A thirsty, young sport, up in Me. Pretended to suffer great Pe. But when he'd imbibed What the druggist prescribed, He said he felt better Age. Note: We demanded a diagram for the above and the author reluctantly provided it. He thinks that any one should know that Me. is the abbreviation for Maine and that to make the 2d and last lines rhyme you will readily read Pe. as abbreviation for pain and Age. as abbreviation for again. We feel much better now and we hope you do, dear reader.—The Editor. | Health Hint: Those who are always having the hives should go into the bee business. Household Advice: To keep the kitchen fire hot, keep it coaled. | banner crooked house SUNDAY | | MONDAY | Adam and Eve began housekeeping, and having neither prying neighbors nor troublesome servants they named their bungalow "Paradise." | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | A four-flush only wins political pots. —Poker Proverbs. | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | Rosa Bonheur born. Rosa painted animals and all of her competitors at the art shows said her work was "beastly." | SATURDAY | | |
| | JANUARY | |
| | There are as good fish in the sea as there are in the fish carts. |