SECTION I. FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA. | PAGE | CHAPTER I.—The Purpose of this Work—The Ocean in the Scriptural Period—The Marvels of the Sea—The Classic Legends—The Fantastic Notions entertained of the North and the Equator—The Giant of the Canaries—The Sea of Sea-Weed—The Spectre of the Cape—The Gradual Surrender of the Secrets of the Sea—It becomes the Highway of Nations—Its Present Aspect—Its Poetical Significance—Its Moral Lessons | 19 | | CHAPTER II.—The Origin of Navigation—The Nautilus—The Split Reed and Beetle—The Beaver floating upon a Log—The Hollow Tree—The First Canoe—The Floating Nutshell—The Oar—The Rudder—The Sail—The Tradition of the First Sail-Boat | 31 | | CHAPTER III.—The Flood and the Building of the Ark—The Arguments of Infidelity against a Universal Deluge—The Material of which the Ark was built—Its Capacity, Dimensions, and Form—Its Proportions copied in Modern Ocean-Steamers | 36 | | CHAPTER IV.—The Ships, Commerce, and Navigation of the Phoenicians—Their Trade with Ophir—Sidon and Tyre—Their Voyage round Africa—New Tyre—A Patriotic Phoenician Captain—The Egyptians as a Maritime People—Their Ships and Commerce—The Jews—Their Geography—Ideas upon the Shape of the Earth—The World as known to the Hebrews | 46 | | CHAPTER V.—The Early Maritime History of the Greeks—The Expedition of the Argonauts—The Vessels used in the Trojan War—Ship-Building in the Time of Homer—The Poetic Geography of the Greeks—The Palace of the Sun—The Marvels of a Voyage out of Sight of Land—The Geography of Hesiod—Of Anaximander—Of Thales, Herodotus, Socrates, and Eratosthenes—The Great Ocean is named the Atlantic | 54 | | CHAPTER VI.—Construction of Greek Vessels—The Prow, Poop, Rudder, Oars, Masts, Sails, Cordage, Bulwarks, Anchors—Biremes, Triremes, Quadriremes, Quinqueremes—The Grand Galley of Ptolemy Philopator—Roman Vessels—Their Navy—Mimic Sea-Fights—The Five Voyages of Antiquity | 65 | | CHAPTER VII.—The Voyage of Hanno the Carthaginian—He sees Crocodiles, Apes, and Volcanoes—The Voyage of Himilcon to Al-Bion—The Voyage and Ignominious Fate of Sataspes the Persian—The Voyage of Pytheas the Phocian—The Sacred Promontory—A New Atmosphere—Amber—Return Home—The Veracity of Pytheas' Narrative—The Expedition of Nearchus the Macedonian—Strange Phenomena in the Heavens—The Icthyophagi—Houses built of the Bones of Whales—Fish Flour—A Battle with Whales—An Unexpected Meeting—The Distance traversed by Nearchus—The Voyage of Eudoxus along the African Coast—State of Navigation at the Opening of the Christian Era | 75 | SECTION II. FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA TO THE APPLICATION OF THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE TO EUROPEAN NAVIGATION, A.D. 1300. CHAPTER VIII.—Navigation during the Roman Empire—The Rise of Venice and Genoa—The Crusades—Their Effect upon Commerce—Wedding of the Adriatic—Creation of the French Navy—Introduction of Eastern Art into Europe—Maps of the Middle Ages—Remote Effect of the Crusades upon Geographical Science | 92 | | CHAPTER IX.—The Scandinavian Sailors—Their Piracies and Commerce—The Anglo-Saxons—Alfred the Great a Ship-Builder—The Voyage of Beowulf—Discovery of Iceland by the Danes—Discovery of Greenland—The Voyage of Bjarni and Leif to the American Continent—Their Discovery of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Nantucket, and Massachusetts—Adventures of Thorwald and Thorfinn—Comparison of the Discoveries of the Northmen with those of Columbus | 99 | | CHAPTER X.—The Travels of Marco Polo—The First Mention of Japan in History—Kublai Khan—Marco Polo's Voyage from Amoy to Ormuz—Malacca—Sumatra—Pygmies—Singular Stories of Diamonds—The Roc—Polo not recognised upon his Return—His Imprisonment—The Publication of his Narrative—The Interest awakened in China, Japan, and the Islands of Spices | 108 | | CHAPTER XI.—The First Mention of the Loadstone in History—Its Early Names—The First Mention of its Directive Power—A Poem upon the Compass Six Hundred Years Old—Friar Bacon's Magnet—The Loadstone in Arabia—An Eye-Witness of its Efficiency in the Syrian Waters in the Year 1240—The Magnet in China—Early Mention of it in Chinese Works—The Variation noticed in the Twelfth Century—Other Discoveries made by the Chinese—Modern Errors—Flavio Gioia—The Arms of Amalfi—All Records lost of the First Voyage made with the Compass by a European Ship | 113 | SECTION III. FROM THE APPLICATION OF THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE TO EUROPEAN NAVIGATION TO THE FIRST VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD UNDER MAGELLAN: 1300-1519. CHAPTER XII.—The Portuguese on the Coast of Africa—The Spaniards and the Canary Isles—Don Henry of Portugal—The Terrible Cape, now Cape Bojador—The Sacred Promontory—Discovery of the Madeiras—A Dreadful Phenomenon—A Prolific Rabbit and a Wonderful Conflagration—Hostility of the Portuguese to further Maritime Adventure—The Bay of Horses—The First Gold-Dust seen in Europe—Discovery of Cape Verd and the Azores—The Europeans approach the Equator—Journey of Cada-Mosto—Death of Don Henry—Progress of Navigation under the Auspices of this Prince | 122 | | CHAPTER XIII.—The Portuguese cross the Equator from Guinea to Congo—John II. conceives the idea of a Route by Sea to the Indies—His Artifices to prevent the Interference of other Nations—The Overland Journey of Covillam to India—The Voyage of Bartholomew Diaz—The Doubling of the Tremendous Cape—Its Baptism by the King—Injurious Effects of Success upon Portuguese Ambition | 133 | | CHAPTER XIV.—Birth of Christopher Columbus—His Early Life and Education—His First Voyage—His Marriage—His Maritime Contemplations—He makes Proposals to the Senate of Genoa, the Court of Venice, and the King of Portugal—The Duplicity of the latter—Columbus visits Spain—Juan de Marchena—Columbus repairs to Cordova—His Second Marriage—His Letter to the King—The Junto of Salamanca—Columbus resolves to shake the dust of Spain from his feet—Marchena's Letter to Isabella—The Queen gives Audience to Columbus—The Conditions stipulated by the latter—Isabella accepts the Enterprise, while Ferdinand remains aloof | 137 | | CHAPTER XV.—The Port of Palos—The Superstition of its Mariners—The Hand of Satan—A Bird which lifted Vessels to the Clouds—The Pinta and the Nina—The Santa Maria—Capacity of a Spanish Caravel—The three Pinzons—The Departure—Columbus' Journal—The Helm of the Pinta unshipped—The Variation of the Needle—The Appearance of the Tropical Atlantic—Floating Vegetation—The Sargasso Sea—Alarm and threatened Mutiny of the Sailors—Perplexities of Columbus—Land! Land! a False Alarm—Indications of the Vicinity of Land—Murmurs of the Crews—Open Revolt quelled by Columbus—Floating Reeds and Tufts of Grass—Land at last—The Vessels anchor over-night | 147 | | CHAPTER XVI.—Discovery of Guanahani—Ceremonies of taking Possession—Exploration of the Neighboring Islands—Search for Gold—Cuba supposed by Columbus to be Japan—The Cannibals—Haiti—Return Homewards—A Storm—An Appeal to the Virgin—Arrival at the Azores—Conduct of the Portuguese—Columbus at Lisbon—At Palos—At Barcelona—Columbus' Second Voyage—Discovery of Guadeloupe, Antigoa, Santa Cruz, Jamaica—Illness of Columbus—Terrible Battle between the Spaniards and the Savages—Columbus returns to Spain—His Reception by the Queen—His Third Voyage—The Region of Calms—Discovery of Trinidad and of the Main Land—Assumpcion and Margarita—Columbus in Chains | 158 | | CHAPTER XVII.—The Failing Health of Columbus—His Fourth Voyage—Martinique, Porto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama—His Search for a Channel across the Isthmus—He predicts an Eclipse of the Moon at Jamaica—His Return—The Death of Isabella—Columbus Penniless at Valladolid—His Death—His Four Burials—The Injustice of the World towards Columbus—Christopher Pigeon—Amerigo Vespucci—The New World named America—Errors of Modern Historians—The District of Columbia—John Cabot in Labrador—Sebastian Cabot in Hudson's Bay—Vincent Yanez Pinzon at the Mouths of the Amazon | 168 | | CHAPTER XVIII.—Portuguese Navigation under Emmanuel—Popular Prejudices—The Lusind of Camoens—Vasco da Gama—Maps of Africa of the Period—Preparations for an Indian Voyage—Religious Ceremonies—The Departure—Rendezvous at the Cape Verds—Landing upon the Coast—The Natives—An Invitation to Dinner, and its Consequences—A Storm—Mutiny—The Spectre of the Cape | 179 | | CHAPTER XIX.—Da Gama and the Negroes—The Hottentots and Caffres—Adventure with an Albatross—The River of Good Promise—Mozambique—Treachery of the Natives—Mombassa—Melinda, and its Amiable King—Festivities—The Malabar Coast—Calicut—The Route to the Indies discovered | 189 | | CHAPTER XX.—The Moors in Hindostan—Condition of the Country upon the Arrival of Da Gama—Hostility of the Moors—They prejudice the King of Calicut against the Portuguese—Consequent Hostilities—Da Gama sets out upon his Return—Wild Cinnamon-A Moorish Pirate disguised as an Italian Christian—A Tempestuous Voyage—Wreck of the San Rafael—Honors and Titles bestowed upon Da Gama—An Expedition fitted out under Alvarez Cabral—Accidental Discovery of Brazil—Comets and Water-Spouts—Loss of Four Vessels—A Bazaar established at Calicut—Attack by the Moors—Cabral withdraws to Cochin—Visits Cananor and takes in a Load of Cinnamon—Is received with Coldness upon his Return—Vasco da Gama recalled into the Service by the King—His Achievements at Sofala, Cananor, and Calicut—He hangs Fifty Indians at the Yard-Arm—Protects Cochin and threatens Calicut—Withdraws to Private Life | 197 | | CHAPTER XXI.—Spread of the Portuguese East Indian Empire—Alphonzo d'Albuquerque—Immense Sacrifice of Life—Ancient Route of the Spice-Trade with Europe—Commerce by Caravans—Revolution produced by opening the New Route—Francesco Almeida—Discovery of Ceylon—Tristan d'Acunha—The Portuguese Mars—His Views of Empire—An Arsenal established at Goa—Reduction of Malacca—Siam and Sumatra send Embassies to Albuquerque—The Island of Ormuz—Death of Albuquerque—Extent of the Portuguese Dominion—Ormuz becomes the great Emporium of the East—Fall of the Portuguese Empire | 207 | | CHAPTER XXII.—Ponce de Leon—The Fountain of Youth—Discovery of Florida—The Martyrs and the Tortugas—The Bahama Channel—Vasco NuÑez de Balboa—He goes to Sea in a Barrel—Marries a Lady of the Isthmus—His Search for Gold—Hears of a Mighty Ocean—Undertakes to reach it—Preparations for the Expedition—Leoncico the Bloodhound—Battle with a Cacique—Ascent of the Mountains—Balboa mounts to the Summit alone—The First Sight of the Pacific—Ceremonies of taking Possession—Balboa up to his Knees in the Ocean—Every one tastes the Water—A Voyage upon the Pacific, and a Narrow Escape—Ignominious Fate of Balboa—Juan Diaz de Solis—Discovers the Rio de la Plata—His Horrible Death by Cannibals | 213 | | CHAPTER XXIII.—Remarkable Foresight of the Court of Rome—A Papal Bull—Ferdinand Magellan—He offers his Services to Spain—His Plans—His Fleet—Pigafetta the Historian—An Inauspicious Start—Teneriffe and its Legends—St. Elmo's Fire—The Crew make Famous Bargains with the Cannibals—Heavy Price paid for the King of Spades—Patagonian Giants—Pigafetta's Exaggerations—The Healing Art in Patagonia—The Tragedy of Port Julian—Discovery of a Strait—The Open Sea—Cape Deseado—The Ocean named Pacific—Ravages of the Scurvy—A Patagonian Paul—The Needle becomes Lethargic—Discovery of the Ladrones—The First Cocoanut—A Catholic Ceremony upon a Pagan Island | 225 | | CHAPTER XXIV.—Discovery of the Philippines—The King of Zubu wishes the King of Spain to pay Tribute—He finally abandons the idea—A whole Island converted to Christianity—Magellan performs a Miracle—A Dumb Man recovers his Speech—Magellan invades a Refractory Island—His Death—Attempts to recover his Body—The Christian Island returns to Idolatry—The Ships arrive at Borneo—The Sailors drink too freely of Arrack—Festivities and Treachery—Vivid Imagination of Pigafetta—The Fleet arrives at the Moluccas—The King of Tidore—A Brisk Trade in Cloves—The Spice-Tariff—The Vittoria sails Homeward—Pigafetta is again imaginative—Arrival at the Cape Verds—Loss of One Day—Completion of the First Voyage of Circumnavigation—Pigafetta's Romance becomes Veritable History | 236 | SECTION IV. FROM THE FIRST VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD TO THE DISCOVERY OF CAPE HORN: 1519-1616. CHAPTER XXV.—Voyage of Jacques Cartier—Maritime Projects of Francis I. of France—Gulf of St Lawrence—A Quick Trip Home—Second Voyage—Canada, Quebec, Montreal—A Captive King—Voyage of Sir Hugh Willoughby and Richard Chancellor—Discovery of Nova Zembla—Disastrous Winter—Fate of the Expedition—Martin Frobisher—His Voyage in Quest of a Northwest Passage—Greenland—Labrador—Frobisher's Straits—Exchange of Captives—Supposed Discovery of Gold—Second Voyage—A Cargo of Precious Earth taken on Board—Meta Incognita—Third Voyage—A Mortifying Conclusion | 245 | | CHAPTER XXVI.—Origin of English Piracy—Sir John Hawkins—Francis Drake—His First Voyage to the Spanish Main—Commission granted by Queen Elizabeth—Expedition against the Spanish Possessions—Exploits at Mogador and Santiago—Crossing the Line—Arrival in Patagonia—Trial and Execution of Doughty—Passage through Magellan's Strait—Adventures of William Pitcher and Seven Men—Cape Horn—Arrival at Valparaiso—Rifling of a Catholic Church | 256 | | CHAPTER XXVII.—Drake's Exploit with a Sleeping Spaniard—His Achievements at Callao—Battle with a Treasure-Ship—Drake gives a Receipt for her Cargo—Indites a Touching Epistle—His Plans for Returning Home—Fresh Captures—Performances at Guatulco and Acapulco—Drake dismisses his Pilot—Exceeding Cold Weather—Drake regarded as a God by the Californians—Sails for the Moluccas—Visits Ternate and Celebes—The Pelican upon a Reef—The Return Voyage—Protest of the Spanish Ambassador—He styles Drake the Master-Thief of the Unknown World—Queen Elizabeth on board the Pelican—Drake's Use of his Fortune—His Death—The Voyage of John Davis to the Northwest | 267 | | CHAPTER XXVIII.—Policy of Queen Elizabeth—Thomas Cavendish—His First Voyage—Exploits upon the African and Brazilian Coasts—Port Desire—Port Famine—Battles with the Araucanians—Capture of Paita—Robbery of a Church—Repeated Acts of Brigandage—Capture of the Santa Anna—The Return Voyage—Cavendish's Account of the Expedition—The Spanish Armada—Preparations in England—The Conflict—Total Rout of the Invincibles—Procession in Commemoration of the Event | 276 | | CHAPTER XXIX.—The Fiction of El Dorado—Manoa—Description of its Fabled Splendors—Attempts of the Spaniards to Discover it—Sir Walter Raleigh—His Voyage to Guiana—His Account of the Orinoco—His Description of the Scenery—His Return—His Second Voyage—Expedition to Newfoundland—His Death—Modern Interpretation of the Legend of El Dorado | 285 | | CHAPTER XXX.—Discovery of the Solomon Islands by Mendana—He seeks for them again Thirty Years later—Quiros—The Marquesas Islands—The Women compared with those of Lima—Strange Fruits—Conversions to Christianity—Arduous Voyage—Santa Cruz—Mendana exchanges Names with MalopÉ—Hostilities—War, and its Results—Death of Mendana—Quiros conducts the Ships to Manilla | 291 | | CHAPTER XXXI.—Attempts of the Dutch to discover a Northeast Passage—Voyage of Wilhelm Barentz—Arrival at Nova Zembla—Winter Quarters—Building a House—Fights with Bears—The Sun Disappears—The Clock Stops, and the Beer Freezes—The House is Snowed up—The Hot-Ache—Fox-Traps—Twelfth Night—Return of the Sun—The Ships prove Unseaworthy—Preparations to Depart in the Boats—Death of Barentz—Arrival at Amsterdam—Results of the Voyage | 297 | | CHAPTER XXXII.—The Five Ships of Rotterdam—Battle at the Island of Brava—Sebald de Weert—Disasters in the Strait of Magellan—The Crew eat Uncooked Food—The Fleet is scattered to the Winds—Adventures of De Weert—A Wretched Object—Return to Holland—Voyage of Oliver Van Noort—Barbarous Punishment—The Emblem of Hope becomes a Cause of Despair—Fight with the Patagonians—Arrest of the Vice-Admiral—His Punishment—Description of a Chilian Beverage—Capture of a Spanish Treasure-Ship—A Pilot thrown Overboard—Sea-Fight off Manilla—Return Home, after the First Dutch Voyage of Circumnavigation | 304 | | CHAPTER XXXIII.—Quiros' Theory of a Southern Continent—His Arguments and Memorials—His First Voyage—Discoveries—EncarnaÇion—Sagittaria, or Tahiti—Description of these Islands—Manicolo—Espiritu Santo—Its Productions and Inhabitants—Quiros before the King of Spain—His Belief in his Discovery of a Continent—His Disappointment—Renewed Solicitations—Death of Quiros—Discoveries of TorrÈs—The Muscovy Company of London—Henry Hudson—His Voyages to Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla—His Voyage to America—Casts Anchor at Sandy Hook—Ascends the Hudson River as far as the Site of Albany—His Voyage to Iceland and Hudson's Bay—Disastrous Winter—Mutiny—Hudson set adrift—His Death | 316 | | CHAPTER XXXIV.—The Fleet of Joris Spilbergen—Arrival in Brazil—Adventures in the Strait of Magellan—Trade at Mocha Island—Treachery at Santa Maria—Terrible Battle between the Dutch and Spanish Fleets—Ravages of the Coast—Skirmishes Upon the Land—Spilbergen sails for Manilla—Arrival at Ternate—His Return Home—The Voyage of Schouten and Lemaire—Lemonade at Sierra Leone—A Collision at Sea—Discovery of Staten Land—Cape Horn—Lemaire's Strait—Arrival at Batavia—Confiscation of the Ships—General Results of the Voyage—The Voyage of William Baffin—Arctic Researches during the Seventeenth Century | 326 |
SECTION V. FROM THE DISCOVERY OF CAPE HORN TO THE APPLICATION OF STEAM TO NAVIGATION: 1616-1807. CHAPTER XXXV.—A Famous Vessel—The Mayflower—Her Appearance—The Speedwell—Departure of the Two Ships—Alleged Unseaworthiness of the Speedwell—The Mayflower sails alone—The Equinoctial—Consultations—A Remedy applied—First View of the Land—Subsequent History and Fate of the Mayflower | 339 | | CHAPTER XXXVI.—Discovery of New Holland—Tasman ordered to survey the Island—Discovery of Van Diemen's Land—Of New Zealand—Murderers' Bay—The Friendly Islands—The Feejees—New Britain—An Earthquake at Sea—A Copious Language—Circumnavigation of New Holland—Return to Batavia—Results of the Voyage—Dutch Opinions of Tasman's Merit | 346 | | CHAPTER XXXVII.—Piracy—Origin of the Buccaneers—Their Manner of Life—Dress—Occupation-The Island of Tortuga their Head-Quarters—Their Religious Scruples—Manner of dividing Spoils—The Exterminator—The Observance of the Sabbath—Exploits of Henry Morgan—Impotence of the Spaniards—Career of William Dampier—His First Piratical Cruise—Adventures by Land and Sea—Description of the Plantain-Tree—Lingering Deaths by Poison—Reproaches of Conscience—The New-Hollanders—Dampier's Dangerous Voyage in an Open Boat—Piracy upon the American Coast—William Kidd sent against the Pirates—He turns Pirate himself—His Exploits, Detection, and Execution—His Buried Treasures—Wreck of the Whidah Pirate-Ship | 351 | | CHAPTER XXXVIII.—The Voyage of Woodes Rogers-Desertion checked by a Novel Circumstance—A Light seen upon the Island of Juan Fernandez—A Boat sent to Reconnoitre—Alexander Selkirk discovered—His History and Adventures—His Dress, Food, and Occupations—He ships with Rogers as Second Mate—Turtles and Tortoises—Fight with a Spanish Treasure-Ship—Profits of the Voyage—The South Sea Bubble—Its Inflation and Collapse—Measures of Relief | 373 | | CHAPTER XXXIX.—The Dutch West India Company—Renewed Search for the Terra Australis Incognita—Jacob Roggewein—His Voyage of Discovery—Brush with Pirates—Arrival at Juan Fernandez—Easter Island—Its Inhabitants—Entertainment of one on board the Ship—A Misunderstanding—Pernicious and Recreation Islands—Glimpse of the Society Islands—A Famine in the Fleet—Arrival at New Britain—Confiscation of the Ship at Batavia—Decision of the States-General—Vitus Behring—Behring's Strait—Description of the Scene—Death of Behring—Subsequent Survey of the Strait | 383 | | CHAPTER XL.—Piratical Voyage under George Anson—Unparalleled Mortality—Arrival and Sojourn at Juan Fernandez—A Prize—Capture of Paita—Preparations to attack the Manilla Galleon—Disappointment—Fortunate Arrival at Tinian—Romantic Account of the Island—A Storm—Anson's Ship driven out to Sea—The Abandoned Crew set about building a Boat—Return of the Centurion—Battle with the Manilla Galleon—Anson's Arrival in England—The Proceeds of the Cruise | 393 | | CHAPTER XLI.—The First Scientific Voyage of Circumnavigation—The Dolphin and Tamar—Byron in Patagonia—Falkland Islands—Islands of Disappointment—Arrival at Tinian—Byron versus Anson—The Voyage Home—Wallis and Carteret—Their Observations in Patagonia—Wallis at Tahiti—A Desperate Battle—Nails lose their Value—A Tahitian Romance—Pitcairn's Island—Queen Charlotte's Islands—New Britain—The Voyage Home—A Man-of-War Destroyed by Fire | 410 | | CHAPTER XLII.—Colonization of the Falkland Islands—Antoine de Bougainville—His Voyage around the World—Adventure at Montevideo—The Patagonians—Taking Possession of Tahiti—French Gallantry—Ceremonies of Reception—Sojourn at the Island—Aotourou—The First Female Circumnavigator—Famine on Board—Remarkable Cascade—Arrival at the Moluccas—Incidents there—Return Home | 426 | | CHAPTER XLIII.—Expedition despatched at the Instance of the Royal Society—Lieutenant James Cook—Incidents of the Voyages—A Night on Shore in Terra del Fuego—Arrival at Tahiti—The Natives pick their Pockets—The Observatory—A Native chews a Quid of Tobacco—The Transit of Venus—Two of the Marines take unto themselves Wives—New Zealand—Adventures there—Remarkable War-Canoe—Cannibalism demonstrated—Theory of a Southern Continent subverted—New Holland—Botany Bay—The Endeavor on the Rocks—Expedient to stop the Leak—A Conflagration—Passage through a Reef—Arrival at Batavia—Mortality on the Voyage Home—Cook promoted to the Rank of Commander | 435 | | CHAPTER XLIV.—Cook's Second Voyage—A Storm—Separation of the Ships—Aurora Australis—New Zealand—Six Water-Spouts at once—Tahiti again—Petty Thefts of the Natives—Cook visits the Tahitian Theatre—Omai—Arrival at the Friendly Islands—The Fleet witness a Feast of Human Flesh—The New Hebrides—New Caledonia—Return Home—Honors bestowed upon Cook | 451 | | CHAPTER XLV.—Cook's Third Voyage—The Northwest Passage—Omai—His Reception at Home—The Crew forego their Grog—Discovery of the Sandwich Islands—Nootka Sound—The Natives—Cape Prince of Wales—Two Continents in Sight—Icy Cape—Return to the Sandwich Islands—Cook is deified—Interview with Tereoboo—Subsequent Difficulties—A Skirmish—Pitched Battle and Death of Cook—Recovery of a Portion of his Remains—Funeral Ceremonies—Life and Services of Cook | 461 | | CHAPTER XLVI.—Louis XVI. and the Science of Navigation—Voyage of LapÉrouse—Arrival at Easter Island—Address of the Natives—Owhyhee—Trade at Mowee—Survey of the American Coast—A Remarkable Inlet—Distressing Calamity—Sojourn at Monterey—Run across the Pacific—The Japanese Waters—Arrival at Petropaulowski—Affray at Navigators' Isles—LapÉrouse arrives at Botany Bay, and is never seen again, alive or dead—Voyages made in Search of him—D'Entrecasteaux—Dillon—D'Urville—Discovery of numerous Relics of the Ships at Manicolo—Theory of the Fate of LapÉrouse—Erection of a Monument to his Memory | 480 | | CHAPTER XLVII.—The Transplantation of the Bread-Fruit Tree—The Voyage of the Bounty—A Mutiny—Bligh, the Captain, with Eighteen Men, cast adrift in the Launch—Incidents of the Voyage from Tahiti to Timor—Terrible Sufferings and a Marvellous Escape—Arrival of the Mutineers at Tahiti—Their Removal to Pitcairn's Island—Subsequent History—Voyage of Vancouver—Algerine Piracy—Burning of the Philadelphia—Proud Position of the United States | 492 | | CHAPTER XLVIII.—Application of Steam to Navigation—Robert Fulton—Chancellor Livingston—Launch of the Clermont—She crosses the Hudson River—Her Voyage to Albany—Description of the Scene—Fulton's own Account—Legislative Protection granted to Fulton—The Pendulum-Engine—Construction of other Steamboats—The Steam-Frigate Fulton the First—The First Ocean-Steamer, the Savannah—Account of her Voyage—Misapprehensions upon the Subject | 508 | SECTION VI. FROM THE APPLICATION OF STEAM TO NAVIGATION TO THE LAYING OF THE ATLANTIC CABLE: 1807-1858. CHAPTER XLIX.—Arctic Explorations—Russian Researches under Krusenstern and Kotzebue—Freycinet—Ross—The Crimson Cliffs—Lancaster Sound—Buchan and Franklin—Parry—The Polar Sea—Winter Quarters—Return Home—Duperrey—Episodes in the Whale-Fishery—Parry's Polar Voyage—Boat-Sledges—Method of Travel—Disheartening Discovery—82° 43' North | 519 | | CHAPTER L.—Ross's Second Voyage—The North Magnetic Pole—D'Urville—Enderby's Land—Back's Voyage in the Terror—The Great Western and Sirius—United States' Exploring Expedition—The Antarctic Continent—Sir John Franklin's Last Voyage in the Erebus and Terror—Efforts made to relieve him—Discovery of the Scene of his First Winter Quarters—The Grinnell Expedition—The Advance and Rescue—Lieutenant de Haven—Dr. Kane—Return of the Expedition | 535 | | CHAPTER LI.—Kennedy's Expedition—Sir Edward Belcher—McClure—Discovery of the Northwest Passage—Junction of McClure and Kellett—Episode of the Resolute—Commodore Perry's Expedition—Decisive Traces of the Fate of Sir John Franklin—The Leviathan | 553 | | CHAPTER LII.—The Second Grinnell Expedition—The Advance in Winter Quarters—Total Darkness—Sledge-Parties—Adventures—The First Death—Tennyson's Monument—Humboldt Glacier—The Open Polar Sea—Second Winter—Abandonment of the Brig—The Water again—Upernavik—Rescue by Captain Hartstene—Death and Services of Dr. Kane—Attempt to lay the Atlantic Cable | 561 | | CHAPTER LIII.—Second and Third Attempts to lay the Atlantic Cable—The Failure in the Month of June—Description of the Cable—The Voyage of the Niagara—The Continuity—All Right again—Change from one Coil to Another—The Knights of the Black Hand—Unfavorable Symptoms—The Insulation broken—The Third of August—An Anxious Moment—Land discovered—Trinity Bay—Mr. Field visits the Telegraph Station—The Operators taken by Surprise—Landing of the Cable—Impressive Ceremony—Captain Hudson returns Thanks to Heaven—The Voyage of the Agamemnon—The Queen's Message—The Sixteenth of August—Deep-Sea Telegraphing—The Equator and the Cable | 576 | | CHAPTER LIV.—Diving—The first diving-bell—Fixed apparatus supplied with compressed air—The submarine hydrostat—Operations at Hell Gate—Diving apparatus—Submarine explosions—Improved diving dresses—Their use—Work of various kinds done with them—Instances of this—Seeking the treasure of the Hussar—Sunken ships in Sebastopol—Operations in Mobile—The Dry Dock at Pensacola Bay—The beauties of the submarine world—Habits of the fish—Possible depth of descent | 594 | | CHAPTER LV.—Fishing—The ocean as a field—The crops it yields—The sponge—Transplanting sponges—Coral fisheries—The coral an animal—The discovery of this—Oyster fishery—The oyster a social animal—The young oyster—Oyster culture—Dredging for oysters—The American oyster fishery—Pearl oysters—The value of the pearl fishery—Shark fishing—Cuttle fish | 627 | | CHAPTER LVI.—Dredging in modern times—What it has taught us—Deep sea soundings—First attempts—Implements used for it—The chance for inventors—The temperature of the sea—Deep sea temperature—Self-regulating thermometers—Serial temperature soundings—Animal life of the sea—Deep sea dredging—The dredging apparatus of the Porcupine | 652 | | CHAPTER LVII.—The development of ship building—New models for ships—Steam ship navigation—Monitors—Iron-plated frigates—Tin-clads—Rams—Torpedo boats—Their use in the Confederacy—Life Rafts—Yacht building—Ocean yacht race—The cost of a yacht | 673 | | CHAPTER LVIII.—Our knowledge of the earth and sea—How it has increased—The earth the daughter of the ocean—The opinion of science—The mean depth of the ocean—The extent of the ocean—Its volume—Specific gravity of sea-water—Constitution of salt-water—The silver in the sea—The waves of the sea—The currents of the ocean—The tides—The aquarium—The commerce of modern times—The spread of peace | 696 |