Have you ever thought how much money you waste in paying rent? Now that you are about to sign a new lease, it is time to ponder this subject. Say you pay $50 a month rent. That is $600 a year. Think! If you should pay rent for two thousand years you would waste as much money as Pierpont Muchgain makes on a little deal in railroads of a dull afternoon. Keeping Lent Jones borrowed my umbrella. I now know what he meant When he said it was his custom To religiously keep lent. | Health Hint: For that tired feeling take a good doze of sleep. To Make the World Brighter: Use hope and soap. | banner quarter SUNDAY | It's not the loss of life makes death bitter, it's the obituaries. —D. Ceest. | MONDAY | | TUESDAY | (1901-'02-'03-'04-'05-'06, etc.) A large large section of the coal miners of Pennsylvania struck because the operators used non-union-made tooth powder. ballot | | (1906) Kentucky went prohibition by a tremendous minority. | WEDNESDAY | | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | | SATURDAY | | |
| | APRIL | |
| | The wind may be tempered to the shorn lamb, but the wolf gets equal benefit, just the same. |