A large, strong man, dressed in a uniform and armed to the teeth, knocked at the door of a hut on the west coast of Africa. "Who are you and what do you want?" said a voice from the inside. "In the name of civilization, open your door or I'll break it down for you and fill you full of lead." "But what do you want here?" "My name is Christian Civilization. Don't talk like a fool, you black brute; what do you suppose I want here but to civilize you and make a reasonable human being out of you if it is possible." "What are you going to do?" "In the first place you must dress yourself like a white man. It is a shame and disgrace the way you go about. From now on you must wear underclothing, a pair of pants, vest, coat, plug hat, and a pair of yellow gloves. I will furnish them to you at reasonable rates." "What shall I do with them?" "Wear them, of course. You did not expect to eat them, did you? The first step to civilization is in wearing proper clothes." "But it is too hot here to wear such garments. I'm not used to them. I'll perish from the heat. Do you want to murder me?" "Not particularly. But if you do die you will have the satisfaction of being a martyr to civilization." "How kind!" "Don't mention it. What do you do for a living?" "When I am hungry I eat a banana; I eat, drink or sleep just as I feel like it." "What horrible barbarity! You must settle down to some occupation, my friend. If you don't it will be my duty to lock you up as a vagrant." "If I have to follow some occupation I think I'll start a coffee house. I've got a considerable amount of coffee and sugar stored here and there." "Oh, you have, have you? Why, you are not such a hopeless case as I thought you were. In the first place you want to pay me the sum of fifty dollars." "What for?" "As an occupation tax, you ignorant heathen. Do you expect all the blessings of civilization for nothing?" "But I have no money." "That makes no difference. I'll take it out in tea and coffee. If you don't pay up like a Christian man, I'll put you in jail for the rest of your life." "What is jail?" "Jail is a progressive word. You must be prepared to make some sacrifices for civilization, you know." "What a great and glorious thing is civilization." "You cannot possibly realize the benefits of it, but you will before I get through with you, my fine fellow." The unfortunate native took to the woods and has not been seen since—Waverly Magazine. Decorative separator