Oahu weather is beautifully balmy, as near to perfection as you're likely to get on this globe. Temperatures are generally in the seventies in the winter; in the summer they creep up into the eighties. The average range in Honolulu varies only seven degrees between August, the hottest part of the year, and January, the coolest time. The difference between day and night peaks is about 12 degrees. At Waikiki the ocean fluctuates narrowly between 75 and 82. In other words, if it's summer you want, you've come to the right place. The island is air conditioned by northeasterly trade winds which blow almost all the time and usher in an occasional shower. During spring and summer these rains are few and come mostly at night. In winter the trades are sometimes replaced by Kona winds coming up from the south with sticky or stormy weather in tow. But Kona winds are infrequent and rarely last more than a couple days. Rainfall varies greatly according to local conditions. It's wetter to the windward of the mountains and fairly dry on the leeward coast. The average rainfall in Waikiki is about 20 to 25 inches per year, slightly more in Honolulu. |