CHAPTER I. ON HEBREW MYTHOLOGY. CHAPTER II. SOURCES OF HEBREW MYTHOLOGY. CHAPTER III. THE METHOD OF INVESTIGATING HEBREW MYTHS. CHAPTER IV. NOMADISM AND AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER V. THE MOST PROMINENT FIGURES IN HEBREW MYTHOLOGY. CHAPTER VI. THE MYTH OF CIVILISATION AND THE FIRST SHAPING OF HEBREW RELIGION. CHAPTER VII. INFLUENCE OF THE AWAKING NATIONAL IDEA ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE HEBREW MYTH. CHAPTER VIII. COMMENCEMENT OF MONOTHEISM AND THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE MYTHS. CHAPTER IX. PROPHETISM AND THE JAHVEH-RELIGION. CHAPTER X. THE HEBREW MYTH IN THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY. Transcriber’s Note: Minor errors and omissions in punctuation and formatting have been silently corrected. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. In this version, there several instances of Arabic or Hebrew words with more than one character. At this time such bidirectional text cannot be reliably rendered. The author provided transliterations; however a separate Hebrew transliteration has been included here based on the scheme provided by the Society of Biblical Literature. These appear in bold as yĕŠārĕtÛ in order to indicate where these characters appear in the text. The same has been done for the few Arabic and Aramaic words. Footnotes, which appeared at the bottom of each page, have been gathered at the end of the text, and hyperlinks provided for easy access. They have also been renumbered consecutively in order establish the uniqueness required to facilitate searches. Any references to specific notes in the text have been corrected to follow the new numbering. The cover image has been fabricated and is placed in the public domain. MYTHOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWSLONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET MYTHOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWS AND ITS HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT BY IGNAZ GOLDZIHER, Ph.D. MEMBER OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, WITH ADDITIONS BY THE AUTHOR BY RUSSELL MARTINEAU, M.A. OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1877 All rights reserved TO PROFESSORS H.L. FLEISCHER FRIEDRICH MAX MÜLLER H. VÁMBÉRY THE PIONEERS OF SEMITIC, ARYAN, AND TURCO-TATARIC PHILOLOGY This Work is Dedicated By THE AUTHOR and THE TRANSLATOR Errata. P. 13 line 5 from below, for ‘with all his advanced ideas’ read ‘notwithstanding the progress of modern ideas.’ P. 209, first line of note, after ‘ball,’ insert ‘that descended from heaven.’ Whether this feather-ball |