Abruzzi, Duke of the, in Melbourne, 118, 119
Adelaide, author appointed Police Instructor at, 136;
author joins Police of, 134;
author’s arrival at, 132;
cash betting introduced at, 173, 174;
development of, 152, 153;
early method of landing at, 160;
Hunt Club Races at, 169;
Largs Bay Company and, 160;
Military Staff Office at, 133, 143, 145;
Polo Club Cup race at, 172;
Polo team of, 162, 171-173;
Protector at, 177;
Racing Club of, 173;
Russian Naval officers at, 179;
situation of, 154;
social scandal at, 183, 184;
sportsmen of, 166;
Theatre Royal at, 136
Adjutant-General, author’s appointment as, 192, 193, 203
Aeroplane, first, at Sydney, 300, 301;
author’s flight in, 301
Agents-General of the Colonies, and author’s appointment as Military Adviser, 224
“Albatross” ridden by author in Drag Cup race, 169
Aldgate, author captures murderer at railway camp at, 138-142
Alfonso XII at Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 42;
author and, 42-45;
entry into Barcelona of, 36;
offers amnesty to Carlists, 36, 44;
on Don Carlos, 43, 44;
proclaimed King of Spain, 35, 44;
result of accession of, 48
American Fleet at Sydney, 302 et seq.
Ammunition, small arms, 228, 229, 230
Army Council, Australian, establishment of, 280
Arsenals, establishment of, in Australia, 276 et seq.
Artillery Force of South Australia, author appointed Lieutenant Commanding Permanent Unit of, 159;
Staff Instructor of, 142, 143;
work with, 151 et seq.
Asmodeus, Prince, as King of Spain, 30
Auckland, author at, 105
“Auraria” and race for Melbourne Cup, 118, 119;
trainer of, 166
Australia, Gordons in, 2;
great strikes in, 209 et seq.;
“Russian Scare” in, 179, 180;
South African War and, 232 et seq.;
Universal Service System of, 214, 281 et seq., 290, 299, 300, 309;
withdrawal of British troops from, 156
Australian Contingent in South Africa, 242
Baker, Allen, wedding of, 168;
Master of Morialta Hounds, 168;
rides “Creamie” at Polo Club Cup race, 172, 173
Baker, Hon. John, 167, 168
Baker, Lieut.-Colonel, 224
Baker, Mrs. John, 168
Baker, Sir Richard, 168, 205;
and Charles C. Kingston, 205, 208
Balloon, at manoeuvres, 227, 228
Barcelona, entry of Alfonso XII into, 36
Barton, Sir Edmund, 263
Bath, Order of, author receives Companionship of, 263
Bayonne, author’s journey from, 32
Beaumont College, 24 et seq.
Belfast, author wounded in disturbance at, 74, 75, 76
Belfast (South Africa), Battle of, 251
Bellew, Mrs. Kyrle (Mdme. le Grand), 129
Berry, Mr. Graham, 111, 130, 131
Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, engagement at, 124
Bloemfontein, author at, 242;
meets Lord Roberts at, 239, 240, 243, 244
Bodega, 35
Boer War, 232 et seq.
Botha, General Louis, 256
Box and Cox, Royal Artillery performance of, 63
Braddon, Sir Edward, 221
Brandfort, 245
Bremen, ss., 233
Bridges, General, 312
Brisbane, Lord Kintore in, 213
Brownrigg, Lieut.-Colonel, 175
Buller, General Sir Redvers, at manoeuvres, 225, 227;
superseded by Lord Roberts in South Africa, 233, 238
Bullfights at JerÉz, 16;
at Puerto Santa Maria, 16;
at Wardhouse, 14
Burleigh, Bennet, 257
Burra-Burra, copper mines, 157, 213
“Bushveldt Carabiniers,” 258
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 270
Cabrera, recantation of, 48
Cadet system in South Australia, 215
Cambridge, Duke of, presents prizes at Woolwich, 40
Cameron, Major Eustace, Kitchener as guest of, 253
Campbell, Colonel Gerald, 288
Campbell, Corporal, 135, 137
Campos, General Martinez, and King Alfonso, 35
Canada, troops from, in South Africa, 241, 242
“Cape Dwyer,” accident with, 83;
death of, 84
Carlisle, Fort, Queenstown, experiences at, 82, 83, 84
Carlist Army, 35;
strength of, 36
Carlist officers, disguised, 33
Carlist War, 28, 30 et seq.
Cash betting introduced at Adelaide, 173, 174
Castillo, Marquis del, decides against Alfonso, 36
Catholics, disabilities of, in Scotland, 11, 13
Cerberus, 177
Chartered Company of South Australia, 151, 152
Chief of the General Staff, appointment as, 307;
work of, 308 et seq.
Chingtu, 213
Christchurch, 106
Clova, Mrs. Gordon’s illness at, 218, 219
Coles, Sir Jenkin and Baker—Kingston dispute, 208
Commandant of South Australia, 208;
author’s work as, 263, et seq.
Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth Forces, General Hutton as, 269;
importance of, 267, 268
Commonwealth of Australia, Army Council of, 280;
camp of Field Forces of, 291-295;
constitution of, 263;
defence scheme of, 309-310;
Government of, and Lord Kitchener, 290;
King Edward and, 273;
Military Board of, 280, 309;
Proclamation of, 266;
reorganization of Military Forces of, 275 et seq.
Commonwealth Parliament, first elections for, 263;
opening of, 266
Connaught, Duke of, and Army manoeuvres, 225
Connell, Sergeant-Major, 156
Cork, author’s experiences at, 81
“Corporal Buller,” 237, 257, 258;
execution of, 258, 259
Cresswell, Captain William, 177
Dalley, Hon. John B., 188
Damascus, 218
De Wet, General, 256
Defence Force of South Australia, establishment of, 156;
General Downes’ reorganization scheme for, 158;
reorganization of, 157
Defence League of Australia, 288
Deorwyn, Alice, 129, 130
Deorwyn, Constance, 129, 130
Derdepoort, curious incident at, 255
Disney, Colonel, 175
Doldrums, the, 88
Don Carlos, arrival in London of, 49;
author and, 46, 48, 49, 50;
author joins, 30, 31;
flees to France, 48;
in Paris, 51, 52, 53;
in the hunting field, 50;
reconciliation with Queen Isabella, 52;
rejects Alfonso’s amnesty, 36;
story of claim to Spanish throne, 46, 47;
success of, 30
Downes, Major-General, appointed Secretary to Ministry of Defence, Victoria, 176;
appointed to reorganize South Australian Defence Force, 157;
author and, 132, 142, 143, 186, 197, 198, 203, 204;
Commandant of Victoria, 270, 271;
leaves Adelaide, 208
Drill instructor, author appointed, in New Zealand, 91;
work as, 95
Dudley, Lord, and first aeroplane in Sydney, 300-301
Dunedin, 89, 106;
Fern Hill Club at, 91
Edgbaston, Oratory school at, 23
Education Department, South Australia, and cadet system, 214
Edward, King, and Commonwealth Forces, 273
Elder, Sir Thomas, 166, 167
Elder, Smith and Co., 167
English language, difficulties of, 22
Estella, as seat of Carlist government, 47;
author joins Carlists at, 35
EugÉnie, Empress, and death of Prince Imperial, 41;
author meets, at JerÉz, 41
Fellowes, Major, 175
Ferdinand VI, 46, 47
Fern Hill Club, 91
Filgate, Mr., 166
Finn, Major-General, Commandant of Queensland, 271, 280;
Inspector-General, Australia, 280
Fitzalan, Viscount, pupil of Oratory School, Edgbaston, 24
Fitzgerald, Captain, 299
Fitzgerald, Hon. Nicholas, 213
Fitzgerald, Miss, author marries, 213-214
Forrest, Sir John, 221;
author and, 269
Fort Glanville, 132, 142, 159, 160, 161, 165, 180, 181, 202, 210, 211
Fort Largs, 161, 164, 165;
insubordination at, 185, 186, 187;
Permanent Force Artillery at, 209
Fosberry, Mr., and Great Strike, 209
Francis, Colonel, Commandant of Western Australia, 271
French, General, 249;
in South Africa, 208, 220, 221, 232, 233, 235, 271;
death of, 272;
Federation and, 217, 271, 288;
“National Service” and, 216, 217
Kintore, Lord, 212, 213
Kipling, Rudyard, at Norval’s Pont, 239
Kitchener, Lord, at Mount Temple, Capetown, 254, 255;
author and, 239, 240, 241, 243, 245, 253, 296, 297;
in Australia, 290 et seq.;
in Tasmania, 253;
victory of, at Omdurman, 228
Kroonstad, Lord Roberts at, 246
Kruger, President, 256
“Land Boom,” 201
Largs Bay Company and Port Adelaide, 160
Largs Bay Hotel, 161, 164, 214
“Larry O’Keefe” as hunter, 79;
author purchases, 78
Laserta, General, defeated by Carlists, 37, 48
Le Grand, Mdme. (Mrs. Kyrle Bellew), 129
Legge, Colonel, Commandant of Tasmania, 271
Light, Colonel, development of Adelaide and, 153-155
Lillywhite, John, author taught cricket by, 25
Limerick Hounds, meet of, on April 1, 80, 81
Limerick, hunting experiences at, 67, 68, 69;
stationed at, 63 et seq.;
Sunday disturbances at, 72, 73
Line, crossing the, 88
Lithgow as site of arsenal, 280
London, author in, as Military Adviser of Australian Colonies, 224 et seq.
Loraine, Violet, 130
Lovett, Major, 199, 203
Lyne, Sir William, first Premier of Australian Commonwealth, 263
Macdonald, Leslie, 166, 169
Madrid, mutiny in artillery barracks at, 44
Maori settlement in the King Country, 91
Maori War, Australian troops in, 188
Maoris as swimmers, 100;
ceremonials of, 100 et seq.;
New Zealand Government and, 98, 99;
raid roadmakers, 95, 104;
war dance of, 103
Massilia, 203
Melbourne, author at, 109 et seq., 120 et seq.;
author’s newspaper in, 112-118;
Bijou Theatre, 124;
charity ball at, 176;
Duke and Duchess of York at, 266;
Inter-Colonial Convention at, 220;
Japanese Fleet at, 273, 274, 275, 302, 303, 304;
Kingston at, 221;
review of Commonwealth Forces at, 273, 274;
White Hart Hotel at, 109, 125
Melbourne Cup, 113 et seq.;
of 1913, 213
Mercedes, Princess, 39
Mercer, Catherine, wife of Charles Edward Gordon, 4
“Mick Molloy,” author purchases, 69, 70, 78;
death of, 79, 80
Middle Head Fort, Sydney, 202
Milford Sounds, 89
Military Adviser and Inspector of Warlike Stores for Australia, author’s appointment as, 223;
work in London as, 223, 224 et seq.
Military Board, Australian, author appointed First Member of, 307;
establishment of, 277;
problems of, 309
Military Staff Office, Adelaide, 133, 143, 145
“Ministry of all the Talents,” 264
Mirasol, Count of, tutor to Alfonso XII, 42, 45;
death of, 44, 45
Molloy, Mick, 67, 70
Montijo, Countess of, 41
Moonta, copper mines of, 157
Moore, Maggie (Mrs. J. C. Williamson), 130
Morant, Jack (“The Breaker”), 237
Morant, Lieut.-Colonel (“Corporal Buller”), 257, 258;
execution of, 258, 259
Moravian, 251
Morialta, kennels at, 168
Morphetville, stud farm at, 166, 167
Morriones, General, and Alfonso, 36, 37
Mount Cook, 89, 108
Mount Gambia, Blue Lake at, 93
Mount Lofty, 136;
Adelaide from, 154;
Hon. John Baker’s home at, 167, 168;
railway construction camp at, 138-142
Mount Nelson, Capetown, wartime reminiscences of, 254, 255
Murray, Colonel, High Commissioner, New Guinea, 311
National Rifle Meeting, 230
“National Service” Scheme, author’s, 216 et seq.;
Kingston and, 216-217
New Guinea, visit to, 311
New South Wales, author appointed Commandant of, 280, 281 et seq.;
Naval Defence Scheme of, 177;
troops for Egypt from, 188, 189;
volunteers for Maori War, 188
New South Wales Defence Scheme, 187;
guns for, 202
New South Wales Lancers sent to South Africa, 232;
squadron of, in England, 232
New Zealand, 87 et seq.;
force in South Africa, 241, 242;
system of land settlement, 91, 92;
withdrawal of British troops from, 156
New Zealand Government and Maoris, 98, 99
Newcastle (N.S.W.), defences of, 295, 296
Newcastle-on-Tyne, 219
Newman, Dr. (afterwards Cardinal), headmaster at Edgbaston Oratory School, 23
Northern Territory and South Australia, 152, 213;
defence of, 310
Norton Summit, 167, 168
Norval’s Pont, destruction of bridge at, 239;
Lord Kitchener at, 239;
Rudyard Kipling at, 239
Ohinemutu, 105;
eruptions at, 91, 93, 94, 104;
Maori settlement, 91
Oliver, Maggie, 129
Omdurman, Kitchener’s victory at, 228
Ophir, Duke and Duchess of York’s voyage on, 266, 267
Orama, 312
Oratory School, Edgbaston, 23;
Cardinal Newman, headmaster at, 23;
head prefect of, 23, 24
Orlando, 265
Overseas Brigade in South Africa, command of, 242, 244
Owen, Lieut.-Colonel, J. F. (General), 177;
arrival at Adelaide, 182;
at Malta, 197;
author and, 193, 195, 196;
Commandant of Queensland, 197;
economies and, 192;
Hon. T. Playford and, 194, 195, 196
Paardeberg, Battle of, 238
Palotta, Grace, 219
Pamplona, author with Carlist troops at, 37
Paris, Artists’ Ball at Grand Hotel in, 54, 55;
author and Don Carlos in, 51, 52, 53;
love affair in, 53-61
Parrott, Lieut.-Colonel, 236
Peterswald, Mr., 142, 143, 145;
and strikers, 210
Phillips, Hans, 129
Playford, Hon. Thomas (“Honest Tom”), 194, 195;
and General Owen, 194-197;
and strikers, 210, 211;
author and, 197, 276, 280;
Commonwealth Minister of Defence, 278, 279
Point Cook, first aviation school at, 128, 301
Police, South Australian, author appointed instructor in, 136;
author joins, 134
Polo at Adelaide, 162, 163, 171, 173
Ponce de Leon, Pepe, 46, 51, 52
Port Adelaide, arrival of Russian Fleet at, 178;
building of, 160;
forts at, 160, 161;
strikes at, 209, 210, 211
Port Augusta, 157
Port Chalmers, 87, 89, 90
Port Darwin, 157
Powell, Captain, 156
Power, Tom, 166
Pretoria, author at, 256, 257;
Lady Roberts at, 256;
plot to kidnap Lord Roberts at, 255-256
Prim, General, assassination of, 30
Primo de Rivera and King Alfonso, 35
Prince Imperial (France) at Woolwich, 40, 42;
death and funeral of, 41
Protector, 177, 189, 190
Puerto Santa Maria, school at, 19;
bull-fight at, 16;
robbed at, 16, 17
Queensland, General Owen as Commandant of, 197;
strikes in, 212
Queenstown, 81
Ralli, Stephen (“Bismarck”), 252
Reader, Colonel, 90, 91, 105, 106, 107
Reeve, Mr. Wybert, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128
Reid, Sir George, 222
Re-organization Bill of South Australia, 217
Retirement of author, 312
Rhodes, Captain Ernest, 175
Ricardo, Colonel, as “High Commissioner of Ejectments,” 257
Richardson, Major-General, and Victorian Defence Scheme, 187, 188
Ridley, General, 213;
naval units of, 177;
volunteers for Maori War from, 188
Waipa, author’s voyage to New Zealand on, 87, 165, 200
Wairoa River, 104
Walker, General Forestier, 238, 241
Wallaroo, copper mines of, 157
Wallington, Captain (Sir Edward), as private secretary to Lord Hopetoun, 270
Ward, Colonel, in South Africa, 247, 248, 249
Wardhouse, author at, 201;
Gordons of, 2, 3, 4
Weld, Sir Frederick, 105, 106, 111, 112
Wellington, 90;
author at, 106
Werribee House, 128
Western Australia, and permanent artillery force, 209
Wharfmen’s union, strike of, 209-211
White, Captain, 308, 309
White Island, 93, 94, 95;
sulphur at, 94
Williams, Major, 156
Wilson, Major, 308
Wireless station, selecting site for, 310, 311
Wolseley, Lord, and army manoeuvres, 227;
and New South Wales troops, 191
Woodcock Hill, Limerick, robbery at chapel at, 71, 72
Woodford, Colonel John, and wife of Laird of Wardhouse, 4
Woolwich Academy, author at, 30, 31;
author coached for, 27;
author leaves, 40;
author’s return to, from Spain, 37, 38;
author successful candidate for, 28, 29;
Prince Imperial at, 40, 42
Woolwich, author joins Royal Artillery at, 42;
Garrison Theatre, author in performances at, 63;
R.A. headquarters mess at, 62
York, Duke and Duchess of, at Adelaide, 267;
at Melbourne, 266;
at opening of Commonwealth Parliament, 266;
author and, 267
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