Decorative separator | PAGE | Mrs. Grundy VIROQUA DANIELS | 1 | A Greeting ALEXANDER BERKMAN | 3 | Henrik Ibsen M. B. | 6 | Observations and Comments | 8 | A Letter EMMA GOLDMAN | 13 | Libertarian Instruction EMILE JANVION | 14 | The Antichrist FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE | 15 | Brain Work and Manual Work PETER KROPOTKIN | 21 | Motherhood and Marriage HENRIETTE FUERTH | 30 | Object Lesson for Advocates of Governmental Control ARTHUR G. EVERETT, N—M. | 33 | The Genius of War JOHN FRANCIS VALTER | 36 | Dignity Speaks | 36 | Paternalistic Government (CONTINUATION) THEODORE SCHROEDER | 38 | Aim and Tactics of the Trade-Union Movement MAX BAGINSKI | 44 | Refined Cruelty ANNA MERCY | 50 | "The Jungle" VERITAS | 53 | The Game is Up SADAKICHI HARTMANN | 57 |
10c. A COPY $1.00 PER YEAR MOTHER EARTH Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature Published Every 15th of the Month EMMA GOLDMAN, Publisher, P. O. Box 217, Madison Square Station, New York, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter April 9, 1906, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. I JUNE, 1906 No. 4