The period between the 1st and the 9th will be marked by cold in the head and feet. To relieve cold feet bathe them in hot water before retiring; if they're your wife's, do the same. Another way to relieve cold feet is to get out of the game. From the 9th to the 16th there will be hard sledding for the poor and automobiling for the rich. Along the latter part of the month there will be a wave of hot mince pie, turkey, cranberry sauce, and other good things, followed by headache in the northern portion and stomach-ache in the southern portion. Sagittarius (the Archer) is the sign in the Zodiac for November. It is "Sag's" business to shoot any good weather that shows itself above the skyline. Sometimes when "Sag" is not looking the summer Indian sneaks through the picket line. | Poultry Hint: Time spent in trying to reform a bad egg is time wasted. Health Hint: Persons troubled with rheumatics should avoid attic rooms, but those who have the "shingles" can sleep on the roof. | banner rain SUNDAY | METEORO-LOGICAL | | "One swallow does not make a summer," Still, 'tis clear to all That swallows enough of the right sort of stuff Are certain to make a fall. | MONDAY | | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | (1775) Washington's army, barefooted in the snow at Valley Forge, swore that it would, later on, whip the British "out of their boots." | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | (4004 B.C.) Popular songs invented by Adam, who introduced "There's only one girl in the world for me!" | SATURDAY | | |
| | NOVEMBER | |
| | Circumstances open cases. |