Koko Head and Koko Crater—Impressive peaks formed by Oahu's last eruption.
Hanauma Bay—Watch for sign at the top of Koko Head. Idyllic beach, placid water, and coral reef make this a perfect place for snorkeling and swimming. Take a picnic. You won't want to hurry away.
Halona Blow Hole—A natural sea geyser that spouts through a submerged lava tube. Temperamental when the waves aren't running right.
Koko Crater Botanic Garden—Opposite Koko Head Sandy Beach. Two hundred acres of cactus, succulents, plumeria and other dry land plants.
Makapuu Beach Park—Outstanding body surfing beach.
Sea Life Park—Opposite Makapuu Beach. Prime attraction for all ages that includes a Hawaiian Reef Tank, Turtle Lagoon, Ocean Science Theatre, Whaler's Cove where whales and porpoises put on a memorable show and a Sea Lion Feeding Pool. A center for oceanographic research that is one of the world's finest sea life exhibits. (10-5 except Mondays, fee.)
Bellows Beach Park—Ideal for a picnic lunch and a swim. (Open weekends only)