The principal river of Egypt is the Nile. Its smaller tributaries are the juveniles. The capital of Ireland seems destined to have the largest population of any city in the world. It's D'ublin, every year. The United States are best for married people. Americans are noted for being fond of jokes. Their country was originally named for A-merry-cus. (Vespucchi.) When the flood subsided it is probable that Noah and his family landed in the vicinity of Little Rock, for we are given to understand that he came forth from the Ark-an'-saw land. Those who say that constancy is not a feminine quality should note how long Mrs. Sippi and Miss Souri have been running together without separating. The Mean Thing! Some mean old maid, without a doubt, Who'd never tasted bliss, Was first to start that lie about The microbes in a kiss. | Wedding Hint: The minister ties the knot; time and lawyers may prove it to be a slipknot. Health Hint: To cure a sluggish disposition, run up against a real prize fighter. fist | banner milky way farm SUNDAY | (3544 B.C.) Public library opened at Athens. No string. | MONDAY | | TUESDAY | (1725) Order of the Bath reorganized by George I.—Water, soap, towel. | WEDNESDAY | (5381 B.C.) Birth of Ananias, first special newspaper correspondent. | THURSDAY | (1670) Bees brought from England to Boston. Many politicians stung. | FRIDAY | | SATURDAY | About this time there will be some more weather. | |
| | MARCH | |
| | One touch of liver makes the whole world ill. |