Index List of Grocers' Goods.


Housekeepers will find this list suggestive and helpful in making up orders for the Grocer, as well as useful for page reference.

< td class="c014">34
Adulterations 6
Ale 62
Allspice 41
Almonds 50
Apples 44
Apples, Dried 48
Artificial Butter 30
Asparagus 47
Bacon 35
Baking Powders 16
Bananas 45
Barley 13
Bath Brick 58
Beans 47-48
Beef, Dried 35
Beef, Fresh 34
Beer 62
Berries 45-49
Beeswax 58
Bird Seed 57
Biscuit 16
Blacking 57
Blended Tea 24
Bluing 55
Brandies 63
Brazil Nuts 50
Bread 15
Brooms 56
Brushes 56
Buckwheat 14
Burgundy Wines 60-64
Butter 28
Butterine 30
Cabbage 46
California Wines 61-64
Candies 19
Candles 55
Canned Goods 36
“ Meats 37
“ Fish 37
“ Vegetables 38
“ Fruits 38
Cans, Tin 38
Capers 43
Carrots 47
Cassia and Buds 41
Catsups 44
Cauliflower 47
Celery 47
Celery Salt 42
Cereals 10
Champagne 61
Cheese 31
Cherries 44
Chicory 27
Chocolate 27
Cider 63
Cigars 51
Cigarettes 52
Cinnamon 41
Claret Wines 60-64
Clothes Pins 56
Cloves 41
Cocoa 27
Cocoanuts 45
Cod Fish 35
Coffee 24
Condensed Milk 28
Condiments 39
Cordials 64
Corn 12
Corn Starch 12
Crackers 16
Cranberries 45
Cream 28
Cream of Tartar 16
Cucumbers 47
Currants 45-49
Curry Powders 41
Dates 50
Disinfectants 58
Distilled Liquors 63
Dried Fruits 48
Eggs 33
Egg Plant 48
Essences 39
Extracts 39
Farinaceous Foods 14
Feed, for Stock 15
Figs 49
Filberts 50
Fish 35
Flavoring Extracts 32
Flour 11
Fruits 44
“ Domestic 44
“ Tropical 45
“ Dried 48
“ Brandy 39
“ Canned 39
Fruit Butter 39
Garlic 47
Gelatine 39
Gin 64
Ginger 40
Ginger Ale 63
Glucose 18
Gooseberries 45
Graham Flour 12
Grapes 44
Greens 48
Green Corn 47
Groats 14
Grocers’ Sundries 58
Halibut 53
Ham 35
Herbs 39
Herring 35
Hints to Housekeepers 8
Hominy 13
Honey 19
Horseradish 43
Insect Powder 58
Isinglass 39
Jams 39
Japan Tea 24
Jellies 38
Koumiss 28
Ketchup 44
Lager Beer 62
Lard 33
Lemons 45
Lentils 48
Madeira Wine 64
Maccaroni 17
Mackerel 35
Malt Liquors 62
Mace 41
Maple Sugar 18
“ Syrup 18
Marmalades 39
Matches 57
Meal 12
Meat Extracts 36
Meats, Canned 37
“ Fresh 34
“ Smoked 35
Melons 48
Milk 9-28
Mineral Waters 61
Molasses 19
Mops 56
Mustard 40
Mutton 34
Nuts 50
Nutmegs 41
Oatmeal 13
Oil, Salad 43
Olives 43
Oleomargarine 30
Onions 47
Oranges 45
Oyster Plant 48
Pails 58
Parsnips 47
Pea Nuts 50
Peaches 44
“ Dried 49
Pears 44
Pearl Barley 13
Peas 47-48
Pecan Nuts 50
Pepper 40
Pepper, Cayenne 40
Pepper Sauce 44
Pickles 43
Pipes 51
Pine Apples 45
Plums 44-49
Porter 62
Port Wine 59-61
Potatoes 46
Poultry 34
Preserves 38
Prunes 49
Radishes 47
Raisins 49
Rice 14
Rhine Wines 60-64
Rhubarb 47
Rum 64
Rye Flour 13
Sago 15
Salads 48
Salad Dressings 43
Saleratus 16
Salmon 35
Salt 42
Samp 13
Sauces 43
Seeds 57
Shells 27
Sherry Wine 59-61
Shoe Dressing 57
Snuff 53
Soaps 53
“ Toilet 54
“ Shaving 54
Soups Canned 37
Soda 16
Spaghetti 17
Spices 39
Squash 48
Starch, Laundry 55
Stove Polish 57
Stout 64
Strawberries 45
Sugar 17
Sundries 58
Sweet Potatoes 46
Syrups 19
Tamarinds 50
Tapioca 15
Tea 21
Tobacco, Chewing 51
“ Smoking 51
Tomatoes 47
Tongues 35

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