Great care should be exercised in raising corn, especially the variety Johnus Barleycornicus. This may be raised with either hand. Some superstitious agriculturists believe in the efficacy of a simple incantation to be used in the act of raising this variety, such as "Here's how!" "Over the hot sands!" etc. toast This kind has never been known to fail in getting to a head. "Kernels" of Barleycorn originated in Kentucky. | Pest Note: If troubled with Junebugs try sweeping the cobwebs out of the attic; if troubled with aunts close up the house and go to the country. | banner rays SUNDAY | | MONDAY | (390 B.C.) Rome saved by the cackling of geese. | | (1905) Reputations ruined by the cackling of Alexander and Hyde. | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | (1906) T. Roosevelt decided to write no more magazine articles, except for the Congressional Record. | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | (1876) Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. | | (1877) American Humorists invented the telephone girl. | SATURDAY | | |
| | JUNE | |
| | Many a woman prefers a love of a hat to the love of a husband. |