THE COLT’S REVOLVER. The armory of the Colt’s Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company is located at Hartford, Conn., and here are manufactured the famous Colt’s revolvers, so favorably known throughout the world. Samuel Colt, the inventor of the Colt’s revolver, commenced devising the mechanism of this arm as early as 1830, and the result of his ingenuity and skill is the large plant at Hartford, where the Colt’s revolver has been manufactured in enormous quantities for half a century, during which time improvements have been made: and the popularity which the Colt’s revolver has secured is attested by the enormous sales in all parts of the world. The variety of revolvers made by this company are as follows:— New Model Army, single action: length of pistol, 12½ inches: length of barrel, 7½ inches: bore or calibre, .45 inch; weight, 2 lbs. 5 oz. Rifling, six grooves, one revolution in 16 inches; depth of groove, .005 inch. Six-shot. Cartridge.—Weight of powder, 30 grains; weight of lead, 250 grains. Central fire, external priming. New Model Army, double action: length of New Model, .41, double-action weight; central fire; calibre, .41; six-shot. Length of barrels, 4½, 5, and 6 inches. New Model, .38, double action; central fire; calibre, .38; six-shot. Length of barrels, 2½, 3½, 6, and 7 inches. New Police, .38, single action; central fire; calibre, .38; six-shot. Length of barrels, 4½, 5, and 6 inches. New target-revolver, in .38 and .32 calibre, made in the Army model frame. Pocket-revolvers, in calibres .22, .30, .32, .38, and .41, with 2-inch barrels. The above models, we believe, represent the various models made at the Colt’s armory at the time of writing, but there will be found in use many Colt’s revolvers made up differently than those mentioned. There are thousands of the old model Army and Navy revolvers in existence to-day which load at the muzzle of the cylinder, also the .38 calibre. Many of these have been altered to breech-loaders, to shoot the central-fire cartridges, and are accurate and fine shooting arms. There The hand, or finger, or pawl, which revolves the cylinder, has two points, one above the other. The upper engages the ratchet of the cylinder when the revolution begins. But before the necessary sixth of a revolution could be made, as the pawl moves in a plane, and the ratchet tooth in the arc of a circle whose plane is perpendicular to the pawl’s plane of motion, the pawl would lose its hold on the tooth, and the revolution of the cylinder would stop. To prevent this, the second The cylinder has a bushing, which projects in front of it, and gives three surfaces upon which the cylinder revolves, thus diminishing the chance of sticking from dirt or rust, and also giving a very small axis upon which to revolve, decreasing the moment of friction. When the ejector is used it springs back to its place and is ready for use again, avoiding the necessity of putting it back. To take apart the Revolver.—Half-cock the revolver, loosen the catch-screw which holds the centre-pin, draw out the centre-pin, open the gate, and the cylinder can then be withdrawn. To remove the ejector, turn out the ejector tube screw, then push the front end away from the barrel and pull it towards the muzzle. The barrel can then be unscrewed. The stock can be removed by turning out the two screws just behind the hammer, and that at the bottom of the strap. All the parts of the lock are then displayed, and can be readily separated. To remove the gate, turn out a screw in the lower side of the frame (hidden by the trigger-guard), then the gate-spring and catch can be withdrawn, and the gate can be pushed out. The best sperm-oil should be used for oiling the parts. To Load the Arm.—1st motion: holding the revolver in the left hand, muzzle downwards, half-cock it with the right hand and open the gate. 2d motion: insert the cartridges in succession with the right hand, close the gate, cock and fire it (taking it in the right hand), or bring the hammer to the safety-notch, as may be desired. To Eject the Cartridge Shells.—1st motion: holding the arm in the left hand, half-cock with the right hand and open the gate. 2d motion: eject the shells in succession with the ejector pushed by the right hand, moving the cylinder with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. When the shells have been ejected, the pistol is ready for the 2d motion of loading. There are three notches in the hammer of this arm. The first is the safety-notch, the second is the half-cock notch, and the third is the cock-notch. The pistol cannot be fired when the hammer rests in the safety-notch or half-cock notch, and can be fired by pulling the trigger when the hammer rests in the cock-notch. The pistol COLT’S .38-CALIBRE, DOUBLE ACTION. COLT’S FRONTIER MODEL AND ARMY, DOUBLE ACTION. COLT’S FRONTIER OR ARMY MODEL, SINGLE ACTION. It is doubtless true that if several battalions of cavalry were armed with the revolvers of different make, the one equipped with the Colt’s revolver would find less disabled arms, after a rough campaign, than those armed with other American revolvers. The Army .45 calibre and Frontier model .44 calibre are identical in the model, the difference being in the calibre and chambering. The U.S. Government .45-calibre straight cartridge is loaded with 30 grains of powder and a 250-grain bullet. The .44-calibre Frontier model takes a magazine rifle-cartridge holding 40 grains of powder and a 200-grain bullet. Both these cartridges are powerful and accurate. There is an apparent difference in the recoil, it being less The .41-.38-calibre revolvers of this company’s make are very accurate and reliable arms, the .38-calibre, with 6 and 7 inch barrels, are chosen by persons desiring an accurate, quite powerful, and pleasant shooting weapon. The .38 calibre with the 6 and 7 inch barrels are very accurate up to 50 yards; the recoil is light and not unpleasant. The charge is less powerful than the .44 and .45, but about as heavy as is possible in an arm of the size and weight, and retains a satisfactory degree of accuracy. It is not difficult in shooting with a rest to place six shots within a 3-inch circle at 50 yards; and this feat has been accomplished in off-hand shooting with a .38-calibre Colt’s revolver with a 7-inch barrel. The .32, .30, and .22 calibre Colt’s revolvers are intended for pocket-revolvers, and for short-range weapons unreliable beyond a few yards. |