Shown on Page 7
Using 1 strand each of Angora and Metallo, cast on 3 sts. Work back and forth on circular needle as follows: Rows 1, 3 and 5: K, inc 1 st in each st. Rows 2 and 4: Knit. Break off Metallo. Row 6: Using Angora only, insert needle in first st as if to K, wrap yarn around needle twice and draw through this st, take st off left hand needle, * insert needle in next st as if to K, wrap yarn around needle twice, and draw through this st, take st off left hand needle, repeat from * to end of row. Row 7: Join Metallo and using 1 strand each of Metallo and Angora, * K, drop extra wrap loop off needle to form long st, inc 1 st in next st, drop extra wrap off needle, repeat from * to end of row. Row 8: Knit. Row 9: * K 1, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of row. Break off Metallo. Row 10: Repeat Row 6. Row 11: Join Metallo and using 1 strand each of Metallo and Angora, * K 2, forming long st in same manner as before, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of row. Row 12: Knit. Row 13: * K 3, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of row. Break off Metallo. Row 14: Repeat Row 6. Continue in this manner to inc 18 sts in one row every other row, working a drop st row every 4th row until there are 7 drop st rows. Then inc 6 sts at even intervals every other row until there are 13 drop st rows. Using 1 strand each of Metallo and Angora, work 6 rows, still inc 6 sts every other row. Bind off. FINISHING: Sew seam. Steam lightly. Style No. 3547 Style No. 3595 Style No. 3599 MAKE IT PLAIN OR MAKE IT STRIPED |