Printed | Corrected | Page | | Tarter | Tartar | 3 | Cream of Tartar | Marmelades | Marmalades | 3 | Marmalades | molases | molasses | 5 | molasses and whale oil. | SELF-RAISING | SELF-RAISING, | 14 | wheat granulated, SELF-RAISING, | VERMICILLI | VERMICELLI | 17 | VERMICELLI, Spaghetti. | disagreeble | disagreeable | 18 | is very disagreeable, | peeple | people | 27 | but some people seem | Firsts’ | Firsts” | 30 | Firsts” must be a grade | semi transparent | semi-transparent | 33 | and is semi-transparent before | exhilerating | exhilarating | 36 | its exhilarating properties | piminto | pimento | 41 | oil pressed out, with pimento | unground | unground. | 41 | sold whole or unground. | potatoe | potato | 47 | tuber like the potato; | crystalize | crystallize | 49 | crystallize the grape sugar | Seives | Sieves | 58 | Sieves, Feather Dusters, | Lauguedoc | Languedoc | 60 | of Bordeaux and Languedoc. | Margeaux | Margaux | 60 | Margaux, Latour, and many | unwholsome | unwholesome | 62 | unwholesome salicylic acid. | heathful | healthful | 63 | It is a healthful and | CogÑac | Cognac | 63 | Cognac Brandy | CogÑac | Cognac | 64 | Cognac is burning and rough | Heidseick | Heidsieck | 64 | are those of Heidsieck, Mumm | Rudescheimer | RÜdesheimer | 64 | RÜdesheimer, Marcobrunner of the | CuraÇoa | CuraÇao | 64 | Benedictine, CuraÇao, Chartreuse | Kirchwasser | Kirshwasser | 64 | Maraschino, Kirschwasser, Kummel | Chocolat | Chocolate | 64 | Chocolate, Ginger, Raspberry, | ariety | variety | 64 | variety of Bitter Waters. | On page 59, under Grocers’ Sundries, two newlines and a blank line were removed before “Borax”. Some irregular spellings have been retained. |