Abstract ideas, lack of, in morons, 98.
Actions after crime, Gianini, 25, 27.
Pennington, 50-52.
Tronson, 76-78.
Alcoholism, 110.
Barr, Dr. Martin W., statement of, 86.
Beecher, Miss, annoyed by Gianini, 23.
Binet tests, and school experience, 35, 38, 54.
use of, in Gianini case, 32-35.
in Pennington case, 53.
in Tronson case, 80.
Capital punishment, 101.
Cause of Gianini’s condition, 39-41.
Causes of feeble-mindedness, 39.
“Charity” in Binet tests, 34.
Children, testimony of, 90.
actions of, 94.
suggestibility of, 63.
Code quoted, 128.
Colonization, 107.
Confession, Gianini, 4, 9, 10.
Pennington, 44, 53.
Tronson, 67-80.
characteristic of imbeciles, 16, 29.
childishness of Pennington’s, 55, 56.
not necessarily true, 17.
why Gianini made a, 15.
Confessions compared, 83, 90-93.
Courtroom, conduct in, 30, 67, 92.
Coward, the imbecile, 23.
Cretinism, 40.
Crime, details of, Gianini, 122, 132.
Pennington, 47.
Tronson, 74.
Criminal imbeciles, what should be done with, 102.
Criminals, 50 per cent feeble-minded, 106.
Defense in case of, Gianini, 2, 5.
Pennington, 43.
Tronson, 66.
Delinquencies, previous, of Gianini, 7, 37, 115, 116.
of Tronson, 68, 69, 82.
Display, love of, 29.
Experts, qualifications of, 85.
Feeble-mindedness, causes of, 39, 106.
may be exterminated, 108.
Feeble-mindedness in family, Gianini, 40.
Pennington, 87.
Finger prints, 26.
Gianini, Jean, case of, 1-41.
actions after the deed, 25, 27.
attitude of Miss Beecher toward, 7, 119.
disregards counsel’s warning, 30.
evidences of pride in deed, 16-19, 29, 123.
facts as established by testimony, 3.
incidents in life of, 113-125.
indifferent to crime, 10, 29, 120, 125.
interest in stories of crime, 26, 118, 121, 123.
mentality of, 13.
mother of, 40, 109-112.
previous delinquencies of, 7, 37, 115, 116.
stories about, 31, 113.
teased little children, 32, 116, 119.
threats made by, 121, 125, 131.
Great White Way, 117.
Hypothetical question, defense, 109-126.
prosecution, 131-136.
Idiot, defined, 12.
Imbecile, career of an, 54.
Imbecility defined, 11.
not curable, 102.
Imbecility, defense of, Gianini, 2, 5.
Pennington, 43.
Tronson, 66, 80.
Imprisonment for life, 89, 101, 104.
Indian, Gianini plays, 23.
Insanity in relation to crime, 102.
Instinct to kill, 105.
Institution for feeble-minded, the logical place, 104.
Intelligence, tests of, admitted into court, 2, 32-35, 53, 80.
Interest in crime, Gianini’s, 26, 118, 121, 123.
Jail, attitude in, Gianini, 30;
Pennington, 55.
examined in, Gianini, 29;
Pennington, 53, 56.
Jealousy of March, 53.
Liberty of defendant not desired, 88, 103.
McIntyre, John F., 103.
March, convicted, 43.
convicted upon Pennington’s testimony, 90.
Pennington’s relation to, 55, 56, 64.
Masturbation, 117.
Melancholia, 110-112.
Mental defectiveness, inherited, 39, 106.
recognized early, 105.
Mentality of, Gianini, 13.
Pennington, 53.
Tronson, 66.
Money as motive, 57.
Moron, defined, 11.
abstract ideas lacking in, 98.
Mother of Gianini, 40, 109-113.
Motive, Gianini’s, 4, 20-25.
March’s, 53.
Pennington’s, 53, 56-60.
Tronson’s, 76, 80.
Pennington, Roland, case of, 42-64.
actions after the deed, 52-53.
conduct at trial, 92.
confession, 44-53.
disregards lawyer’s caution, 55.
mentality of, 53.
relation to March, 55, 56, 64.
testimony against March, 43, 90, 92.
trial, 43.
Preparations for crime, Gianini, 6.
Pennington, 47.
Tronson, 70.
Prevention, 82, 87, 104-108.
Propagation, prevention of, 106-108.
Psychologists, testimony of, 32, 53, 66.
Punishment for criminal imbeciles, 88, 100-108.
Quality of an act, meaning of, 96.
St. Vincent’s School, 7, 116.
School, failure in, sign of mental defect, 37.
Gianini case, 35-37, 124.
Pennington case, 54.
Tronson case, 66.
Segregation, 107.
Sexual theory of Gianini’s crime, 20.
Society, duty of, 82.
protection for, 100.
Speech development retarded, 113.
State prison for the imbecile manslayer, 89, 104.
Sterilization, 107.
Stories about Gianini,
“Indian,” 113.
“Soup and safety,” 31.
“Strap oil,” 32.
teased little children, 32, 113, 116, 119.
“Thief,” 114.
Suggestion, discussed, 61-63.
Pennington, victim of, 56-64.
Superintendents as specialists, 88.
Testimony of, children, 90.
experts, 85.
Pennington against March, 43, 90, 92.
psychologists, 32, 53, 66.
witnesses, 3-8, 18, 31, 35-37.
Trial, Gianini, 1, 30, Printed in the United States of America.
[1] See prosecution’s hypothetical question—Appendix, pp. 131-138.
[2] See Gianini Case, Defendant’s Request to Charge, Nos. XLII, XLIII, Appendix, p. 153.
[3] For statement see p. 9.