Arise, my Muse, and ply th’ extended Wing!
It is of Language that I mean to sing.
Thou mighty Medium, potent to convey
The clearest Notions in the darkest Way,
Diffus’d by thee, what Depth of verbal Mist
Veils now the Realist, now th’ Idealist!
Our mental Processes more complex grow
Than those our Sires were privileged to know.
In Ages old, ere Time Instruction brought,
A Thought or Thing was but a Thing or Thought:
Such simple Names are now forever gone—
A Concept this, that a NoÜmenon:
As Cambria’s Sons their Pride of Race increase
By joining Ap to Evan, Jones, or Rees,
A prouder Halo decks the Sage’s Brow,
Perceptive once, he’s Apperceptive now!
Here sits Mentality (that erst was Mind),
By correlated Entities defin’d:
Here Monads lone Duality express
In bright Immediacy of Consciousness:
O who shall say what Obstacles deter
The Youth who’d fain commence Philosopher!
The painful Public with bewilder’d Brain
For Metaphysic pants, but pants in vain:
Too hard the Names, too weighty far the Load:
Language forbids, and Br-dl-y blocks the Road.
From Themes like these I willingly depart,
And pass (discursive) to the Realms of Art.
Ye Muses nine! what Phrases ye employ,
What wondrous Terms t’ express Æsthetic Joy!
As once in Years ere Babel’s Turrets rose
Contented Nations talk’d the self-same Prose:
As early Christians in the Days of Yore
Took what they wanted from a common Store:
So different Arts th’ astonished Reader sees
Pool all their Terms, then choose whate’er they please.
’Mid critick Crews (where Intellect abounds)
Sound sings in Colours, Colours shine in Sounds:
When mimick Groves Apelles decks with green,
Or Zeuxis limns the vespertinal Scene,
Staccato Tints delight th’ auscultant Eye
And soft Andantes paint the conscious Sky:
Nor less, when Musick holds the list’ning Throng,
How crisply lucent glows th’ entrancing Song!
Each loud Sonata boasts its lively Hue,
And Fugues are red, and Symphonies are blue.
Not mine to deem your Epithets misplac’d,
Ye learned Arbiters of publick Taste!
Yet such th’ Effect on merely human Wit,
That Esperanto is a Joke to it.
Hail, Terminology! celestial Maid!
Portress of Science, Guide to Art and Trade!
I see Democracy—an ardent Band
Who fain would read yet wish to understand—
Compell’d that Goal in alien Tongues to seek,
Fly for Relief to Necessary Greek,
Claim as their Right (advised by Mr. Snow)
The sweet Simplicity of ? ? t?,—
While Dons con English till they’re pale and lean,
And Candidates in Mods do English for Unseen!