Book spine
I. Into the Sierras 5
II. Between Two Fires 17
III. In a Runaway Auto 31
IV. Motor Rangers to the Rescue 43
V. An Appointment on the Trail 55
VI. Some Rascals Get a Scare 66
VII. A Photographer in Trouble 77
VIII. Lost in a Petrified Forest 87
IX. The Midnight Alarm 99
X. Along the Trail 110
XI. Treed! Two Hundred Feet Up 125
XII. Nat's Lucky Escape 135
XIII. The Volley in the Canyon 147
XIV. A "Loonitacker" Horse 159
XV. The Motor Rangers' Peril 170
XVI. The Horns of a Dilemma 181
XVII. In Colonel Morello's Fortress 191
XVIII. A Ride for Life 201
XIX. Outwitting His Enemies 211
XX. Herr Muller Gets a Chilly Bath 220
XXI. The Fire in the Forest 232
XXII. A Dash Through the Flames 242
XXIII. The Hut in the Mountains 258
XXIV. Facing Their Foes 272
XXV. Through the Flume 285

The Motor Rangers Through
the Sierras

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