 338, 339.
Joachim, 337.
Muse, William S., 386.
Myers, Theodorus Bailey, 392.
Napier, Lord, 276.
Napoleon I., 337, 338.
III., 209, 258, 278, 307, 338.
Nau, Madame, 51.
Neil, Robert Elkin, 367.
Mrs. Robert Elkin, 367.
Neilson, Anthony Bleecker, 155, 168.
Bleecker, 155.
Elizabeth Coles, 168.
William, 155.
Newcomb, Simon, 360.
Newell, George, 178, 229.
Nicholas I., of Russia, 78.
Nicholson, Mrs. Augustus S., 258.
Niemcewicz, Julian, 187.
Ning Ping (a Chinese servant),
Noah, Mordecai Manasseh, 46.
Norris, Basil, 363.
William H., 92.
Norton, John Hatley, 370.
Mrs. John Hatley (Louisa Key), 370.
Nott, Eliphalet (1), 305.
Eliphalet (2), 305.
Mrs. Eliphalet (2), 305.
Nourse, Charles J. (1), 118, 271.
Charles J. (2), 271.
Charles Josephus, 369.
Mrs. Charles Josephus, 369.
O'Brien, Lucius, 121, 122.
O'Conor, Charles, 52, 59, 60, 83, 92, 153, 334.
O'Donnell, Charles Oliver, 314.
Mrs. Charles Oliver, 314.
Columbus, 314.
O'Neal, Peggy, 359.
O'Neill, Ellen Elizabeth, 218.
Rose, 218.
O'Sullivan, John L., 48.
Ogilvie, John, 131.
Mrs. John, 131.
Olcott, Mrs. J. Van Vechten, 269.
Oliver, Emily, 102.
Robert Shaw, 367.
Mrs. Robert Shaw, 367.
"Olyphant and Company," 155, 292.
Olyphant, Robert Morrison, 292.
Mrs. Robert Morrison, 292.
Onderdonk, Benjamin T., 371.
Henry M., 371.
Mrs. Henry M., 371.
Justine Bibby, 371.
Opie, Mrs. Amelia, 66.
Orleans, Duke of, 39.
Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo, 158.
The Marchionesse, 158.
Otis, Harrison Gray, 111, 274, 279.
Mrs. Harrison Gray, 274.
James W., 60, 111.
Miss, of New York, 112.
Sally, 60, 111.
Owen, John, 2.
Sarah, 2.
Paganini, Nicolo, 196.
Paine, "Dolly," 21
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@28384@28384-h@28384-h-9.htm.html#Page_282" class="pginternal">282.
George Douglas, 214, 231, 235, 236, 281, 282.
Mrs. George Douglas, 214.
Randall, Thomas, 339.
Randolph, Anne Cary, 226.
Thomas Jefferson, 352.
Thomas Mann, 357.
Mrs. Thomas Mann, 357.
Rantoul, Robert, 245.
Rathbone, Julia, 367.
Ray, Cornelia, 105.
Robert, 105.
Mrs. Robert, 105.
Raymond, Henry J., 46.
Read, George, 183.
John Meredith, 183.
Redfern, Joseph, 176.
Reid, George C., 386.
Whitelaw, 352.
Relf, Richard, 58.
Remington, Mrs. Thomas Pym, 186.
Renwick, James, 14, 15, 21.
Mrs. James, 21.
Jane Jeffrey, 21.
William, 112, 142.
Reynolds, Joshua, 80.
Rhett, Charles H., 212.
Mrs. Charles H., 212.
Thomas G., 212.
Mrs. Thomas G., 212.
Richardson, Samuel, 66.
William, 326, 327.
William A., 361, 365.
Mrs. William A., 361, 365.
Richie, Lady, 129.
Ricketts, Mrs. Frances Lawrence, 361-363.
Ricketts, James B., 361.
Riggs, George W., 353.
Ringgold, Tench, 215.
Ripley, George, 158.
Ritchie, John, 326, 328.
Mrs. John, 326, 328.
Thomas, 171.
Rives, William C., 38.
Mrs. William C., 38.
Robertson, Beverly H., 319.
Robeson, George M., 232, 361.
Mrs. George M., 361, 374.
Robespierre, M. M. I., 380.
Robinson, Douglas, 114, 262.
Mrs. Douglas, 262.
Rochambeau, de, Count, 371.
Roche, Regina M., 67.
Rockwell, Almon F., 355.
Mrs. Almon F., 355.
Rodgers, C. R. P., 95.
Mrs. C. R. P., 95.
John, 279.
Robert S., 165.
Mrs. Robert S., 165.
Rodney, George B., 1.
Roe, Emily Maria, 133.
Francis A., 346, 392.
Mrs. Francis A., 392.
Mary Elizabeth, 133.
Thomas Hazard, 133.
William, 132.
Mrs. William, 132.
Rogers, John Leverett, 64.
Mrs. John Leverett, 64, 185.
Roothan, John, 61.
Ross, Fanny McPherson, 332.
Mrs. Worthington, 328, 332.
Roulet, Mr., of New York, 52.
Ruggles, Samuel B., 65, 144.
Rumpff, Vincent, 75.
The Countess, 75.
Rush, Benjamin, 279.
"Russell and Company," 302.
Russell, Ida, 266, 267.
Ruturfurde (Rutherford), Walter, 142.
Sairs, Mrs. Deborah, 96.
Salles, Laurent, 118, 282.
Louise Stephanie, 118.
Sandidge, John M., 277.
Sands, Robert C., 45.
Sanford, Henry, 244.
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez, 200, 201.
Madame Antonio Lopez, 374.
Saracco, Pierro, 135.
Sartiges, de, EugÈne, 223, 224, 229.
The Comtesse, 229.
Sartoris, Algernon, 356.
Savage, John, 273.
Joseph, 176.
Savile, Baron, 228.
Savile-Lumley, John, 228.
Sayre, Mrs. Isaac, 37.
Scarborough, Earl of, 228.
Scarlett, James York MacGregor, 211.
Schenck, James F., 301, 303.
Schenley, Edward W. H., 233, 234.
Schermerhorn, Abraham, 111.
Schley, Fairfax, 328.
Mrs. Fairfax, 328.
Winfield Scott, 391, 392.
Schmidt, John William, 78.
Mrs. John William, 78.
Julia, 78.
Schomberg, Emily, 286.
Schroeder, Francis, 275.
Mrs. Francis, 275.
Seaton, 275.
Schurz, Carl, 352.
Schuyler, Mrs. Eugene, 46.
Philip, 117.
Scott, Adeline Camilla, 186, 196.
Cornelia, 104, 180, 183, 184, 187, 194, 212.
Henry Lee, 105, 183, 194.
Mrs. Henry Lee, 194.
Marcella ("Ella"), 103, 104, 194.
Robert N., 357.
Mrs. Robert N., 357.
Virginia, 61-63, 106.
Walter, 80, 176, 357, 363.
Winfield, 61, 62, 103-105, 114, 122-124, 126, 134, 180, 181, 184, 186-188, 193-203, 205, 211, 238, 256, 265, 279, 286, 329, 349, 363.
Mrs. Winfield, 103, 105-107, 114, 160, 170, 180-184, 187, 188, 193, 194, 197, 201, 211.
Scoville, George M., 390.
Seabury, Samuel, 60.
Mrs. Samuel, 60.
Seaton, Caroline, 275.
Gales, 275.
William Winston, 275.
Mrs. William Winston, 259.
Sedgwick, Mr., of New York, 112.
Selkirk, Alexander, 66.
Semmes, J. Harrison, 176.
Seth, Margaret Chatham, 119, 271.
SevignÉ, de, Madame, 179.
Seward, Olive Risley, 376.
William H., 12, 174, 247, 248, 272.
Seymour, Charles, 17.
Horatio, 149, 361.
Shakespeare, William, 19, 71, 84.
Sharp, Alexander (1), 355, 356.
Mrs. Alexander (1), 355, 356.
Alexander (2), 355.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 65.
Shelton, Helen K., 82.
Shepherd, Alexander R., 353, 354.
Sherman, William T., 313, 335, 350.
Shiff, Eugene, 156.
Shillaber, Benjamin P., 277.
Shriver, Edward, 314.
Shubrick, William B., 372.
Mrs. William B., 372.
Shuster, William M., 175.
Sinclair, John, 83.
Skidmore, Lemuel, 23.
Martha, 23.
Slidell, Jane, 95.
John (1), 58, 94, 95.
John (2), 91, 93-95.
Julia, 95.
"Slidell, John, Jr., and Company," 95.
Sloane, Samuel, 303.
Mrs. Samuel, 303.
William, 302, 303.
Small, Elisha, 91.
Smith, Augustine, 185.
Captain, 288, 291.
Edmund Hamilton, 375.
Mrs. Edmund Hamilton, 375.
Elizabeth, 150.
Gerrit, 150.
Mrs. Gerrit, 150.
Mrs. Hamilton, 370.
Mrs. Henrietta, 56.
Mrs. Henry William, 134.
James C., 375.
Mrs. Nathaniel, 146.
Snead, Augustine, 385, 386.
Mrs. Fayette, 386.
Somerville, William C., 182.
Southard, Samuel L., 44, 279.
Virginia E., 44.
Spaulding, James Reed, 46.
Speed, James, 343-345, 347, 348.
Spencer, John C., 91, 92.
Philip, 91, 92, 93.
Spinner, Francis E., 218.
Sprigg, Samuel, 215.
Stanard, Robert Craig, 63.
Mrs. Robert Craig, 63, 64, 346.
Stark, John, 74.
Starkey, Thomas Alfred, 367.
Mrs. Thomas Alfred, 367.
Stephens, Alexander H., 222, 223.
Steptoe, Ann, 324.
Steuart, Adam Duncan, 164.
Mrs. Adam Duncan, 163, 164.
Steuben, Frederick William, 94.
Stevens, John Austin, 146.
Mrs. John Austin, 146.
John C., 166, 167.
Mrs. John C., 166.
Lucretia Ledyard, 146.
Stewart, Alexander T., 35.
Campbell F., 180.
Charles, 279.
Lispenard, 118.
Mrs. Lispenard, 118.
William M., 388.
Mrs. William M., 119, 124, 130, 161, 165, 188, 189, 192, 193, 251, 268, 282, 382, 390.
Smith, 192.
Van Cortlandt, Augustus, 267.
Mrs. Augustus, 267.
Van Hoesen, George M., 18.
Van Rensselaer, Frank, 185.
Mrs. John King, 15, 132.
Philip S., 78.
Mrs. Philip S., 78.
Van Karnabeek, A. P. C., 232.
Van Ness, John P., 224.
Vail, Aaron, 281, 282.
David M., 269.
Eleanor Louisa, 269.
Eugene, 281, 282.
Mrs. Eugene, 282.
Vance, Mrs. Zebulon B., 347.
Vanden Heuvel, Mrs. Charles, 313.
John C., 22, 36.
Justine, 36.
Susan Annette, 21, 36.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 110.
Vandeventer, Mr., 280.
Vandyke, Anthony, 268.
Varela, Felix, 89.
Vermilye, Thomas E., 180.
Vernon, Anna O., 292.
The Misses, 335.
Verplanck, Mrs. David Johnstone, 270.
Gulian C., 30, 44, 45.
Louisa Verplanck, 271.
Verren, Antoine, 90.
Vertner, Rosa, 370.
Victoria, Queen, 83, 84, 117, 139, 140.
Villars, Marechal, 325.
Vincent, Thomas N., 387.
Vinton, Samuel Finley, 377.
Vivans, Louis, 175.
Voltaire, FranÇois M. A., 65.
Waddell, James J., 303, 304.
Waddington, Madam Kate King, 46.
Wadsworth, Elizabeth, 141.
James, 141.
James S., 141.
Wainwright, Henrietta, 214.
Richard, 214.
Robert D., 214.
Mrs. Robert D., 214.
Walbach, John DeBarth, 304.
John J. B., 304.
Walker, George, 67.
Wallace, Susan, 183, 184.
Wallis, Severn Teackle, 315.
Walton, George (1), 371.
George (2), 371.
Octavia, 371.
Ward, Artemus, 151, 282.
Elijah, 374.
Mrs. Elijah, 374.
Samuel, 53.
Mrs. Samuel, 53.
Warfield, Miss, 374.
Warner, Charles Dudley, 160.
Warrington, Lewis, 279.
Washington, Anna Louisa, 387.
Bushrod, 279.
George, 57, 74, 76, 131, 146, 147, 152, 162, 198, 236, 243, 267, 324, 332, 337, 370, 377, 379, 380, 387.
Littleton Quinton, 287.
Lund, 286.
Milicent, 324.
Peter Grayson, 266, 286, 287.
Samuel, 324.
Watson, Andrew J., 169.
Watts, Elizabeth, 164.
Essex, 165.
John, 12, 116, 163, 164.
Mary Justina, 164.
Ridley, 165.
Robert, 116, 164.
Susanna, 164.
Wayne, Henry C., 214.
Mrs. Henry C., 214.
James M., 214.
Webb, Catharine Louisa, 46.
James Watson, 36, 46.
Webb, William Seward, 46.
Webster, Daniel, 36, 117, 241, 245, 247, 279, 281.
Weir, Robert S., 324.
Mrs. Robert S., 324.
Robert W., 123, 126.
Weller, George J., 308.
Sam, 100.
Wellesley, Marquis of, 106.
Marchionesse of, 106.
Wellington, Duke of, 64, 194.
West, Mary, 235.
Wetmore, Prosper M., 257.
Wheatley, Emma, 153.
White, Augusta, 267.
Joseph M., 56.
Whitten, Miss, of New York, 112.
Whittier, John G., 125, 245, 327.
Wickliffe, Margaret Anderson, 342.
Wight, Ann G., 224.
Wikoff, Chevalier Henry, 85.
Wilcox, John A., 358.
Mrs. John A., 358, 359.
Mrs. Mary Donelson, 358.
Wilde, Oscar, 358.
Wilkes, Charles, 21, 91.
Mrs. Charles, 21.
Wilkins, Gouverneur, 226.
Martin, 112.
Wilks, Mrs. Matthew, 74.
Willard, Caleb, 176.
William, King of Prussia, 231.
Williams, Eleazer, 250.
Robert, 220.
Mrs. Robert, 220.
S. Wells, 288.
Thomas, 105.
Mrs. William Wilberforce, 367.
Willing, Mrs. Thomas M., 97.
Willis, N. P., 159-161, 337, 356.
Mrs. N. P., 160.
Williston, Ralph, 74.
Wilson, George T., 15, 132.
Mrs. George T., 15, 132.
William, 217.
Winans, Beatrice, 231.
Ross, 231.
Winthrop, Henry R., 72.
Mrs. Henry R., 60, 72.
Mrs. John Still, 73, 145, 146, 335, 336.
John S., Jr., 146.
Robert C., 99, 139.
Mrs. Robert C., 99, 139, 141.
Sarah Bowdoin, 282.
Wirt, William, 279.
Wise, Henry A., 109.
Wolcott, Oliver (1), 147.
Oliver (2), 4, 147, 313, 379.
Wolfe, Udolpho, 109.
Wood, Nina, 233.
Silas, 64.
Virginia Beverly, 64, 185.
Woodhull, Maxwell, 214.
Mrs. Maxwell, 214.
Worthington, Mrs. Charles, 224.
Eliza, 389.
Mrs. John Griffith, 389.
Wright, Edward, 266.
Katharine Maria, 213, 266.
Silas, 349.
William, 213.
Wyndham, Earl of, 9.
Xavier, Francis, 297.
Young, Notley, 236.
Yturbide, de, Madame Alice, 370.
de, Angelo, 370.
de, Augustine, 370.
Zeilin, Jacob, 386.
Miss, 374.
William F., 386.
Page 7: Comberland amended to Cumberland
Page 11: distingushed amended to distinguished; Semminaries sic
Page 29: Hayti sic
Page 52: Berault amended to BÉrault
Page 53: Venitian sic
Page 75: Tuilleries amended to Tuileries
Page 76: racoon sic
Page 80: "home Gouverneur Kemble" sic
Page 93: dintinguished amended to distinguished
Page 123: eariler amended to earlier
Page 129: editon amended to edition
Page 155: strongely amended to strongly
Page 157: unsually amended to unusually; it amended to its ("Brook Farm had its origin....")
Page 185: Angustine amended to Augustine
Page 186: Bucknor's sic
Page 227: Palmerson amended to Palmerston
Page 229: Goeffrey Boilleau amended to Geoffrey Boilleau
Page 240: Fort Sumpter sic
Page 244: Belguim amended to Belgium
Page 323: comanding amended to commanding
Page 372: Audenried amended to Audenreid
Page 380: af amended to of ("spirit of acrimony")
Page 384: intercouse amended to intercourse
Page 395: Alfonzo amended to Alfonso
Page 396: Beaujoir amended to Beaujour; Giuseppi amended to Giuseppe
Page 398: Index entry for Mr. and Mrs. Titian T. Coffey removed and replaced by index entry for Mr. and Mrs. Titian J. Coffey.
Page 399: Daponte amended to Da Ponte
Page 405: Everiste amended to Evariste; Kantzou amended to Kantzow
Page 408: Marquard amended to Marquand; Isaiah Masten amended to Josiah Masters
Page 409: Lathrop amended to Lothrop
Page 410: Palmerson amended to Palmerston
Page 414: Thackaray amended to Thackeray
Page 415: Louis Vavans (p. 175) has been indexed as Louis Vivans.
Hyphenation has generally been standardized. However, when a word appears hyphenated and unhyphenated an equal number of times, both versions have been retained (churchyard/ church-yard; earrings/ear-rings; housewarming/house-warming; lifelong/life-long; midday/mid-day; stateroom/state-room; transcontinental/trans-continental; warships/war-ships).
Accented letters have generally been standardized, unless different versions of the word appear an equal number of times (cortege/cortÈge; resistance/rÉsistance).