THE TORRENT. Vacation time had rolled around once more at Stonefell College, which accounts for our finding Professor Wintergreen, Ralph Stetson, and the latter’s chums at this isolated spot in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Readers of former volumes of this series will at once recall the eccentric professor and his young companion Ralph. Harry Ware and Percy Simmons, however, we have not met before. Jack Merrill and Walt Phelps, the two young ranchmen who shared Ralph’s adventure on the Mexican border, could not be with him on the present vacation, both boys being required at their western homes. So it had come about that when Professor Wintergreen received a commission to hunt specimens in the Canadian Rockies, Ralph jumped at There is no space here to detail all that had “The Border Boys with the Mexican Rangers” showed how courage and skill may be more than a match for villainy and duplicity. With the Dearly would Ralph have loved to share with his former companions the exciting times which he was sure lay ahead of him in the Canadian Rockies. But it was not to be, and so, when young Ware and Percy Simmons both begged to When Ralph had finished relating Jimmie’s story to the others, the professor said: “I’ll talk to the lad myself. If he proves all that he appears to be from your description, Ralph, we might manage to use him. A boy willing to make himself useful around camp might come in handy.” So the professor stalked off on his long legs to interview Jimmie, who viewed his approach “Wonder what’s become of that guide and the ponies?” spoke up Ralph, while the Professor interrogated the awe-struck Jimmie. “Don’t know,” responded Hardware, gazing at a dusty track that wound itself up the cliff back of the station for a few yards, and was then lost around a scrap of rock that glittered with “fool’s-gold.” “Ought to be here by now, though.” “Fiddling fish,” struck in Persimmons at this moment, “there ought to be trout in that stream below there, boys. I’m going down to have a look.” “All right. We’ll wait for you and give you a hail when the ponies show up. Look out you don’t fall in, though. Those rocks look slippery where the water has dashed over them,” warned Ralph. “I’m all right,” responded Persimmons airily, and he set out, clambering down the rocky path leading to the brink of the foaming, brown torrent that roared through Pine Pass. Shortly afterward, the Professor came back with his arm on Jimmie’s shoulder. The man of science, childlike in some things and absorbed in study for the most part, was yet a fairly accurate reader of human nature. “I’ve been talking to Jimmie, boys,” he said, as he approached, “and he’ll do. He’s been officially engaged as general assistant to our guide with the Wintergreen expedition.” “Good for you, Jimmie,” smiled Ralph, “and so now your troubles are at an end for a time, anyhow.” The eyes of the waif filled with tears. “I dunno jes how ter thank you, boss,” he said, addressing all of them, “but I kin promise you that I’ll make good.” “Sure of that,” said the Professor kindly, “but “I’d tell yer if I could; honest I would, boss,” spoke Jimmie; “but—but I can’t jes’ yet. Some time maybe——” The lad broke off, and once more his wistful eyes sought the distant peaks. “Is them the Selkirks over yonder?” he asked presently. “Yes; those far peaks are,” said the Professor, also gazing toward the giant ranges in the distance whose crests glimmered with the cold gleam of never-melting snow, “those are the Selkirks.” “Goin’ that way?” asked Jimmie, his eyes still riveted on the far-flung ranges. “Yes; we hope to penetrate as far as that. Why?” “Oh, nuttin’. I hoped you was, that’s all.” A smile played over Ralph’s lips. He was about to ask Jimmie some bantering question “Help! Guzzling grasshoppers! H-e-l-p!” “Gracious! It’s Persimmons!” cried Ralph, an alarmed look coming over his countenance. Well did he know his friend’s capacity for getting into trouble. “Run, boys, run! He must be in a serious predicament!” cried the Professor, as the cry came once more. At top speed they ran toward the end of the platform and the rocky path leading to the thundering mountain torrent. “If he’s fallen in that creek, he’s a goner!” shouted the station agent, rushing out of the depot. “The falls are right below, and he’ll be swept into them!” |