Agave, 147.
Ammonites, appearance of, 58.
profusion of, 65.
Amphibia, foot-prints of, 52, 56.
Anoplotherium, 69.
Antediluvian hypothesis, 9.
untenable, 51.
Babbage, Mr., opinions of, 25.
Babiroussa, 262.
Bamboo, 134.
Banyan, 164.
Barnacle, development of, 217.
Basalt, formation of, 66, 91.
Beaches, raised, 83.
Beard, 284.
Beetle, egg of, 310.
Belemnites, 58.
Bignonia, 168.
Birds, earliest, 69.
gigantic, 82.
feathers of, 253.
Blackwood, opinions of, 9.
Blocks, transport of, 78.
Blood, 275, 285.
Bones, structure of, 279.
Botryllus, metamorphoses of, 222.
Brachionus, eggs of, 321.
Bracts, development of, 166.
Brown, Rev. J. M., opinions of, 9.
Bulbs, growth of, 153, 156.
Buprestis, 214.
Butterflies, eggs of, 307.
Butterfly-flower, 150.
Cabbage-palm, 144.
Carboniferous deposits, 44.
Case-flies, 209.
Cassowary, 252.
Caverns, bone, 76, 88.
Ceiba, 174.
Cephalaspis, 44.
Chalk formation, 64.
Chalmers, Dr., opinions of, 19.
Chronology of globe, 30, 339.
Circularity of organic life, 113, 336, 351.
Clavagella, 225.
Coal, age of, 50.
extent of, 46.
origin of, 47.
Coccus, economy of, 315.
Cockburn, Rev. Sir W., opinions of, 14.
Cockroach, egg-case of, 318.
Conybeare, Dr., opinions of, 20.
Coprolites, 60.
Coral polypes, 40, 41, 45.
activity of, 86.
Couch-grass, 135.
Cow, circular life of, 121.
Cowry, 231.
Crab, metamorphosis of, 216.
Crag and tail, 55.
formation, 75.
Crinoids, abundance of, 58.
Creation, extent of, 22.
fact of, 110.
law of, 337, 368.
periods of, 15.
What is it? 123.
Cribella, metamorphosis of, 321.
Crocodile, 248.
Cuckoo-fly, egg of, 309.
Cumbrian formations, 36.
Currents, oceanic, 356.
Cuttlefish, shell of, 237.
Cycads, 60.
Cyclicism, 336, 351.
of the globe, 354.
of inorganic nature, 355.
of celestial orbs, 359.
Cysticercus, 196.
Daphnia, economy of, 325.
Dauber, economy of, 320.
Days of creation, 15.
Deductions, fallible, 2.
Deer, Irish, 84.
Deltas, 85.
Deposits, earthy, 87.
Depressions and elevations, 81.
Development hypothesis, 111.
Devonian formations, 42.
Diachronism, 125, 346.
DiatomaceÆ in chalk, 64.
Dinotherium, 72, 370.
Dione, 228.
Disturbances of strata, 54, 66.
Dodo, 84.
Double cocoa-nut, 296.
Earth-pea, germination of, 299.
Echinus, 190.
Eggs of fowl, 328.
of insects, 306.
Elephant, dentition of, 266.
fossil, 73.
Elevations and depressions, 81.
Encephalartos, 161.
Euphorbia, 164.
Erythrina, 297.
Fairholm, Mr., opinions of, 12.
Feather, growth of, 253.
Feather-star, 193, 305.
Fig, Australian, 162.
Indian, 164.
Fishes, cycloid, 68.
earliest, 44.
sauroid, 52.
Fishes, scales of, 242.
Foetus of kangaroo, 333.
Footprints, 57.
Foraminifera, 64, 70.
Frog, 57.
Gall-fly, egg of, 310.
Ganges, delta of, 85.
Geography, changes of, 60, 66, 70.
Geology, in need of caution, 4.
Germs, hypothesis of, 294.
Gilt-head, 241.
Glaciers, theory of, 79.
Gladiolus, 152.
Globe, chronology of, 30.
cyclicism of, 354.
density of, 37.
Gnats, egg-raft of, 207.
Goliathus, 205.
Granite, 37.
decomposition and reconstruction of, 38.
Grass-tree, 154.
Gray, Mr., opinions of, 20.
Grit, 46.
Gulf-stream, 356.
Gyroceras, 371.
Hair, growth of, 278.
Harris, Dr., opinions of, 19.
Hawkmoth, 118.
Hertfordshire, strata of, 33.
Hippopotamus, 263.
fossil, 73.
Hitchcock, Dr., opinions of, 21.
Horns of ibex, 257.
stag, 258.
Horse, 260.
HylÆosaurus, 62.
Hypotheses, variety of, 27.
Ibex, 257.
Ichthyosaurus, 59.
Iguanodon, 62.
Infusoria in chalk, 64.
Insects, eggs of, 306.
Iriartea, 139.
Julus, 212.
Kangaroo, foetus of, 333.
Kirkdale cave, 77.
Labyrinthodon, 57.
Lace-fly, egg of, 311.
Lady-fern, 116.
Law of creation, 337, 368, 371.
Leaf-scars of fern, 130.
Lepralia, 219.
Lias, 58.
Light, velocity of, 360.
Lily, 156.
Limestone coral, 45.
Locust-tree, 177.
London clay, 67.
Loranthus, 169.
"Lusus NaturÆ," 368.
Macbrair, Mr., opinions of, 10.
Madrepore, 183.
Mammal, earliest, 63.
Mammoth, 73.
Man, introduction of, 83.
structure of, 275.
Mangrove, 173.
germination of, 301.
Marsupials, 82.
Mastodon, 73.
Medusa, 188, 304.
Megalosaurus, 61.
Melicerta, 210.
Miller, Hugh, opinions of, 15.
Millepore, 183.
Moa, 84.
Moho, 84.
Moon, cyclicism of, 359.
Mosasaurus, 65.
Moth, eggs of, 314.
Mountains, upheaving of, 66, 70.
Murex, 233, 365.
Nails, growth of, 277.
Nature, circularity of, 113.
plan of, 345, 369.
Nautilus, 235.
Navel, evidence from, 289, 334.
Nerita, axis of, 365.
Noah's flood, 6.
dÆ, economy of, 309.
Oolitic system, 58, 60;
duration of, 63.
Opossum, 63.
Organ-pipe, 185.
Organic life a circle, 113, 122.
Organisms, earliest, 40.
Orchis, 152.
Palm-leaf, young, 145.
Penn, Mr., opinions of, 11.
Phenomena, evidence of, delusive, 337.
Plants of London clay, 67.
"Plastic power," 368.
Plates of tortoise, 250.
Plesiosaurus, 59.
Plumularia, 119.
Powell, Professor, opinions of, 26.
Prickly pear, 172.
Prochronism, 125, 346, 368.
dependent on cyclicism, 354.
"Protoplast," opinions of, 23.
Pterodactyle, 62, 370.
Raindrops, 58.
Rattan, 145.
Rattlesnake, 247.
Reptiles, Marine, 16, 59.
Rhinoceros, fossil, 73.
Roots, aerial, of fig, 163.
of iriartea, 139.
of mangrove, 173.
of pandanus, 138.
Rotifera, viviparous, 322.
Sackcloth of palms, 141.
Sandstone, age of, 50.
new red, 56.
old red, 42.
Saw-fly, eggs of, 317.
Scale of fish, 242.
Scarlet-runner, economy of, 113.
Screw-pine, 136.
Scripture, efforts to reconcile with geology, 5.
literal sense of, 4.
Sea-urchin, 191, 305.
Sea-pen, 182.
Secondary epoch, 66.
Sedgwick, Professor, on past time, 98.
opinions of, 17.
Selaginella, 133.
Senses, evidence of, 1.
Serpent, earliest, 68.
Serpula, 198, 305.
Sharks, 52, 58, 243.
egg of,