It is encouraging to note that farming in our far Northwest possessions is on the boom. [Note to printer—be careful not to make "bum" out of "boom."] A bulletin issued by the Agricultural Department of our government, just as we go to press, shows that there are at present in Alaska 12 farms, four oxen, 13 cows, 176 chickens, 10 pigs, several cases of pneumonia and numerous games of "freeze-out." During the fiscal year there was harvested in Alaska $165 worth of hay, $95 worth of eggs and poultry, and a big crop of ice. There are certain advantages of farming in Alaska. In harvest time, for instance, a man never sweats at work. He markets his milk frozen and sells it by the hunk. You never hear of anybody crying over spilt milk in Alaska. It's the same way with eggs—no cold storage needed; the eggs are frozen before they are layed, thus retaining their fine, fresh flavor until used. You never hear of an egg passing from the sublime to the ridiculous stage in Alaska. Farmers in Alaska plow with ice-picks and shoot the seed into the soil with a double-barreled shotgun. The 12 farmers in Alaska held a farmers' institute recently to talk over prospects for the current year. Basing prospects on $165 worth of hay raised last year, they figure that if conditions are favorable they will raise $175 worth this year. | Culinary Note: To pair potatoes, place them two by two. Health Note: For water on the brain try an umbrella. | banner moon SUNDAY | EVE BEGAN IT | | The eternal feminine has not changed much since the days of Eve, who was the first of her sex to complain that she hadn't a thing to wear. | MONDAY | | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | (1798) George Washington invents the cocktail. | | (1906) George Washington acknowledged to be most popular man in history of the country. | THURSDAY | | FRIDAY | (1905) Beef Trust declared illegal—whatever that is. | | (1906) Beef Trust demonstrates that there is no use "beefing about it." | SATURDAY | | |
| | DECEMBER | |
| | Most popular book in the world—the pocketbook. |