
Pineapple was first introduced to the islands by a counselor to King Kamehameha the Great in 1813. Today's industry got its greatest impetus from Captain John Kidwell, an English horticulturist who searched the world for a pineapple variety that would be most suitable to Hawaii. The Jamaican variety known as the Smooth Cayenne which he introduced is still the predominant strain grown in Hawaii.

In 1899 a young New Englander, James B. Dole, built a cannery next to pineapple growing on his own lands in Wahiawa on Oahu. The first year's output in 1903 was 1800 cases. Today the Dole company packs this amount in just a few minutes.

Pineapple takes nearly two years of careful tending before it matures. Then each low-growing plant yields only one fruit. A year later the same plant will produce one or two more pineapples; then the whole process must be repeated.

At harvest time, pickers move through the fields placing the fruits on long-armed conveyors, a process which at the peak of the season continues on into the night with the help of lighted booms.

Only those who have tasted a field-ripened Hawaiian pineapple know what real pineapple is all about. The airport is full of enlightened visitors who are taking cartons of these succulent fruits home with them.

Hawaii produces 45% of the total world production of pineapple. Hawaii produces 45% of the total world production of pineapple.



Major hotels

1 Ala Moana
2 Aloha Surf
3 Ambassador
4 Breakers
5 Cinerama Edgewater
6 Cinerama Reef
7 Cinerama Reef Towers
8 Coral Reef
9 Coral Seas
10 Hale Koa
11 Halekulani
12 Hawaii Dynasty
13 Hawaiian Regent
14 Hilton Hawaiian Village
15 Holiday Inn
16 Holiday Inn
17 Holiday Isle
18 Hyatt Regency Waikiki
19 Ilikai
20 Ilima
21 Imperial Hawaii
22 Kaimana Beach
23 Marine Surf
24 Miramar
25 Moana
26 Outrigger
27 Outrigger East
28 Outrigger Surf
29 Outrigger West
30 Pacific Beach
31 Pagoda
32 Park Shore
33 Princess Kaiulani
34 Queen Kapiolani
35 Reef Lanais
36 Royal Hawaiian
37 Sand Villa
38 Sheraton Waikiki
39 Surfrider
40 Travelodge
41 Waikiki Beachcomber
42 Waikiki Circle
43 Waikiki Gateway
44 Waikiki Grand
45 Waikiki Marina
46 Waikiki Resort
47 Waikiki Surf
48 Waikiki Surf East
49 Waikiki Surf West
50 Waikiki Village
51 Waikikian


Points of interest

1 King Kamehameha Statue
2 Iolani Palace
3 Iolani Barracks
4 State Capitol Building
5 Hawaii State Library
6 Honolulu Hale (City Hall)
7 Mission Homes
8 Kawaiahao Church
9 Honolulu Academy of Arts
10 Neal Blaisdell Center
11 Aloha Tower
12 Falls of Clyde
13 Chinatown
14 Cultural Plaza
15 Kwan Yin Temple
16 Foster Botanic Garden
17 National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
18 Queen Emma's Summer Palace
19 Alice Cooke Spaulding House
20 University of Hawaii
21 East-West Center
22 Paradise Park
23 Waioli Tea Room
24 Dole Cannery
25 Bishop Museum

North Shore North Shore

East End East End

Windward Oahu Windward Oahu

Waianae Coast Waianae Coast

Central Oahu Central Oahu


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