The careful wife and mother will find a most excellent plan for utilizing a spring bonnet of the vintage of 1906 will be to tell her husband that she will make it do another season. Then manage to be out in the rain with it on, and with no umbrella. Further instruction is unnecessary. Timely Hints A great many cows come in fresh in May. If you have a good calf, wear open-work hose and don't be ashamed to show it on a rainy day. Plant beans, pumpkins, and squashes about May 20th, but don't mix the seed. This is also a good month to set hens on door-knobs, and old ink-bottles, thus playing a great joke on the hens. | Street Car Hint: If a person walks on your right foot kick a person with your left. LEGERDEMAIN Note: To make a five-dollar note look like 30 cents, blow it. | banner rain SUNDAY | | MONDAY | (33 B.C.) Antony establishes a divorce colony in Egypt. | TUESDAY | (1906) U.S. Senators played a farce entitled "Who's a Liar," by Pitchrake Tillman, to crowded houses. | WEDNESDAY | | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | (996) Clocks, giving good time, invented by Gebert, Benedictine monk. | | (Same year) Benedictine, giving good time, invented by same monks. | SATURDAY | | |
| | MAY | |
| | Where ignorance is bliss it is blister to be wise. |