| PAGE |
"Enjoying her father's parting fondling"(page 18) | Frontispiece |
"The great delight of all the children" | 5 |
"'For my thirteen best customers'" | 11 |
"She applied herself to the shirts with vigor" | 24 |
"Imprinted on them a few reminders of maternal solicitude" | 29 |
"Grandad was speechless" | 32 |
"'An' are ye insinooatin', Misther Rafferty?'" | 33 |
"As Katrina passed through the store" | 43 |
"'I may go, may I not?'" | 45 |
"'It's samples I have . . .' said Terence, proudly displaying the contents of his bundle" | 60 |
"To admire the festive preparations" | 64 |
"And as she sat there Memory came and stood by her" | 65 |
"Katrina . . . went to work" | 75 |
"He picked up the card and read" | 78 |
"Was on his way to the City Hospital" | 81 |
"'A Merry Christmas from Katrina BaumgÄrtner!'" | 87 |
"She placed both puddings in her apron" | 89 |
"'Gott in Himmel! Donner und Blitzen!'" | 101 |
"'Twelve cakes to the Widow M'Carty!'" | 104 |
"Bridget next attacked her father" | 110 |
"'It's more roometiz for me, so it is'" | 114 |
"'Ven I smokes dat pipe den I forget dose plum puddings'" | 123 |
"His glance fell upon something white that lay on the counter" | 127 |
"'A stick of candy apiece'" | 137 |
"Katy . . . returned bearing aloft a package" | 154 |
"Mrs. M'Carty let them hunt" | 156 |
"The house . . . held more hiding-places than one would have supposed" | 157 |
"'It's my Michael,—my heart of the world'" | 159 |