Before meeting his wife and family at the station a wise man will put his house in order for the home coming. A pleasant way of doing this is to give a house-cleaning party. Divide your party into the Sweepers, the Dusters, the Scrubbers, and the Dish Washers, giving each group proper utensils and offering a prize for the best results. Let the party begin at midnight, after a pleasant dinner, and at about 2 in the morning the police will probably come in and finish cleaning the place up. police | Dairy Hint: Most dairymen find a separator useful, but it is not absolutely necessary. To separate milk most effectively, keep away from the pump. | banner stars SUNDAY | | MONDAY | Wm. Tell born. Some persons do not believe the Wm. Tell story. What Tell do they believe? | TUESDAY | Publicity brings its own reward. —Winston Churchill et al. | WEDNESDAY | | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | Robinson Crusoe born. Crusoe was the first victim to get a long term on the Island. | SATURDAY | | |
| | JANUARY | |
| | A man's a man for a' that—there is in it. |