Take good care of the farm tools. A crow-bar, if carefully housed when not in use, may, at a hundred years of age be just as pry as ever. The man who sells six onions for a nickel cannot thrive, For all can see that no one ought to give six scents for five. In delivering a chair to the repairman to bottom he should be made to give a re-seat for it. Feed the pigs well. A pig resembles a tree in one respect. It is by his root that he survives. Farmers should encourage song birds to nest about the premises, but the lay of the hen must still bring them the most substantial delight. It is when the farmer sees his fine crop maturing that he feels like singing, "In this wheat by and by." In working about a mule that kicks, it should be remembered that his head-quarters are not his real business end. | Advice on Care of Your Rubber Plant: A Turkish Bath Factory needs constant attention to make it pay. | banner milky way farm SUNDAY | | MONDAY | (1906) Boston Convention of Flies pass vote of thanks to John B. Moran for removing screens from hotel windows. | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | "The greatest blessing of all is that I am no longer kept awake nights by persons who are making modern improvements." | | —Robinson Crusoe. | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | (1066) William prepares to invade England with 696 ships and 60,000 men. | | (1906) Alice prepares to invade England with 696 trunks and 1 man. | SATURDAY | | |
| | AUGUST | |
| | A woman wears a veil for the same reason that distance lends enchantment. |