There is no better spring month in which to move than April. Look among your papers and if you don't find a rent receipt for March you will know that it's your move. Plant an elm tree on Arbor day—it may grow up to be the tree under which Gen. Washington stopped to rest when he was pursuing the British—who knows! The farmer will do well to apply fertilizer to his land this month. There is no better fertilizer on the market than Limburger cheese. It costs considerable, but a little of it will inoculate a large area. Extract from an Office-Boy's Dairy 8 a.m. Hired. 11 a.m. Tired. 12 m. Fired.
| Spring Hints: A little spring in a bed is good. A little spring near the house is better. A little spring in a poem is the limit. | banner_clouds SUNDAY | | MONDAY | The indictment is mightier than the charity contribution. —Trust Proverbs. | TUESDAY | | WEDNESDAY | (1716) Public bank founded in Massachusetts. Geological deposits refused. | THURSDAY | (1856) Condensed milk first made in Connecticut. Price of milk-weed goes up. | FRIDAY | (1659) Cromwell resigned his protectorate. | | (1905) Taft got off the "lid." | SATURDAY | | |
| | APRIL | |
| | Most things are good when they're new. Men and violins don't get good till they're old. |