Ables, Eddy, 128 Academy of Music, 30 Adams, Edwin, 56, 119, 344 Adams House, 153 Adams, Maude, 111, 112, 121, 125, 169 "Alabama," 171 "Alabaster Staircase, The," 253 Albaugh, John, 85 Aldrich, Louis, 280 Allen, John, 149 Allen, Viola, 182, 290 "Altar of Friendship, The," 249 Amber, Mabel, 172 "Ambition," 174-176 "American Citizen, An," 232, 235, 241, 243-245, 307, 309 Anderson, Mary, 35 "AndrÉ, Major," 250 "Antony, Mark," 30 Appleton, George, 236 Archer, Belle, 95 Archer, Fred, 95 Arch Street Theatre, 26 Armstrong, Paul, 110 Arthur, Chester, 148 Arthur, Paul, 121, 122 "As a Man Thinks," 330 "As in a Looking Glass," 42 Attell, Abe, 192 Auditorium Theatre, 327 Babcock, Theodore, 168 "Baby Mine," 111 Baldwin's Theatre, 211, 214, 241 Ball, William, 89 "Banker's Daughter, The," 72 Barrett, Lawrence, 30, 35, 48, 56, 99, 112, 282 Barrett, Louis, 168, 172 Barron, Elwyn, 273 Barry, Billy, 36, 97 Barrymore, Ethel, 42, 267 Barrymore, Georgie Drew, 44 Barrymore, John, 42 Barrymore, Lionel, 42 Barrymore, Maurice, 41-44, 171, 329 Bates, Blanche, 217, 220, 243, 336 "Beauty and the Barge," 90, 105, 252 Beck, Senator, 148 Becket, Harry, 98 Beefsteak Club, 39 Beere, Mrs. Bernard, 42 Belasco, David, 173, 290, 336 Belasco Theatre, 336 Bell, Digby, 159, 161 Bellew, Kyrle, 237 Bellewood, Bessie, 160, 161 "Bells, The," 92, 141 Bennett, James O'Donnell, 273 Bergman, Henry, 174 Bernand, 152 Bernhardt, Sarah, 111, 112, 274 "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl," 115 Bigelow, Charles, 50 Bijou Theatre, 52, 91, 94, 140 Bingham, Amelia, 111 Bishop, Charles, 92, 140 Blackburne, Senator, 148 "Black Cloak, The," 68 "Black Flag, The," 67 Blake, William, 47 Blethen, Alden J., 18 Blaine, James G., 148, 150, 163 Bloodgood, Clara, 111 Bloodgood, Henry, 29 Bohemian Club, 216 "Bookmaker, The," 127, 128 Booth, Edwin, 47, 48, 56, 71, 99, 112, 119, 226, 274, 282, 343 Booth's Theatre, 58 Boston "Advertiser," 89 Boston Museum, 22, 94, 143, 154, 280 Boston "Post," 51 Boston Theatre, 22 Boston Theatre Stock Company, 56 "Bottle, The," 23 "Bottom, Nick," 90 "Bottom's Dream, Col. Tom," 96 Boucicault, Dion, 57, 59 "Bought and Paid For," 110, 111, 286 Bowser, Charles, 86 Boylan, Tommy, 61 Bradford, Joseph, 26-29, 75, 273 Brady, William, 283 Brewer, 293-298 Brice, Senator, 148 Broadhurst, George, 286, 309, 312, 320 Broadway Theatre, 29, 40 Brooke, Gustavus, 119 Brooks, Joseph, 47, 107, 113, 182, 220 Brougham, John, 82 Browning, Miss, 211 Bryton, Fred, 96 Buckley, Ned, 96, 147 Burbeck, Frank, 87 Burk, Charles, 47 Burke, Billie, 111 Burton, William E., 47 Bush Street Theatre, 190 "Butterflies, The," 169 Byron, Arthur, 250 "Camille," 132 Campbell, Bartley, 280 "Candidate, The," 94 Cannon, Anthony, 82 "Captain, The," 287, 326 Carlisle, Alexandra, 307, 308 Carlisle, Frank, 172, 329 Carlisle, John G., 148 Carlton, Henry Guy, 168-170, 174-176 Carter, Mrs. Leslie, 172, 336 Casino, 141 "Caste," 274 Cazauran, A. R., 67, 68, 73 "Celebrated Case, A," 57 Chamberlain, John, 148, 151 Chambers, Haddon, 254 "Chantecler," 123 Cincinnati Festival, 112 "Cinderella at School," 94, 143 Clancy, Veney, 80 Clapp, Henry A., 89, 273 Clarke, Marguerite, 111 Clayton, Estelle, 144, 145 Claxton, Kate, 99 Cleveland, Grover, 149 Cliff House, 223 "Climbers, The," 111 Cline, Maggie, 125 Coe, Isabel, 121, 122 Coghlan, Charles, 57, 58, 96 Cohan, George, 51, 112, 177, 178 Collier, Jim, 96 Collier, Willie, 71, 288-289 Collins, Charlie, 100 Collins, Constance, 332 "Confusion," 92 Conklin, Roscoe, 148, 150 Conners, Billy, 70, 97 Considine, George, 195 Cooke, George Frederick, 119 Coote, Charlie, 142 Coote, Robert, 92 Coquelin, 123 Corbett, James J., 164-165, 283 Couldock, William, 182 Coulter, Fraser, 211 Covent Garden, 60 "Cowboy and the Lady, The," 248 Craig, Robert, 26 Crane, William II., 30, 45, 80, 106, 182 Crinkle, Nym, 143 Crisp, Speaker, 149 Criterion Theatre, 54 "Cromwell, Oliver," 140 "Crosstree, Captain," 79 "Cruets," 84, 86 Crystal Palace, 152 Cummings, Amos, 149 Cushman, Charlotte, 56 Dailey, Peter, 49, 50 Dale, Alan, 250 Daly, Arnold, 282 Daly, Augustin, 70 Daly, John, 97 Daly, William H., 35 Dasher, Bert, 52 Davenport, E. L., 119, 276, 344 Davenport, Fanny, 106 Davey, Tom, 97 Denver "Post," 218 Detroit "Free Press," 89 "Dietrich, Captain," 80 Dixey, Henry E., 92, 93, 140, 153-154, 329 Donnelly, Henry, 131 Doro, Marie, 332 Dramatic Schools, 198 Drew, John, 97, 111, 169, 181, 217 Drew, Mrs. John, 45, 46, 48 Drury Lane Theatre, 60, 164 Dupree, Minnie, 111, 168, Fagin, 274, 332, 333, 352 Grave Digger, The, 35 Jim Radburn, 172, 211, 214 Mark Antony, 30 Mathias, 141 Modus, 35 Ned, the Newsboy, 28 Nick Bottom, 90 Shylock, 90, 249 Sim Lazarus, 87 Sir George Hounslow, 23 Sir Lucius O'Trigger, 48, 64 Goodwin, Nat C., III, 137 Gorman, Arthur Pugh, 270 Gould, Jay, 156 Grand Opera House, 58, 93 Grand Pacific Hotel, 63 "Grave Digger, The," 35 Greene, Clay M., 77, 329 Greenroom Club, 54, 65, 164 "Gringoire," 93 Grubb, Lillian, 97 Guitry, 124, 281 Guy's Hotel, 61 Hackett, James K., 267 "Hale, Nathan," 52, 90, 104, 232, 246-248 Hale, Philip, 273 Hall, Blakely, 149, 273 Hall, Josie, 97 Hall, Pauline, 97 Hamilton, Mr., 54, 55, 164, 165 "Hamlet," 35, 276 Hammerstein's, 43 Hampton, Alf, 29 Handysides, Clarence, 211 Harley Sisters, 97 Harding, Lyn, 332 Hare, John, 253, 274 Harrigan, Edward, 83 Harrigan and Hart, 82 Harris, Henry, 111 Harrison, Alice, 98 Harrison, Louis, 98 Hart, Tony, 30, 82, 83, 183 Hatton, Frank, 273 Haverly, Jack, 101 Haworth, Joseph, 95 Hayman, Al, 102, 105 Haymarket Theatre, 81 Hearne, Chrystal, 278 Hearne, James A., 277, 278 Hearne, Julie, 278 "Heir at Law, The," 48, 62 "Heir to the Hoorah, The," 110 "Held by the Enemy," 281 Henderson, William, 23 "Her Own Way," 247 Hicks, Seymour, 143 Hilliard, Robert, 142 "His First Rehearsal," 75 "Hobbies," 86, 87 Hoffman House, 96 Holland Brothers, 45, 329 Hollenden Hotel, 244 Hollis Street Theatre, 251 Holt, Clarence, 168 Holy, John, 155 Hooley, Richard, 180 Hooley's Theatre, 127, 172 Hoops, Arthur, 168, 172, 211, 225, 240 Hopper, De Wolfe, 159, 161, 162, 182 "Hounslow, Sir George," 23 "House of Cards, A," 175 Howard Athenaeum, 23, 27, 75, 79 Howard, Bronson, 103 Howard, Joe, Jr., 149 Hoyt, Charles, 51-53, 121 "Hunchback, The," 35 Hutchins, Stillson, 66, 89, 273 Ingersoll, Robert, 33, 116, 150, 163, 211 "In Mizzoura," 111, 172, 211, 214 Irving, Henry, 38-40, 47, 48, 72, 92, 93, 112, 117, 119, 290, 330 Jackwood, 103, 255, 264 Jacob, L. H., 249 Jacobs, W. W., 252, 253 James, Jesse, 284, 285 Janis, Elsie, 125 Jansen, Marie, 97 Jefferson, Charley, 182 Jefferson, Joseph, 44-48, 62-64, 182 Jefferson, Thomas, 30 Jeffries-Johnson Fight, 192, 312 Jerome, Lawrence, 149 Jerome, Leonard, 155 Jerome, William Travers, 149 Jones, Senator, 148 Jones, Walter, 244 Jonson, Ben, 116 Josephs, Harry, 80 "Julius Caesar," 30, 35 Kean, 119 Keane, Charles, 336 Keene, Laura, 47 Kelcey, Herbert, 217 Killduff, Jim, 313 "Kirby, Cameo," 287 Klaw, Marc, 105 Klaw and Erlanger, 108, 249 Knickerbocker Theatre, 70, 91, 104, 123 Knight, George, 97 Knight, Joseph, 69 Lackaye, Wilton, 42, 173, 185, 329 Lamb, Charles, 272 Lambs Club, 42, 44, 98, 184, 216, 238, 288, 329, 330 Langtry, Lilly, 127 "Law in New York," 28 "Lazarus, Sim," 87 "Led Astray," 57, 59 LeMoyne, William J., 95 "Lend Me Five Shillings," 48, 93 Leslie, Amy, 273 Levick, Milnes, 344 Lewis, Alfred Henry, 253 Lewis, Catherine, 95 Lewis, James, 97 Liebler & Co., 287 "Lion and the Mouse, The," 110, 306 "Lion's Mouth, The," 168 "Little Jack Shepard," 140, 141 "Little Rebel, The," 79 Lotta, 99 Lyceum Theatre, 102, 105, 252, 336 Lyceum Theatre, London, 38, 117 "Macaire, Robert," 141 Macauley, Barney, 96 "Macbeth," 276 Mackaye, Steele, 135, 136 Mackie, Johnny, 96 Macklin, 89 Macready, 119 Madison Square Theatre, 281 Mahone, William, 148, 150 Mannering, Mary, 267 Manning, William, 215 Mansfield, Richard, 6
7-74, 106, 246, 282 Mantell, Robert, 119 "Marionettes, The," 132 Marks, Eli, 132, 133, 240, 241 Marlowe, Julia, 45, 71 Marshall, Captain, 253 Marshall, Tully, 111 Marshall, Wyzeman, 25 Martinot, Sadie, 95 "Mascot, The," 94, 143 Mason, John, 92, 95, 128, 134, 249, 323, 330, 331 "Master Hand, The," 253 "Mathias," 141 Maude, Cyril, 252 Mayo, Frank, 43 McClellan, George B., 217, 221, 222, 235, 237, 238 McCullough, John, 35-37, 70, 72, 96, 119, 344 McDonald, Sadie, 233 McIntosh, Burr, 172-174 McKee, Mrs. Frank, 121 McPhelim, Mr., of Chicago, 273 Meade, James, 278 Melba, Nellie, 254, 255 Mellish, Fuller, 332 Melville, Emily, 211 "Member for Slocum, The," 87 "Memnon," 168 "Merchant of Venice, The," 70, 89, 92, 249, 309 Metropole Hotel, 302 "Midnight Bell, A," 121 "Midsummer Night's Dream," 40, 90, 250, 251 "Mighty Dollar, The," 84 Miles, Bob, 180 Miles, R. E. J., 35 Miles and Barton, 321 "Richelieu," 111 Richelieu Hotel, Chicago, 62 Riddel, George, 89 Riley, James Whitcomb, 157 "Rip Van Winkle," 47, 48 "Rivals, The," 45, 46, 48, 63, 113, 182, 184, 203, 241, 242, 244 Rix, Alice, 218 Robertson, Ian, 280 Robinson, Peter, 216 Robson, Frederick, 93 Robson, Stuart, 25, 26-34, 59, 75, 106 "Roderick Dhu," 59 "Romany Rye," 153 "Romeo and Juliet," 35 Romona's Restaurant, 161 Rooney, Pat, 75 Rosenfeld, Sydney, 141, 173, 175, 329 Rossi, 119 Rostand, 124 "Royal Revenge, A.," 96 Russell, Annie, 174 Russell, Lillian, 97, 197 Russell, Sol Smith, 61-66, 75, 97, 106, 183 Ryley, Tom, 306 "St. Catherine," 318 St. James Hotel, 97 Salsbury's Troubadors, 84 Salvini, 72, 119 Sanford, Wright, 155 San Francisco "Chronicle," 216 Sanger, Frank, 131, 132, 141 Savage Club, 238 Saville, John, 174 Scanlon, Billy, 36 Scott, Clement, 273 "Second in Command, The," 253 "Second Mrs. Tanqueray, The," 111 "Seven Days," 110 Shakespeare, 116 Shakespeare's Plays, 119 Shannon, Effie, 217 "Shenandoah," 103 Shook, Sheridan, 99 Shook and Palmer, 67 "Shore Acres," 279 "Shylock," 90, 249 Sinn, Col., 79 Sinn, William, 36 "Skating Rink, The," 96, 131, 143 "Sketches in India," 79 Snyder, Matt, 98 Solari's, 68 Sothern, E. H., 47, 71, 162, 246, 275 "Sparks," 87, 96 Spreckles, Adolph, 237 Standard Theatre Company, 68 Stanley, Fred, 183 Stetson, John, 58, 75, 92 Stevens, Ashton, 173, 218 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 226-228 Stevenson, Mrs. Robert Louis, 227-229 Stoddard, J. H., 67 Swinnerton, Jimmie, 218 Tarkington, Booth, 287 Tempest, Marie, 97 "Terrible Time, A," 96 Terry, Edward, 128 Terry, Ellen, 92 Terry, Fred, 65 Theatre Comique, 82 Thomas, Augustus, 171-174, 329, 330 Thomas, Charlie, 18, 51 Thompson, Denman, 75 Thompson, Lydia, 80, 81 Thompson, William H., 128, 265, 290 Thorne, Charles R., Jr., 56-60, 72, 96 Thorne, Charles R., Sr., 75, 98 Thorne, Edwin, 23, 87, 96 Thornes, The, 23, 59 "Thousand Years Ago, A," 154 Toole, Johnny, 39 "Too Much Johnson," 281 Tree, Sir Beerbohm, 66, 152, 315, 316 Tree, Sir Herbert, 152 Tremont House, 70 Triangle, 296 "Trip to Chinatown, A," 237 "Turned Up," 92, 140-142 "Two Orphans, The," 99 Tyler, George C., 287, 324, 325, 327, 332, 333 Union Square, 97 Union Square Hotel, 98 Union Square Theatre, 57, 87, 99 Usner, Miss, 211 "Usurper, The," 249 Van Otterendorf, Capt., 229 Vokes Family, 84 Wallack's Theatre, 97, 98 Wallis, Gladys, 217 Walnut Street Theatre, 82 Walsh, Blanche, 211, 219 Walton, "Plunger," 97 Warfield, David, 111, 112, 128, 168, 172, 174, 190, 252 Warren, Arthur, 273 Warren, William, 19-21, 48, 275 Watterson, Henry, 36, 89, 266, 268, 273 Weathersby, Emmy, 81 Weathersby, Eliza, 80-87 Weber and Field's, 153 Weber and Field's Music Hall, 50, 190 Webster, Lizzie, 80 Western, Helen, 278 Western, Lucille, 277, 278 Whalley, William, 278 "What Every Woman Knows," 122 "What Would a Gentleman Do?", 253 Wheeler, A. C., 143, 144 "When We Were Twenty-One," 248, 249, 309, 327 "Why Women Sin," 115 Wiliard, 273 Williams, Arthur, 128 Williams, Gus, 75 Williamson, James C., 233, 234, 236 Wilson, Al, 49 Wilson, Francis, 45, 106, 107, 141 Wilson, Robert, 172 Winter, William, 91 "Witching Hour, The," 330 Wolfe, Benjamin, 84, 85 "Wolfville," 90, 253 Woodthorp, H. C., 211 Worthing, Frank, 222 Wyndham, Sir Charles 54, 55, 93 Yardley, William, 93, 140
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Obvious typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Inconsistent spelling of a word or word-pair within the text has been retained, except for those changes noted below. For example: goodby good-bye; make up make-up; role rÔle; to-night tonight. Spelling has been left as found in the text, except for those changes noted below. These changes are identified in the text with a dotted blue underline, and a mouse-hover popup:— Page xii 'FISHCAKES' changed to 'FISH CAKES'. Page xi and Page xiv 'DeWolf' changed to 'De Wolf'. Page 30 'sponser' changed to 'sponsor'. Page 31 and Page 57 'thoughtout' changed to 'thought-out'. Page 31 'Robsoneyn' changed to 'Robsonian'. Page 57 'quodus retained; probably 'kudos'. Page 64 'every one' changed to 'everyone'. Page 68 'grewsome' changed to 'gruesome'. Page 70 'be to annoyed' changed to 'to be annoyed'. Page 77 'magestic' changed to 'majestic'. Page 81 'afterlife' changed to 'after life'. Page 87 'beseiged' changed to 'besieged'. Page 116 'devasting' changed to 'devastating'. Page 129 'deferentiate' changed to 'differentiate'. Page 143 'exceptionaly' changed to 'exceptionally'. Page 146 'castor' changed to 'caster'. Page 159 'recontours' changed to raconteurs'. Page 160 'ostensively' changed to 'ostensibly'. Page 161 'illusive' changed to 'elusive'. Page 181 'varigated' changed to 'variegated'. Page 183 A duplicated line "Congratulations ... for me." was removed. Page 221 'ecstacy' changed to 'ecstasy'. Page 224 'Oaui' changed to 'Oahu'. Page 233 'likeable' changed to 'likable'. Page 233 'go' inserted into phrase 'must through to Melbourne'. Page 255 'any way' changed to 'anyway'. Page 258 'accidently' changed to 'accidentally'. Page 311 'think to be' changed to 'thing to be'. Page 336 'conspicious' changed to 'conspicuous'. Page 336 'will down to history' changed to 'will go down in history'. Page 340 'one night' changed to 'one-night'. Changes made to Index entries are noted below. Page 359 'Andre' changed to 'AndrÉ'. Page 359 'Looking-Glass' changed to 'Looking Glass'. Page 360 'Bouser' changed to 'Bowser'. Page 360 'Cazuran' changed to 'Cazauran'. Page 361 'Forsyth' changed to 'Forsythe'. Page 363 'Kilduff' changed to 'Killduff'. Page 363 'Levick, Mulner' changed to 'Levick, Milnes'. Page 363 'Lyceum Theatre': '226' corrected to '336'. Page 364 'Morne' changed to 'Morse' Page 364 'Poussard' changed to 'Pouissard'. Page 364 'Ratcliffe' changed to 'Ratcliff'.