"Enjoying her father's parting fondling"(page 18) Frontispiece
"The great delight of all the children" 5
"'For my thirteen best customers'" 11
"She applied herself to the shirts with vigor" 24
"Imprinted on them a few reminders of maternal solicitude" 29
"Grandad was speechless" 32
"'An' are ye insinooatin', Misther Rafferty?'" 33
"As Katrina passed through the store" 43
"'I may go, may I not?'" 45
"'It's samples I have . . .' said Terence, proudly displaying the contents of his bundle" 60
"To admire the festive preparations" 64
"And as she sat there Memory came and stood by her" 65
"Katrina . . . went to work" 75
"He picked up the card and read" 78
"Was on his way to the City Hospital" 81
"'A Merry Christmas from Katrina BaumgÄrtner!'" 87
"She placed both puddings in her apron" 89
"'Gott in Himmel! Donner und Blitzen!'" 101
"'Twelve cakes to the Widow M'Carty!'" 104
"Bridget next attacked her father" 110
"'It's more roometiz for me, so it is'" 114
"'Ven I smokes dat pipe den I forget dose plum puddings'" 123
"His glance fell upon something white that lay on the counter" 127
"'A stick of candy apiece'" 137
"Katy . . . returned bearing aloft a package" 154
"Mrs. M'Carty let them hunt" 156
"The house . . . held more hiding-places than one would have supposed" 157
"'It's my Michael,—my heart of the world'" 159

The Misfit Christmas Puddings


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