By Morgan Scott HIGH CLASS COPYRIGHTED STORIES Cloth Bound. Illustrated. Price, 60c a Volume Ben Stone at Oakdale BY MORGAN SCOTT Never in the history of juvenile fiction have copyrighted books of this class been sold at a price so sensational, for beyond dispute the Oakdale Stories are of the highest grade, such as other publishers market to retail at $1 25 or $1 50 a volume. In no respect, save in price, can these be designated as cheap books; in manufacture, in literary finish, and in the clean, healthy, yet fascinating, nature of the stories they are destined to take rank with the works of the masters of fiction for the modern youth. The first volume is a narrative of school life and football, which, while in no way sensational, will cast a spell almost hypnotic upon every young reader, from which he will find it impossible to escape until he has read through to the last word of the last chapter. The tale of the struggles of Ben Stone, a boy misunderstood, an outcast, a pariah, will excite the sympathy of all; and his final triumph over adversity, the scheming of an enemy, and the seemingly malign rebuffs of fate, will be hailed with joy. FOR SALE WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLD, OR SENT POSTPAID HURST & COMPANY, 395 Broadway, NEW YORK |