enberg@html@files@52462@52462-h@52462-h-9.htm.html#Page_90" class="pginternal">90, 136 Cookery-of-Haarlem, 25 Coppermine River, 147, 153, 159, 167 Cornwall, North, 185 Cornwallis Island, 180, 206 Coronation Gulf, 155 Countess of Warwick Island, 219, 222 Crow's Nest, The, 30 Crozier, F. R. M., 205, 212 Cumberland Gulf, 227 Dall, W. H., 142 Danes Island, 104 Danish Sound, 185 Davis, John, 9, 223 Davis Strait, 227 Dealy Island, 174, 180 Dease, Peter Warren, 158, 165 Dease River, 158, 159 Dease Strait, 168 Dee, Dr. John, 223 De Haven, Lieutenant, 183 De Long, G. W., 116 Deschnef, 85 Des Voeux, C. F., 212 Devon, North, 180 Diana, The, 44 Dickson Harbour, 85, 273 Discovery, H.M.S. (Cook), 136 Discovery, H.M.S. (Nares), 248 Discovery, The (Hudson), 233 Discovery Harbour, 250 Distillation apparatus, The, 30 Dolphin, The (boat), 157, 158 Dolphin and Union Strait, 159 Dorothea, H.M.S., 33 Dove Bay, 268 Drummond, Thomas, 157, 160 Dudley, Ambrose, 216 Dudley Digges Cape, 234 Durfourth, Captain, 5 Dyer, Cape, 227 East Cape, 132 Ebierbing and Tookoolito, 244 Edam, Land of, 268 Edge, Thomas, 15 Edge's Island, 15 Edward Bonaventure, The, 267 Gulf Stream, The, 13, 26, 44 Gundersen, Captain, 59 GunnbiÖrn discovers Greenland, 2 Hakluyt Headland, 14 Hall Basin, 245 Hall, C. F., 213, 222, 244 Hall, Christopher, 216 Hall, James, 233 Hall Island, 68 Hall's Rest, 246 Hamilton, Cape, 174 Hans Hendrik, 237, 245, 249 Hansa, The, 267 Hare, 172, 176, 181, 186, 188, 283 Hare Fiord, 186 Hartstene Bay, 241 Hayes, I. I., 237 Hazen, Lake, 277 Hazen Land, 281 Hearne, Samuel, 147 Hecla, Cape, 282 Hecla, H.M.S., 40, 179, 191 HedenstrÖm, 107 Heemskerck, Jacob van, 10, 49 Heer, Oswald, 266 Hegemann, Captain, 269 Heiberg Land, Axel, 185 Helluland, 3 Hendon, North, 197 Hendrik, Hans, 237, 245, 249 Hendriksen Sound, 185 Henrietta Island, 107 Henson, C., 284 Hepburn, John, 156, 207 Herald, H.M.S., 138 Herald Island, 116, 141 Herschel, Cape, 169, 212 Himkoff, Alexis, 26 Hinlopen Strait, 17 Hobson, W. R., 208, 212 Hohenlohe Island, 68 Hood River, The, 155 Hood, Robert, 186, 280 Peel Sound, 206 Pellham, Edward, 18 Pelly Bay, 207 Pelly Point, 171 Pendulum Island, 267 Penny Strait, 206 Penny, William, 183 Pet, Arthur, 7, 60 Pet Strait, 8 Peter the Great, 130 Petermann Fiord, 248 Petermann, Mount, 269 Petersen Bay, 214 Petersen, C., 208 Petropaulovsk, 134 Phipps, The Hon. Constantine John, 29 Pim, Bedford, 174 Pioneer, H.M.S., 183 Plants, 43, 88, 91, 113, 114, 156, 192, 248, 264, 266, 281 Plover, H.M.S., 138 Point Lake, 153 Point Victory, 206 Polar Stations, The International, 272, 273 Polaris, The, 245 Polhem, The, 44 Pollux, The (boat), 166 Poole, Jonas, 13, 15 Porcupine River, The, 142 Pospeloff, 62 Pribylov Islands, The, 135 Prince Albert, The, 183, 207 Prince of Wales, Cape, 136 Prince of Wales Strait, 172, 176 Proeven, The, 85 Pronchistschef, 85 Proteus, The, 274, 278 Protococcus nivalis, 192 Prudhoe Land, 234 Pullen, W. J. S., 139 Quennerstedt, A., 43 Racehorse, H.M.S., 29 Racer, The, 183 Rae, Fort, 273 Rae, John, 170, 145 Tegetthoff, The, 64 Teplitz Bay, 69, 77 Terror, H.M.S., 171, 183, 203, 205 Thaddeus Island, 107, 117 Thames, The, 87 Thermometer, The deep-sea, 30 Thetis, The, 278 Thirkill, Launcelot, 4 Thomasine, The, 16 Thorne, Robert, 5 Tiger, 126 Tigress, The, 247 Toll, Baron E., 126 Torell, Otto, 43 Trent, H.M.S., 33 Treurenberg Bay, 40 Tripe-de-roche, 156 Tschirikof, Alexei, 131 Tundra, The, 86, 113 Turnagain, Point, 155, 167 Tyndall Glacier, 244 Umivik, 262 Union, The (boat), 157, 158 United States, The, 239 Upernivik, 232 Valorous, H.M.S., 248 Veer, Gerrit de, 10, 49 Vega, The, 87 Victoria, Cape, 211 Victoria Land, 168 Victoria Sea, Queen, 75 Victoria Strait, 206 Victory, The, 194 Victory, Point, 212 Vinland, 3 Vlamingh, Willem de, 62 Vrangel', Ferdinand, 108 Wager River, 190 Waigatz Island, 7 Wainwright Inlet, 139 Walden Island, 40 Walker Bay, 176 Walnut Shell, The (boat), 157, 159 Walrus, 12, 13, 20, 31, 34, 57, 73, 82, |