
[110] Hills in the neighbourhood of Quang-Tong.[127] The Peries, inhabitants of Ginnistan, live upon perfumes, etc., etc. See Richardson’s Dissertations.[133] Thisbe, a favourite greyhound torn to pieces by a mad dog.[140] See the description of the Grande Chartreuse.[156] The conduct of the emperor, since the death of his mother, seems to be accomplishing this prediction apace.[170a] It is reasonably conjectured that the sea formerly washed the walls of Padua.[170b] T. Livius, L. i., c. i.[170c] Lib. v., c. iv., p. 5.[171] Called Roscani in Venetian, and reduced to ashes for the glass manufactory at Murano.[182] A nephew of Bertoni, and worthy of his uncle.[214] Mentioned by Dante in his “Purgatorio.”[240] Mem. pour la Vie de Petrarque, vol. i., p. 439.[284] Angela are frequently represented, in legendary tales, as riding on the beams of the moon.


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