I. Sea Scouts at Play 5
II. The Spearing of the Sturgeon 18
III. Jack Curtiss Reappears 32
IV. Paul Perkins’ Motor Scooter 43
V. The Boy Who Made the Wheels Go Round 54
VI. Two Mysterious Men 65
VII. How a Secret Passage Was Used 74
VIII. An Unexpected Encounter 84
IX. Wherein Captain Hudgins’ Bees Swarm 95
X. Mr. Stonington Hunt—Schemer 106
XI. The Army Airship 120
XII. Tubby Escapes an Orange Bomb 133
XIII. What Happened in the Woods 145
XIV. Mr. Hunt Delivers a Telegram 156
XV. A Boy Who Flew 170
XVI. “There’s Many a Slip——” 182
XVII. Fire! 193
XVIII. Jack Uses a File 208
XIX. The Great Race 221
XX. A Schooner in Trouble 232
XXI. Motor-Scooters to the Rescue 246
XXII. Jim Dugan Again 257
XXIII. A Chase in the Night 272
XXIV. A Bolt from the Blue 289

The Boy Scouts and the Army Airship


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