Hills in the neighbourhood of Quang-Tong. The Peries, inhabitants of Ginnistan, live upon perfumes, etc., etc. See Richardson’s Dissertations. Thisbe, a favourite greyhound torn to pieces by a mad dog. See the description of the Grande Chartreuse. The conduct of the emperor, since the death of his mother, seems to be accomplishing this prediction apace. It is reasonably conjectured that the sea formerly washed the walls of Padua. T. Livius, L. i., c. i. Lib. v., c. iv., p. 5. Called Roscani in Venetian, and reduced to ashes for the glass manufactory at Murano. A nephew of Bertoni, and worthy of his uncle. Mentioned by Dante in his “Purgatorio.” Mem. pour la Vie de Petrarque, vol. i., p. 439. Angela are frequently represented, in legendary tales, as riding on the beams of the moon. |